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Chapter 80: Meeting again

Returning to April Fool’s Day again, Cheng Zesheng had already been brought into this world, and in 13 days, he would face the threat of death. What He Wei needed to do was cut this Möbius loop, rescue Cheng Zesheng, and break the deadly cycle.

He Wei hadn’t brought a gun back this time, as Cheng Zhenqing had a premonition that this loop might have unexpected outcomes. Previous variables had all led to He Wei’s death, causing the loop to be incomplete. He had tried to make sure that things unfolded as much according to the script as possible, ensuring that He Wei returned at fixed loop points. The second loop was the key to saving Cheng Zesheng.

But this time, things were different. There were too many variables at play, and He Wei even received some unusual information. Yet, He Wei persisted and reached the loop point, and Cheng Zhenqing acknowledged and even hoped that this terrible cycle might be broken.

“Where do we go next?” He Wei gazed at the horizon. “I can’t go back to 404; should we go to the basement?”

“It’s too early to go to the basement now. Just follow me.”

After descending the mountain, Cheng Zhenqing took He Wei to the Hutaoli community. His roommate was at work during the day and wouldn’t be back until 6 o’clock in the evening. Cheng Zhenqing took out a small bag and packed a few pieces of clothing and a coat. He also asked He Wei to pick up a few items. Their heights and body sizes were similar, so wearing each other’s clothes wouldn’t be an issue.

He Wei casually picked up a piece of clothing and checked the label. “Wow, a top-tier brand. This coat must cost four digits.” He then looked at the grooming products, and just the razor alone was expensive. It was no wonder his roommate suspected him of doing something unusual, as he had no regular job yet lived so extravagantly.

“You can wear these clothes while you’re in hiding. It wouldn’t be appropriate to go shopping for clothes during this time,” Cheng Zhenqing said as he pulled out a few shirts and T-shirts from the closet. He Wei picked out a plaid shirt and said, “I don’t want this one.”

“…You didn’t mention that you didn’t like it before.”

“Oh, I’m saying it now.”

“…” Cheng Zhenqing shrugged and gestured as if to say, ‘Fine, I’m taking care of you on behalf of my brother, so I have to put up with it.’

After packing their clothes, Cheng Zhenqing tore a piece of note paper, wrote down a series of numbers, and then crumpled the paper into a ball and put it in his pocket. He Wei noticed his actions and saw that he had just written Yang the ghostly locksmith’s phone number. Beneath the note paper was a pamphlet, and it was through this pamphlet that the police discovered information about Yang, the ghostly locksmith.

Turning around, Cheng Zhenqing noticed He Wei’s expression and smiled. “The first time, I didn’t know about this loop, so I had to ask for Ghostly Lockmith Yang’s number. But after multiple loops, I’ve written this number dozens of times. I practically have it memorized.”

This kind of proficiency was something neither of them wished to have because it was a skill born out of the struggle and despair of an inescapable fate. He Wei only had memories of two loops, but he already felt overwhelmed and powerless, not to mention Cheng Zhenqing. Each time, his memories remained intact, and he remembered every failure in his past. He had lost count of how many times he had felt hopeless, yet he had to mechanically repeat these tedious plotlines.

He Wei finally understood Cheng Zhenqing’s hardship and pain for the first time, and he whispered, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Cheng Zhenqing looked up and let out a long sigh, as if he had just shed a heavy burden.

“I’ve gotten used to it. At least I know that I’m not working in vain, and there’s a chance to save Zesheng. That’s all that matters.”


The wily hare has three burrows. Cheng Zhenqing’s choice of a third hiding place was just right. The third hideout was the Lihui Garden on the eastern side of the city. This place was a retirement community for retired university faculty and a gathering place for intellectuals. The entire neighborhood was surrounded by a strong intellectual atmosphere, and there was a calligraphy exhibition going on at the entrance, which was said to be a regular event here, with a Chinese painting competition scheduled in a couple of days.

“…How did you even think of living here?”

“Surprising, isn’t it? That’s the effect I wanted,” Cheng Zhenqing said proudly. “You guys probably thought a fugitive like me should be hanging out at nightclubs, dance halls, or just hiding under a bridge somewhere. Well, you’re completely wrong. These places where intellectuals gather are the best hiding spots. Who would have thought that I, a fugitive, would be competing in a chess game with these old professors?”

“Oh, so you’ve been hiding here all along too?” He Wei glanced at the group of elderly people playing chess in the shade of the trees, trying to imagine Cheng Zhenqing blending in with them. The image was too surreal to fathom.

“What’s with that expression?” Cheng Zhenqing emphasized seriously, “It’s all about strategy, strategy.”

Their temporary residence was Apartment 203 in Building 5. The apartment was decorated in an antique style but filled with various advanced high-tech products, such as a fresh air system and a fingerprint lock. Cheng Zhenqing entered the apartment and asked He Wei to pick any room he liked. He walked to the enclosed balcony, laid down on a recliner, and relaxed.

“You do know how to enjoy this,” He Wei said, holding a glass of water. “Elegant living, hands-free.”

“I only started trying to change my life after coming here,” Cheng Zhenqing said while gently rocking the rocking chair with his feet. He spoke leisurely, “Back when I was serving the people and fighting for my life against drug dealers, I couldn’t even get a peaceful night’s sleep. Whether I’d see the sun rise tomorrow was uncertain. What kind of life can I talk about?”

“But after coming here, I suddenly realized that life is meant to be enjoyed. When you’re doing well in life, don’t waste the opportunity for happiness.” Cheng Zhenqing smiled and continued, “You haven’t been working on any cases for the past couple of months, right? How does it feel? Do you also not want to return to that busy pace? People, you know, once they experience the simple joys of life, they don’t want to go back to that tense, high-pressure atmosphere.”

“No,” He Wei’s tone was innocent and cold, “I just feel bored. Suddenly, having so much free time, life lost its fun.”

“…You’re really a weird one.” Cheng Zhenqing tilted his head in thought. “Could it be because of the identity switch? If you hadn’t come to this world, would you still be this uninteresting?”

In the sleepless nights, He Wei had also pondered this question. What if he hadn’t come to this world? What would his identity and personality be like now? Would he have been an ordinary employee, leading a life without grand ambitions, without encountering remarkable people, and without suffering through tumultuous relationships—a life of mundane existence?

“Maybe it would be even more boring than now,” He Wei shrugged. “Being a corporate employee, marrying someone who isn’t very beautiful but has a good personality, and having a seemingly obedient but always troublesome child. Perhaps that’s just how life would be.”

“Wait a minute.” Cheng Zhenqing raised his hand to interrupt. “Aren’t you gay? Why talk about marrying a wife?”

“…I’m not gay. Except for Cheng Zesheng, I’ve never liked any other men.” He Wei looked at him with a mysterious gaze. “Did you always think I turned your brother gay?”

Cheng Zhenqing clapped his hands approvingly. He’s really sharp. He guessed it right!

He Wei couldn’t be bothered to respond. He sat on the sofa, tapping his index finger against the rim of his glass, thinking: If he had truly been living in that other world, would he still have had the chance to meet Cheng Zesheng?

One was living in different worlds, loving through countless hardships, and the other was living in the same world but living like a stranger. No matter which one, it was not the outcome that He Wei had hoped for.


Cheng Zhenqing was dressed entirely in black, wearing a mask and sunglasses. He turned to He Wei and asked, “Can you recognize me?”

He Wei furrowed his brow, “Are you robbing a bank?”

Cheng Zhenqing took out a camera, intending to take photos. Rob a bank? Besides, in his current situation, even if he did rob one, there was nowhere to spend the money, as it would reset in time and he’d be left with nothing. It was frustrating.

He Wei checked the date and remembered that today was the day he and Cheng Zesheng had gone to eat ginger duck together, and they had encountered fans of the pianist there. Although he knew that Cheng Zhenqing had taken pictures while following them, he couldn’t help but scrutinize Cheng Zhenqing’s attire, and the word “creepy” came to mind.

“By the way, did you show him the photos from last time?”

Cheng Zhenqing was adjusting his mask and shook his head, “No, but he had already seen you before, which is more powerful than any hints from photos. He probably already guessed something happened.”

“That’s true,” He Wei nodded, “after all, it’s me.”

Cheng Zhenqing was speechless. Sometimes, he really admired someone like He Wei. He couldn’t understand how he could boast about himself so confidently and carefreely.

He originally planned to go out alone, but He Wei had changed into dark-colored clothes and insisted on going together. When asked for the reason, He Wei’s tone was casual, and his reasoning was sound: “I want to see Cheng Zesheng. I miss him.”

“…?” Cheng Zhenqing considered a very serious issue, “Now, there are two of you around him. Are you, in a way, intruding on yourself?”

He Wei patted his shoulder, liking the idea. He even started thinking about it before their meeting. Cheng Zhenqing was already conjuring up bloody-scenarios involving his own self-intrusion.

“No, that would be too complicated.” Cheng Zhenqing scratched his short hair. “If my little brother had to choose between two He Weis, he’d probably go crazy.”

“No need to choose. Both are me.” He Wei raised his chin slightly. “I believe he won’t be conflicted. If he likes me, he won’t care whether I’m the past or future He Wei.”

They both went to the food street in the southern part of the city. As expected, Cheng Zesheng and He Wei encountered fans of the pianist, but for some reason, an unknown passerby suddenly exclaimed, drawing the attention of several onlookers, all focusing on Cheng Zesheng.

“Cheng Zesheng! Please sign for me!”

“Is that really Cheng Zesheng? Why is he here? Is he filming something?”

“Quickly take a photo! It’s a rare chance to see him in person!”

He Wei and Cheng Zhenqing exchanged glances, realizing that the situation had taken a turn.

However, an even bigger variable was Officer He, who had been watching the commotion from the sidelines and suddenly sensed that something was amiss. His sharp intuition immediately alerted him, and he pushed his way through the crowd in the direction of He Wei and Cheng Zhenqing.

“Darn it! You see me!” Cheng Zhenqing pocketed the camera and nudged He Wei. “Hurry, let’s get out of here!”

He Wei pondered for a moment, then placed his hand on Cheng Zhenqing’s back and forcefully pushed him forward.

“…?” Cheng Zhenqing was baffled, and He Wei pointed at himself, then at Cheng Zesheng in the crowd, using his fingers to make a “run” motion. Cheng Zhenqing instantly understood and couldn’t help but curse inwardly: Could there really be such people? Love was truly incredible!

Cheng Zhenqing adjusted his cap, feeling extremely unlucky as he played the bait, leading Detective He away.

Cheng Zesheng felt embarrassed; he had never encountered such a situation before. Was this pianist really that popular? How could he explain that he wasn’t the pianist, didn’t know if there was a competition, and wasn’t currently filming a show?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his wrist, and He Wei’s low voice sounded, “Run.”

Cheng Zesheng followed the command, quickly turning around to see that He Wei had already opened a path for him. His feet moved without hesitation.

He Wei pulled Cheng Zesheng along as they ran through the streets and alleys. His hand was warm, and his pulse raced. Cheng Zesheng was alive and well, and it felt like a dream come true.

Once they turned into a narrow alley, He Wei pressed a hand over Cheng Zesheng’s mouth and gestured for him to remain quiet.

Then he cradled Cheng Zesheng’s face, leaning in to capture his lips in a tender and affectionate kiss.

The noisy commotion from outside the alley faded away, leaving only the warmth of their lips between heaven and earth, exploring, clinging to each other, and finding solace.

Cheng Zesheng opened his arms and embraced He Wei, who reciprocated, holding him close, their hearts filling the emptiness within.

Great, you’re alive, truly alive. 

“Are you… He Wei from the future.” Cheng Zesheng asked softly.

“Did he tell you about meeting me?” He Wei’s jaw rested on Cheng Zesheng’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. “Are you afraid?”

Cheng Zesheng shook his head, his arms tightening around He Wei.

“Although I don’t know what happened, the future me isn’t by your side. I’m sorry.”

He Wei suddenly opened his eyes. A bitter feeling welled up in his heart, and he blinked away a tear.

“Don’t say sorry. It’s my fault that you can’t continue to enjoy this beautiful world.”

He Wei pushed down his emotions and bit his lip, making a low promise, “It’s okay; you’ll definitely be by my side in the future.”

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One Comment

  1. I find it so irritating when the author makes the character say nonsense like that “I’m not gay, he’s the only one I like”…. Don’t tell me golden rosemary?? Did you know that to be gay is to like From someone of the same sex? And guess what, the person you like has the same sex as you!! I can never read this nonsense without thinking that it’s just another case of heteronormativity that Asian authors They do it, like putting a gay couple together and saying they are wife and husband, when they are husband and husband. They do gay romances, but at the same time they mask it with straight things to make it less gay and more acceptable in their eyes, which is horrible

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