RTEW Chapter 103: Extra

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Chapter 103: Family (3)

Under the urging of his mother, Cheng Zhenqing reluctantly agreed to go on arranged blind dates with prospective girls. Little did anyone expect that Cheng Zhenqing’s foray into the dating market would be the beginning of a disaster.

After a month, the first three beautiful and well-mannered girls had all gracefully exited the scene. After hearing about Cheng Zhenqing’s dating experiences, everyone couldn’t help but wonder whether he was truly a black hole or if he was doing it intentionally.

According to Cheng Zhenqing, the first girl was a nurse at a hospital. They hadn’t even finished their meal when the beautiful girl grabbed her bag and left. He was left bewildered, completely unaware of what had happened. When he recounted the story to Ding Xiang at home, she couldn’t help but lament, “She was there to meet you, not to be interrogated like a criminal! How could you talk like that? With phrases like ‘continue,’ ‘and then,’ and ‘go on,’ if I were that girl, I would have left too!”

Cheng Zhenqing was unfairly accused; he definitely didn’t do it intentionally. His professional habits had unconsciously shown themselves. On the second date, under Ding Xiang’s watchful guidance, Cheng Zhenqing tried to replace those words with softer language, ensuring he wouldn’t repeat the same mistake.

The second date was with a bank employee, a smart and competent career woman. This time, they parted ways after dinner without exchanging phone numbers, each going their separate paths.

The problem this time wasn’t with the girl. On the contrary, she had a good impression of Cheng Zhenqing. It was Cheng Zhenqing who felt that their conversation had too much assertiveness and certain tones and expressions, which made him feel like he was facing a female version of He Wei. 

Who could endure that? Cheng Zhenqing was afraid he would have nightmares every day if he married someone like that.

Dating is supposed to be a mutual process where both men and women have the right to choose. Besides, Cheng Zhenqing had his own qualities, so he didn’t need to lower himself. So Ding Xiang consoled herself, saying, “It’s okay, the best is yet to come.” She was like Socrates’ second disciple, always feeling that the best wheat was waiting on the road ahead.

The third blind date was with a dance teacher, and this time, Cheng Zhenqing finally exchanged phone numbers with her and even planned a second meeting. Unfortunately, that second meeting never happened due to an unexpected turn of events.

Interestingly, on the day of their date, Cheng Zhenqing and the dance teacher happened to run into Cheng Zesheng and He Wei. Since they were all family acquaintances, the dance teacher didn’t mind, and they decided to watch a movie together.

After the movie ended, while the dance teacher went to the restroom, He Wei crossed his arms and casually said, “She most likely went on this blind date to vent her frustration with her boyfriend. Don’t take it too seriously.”

“What?” Cheng Zhenqing was surprised. “Give me the reason.”

Cheng Zesheng chimed in, “She was wearing a ring on her middle finger, but the indentation marks didn’t match. It seemed like she had recently taken off a ring she had been wearing for a while. Also, during the movie, her phone vibrated six times—two calls, three text messages, and one WeChat message—but she didn’t respond to any of them. Her expression looked quite angry.”

“…You guys in criminal investigation are really sensitive,” Cheng Zhenqing commented. “What if the calls were from family or friends? Arguments happen in these relationships, too.”

“That’s not the most important piece of information. Look at this,” He Wei opened a shopping website and showed Cheng Zhenqing a link to a customized couple’s phone case. One of the designs in the watercolor collection looked familiar because the dance teacher was using the same one.

Cheng Zhenqing was taken aback. “…Maybe she bought two for herself at a discount. I bought two ice creams, one was half-price.”

“Cheng Zhenqing, you know evidence works when it corroborates each other. Of course, we might be wrong, and she could be having a family dispute or simply bought two phone cases for herself. Or maybe she and her close friend each have one.” He Wei patted his shoulder. “But instincts are rarely wrong. Right now, she’s in the restroom, probably arguing over the phone.”

A while later, the dance teacher returned with slightly red eyes, saying that she had a disagreement with her family. Cheng Zhenqing didn’t inquire further, and the four of them went to have dinner together. As they were leaving the mall, a man holding a bouquet of roses rushed up to the dance teacher, kneeled on one knee, and said, “Darling, please forgive me! I won’t always side with my mom anymore. Whatever you want to do after we get married, I’m fine with it!”

Cheng Zhenqing: “…”

These two criminal investigation experts had sharp eyes indeed.

With three failed blind dates, Cheng Zhenqing was starting to develop a phobia of dating. Ding Xiang, upon hearing this, couldn’t believe it either. She complained about the matchmaker but also encouraged Cheng Zhenqing not to lose hope, as better prospects might still be waiting.

Since Ding Xiang’s attention shifted to Cheng Zhenqing, Cheng Zesheng and He Wei enjoyed their peaceful days. Cheng Zhenqing sighed and thought that he was now an adult, so perhaps dating had a significant purpose and wasn’t as torturous as he had imagined.

However, the fourth blind date turned out to be a sensational event, and it put an end to Ding Xiang’s thoughts of matchmaking Cheng Zhenqing ever again.

Because after the fourth blind date, Cheng Zhenqing had her arrested and taken to the police station.

“At first, I thought this girl was quite attractive, with a good demeanor, and the impression was really good. We had a great conversation, and I even planned to take her to the movies after dinner.”

The officer taking the statement asked, “So, how did you discover that she was carrying contraband?”

Cheng Zhenqing sighed, “I do this for a living, even though I’m not on the frontlines anymore, I still have some professional instincts left, right?”

The young officer looked nervous and apologetic, “I’m sorry, Consultant Cheng. I just wanted to understand the process better; no offense intended.”

He Wei, who was listening from outside, shook his head and turned to Cheng Zesheng, saying, “Look at your brother; he’s quite something. He’s not an ordinary person to deal with.”

“Well, I stumbled upon it accidentally, to be honest. After we had dinner, she took out her lipstick to touch up her makeup. I happened to catch a glimpse of a part of her bag, and it revealed a small portion of a gray stainless steel bottle. I immediately recognized what it was. You see, over the past two years, there have been quite a few cases of people using this stuff. Our team just busted a group in March, seized two hundred thousand bottles of it, and disposed of them all.”

The young officer took out a piece of evidence bag containing a small steel bottle and asked, “Is this the item?”

Cheng Zhenqing nodded, “Yes, that’s it. It’s nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas.”

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless, slightly sweet-smelling gas originally developed for clinical anesthesia and as a food additive for whipping cream. Because of its easy availability through online shopping websites, it has become popular among recreational users. However, misuse and excessive inhalation could lead to irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system, similar to the effects of illicit drugs.

In recent years, there have been reports of overseas college students suffering from paralysis due to excessive inhalation of laughing gas. Despite the potential harm, its easy access and the fact that it wasn’t classified as a controlled substance made it an attractive choice for curious individuals. As a result, the consumption of nitrous oxide surged, and law enforcement agencies categorized it as a significant “third-category drug.”

Coincidentally, Cheng Zhenqing had encountered a girl who was willing to take risks with this substance. He suspected that her use of laughing gas was just the tip of the iceberg. His professional expertise came into play at this point. In some undercover situations, drug enforcement agents had to act even more convincingly than the drug traffickers themselves to infiltrate their ranks.

Therefore, Cheng Zhenqing asked Wang Jingjing with a mischievous grin if she planned to go “get some gas” later. At first, she was surprised and pretended not to understand, acting a bit clueless. Cheng Zhenqing then inquired about where she bought her “bullets” (nitrous oxide canisters), mentioning the names of two major dealers in the city. It was only then that Wang Jingjing realized she had met a kindred spirit. She became ecstatic, and the two of them engaged in a lively conversation, instantly forging a much closer connection.

Since they were both “gas enthusiasts,” Wang Jingjing didn’t hide anything anymore. After they left the restaurant, she took out a small, palm-sized metal box with a sliding mechanism and handed it to Cheng Zhenqing. Cheng Zhenqing, playing dumb, asked if it was peppermint candy. Wang Jingjing laughed and encouraged him to try one, assuring him he’d like it.

Cheng Zhenqing opened the box and glanced inside, instantly recognizing the contents—ecstasy pills.

With the evidence in hand, Cheng Zhenqing shook the small metal box and invited her to find a place to “have some fun.” Wang Jingjing readily agreed, and Cheng Zhenqing drove her to the Shengzhou City Police Department.

He Wei, observing Cheng Zhenqing’s unexpected turn of events, was quite surprised: Wasn’t he supposed to be on a blind date? How did he end up at the police station with a girl? But when he saw Cheng Zhenqing leading a visibly shaken girl with trembling lips, he understood that he had turned the blind date into a business opportunity.

Cheng Zhenqing shrugged and innocently said, “What could I do? When you catch a mouse, you can’t just pretend you didn’t see it, right? I mean, it’s still considered overtime work; I should get overtime pay for this.”

Cheng Zesheng couldn’t understand why the girl dared to have dinner with a consultant from the narcotics team. Wasn’t she walking into a trap?

“You can thank our mom for that. She wanted to increase my chances in blind dates, so she asked the matchmaker to keep my profession a bit vague,” Cheng Zhenqing patted his brother’s shoulder. “Consultant. What do you think about it?”

“Finance consultant, legal consultant.” Cheng Zesheng replied hesitantly.

“That’s right,” Cheng Zhenqing chuckled. “Who would have thought I was a consultant at the Public Security Bureau?”

He Wei crossed his arms, looking at the handcuffed girl in the interrogation room. “Her luck is truly something.”

Wang Jingjing hadn’t been using drugs for long and hadn’t escalated to crystal meth or heroin yet. Currently, she dabbles in drugs like marijuana, ecstasy, and nitrous oxide, substances considered “less addictive.” Therefore, she appeared to be a fair-skinned, beautiful, and elegantly poised young woman. When the anti-drug team showed her real images of drug-related deaths, Wang Jingjing was horrified. She immediately confessed her mistakes and promised she would quit and never touch these deadly substances again.

However, it wasn’t Cheng Zhenqing’s job to determine her true remorse. After completing the recording, he left the police station with Cheng Zesheng. As they sat in the car, Cheng Zhenqing received a call from Ding Xiang, asking why he hadn’t arrived home by ten. Did he hit it off with the girl and not plan to come back tonight?

“Yeah, I gave her a pair of silver bracelets and some real estate, so she moved in tonight.”

“…Huh?” Ding Xiang was perplexed and couldn’t understand what he was saying. Cheng Zesheng chuckled and leaned over to explain to the phone, “Mom, next time you introduce a girl to my brother, please investigate thoroughly. That girl was using drugs, and my brother administered justice on behalf of society.”

Ding Xiang was left dumbfounded, opening and closing her mouth. She never expected a blind date scenario to evolve into a drug awareness PSA.

After this incident, Cheng Zhenqing became a sensation at the station again. Sending a blind date to the police station, not even TV dramas get this surreal! His colleagues jokingly dubbed him the “Blind Date Terminator.” Cheng Zhenqing laughed, feeling that the four blind dates had given him a taste of all aspects of life and that he wouldn’t regret becoming a monk immediately.

Ding Xiang finally settled down and realized that meddling in her eldest son’s marriage wasn’t suitable for anyone. Just let things unfold naturally. At least there wouldn’t be so much drama.


In the blink of an eye, it had been nearly half a year since Cheng Zesheng came out. During this time, he hadn’t visited home and relied on his brother to keep their parents informed, engaging in a protracted standoff.

He Wei advised him to go back home when he had the chance, but Cheng Zesheng shook his head, firm in his reasoning. “Once my dad says something, it’s hard to change his mind. If he’s still angry and hides a stick behind the door, your husband might end up with a broken leg.”

“…,” He Wei blushed at the mention of “husband.” Fine, he wouldn’t persuade him further. Cheng Zesheng could do as he pleased.

The standoff with his family continued, and finally, a few days before the Chinese New Year, Ding Xiang couldn’t hold back and called.

“It’s Chinese New Year, and you still haven’t come back? Even the army sends people to console during the three major holidays, and you guys aren’t even showing your faces.”

Cheng Zesheng chuckled, “I’m afraid if we go back, we’ll be kicked out.”

Ding Xiang erupted, “…So you won’t come back, we won’t even get to see your faces, and you expect me and your dad to back down?!”

Cheng Zesheng’s eyes lit up. He saw an opportunity. After hanging up the phone, he quickly discussed it with He Wei. They decided to buy everything for Chinese New Year’s Eve in advance and return together to the military compound.

When they opened the door, the first person Cheng Zesheng saw was Xie Wenxi, the girl. He asked in surprise, “Why are you in our house?”

“My grandfather is in the hospital, and my parents went back to Inner Mongolia, so they asked me to have the New Year’s Eve dinner at your place,” she explained, pointing inside. “Auntie looks fine, but Uncle still hasn’t cleared up. Be careful with your words when talking to them.”

Cheng Zesheng was well aware that his father wasn’t easy to persuade. However, since Ding Xiang had asked them to return, the situation probably wasn’t too dire. At least it wouldn’t be as ruthless as when they were kicked out of the hospital.

He Wei still remembered the possibility of his husband’s leg being broken, so he looked around and asked Xie Wenxi in a hushed tone, “Is the stick behind the door still there?”

“It’s gone; Auntie took it away to hang laundry a while ago.” Xie Wenxi blinked her eyes. “Don’t worry; I checked everything at home, and there are no weapons.”

He Wei patted Cheng Zesheng’s knee, indicating that his leg was safe.

Ding Xiang came out wearing an apron, her expression somewhat awkward. “Finally, you decide to come back.” She noticed her son and his boyfriend standing at the door, their hands intertwined. Her gaze became even more awkward, but she didn’t say anything and invited them inside.

Cheng Zhenqing was playing chess with his father. When he heard the commotion at the door, he realized that his brother and his brother’s boyfriend had returned. Finally, he could get a break. He stood up, massaging his waist. “Quick, come and give me a hand. After spending another hour sitting with my dad, my lumbar discs will need hospital treatment.”

Cheng Zesheng and He Wei exchanged a glance. He Wei took off his coat and handed it to Cheng Zesheng before walking over. He spoke to Father Cheng, saying, “Uncle Cheng, I’ll continue the game with you.”

Father Cheng raised an eyebrow and looked at He Wei without much expression. It wasn’t until He Wei sat down and made a move that Father Cheng followed suit. He had a strong competitive spirit and forced himself to let go of his grudge and focus on the game.

On New Year’s Eve, snow had fallen outside, and the atmosphere in every household was filled with the spirit of the holiday. The Cheng family was no exception. Xie Wenxi was in the kitchen, helping Ding Xiang prepare the meal. Cheng Zhenqing and Cheng Zesheng sat on the sofa, watching a soccer match. Father Cheng and He Wei were engrossed in their chess match. The entire household was unusually harmonious and warm.

“Have you two really made up your minds?”

Father Cheng suddenly asked, catching He Wei off guard. He Wei looked up and nodded seriously, “Yes, we have.”

Father Cheng’s tone was stern, “Although you saved my eldest son, I never intended to sacrifice my younger son to repay your favor. If you break up with him, I can guarantee you a promising career and a chance to marry a beautiful girl. Isn’t that better than anything else?”

He Wei replied with interest, “What position can you offer me, Uncle Cheng?”

“How about taking Lao Huang’s position?”

He Wei smiled, shaking his head. Father Cheng thought he was aiming too high, but He Wei said, “Not interested. I want to stay at the city bureau just to work on cases. I can’t handle anything else.”

He Wei smiled and made a move on the chessboard, taking another one of his future father-in-law’s pawns. He continued, “And, Uncle Cheng, you got the cause and effect mixed up. I saved Cheng Zhenqing because I love Cheng Zesheng, not the other way around.”

Father Cheng raised his head, his sharp eyes fixed on He Wei. He Wei acted as if he hadn’t noticed and looked at the chessboard confidently, saying, “General, it’s your move. Do you want to continue?”

Father Cheng lowered his head once more, acknowledging that this chess game was about to end in a checkmate. He couldn’t help but think that He Wei wasn’t giving his future father-in-law much face.

“It hasn’t been easy for us to be together, so I never thought of separating,” He Wei said, looking in Cheng Zesheng’s direction. His tone was calm. “Even though we come from two different worlds, I’ve always been fighting for it.”

Father Cheng turned his head and followed He Wei’s gaze, looking at his two sons on the sofa. For some reason, from He Wei’s words, he sensed a profound meaning. This young man was inscrutable and incomprehensible to him, but one thing was clear—he genuinely loved Cheng Zesheng without seeking titles, status, fame, or fortune. It was simply pure, deep love.

Two men… Father Cheng shook his head silently and sighed inwardly.

He stood up, pointed at the chessboard, and said, “Let’s have dinner first. Afterward, we can play another game.”

Cheng Zesheng, seeing that the chess game had finally ended, leaned in to help He Wei tidy up the chessboard. He nervously asked in a low voice, “What did my father say to you?”

He Wei smiled and replied, “Nothing much; just family matters. Let’s eat first.”

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