RTEW Chapter 101: Extra

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Chapter 101: Family (1)

As everyone knew, in the Shengzhou City Criminal Investigation Division, there were two ace detectives under the command of Captain Yan Minglang—He Wei and Cheng Zesheng. When these two worked together, there was no case they couldn’t solve and no criminal they couldn’t catch. In the past two years, Shengzhou City has had one of the highest crime clearance rates in the country, with a strong crackdown on crime, a relentless fight against organized crime, and a focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of the people. The city’s public safety was exceptionally good.

After appearing in several news reports and receiving public recognition through official channels, the popularity of the two police officers soared. Their good looks even led enthusiastic netizens to privately ship them as a couple. Ai Wenwen, the police officer in charge of managing the official social media accounts, saw this and thought it was a great opportunity. So, the Public Relations Department asked them to shoot a legal promotional video together. Releasing it now would essentially be an official endorsement of their “CP” (couple) status.

“They’re not airing that promotional video anymore? Where did you get that information?” He Wei asked as he held his bowl.

“I just had lunch with Xiao Ai (the policewoman who manages the official accounts). Isn’t this source reliable enough?” Ke Dongrui propped up her chin. “It’s a shame we can’t see the two handsome guys in action in the near future. It was supposed to be the blockbuster of the year for our city’s police department.”

He Wei was drinking soup, and his smile was extremely sincere as he said, “This suits me just fine.”

“Oh?” Ke Dongrui was surprised. “I thought you might be unhappy about it, Sir He.”

He waved his hand, saying it was nothing, and he was even looking forward to it.

He was never one to enjoy being in the spotlight, and besides, he didn’t agree to this promotional video voluntarily. He had heard from Captain Yan that Cheng Zesheng had agreed a long time ago. He shrugged and thought: Let’s just do it; it won’t hurt to earn a little extra.

As a result, after returning home, the two of them had a chat. Cheng Zesheng said he had been stubborn and hadn’t budged at all. It was then that He Wei realized he had fallen into a trap.

Even Cheng Zesheng couldn’t resist when his wife was won over, so he had no choice but to join in wholeheartedly. The two handsome police officers teamed up for the promotional video, showcasing their good looks and expertise in teaching people how to prevent fires and thefts. It was like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the city’s public relations.

As expected, in the afternoon, Ai Wenwen made a special visit to inform He Wei that the promotional video couldn’t be released for the time being. The reason? Blame it on the two of them being too popular. If they were to release it now, it would become an official “CP” sensation. After all, they were part of a national organization and needed to maintain their image and consider their influence.

He Wei sighed and said, “If you’re worried about a negative impact, then just don’t release it. Let’s reshoot with someone else.”

Ai Wenwen replied firmly, “That won’t do. This is probably the best promotional video our city bureau has ever made. I watched it and felt like arresting a few criminals and handing them over to the country for destruction right away. It would be such a shame. Don’t worry, we’ll release it in a couple of months.”

After Ai Wenwen left, Guo Qi, expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, “They actually shelved the promotional video for such a reason. This is unheard of! And what does ‘CP’ mean?”

He Wei sighed and gently patted his head, saying, “Child, it’s better for you not to know.”

He Wei chuckled, “Well, it’s not a good thing.”

Le Zhengkai, swinging his legs on the edge of the table, couldn’t help but think to himself: The eyes of the masses are sharp. Do they really need to create a CP? They are genuine CP!

That’s right, He Wei and Cheng Zesheng had a genuine romantic relationship. They had been dating for two years and living together for one year, but they had always kept their relationship underground, never bringing it into the public eye. Only a few close friends at the bureau, like Le Zhengkai and Jiang Tan, knew about their relationship. They were discreet and wouldn’t reveal anything, only teasing them about being a couple during private gatherings. In the eyes of their other colleagues, Officer He, known for his reserved demeanor, had a good relationship with the Cheng brothers. If anyone were to suspect a potential CP pairing, all attention would be directed toward Cheng Zhenqing.

Who made the reserved character, Officer He, risk his life to save Cheng Zhenqing despite the danger? That legendary rescue, along with the time spent in the hospital room, became well-known within the department. The extraordinary “friendship” between He Wei and Cheng Zhenqing easily made people speculate; truly, it seemed more like love than friendship.

Regarding this, Cheng Zhenqing and He Wei clarified early on: It’s impossible, not in this lifetime; only if we go blind would we fall for each other.

Rumors reached Cheng Zesheng’s ears, but he acted as if he hadn’t heard them, showing no emotional reaction. Throughout the year, he gradually remembered many things, the moments in the loops and He Wei’s past, how He Wei and his brother had desperately tried to save his life, and how He Wei had endured the painful time alone after his death. These stories were bizarre and hard to believe, but Cheng Zesheng never doubted their truthfulness; instead, he easily accepted the memories he had regained.

From this perspective, it seems like He Wei had plenty of opportunities to be with his brother, so why would he insist on being with Cheng Zesheng? But He Wei was determined to be with Cheng Zesheng, adamant about breaking free from their fate, which is why they are where they are today.

In the evening, Cheng Zhenqing went to his younger brother and sister-in-law’s place for dinner and teased them, “Look, our unreliable rumors fell apart on their own. Do you guys have some tricks up your sleeves? You even managed to stop the broadcast of the promotional video. Are you trying to make it public, so you’re creating some buzz first with the water army?”

“…You seem quite knowledgeable about these tactics,” He Wei rolled his eyes. “If you have such skills, why don’t you become a talent agent?”

Cheng Zhenqing quickly raised his hands in surrender, not daring to consider that option, and he was just making a playful comment.

Cheng Zesheng opened the kitchen door and asked, “Where’s the oyster sauce?”

“It’s on top of the cabinet.” 

Cheng Zhenqing nodded, then closed the door. He crossed his arms and said, “You’re quite capable. You’ve trained my younger brother to handle both the team and the kitchen. When he’s at home, my mom doesn’t even let him pour a glass of water.”

“When two people live together, teamwork is essential.” He Wei pointed to the chart hanging on the kitchen door. “It’s right there. Haven’t you ever noticed it?”

“Who pays attention to that thing? It looks like a class schedule.”

The chart on the kitchen door outlined their division of labor as a couple. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, He Wei cooked while Cheng Zesheng handled household chores. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Cheng Zesheng cooked while He Wei took care of household chores. Sundays were designated as their day off, reserved for dining out and going on dates.

However, in practice, they rarely followed this schedule. Their busy work lives often kept them occupied for days or even weeks on a single case. With overtime and out-of-town assignments, there were times when they didn’t return home for several days. After such stretches, neither of them felt like cooking or doing household chores.

As for their dates, they were few and far between. Cheng Zesheng and He Wei had been in a relationship for two years, and they could count the times they had gone shopping or watched a movie on one hand. Most of the time, they simply seized any rare moment of leisure during the weekend, lazing around in bed, and by the time they got up, it was already dusk.

Occasionally, the two of them would reminisce about the days immediately after their first loop when they didn’t have to go to work.

Cheng Zesheng prepared three dishes and a soup, along with some store-bought dishes, and invited them to sit down for dinner. Cheng Zhenqing often dropped by to share a meal like this once or twice a month. He watched as his younger brother’s culinary skills improved, with the dishes going from barely edible in the beginning to looking quite presentable now, and he knew He Wei played a significant role in this improvement.

It wasn’t that He Wei was particularly strict or demanding; it was just that he had allergies from birth and couldn’t consume many foods. His dietary restrictions were quite limiting, so Cheng Zesheng put in the effort to experiment with recipes and enhance the flavors within those limitations out of concern for his partner.

“My brother is so ‘virtuous,’ when do you plan to introduce him to your parents?” 

He Wei was stunned while holding his chopsticks, realizing that he hadn’t really thought about this question. After he had moved out upon graduation, his family had already known about his sexual orientation, but they hadn’t inquired much. Only his brother, He Lu, was aware of his cohabitation with Cheng Zesheng. He Lu initially wanted to meddle but quickly backed off after encountering his brother’s firm stance and strong punches, wisely choosing not to nag him any further.

Cheng Zhenqing then pointed his chopsticks at Cheng Zesheng and continued, “And what about you, Zesheng? When do you plan to come clean with our parents? Mom still thinks you two are the best of buddies.”

It was because they were good friends, so they lived together and took care of each other. Simple-minded Ding Xiang should have time to come over and check the neatly arranged raincoats in the bedside drawer.

“I’m worried they won’t be able to handle it, especially Dad,” Cheng Zesheng frowned, glancing at He Wei, “He used his connections to bring He Wei back. What if…”

“That’s why I reminded you; it’s better to admit it voluntarily than to be exposed. Taking the initiative and being passive have different effects.”

He Wei remained calm, saying, “Then why don’t you go back and feel out the situation for us? If it’s possible, we’ll just admit it.”

Dealing with family was an inevitability, sooner or later. The outcome boiled down to acceptance or rejection, and accepting it with equanimity led to a happy ending, while strong opposition meant a prolonged struggle. There was no third option, as he and Cheng Zesheng breaking up was equally impossible in this lifetime.

Cheng Zhenqing hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. He could see it now; he was merely a pawn in He Wei’s game, just as he had been before.


When it came to introducing He Wei to his family, it was relatively straightforward. Instead of picking a random day, they chose the Mid-Autumn Festival to make their visit.

On this day of family reunions, when the door opened and their son brought a man along, his parents exchanged puzzled glances. Wasn’t this a bit too direct? Couldn’t they have given them a buffer of a while?

Truly, he was their eldest son, always decisive and straightforward in his actions.

Standing behind his parents, He Lu’s face turned ashen, glaring at his future brother-in-law with an expression that seemed as if he wanted to devour him whole.

“Uh… this is Xiao Cheng, right? What’s your job?” Ye Lanlan asked.

While He Wei was peeling taro and dipping it in sugar before putting it into Cheng Zesheng’s mouth, he replied, “A colleague from the same team.”

“Oh, I see. So you’re both police officers.” Ye Lanlan chuckled. “That’s nice, you have common ground and can help each other.”

He Wei’s father remained silent, standing up to smoke a cigarette.

Cheng Zesheng felt awkward, sensing that the current situation was delicate. His future mother-in-law seemed friendly, and his future father-in-law didn’t seem to be causing any trouble. However, that departing figure made him feel like it was a form of rejection, a silent resistance.

He Wei displayed an indifferent attitude, finishing peeling the taro and wanting to peel a pomegranate next, only to be beaten to it by Cheng Zesheng. Cheng Zesheng felt embarrassed because his future mother-in-law was watching them closely. If she continued to see He Wei taking care of him, she might get the wrong idea that he was always bossing He Wei around, and that impression would surely backfire.

So, Cheng Zesheng peeled the pomegranate, found a small bowl, carefully picked out the juicy pomegranate seeds, and handed a bowl to He Wei, even offering a spoon. Ye Lanlan smiled warmly, nodding repeatedly, “Xiao Cheng, don’t be so polite. This child is really good, I’m sure he’s always considerate with A-Wei.”

He Lu was practically rolling his eyes into the sky, and his gaze towards Cheng Zesheng became increasingly uncomfortable. He took the opportunity to confront Cheng Zesheng when he was going to the restroom, grinding his teeth as he asked, “Are you really here with my brother?”

“Why else would I be here?” Cheng Zesheng glanced at him and continued, “We’ve already met the parents, so we’re practically family now.”

“Ugh! Who the hell said we were like a family? My brother may be gay, but he won’t last long with you!”

“And who would he last with for a long time? With you?” Cheng Zesheng chuckled. “What’s the matter, you want to be with your brother for real?”

“! You!” He Lu’s face turned red instantly, whether from anger or embarrassment, a surge of anger engulfed him. Just then, He Wei’s voice came from behind: “He Lu.”

He Lu stiffened, his arrogance vanished, and his neck was pinched by He Wei, as if holding a disobedient cat. “What are you doing? Bullying people when I’m not around?”


“Oh, that’s good, then.” He Wei let go and spoke nonchalantly. “Otherwise, I’d have to send you to the hospital again.”

He Lu’s face changed; as if recalling a terribly unpleasant memory, he pushed Cheng Zesheng aside and hastily left. Cheng Zesheng watched He Lu run away in curiosity. “Again?”

“Yeah, in high school, I broke his rib, and he spent a month in the hospital.”

“…You really don’t hold back,” Cheng Zesheng pinched He Wei’s cheek. “Impressive.”

“He needed to be taught a lesson; there was no holding back.”

In He Wei’s eyes, today’s meeting with the parents was relatively successful. At least it didn’t involve the melodramatic scenes seen in TV dramas, and they weren’t chased out with a broom. Turning their heads and pretending not to see was already quite an accomplishment. It wasn’t realistic to expect their parents to suddenly accept Cheng Zesheng, but with time, things would definitely change in the future.

Father He had been absent for over two hours now, and Ye Lanlan called him to see the guests off, finally finishing the long cigarette.

“Dad, Mom, we’ll visit again when you have time.” He Wei tugged at Cheng Zesheng’s sleeve, and Cheng Zesheng quickly spoke, “Uncle, Auntie, sorry for the disturbance today. We’ll visit again next time.”

“You’re calling it a disturbance at your own home,” He Wei smiled at Ye Lanlan. “Right, Mom?”

Ye Lanlan nodded, much warmer than when they first met. “Come back whenever you have time. Remember to call in advance, I’ll buy some dishes that Xiao Cheng likes.”

Father He remained silent, with a stern expression, maintaining his aloofness in front of his son and his son’s boyfriend, refusing to let it go.

As for He Lu, his reactions were not in the consideration of Cheng and He. If necessary, they could just fight it out, and if He Wei’s hand hurt, Cheng Zesheng was there.

At nine in the evening, just as they had arrived home, Cheng Zhenqing called.

“I have something to tell you, please don’t be alarmed.”

Cheng Zesheng frowned, why was his brother speaking so seriously? He Wei, half-leaning on his shoulder, spoke into the phone’s microphone, “We are police officers, we won’t be afraid.”

“…,” Cheng Zhenqing cleared his throat and continued, “Here’s the thing, I hadn’t had a chance to inquire at home yet, but Mom talked to me first.”

He lowered his voice, “She asked me, ‘What’s going on with Zesheng and Xiao He? Why are the girls online saying something about a police officer couple in uniform temptation?'”

“Your mom is surprisingly up-to-date.” He Wei whispered to Cheng Zesheng.

Cheng Zesheng sat cross-legged on the bed, holding He Wei in his arms, and asked, “And then? How did you respond, Brother?”

“I said, ‘Don’t believe hearsay, it’s all fake,'” Cheng Zhenqing paused, then added, “If she wants to see it, I’ll ask you to come over, and she can see for herself.”

“…,” He Wei fell silent. Was it necessary to be so direct? Couldn’t he have given them a bit of time to prepare?

“So, have you left your mother-in-law’s place? Come over directly.”

“Go where?” Cheng Zesheng looked puzzled. “Back home?”

“To the First City Hospital.”

Cheng Zesheng was surprised. “Why the hospital?”

“Our mom is trendy and clever. Her blood pressure shot up after hearing this, so she called 120, and they brought her to the hospital.”

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