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Chapter 4: My hand is broken.

The next day was military training.

Yun Ci slept late, and the next day he was awakened by the alarm clock. When he climbed out of bed with a handful of hair, the other people in the dormitory had already dressed neatly and were ready to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Seeing that he was awake, the trendy guy asked, “Do you want me to bring you some breakfast?”

Yun Ci, who seemed like the kind of person who would be late on the first day of school, said, “Anything is fine, thanks.”

The trendy guy said, “You’re welcome. The class schedule just came out. The Law School has a total of two classes, and we’re in the same class, both in Class 2. We’ll go to class together later to report in, get textbooks, and get military training uniforms.”

Although some people mixed dormitories, the dormitory was basically divided by major, so it was normal to have classmates in the dormitory.

The trendy guy asked again, “Did you stay up late last night?”

“Playing games,” Yun Ci casually replied, “all night.”


Nanyang University was divided into several campuses, and the Law School was near the comprehensive building, quite a distance from the dormitory building. Yun Ci nibbled on the steamed buns brought by the trendy guy. Just as he stepped into the classroom, he heard someone shout, “Who is Yun Ci?”

Yun Ci threw the plastic bag into the trash can and raised his hand.

The person saw him, probably didn’t expect someone who looked like him in the class, hesitated for a moment, and asked again, “Are you Yun Ci?”

Yun Ci responded with a “eh” and asked, “Is there something wrong?”

“If it’s good news, I am; if it’s bad news, I’ll have to consider whether I am or not.”

The person regained his composure and said, “It shouldn’t be considered bad news. The counselor wants you to go to the office.”

Apart from the professional teachers, the counselors were the ones most closely connected with the students at the university. Male counselors were even called “male mothers” because, at this stage, students have left their parents and entered school to live independently. In addition to academics, they also need to take care of these children’s daily lives.

Their department had two classes, and the counselor was the same person for both.

“My surname is Gao, Gao Pingyang. I’m the counselor of our Law School,” Gao Pingyang, with the Mediterranean appearance fitting his age and title, holding a cup of tea, introduced himself, “I was classmates with your dad before. Your dad should have told you about me.”

“This time, I called you here to talk about the matter of our Law School Class 2 committee. I’ve looked at your entrance exam scores, and you ranked first in the class. During the military training period, our class needs a temporary squad leader. Since you were also a class monitor in high school, you should have plenty of experience. If you’re willing, you can temporarily take on the role of Class 2 squad leader during the military training period.”

The office was bustling with people coming and going. Yun Ci had no objections to being a temporary squad leader.

He listened to Gao Pingyang go through a series of military training instructions, remaining quite indifferent throughout. However, his expression cracked slightly when Gao Pingyang pulled out two lists.

Gao Pingyang held the lists for Class 1 and Class 2 of the Law School. On the list for Class 1, the name “Yu Xun” abruptly caught his eye.

Yun Ci interrupted, “Teacher Gao.”

Gao Pingyang looked at him and said, “What’s wrong? Do you have any other questions?”

Yun Ci raised his hand and pointed expressionlessly to the list for Class 1, “What is this character?”

Gao Pingyang: “Yu.”

Yun Ci slightly shifted his finger half an inch to the side, “And this character?”

Gao Pingyang, puzzled, asked, “Xun… What’s the matter? Don’t you know the characters?”

Yun Ci withdrew his hand and said, with a mixture of complexity and calmness, “It’s nothing, just wanted to confirm.”

It was like a critically ill patient getting their medical records and wanting to double-check immediately. However, usually, the reexamination results wouldn’t change much. Just like him now.


He actually wished he couldn’t read. If he couldn’t read, he wouldn’t have seen such an ominous name.

As he walked out of the office, he also realized what the subtle expression during the meal that day and the unanswered questions were all about.

Li Yan: [Report, just got some news.]

Li Yan: [Yu Xun is in the same department as you.]

Li Yan: [Are you okay now?]

Li Yan: [But fortunately, he’s not in the same class as you, which is a small blessing in misfortune. I really didn’t expect that. In such a large school… with so many majors… why did he have to choose the law school? Was he specifically targeting you when he applied?]

Li Yan: [Why aren’t you replying?]

Li Yan: [Are you going crazy?]

On Yun Ci’s first day as a temporary squad leader, he was responsible for distributing military training uniforms. He leaned against the lectern, holding a pen in his hand. He made a checkmark at the end of the list’s last line before he had time to reply to messages.

—Contact a mental hospital.

Li Yan: […………]

Yun Ci didn’t reply further; he just stared at the line “Was he specifically targeting you when he applied?” He thought to himself that, based on his understanding of Yu Xun, Yu Xun’s choice of major was probably purely because the Law School had the highest scores and was the strongest department. 

Moreover, this major was recommended by his father, Director Yan. As Yu Xun was once considered a “key observation” student by his father, he might have been wholeheartedly recommended by Lao Yan as well.

He thought about it and tilted his head slightly, trying to shake off the thoughts in his mind.

Damn it.

He didn’t understand Yu Xun at all.

Why did he even bother to understand him???

It would have been better if he didn’t understand him at all.


On the first day of military training, there wasn’t much specific content. They mainly changed into their military training uniforms, formed up, and listened to speeches from school leaders, which took up most of the day.

The assembly field was filled with freshmen, with students from each department finding a spot to stand according to their entry time. Thanks to this arrangement, the two classes of the Law School didn’t stand together. After the assembly dispersed, Yun Ci hurried back to the dormitory for a shower, then went to the restaurant where Yan Yue had mentioned reporting last night.

“Reporting.” Yun Ci knocked twice on the door of the private room.

Yan Yue was looking at the menu. Next to him sat Gao Pingyang, whom he had seen in the morning, along with a few others he hadn’t met yet, likely the professional teachers of the Law School.

“You’re here.” Yan Yue looked at him.

Yun Ci greeted them proficiently, “Hello, everyone, hello counselor. Yun Ci from Class 2 of the Law School.”

After that, he stood near the door and poured himself a cup of tea, saying, “I’ll start with this cup of tea.”

“…” One of the teachers chuckled, “This student is quite humorous.”

Yan Yue pinched his brow.

Yun Ci asked, “Is one cup enough?”

“Finish it, then sit down quickly,” Yan Yue spoke up, stopping him.

Yan Yue had a very refined face, wore wire-framed glasses, and his profession seemed to have caused deep wrinkles on his forehead, making him appear as if he were always frowning tightly.

After Yun Ci sat down, the conversation gradually shifted away from him. After all, it was just the beginning of the school year, and there wasn’t much specific to talk about. Yan Yue hadn’t seen these teachers in many years. Besides wanting them to help keep an eye on him, he also wanted to catch up with these old friends.

At the dinner table, they occasionally discussed professional issues:

“Regarding employment…”

“Litigation lawyers, non-litigation lawyers… corporate legal affairs…”

“If you want to continue your studies, you can consider pursuing a master’s degree domestically or studying abroad.”

Yun Ci felt full after a while and sat on the side, helping to pass around the dishes.

Although he appeared as if he wasn’t good at socializing and seemed quite cold, he was unexpectedly thoughtful. He noticed that if anyone’s gaze fell on a particular dish and they wanted to pick it up, he would casually help pass the dish over to them. While doing so, he listened attentively.

His left ear caught “JD,” and his right ear caught “LLM.”

These were all things that were still far from him for the time being.

Yan Yue’s guidance and education toward him had always been meticulous and well-organized, much like how he led the class on a daily basis. He would plan out the best route for him, like a navigator: precise, efficient, and never making mistakes.

From the casual remarks made during this dinner gathering, Yun Ci could already see the well-outlined future Yan Yue had for him.

He probably hoped that Yun Ci would pursue that impressive-sounding JD (Doctor of Laws) abroad, then come back to work at a prestigious firm, ultimately shining and excelling in his career. Even an elderly lady passing by would give him a thumbs up and say, “This kid is truly outstanding.” It was quite a complete life script, so to speak.

Yun Ci felt like an observer at this moment, assessing his own future.

After Yan Yue had thoroughly gathered information and there was a lull in the conversation, he turned to Yun Ci and asked, “What do you think?”

Yun Ci replied, “I don’t have much of an opinion; everything sounds good.”

Yan Yue retorted, “After the teachers said so much, all you have to say is ‘everything sounds good.’ If I asked you to sweep the streets, would you think that sounded good too?”

Yun Ci replied in a half-joking tone, “Sweeping the streets is fine. It contributes to environmental conservation.”

“…” Yan Yue’s brow twitched slightly. He habitually said, “Next time, say the same thing to your mom and see how she reacts.”

As soon as the word “mom” came up, the atmosphere between him and Yan Yue became awkward.

Yun Ci’s hand, resting on the turntable, paused for a moment. Then, deliberately ignoring the atmosphere, he said, “I’ve just started school now, let me learn first and then we’ll talk. I don’t mean anything else by it.”

He knew very well what kind of words Yan Yue liked to hear: “Let me secure a perfect GPA first, bro.”

Yan Yue’s brow relaxed a bit, “After entering university, you’re feeling confident, huh? Who’s your ‘bro’?”

After the dinner ended, Gao Pingyang and the others returned to the school first. Before leaving, Gao Pingyang patted his chest and assured, “You can rest assured, Lao Yan, if this kid does anything inappropriate at school, I won’t hesitate to inform you immediately.”

Yun Ci followed them out, “I don’t think he’ll do anything inappropriate.”

Yan Yue said, “Anyway, now that you’re in university, you’ll face a lot of things in life, so be careful with your actions.”

As he spoke, he handed over a bag he had been carrying, “This—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Yun Ci caught a glimpse of a set of “Jurisprudence” inside.

“I already have a set of these books, don’t I?”

“It’s not for you,” Yan Yue said, “It’s for you to give to Yu Xun. As his teacher, I congratulate him on entering Nanyang University.”

Yun Ci’s outstretched hand stopped midway.

He leaned against the door frame, his wrist hanging down.

When he didn’t speak, that sense of aloofness emanated from him again.

He withdrew his hand, one hand in his pocket, lazily saying, “My hand’s broken.”

Yan Yue: “…”

Yun Ci had been very polite in his words and actions just now, but at this moment…

“I suggest you find someone with intact limbs to deliver it to him.”

“Anyway, I’m not suitable.”

Yan Yue, who usually could control an entire grade by himself, couldn’t control Yun Ci when he heard the name “Yu Xun.”

Finally, he resorted to the simplest and most brutal way, leaving with a final statement: “If you don’t deliver it, don’t bother coming home.”

Yun Ci: “…”

Yun Ci was torn between Yu Xun and the fact that he couldn’t go home.

In his indecision, he decided to make one last desperate struggle.

“I don’t have his contact information. The school is too big, and we’re not in the same class. I might not be able to find him.”

This statement was true.

Back at West High, Yun Ci had good popularity. He had been a class monitor all along, and his friend list included half of the grade, but he had never added Yu Xun as a friend.

And probably never will in this lifetime.

“He has plenty of friends, doesn’t he?” Yun Ci maintained his attitude of not wanting to deal with the matter. “Find someone he knows to deliver it. You’re the headmaster of West High; if you want to shake people up, you can shake up the entire grade from our year.”

“Shake people up? Where did you learn that term?” 

Yan Yue completely ignored what he said. “You don’t need to worry about contacting him. I’ve already called him to let him know to come over,” he said, glancing at the time. “He should be arriving soon.”

“Father,” Yun Ci rarely addressed him so seriously, word by word, “Should I drop out of school?”

Yan Yue: “…”

Five minutes later, Yan Yue got into the returning car and left.

Yun Ci was left holding the set of books, forced to wait at the restaurant’s entrance.

The sky was getting darker, and he squatted on the flower bed at the restaurant’s entrance, his fingers gripping the plastic bag.

He stared at the tree across the street, calculating the chances of hanging the bag on the tree where Yu Xun might see it. It seemed a bit far-fetched, but it wasn’t completely impossible. Or what were the chances that Li Yan could rush here within three minutes? Probably close to zero.

As he pondered, he heard footsteps approaching from afar.

The footsteps stopped in front of him. Yun Ci slightly raised his head and, unsurprisingly, saw the face he least wanted to see.

Their gazes inadvertently met.

Yu Xun wasn’t wearing his military training uniform; he had just taken a shower. Perhaps due to his tall and thin frame, the top and the casual pants he wore seemed loose on him. This person seemed somewhat different from his high school days, and the difference might lie in his clothes.

During high school, everyone wore uniforms. The iconic red and black school uniform of West High was rigorously enforced; anyone who dared not wear it would be firmly disciplined by Yan Yue.

After shedding the uniform, the youth’s somewhat awkward and immature aura slowly faded away.

When he saw Yun Ci, he actually smiled, then, with one hand in his pocket, leaned in to greet him. Taking the initiative to come close to him, he said, “Have you been waiting long?”

Just by this sentence, it seemed like two long-lost friends meeting after many years.

Yu Xun’s attitude toward him was starkly different from Yun Ci’s attitude toward Yu Xun.

Yun Ci had always felt that Yu Xun’s tactics could be described as hurting the enemy while hurting oneself.

In short, if you wanted me to back off, then I’d make sure to disgust you in return.

Yun Ci turned his head away.

The eye contact between the two was severed.

He said stiffly, “I was just passing by; I didn’t wait.”

Each spoke their own words.

Yu Xun reached out to grab the bag: “You waited for me for so long, specifically to give me a book…”

Yun Ci’s lips curled slightly: “Found it in the trash.”

Yu Xun continued: “Isn’t this too polite?”

Yun Ci: “No one wanted it, so I brought it to feed the dogs.”

Yu Xun: “The weather is nice tonight, let’s walk back to school together. I’ll buy you a drink on the way.”

Yun Ci: “…”

“You,” Yun Ci’s patience wore thin; he let go of the bag and said, “Just take it and leave.”

“It seems like you don’t want to see me.”

“Seems like is the operative word here.”

“You probably don’t want to walk with me or have a drink.”


Yu Xun slowly squatted down. Even though there was still some height difference between him and Yun Ci, who was squatting on the flowerbed, this angle allowed him to assert himself dominantly in Yun Ci’s line of sight.

He squatted down, and his tone dragged as he said, “Since you’re so unwilling—”

He hadn’t even finished his sentence, when Yun Ci felt a sudden weight in his hand.

Yu Xun actually shoved the bag back into his hand.


Yu Xun tore away his seemingly friendly demeanor, speaking without a hint of embarrassment, his tone casual: “Seeing how unwilling you are, I suddenly feel like this walk tonight is necessary. Now that the book isn’t in my hands and the gift isn’t delivered, you probably can’t just go back and call it a day.”

“Let’s go,” he changed the subject, standing up, “for a walk.”

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