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Chapter 67

Wolf kiss

All his internal organs seemed to ignite, and a scorching torrent erupted from his heart, surging toward his limbs, then burning back from the extremities to the heart, rushing into his brain.

Bai Sheng attempted to stand but had lost control of his body. He faintly heard Rong Qi’s cold voice from above:

“…The human body cannot possibly absorb such a vast amount of energy; it’s simply self-destruction…”

“Dad? What did you absorb?” Yang Xiaodao was almost going crazy. “Spit it out! Quickly!”

“An entire S-class’ energy. Even my body will take a long time to digest it.”

Rong Qi looked down at Bai Sheng lying on the collapsed building, his sigh carrying a hint of mockery: “For a mere mortal body like yours, it is fortunate you haven’t burst apart immediately. In a few minutes, you’ll start experiencing genetic disintegration.”

He disdained to waste more words on someone near death, merely raising a hand from mid-air and spreading his five fingers wide.

In response to this invisible call, hundreds of clusters of faint blue light rose from the ruins, like a spectacular and eerie will-o’-the-wisp, illuminating half the night sky.

They were all sources of evolution!

“So…so many meteors!” Yang Xiaodao looked around in amazement and asked, “What are you planning to do?!”


Yang Xiaodao was stunned. Bai Sheng’s vision was blurred from the excruciating pain that felt like his bone marrow was being cleansed. Every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his clenched teeth. “Take Margot and run as far as you can…”

Following Bai Sheng’s gaze, Yang Xiaodao saw a faint figure of life and death under the distant ruins, precisely blocked by a triangular space supported by steel bars. Without careful searching, one couldn’t see it. It was Chief Supervisor Margot.

Yang Xiaodao asked in shock, “What about you?!”

Bai Sheng gritted his teeth: “Go quickly!”

The young man looked up at the sky full of evolution sources and instantly understood Bai Sheng’s intention. Realizing not a second could be wasted, he gritted his teeth, saying, “I understand; be careful!” He then dashed out, hoisted Margot up without checking her pulse, and ran at full speed, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

By this time, countless sources of evolution had gathered into an unprecedentedly dazzling sphere of light, like an artificial comet, rapidly rising with a long tail flame, illuminating the clouds in detail.

—This sphere would burst into the high sky, spreading globally with the atmosphere.

Unlike the random meteorite impacts five years ago, this high-intensity powder radiation was truly deadly and unavoidable, sufficient to fill the entire atmosphere in a few days.

By the time the sun rose tomorrow, the number of evolved beings would surge from a mere hundred thousand to tens of millions or even a billion, granting the evolutionists a decisive advantage in one fell swoop, potentially altering the future biological trajectory of this planet.

“Unfortunately, you will not see the sun rise tomorrow,” Rong Qi regretfully looked down, “Human S-class.”

Then his gaze halted in astonishment.

On the top of the collapsed building, Bai Sheng was struggling to stand, clutching his left clavicle with one hand while the fingers of his other hand tensed like an iron bow, a rapidly forming clear light spinning like a hurricane in his palm—

The Law of Causality.

For a moment, Rong Qi almost couldn’t believe his eyes.

That amount of deadly radiation should have ripped this human named Bai Sheng’s human genes apart several times over. Did he absorb it all?!

How could this be? This was Earth. No human should possess such an advanced physique!

Any delay by a millisecond would be too late. Rong Qi clearly realized that today he would face a death encounter. The experience of witnessing causality several times on another planet flooded his mind. He knew that at this moment, he only had time for one last gamble, and it could only be this final gamble—

Blood splashed from his wrist as Rong Qi severed his left hand, the severed limb dropping like an arrow.

At the same time, a deep crevice opened at his feet, revealing a sliver of spatial rift.

The severed hand fell into the spatial rift at that moment.

The law of causality erupted.

For a moment, it felt as if all sounds ceased, and dazzling, clear light filled the sky, instantly erasing Rong Qi completely.

Immediately afterward, as Bai Sheng had anticipated, the causality, lacking the protection of luck, expanded uncontrollably, indiscriminately destroying everything within a 3000-meter radius with immense force!

If recorded on camera, it would have been a globally rare and shocking scene.

The evolution sources burst into the atmosphere, exploding into billions of faint blue points of light, and collided violently with the causality. On one side was causality, a powerful weapon, and on the other were the meteors that brought this weapon to Earth. These equally powerful energy carriers created a magnificent explosion, with energy waves sweeping across the sky like a brilliant stellar wind, making people hundreds of kilometers away think they were seeing the aurora.

In that magnificent scene, a few meteors escaped the range of the causality’s destruction, rising to higher altitudes in the atmosphere and drifting with the air currents to distant places.

—But that was beyond human control.

At that height and distance, even divine intervention would be powerless.

Under the splendid sky, Bai Sheng fell to his knees. The secondary evolution caused all 3 billion base pairs in his body to tear to their limits, and his retinas burned white from the meteoric energy.

He completely lost his five senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch ceased to exist, and his sense of time became very vague. For a moment, he seemed to have become a higher-dimensional being, wandering the galaxy with the universe’s energy and overlooking the Earth with the meteors escaping in the atmosphere.

He did not know how much time had passed, but the scattered parts of his soul from countless dimensions finally converged, bit by bit, returning to his body.

The pain receded like a tide, replaced by infinite exhaustion, and the scent of the soil beneath him suddenly became very clear.

The sound of fighter jets landing grew closer, the noise of voices and flashlight beams approaching, blurry as if through deep water.

“…The surrounding hills have all disappeared…”

“The International Supervision General Administration building is completely gone. I wonder if there are just a few bricks left over there…”

“Where are you? Dad? Dad, where are you?!”

“Supervisor Shen! SupervisorShen, slow down—”

The sound of hurried running approached rapidly. Bai Sheng sensed something and tried to prop up his body with one hand, but before he could stand, a familiar presence came over and embraced him tightly.

“Don’t move, stay still; it’s alright.” Shen Zhuo kneeled on one knee, supporting Bai Sheng’s weight, his voice tense yet calm: “Don’t move, be careful not to get hurt.”

The ground vibrated slightly as many footsteps converged from all directions, mixed with Yang Xiaodao’s joyful cries: “Dad! Dad!!” and Antonio’s joyful cries: “Bai-ge! Bai-ge!!” The clamorous voices and flashlight beams instantly filled the entire open space that was once the International Supervision General Administration building.

But none of that mattered to Bai Sheng.

He wrapped his arms tightly around Shen Zhuo, almost greedily absorbing the scent from Shen Zhuo’s neck. After a long time, he gathered a bit of strength and managed to speak in a hoarse voice:

“…Rong Qi turned the evolution sources into radioactive powder, and some of it seemed to drift into the atmosphere with the wind…”

“It’s alright, I know.” Shen Zhuo stroked Bai Sheng’s sweat-drenched temples forcefully with one hand, whispering: “The monitoring just detected the atmospheric radiation levels, and it’s much better than previously estimated; only one percent leaked out.”

However, the ambitious Rong Qi aimed for global evolution; even if the causality erased 99% of the powder, the 1% that leaked out could still create many superhumans.

As he thought of this, Bai Sheng’s blood surged, unable to control the chaotic powers within him, nearly rising up forcefully. The people around him hurriedly exclaimed: “What’s wrong, what’s wrong?” “Be careful!” “Bai-ge, be careful!”

“I…” Bai Sheng clutched his left clavicle tightly, squeezing out a few words from between his teeth: “It hurts… so much…”

Shen Zhuo’s expression changed instantly. He held Bai Sheng firmly with one hand and tore open his shirt without hesitation with the other, not caring as two buttons flew off, forcefully turning up his collar to take a look inside.

Under the beam of the flashlight, beneath Bai Sheng’s rugged collarbone, where there should have been an S-class mark, there were now two blood-red symbols.

The world’s only double S.

An unbelievable silence enveloped the open space. Everyone had the impulse to rub their eyes.

“What is this, Bai Sheng?” Shen Zhuo’s voice was unsteady, “What happened to you just now?!”


As soon as Bai Sheng spoke, he felt the meteor’s energy pouring out of his seven orifices. The excessive power was beyond his control: “I seem to have… accidentally… intercepted Rong Qi’s…”

Shen Zhuo: “Intercepted what?!”

Before the words were even finished, Bai Sheng’s abilities overflowed uncontrollably, causing him to arch upward uncontrollably.

Under the brilliant light of the meteorite, which erupted in a ring shape from beneath his feet, under the gorgeous night sky, he transformed into a terrifying wolf king towering into the sky, his howls sweeping through like hurricanes, instantly sending everyone flying!

S-class ability, Tyrant 2.0.

Destructive suppression-type ability, level I activation, generates a phantom wolf king behind the castor. Ability users covered by the howling of the wolf will instantly regress into humans, with the duration of regression ranging from 1 hour to 24 hours depending on the level.

At level II, the mimetic ability activates, transforming the castor into a gigantic wolf king. The destructive power increases exponentially, and the user becomes immune to all mental attacks due to extreme ferocity.

Cooldown time: 24 hours.

It was not a mere wolf king but a demonic apparition summoned from hell.

Under the vast night sky, its eyes were dark red like ghost fire, and its size towered over a dozen stories high, its thick fur absorbing all surrounding light, not even reflecting under the illumination of tactical flashlights. Its slightly open jaw revealed a bloody abyss, with interlocking, sharp teeth resembling menacing steel hooks from the abyss.

“What…” An inspector fell to the ground, trembling and taking a step back, “What the hell is this?!”

With a sharp sound of breaking wind, the wolf king’s forelimbs released four sharp claws, like four long knives instantly sinking deeply into the ground, as it lowered its head and let out a resounding roar at everyone!

“Quick, run!” As the huge mouth of the abyss loomed overhead, Antonio snapped out of his daze: “He’s lost his mind; he doesn’t recognize anyone! Run!!”

But before they could even start running, because the first moment of the Tyrant’s arrival disabled everyone’s abilities, it was impossible to outrun this hellish beast with just two legs. With a heavy slap of its wolf claws in mid-air, a burst of air erupted along the ground, sending everyone involuntarily flying into the air, even causing the distant armed helicopters to topple over in a violent tremor!

With a dull thud, Shen Zhuo slammed backward into Antonio, and both of them tumbled to the ground.

There was no time for apologies. Before Shen Zhuo could get up, he saw the wolf king’s dark red eyes fixed intently on them, ignoring the other evolutionists around. It charged at them with lightning speed, swiping Antonio away with a single paw. The S-level did not even have time to cry out before crashing into the helicopter door, smashing it down with a clang!

The next moment, the giant wolf’s forelimb pressed Shen Zhuo firmly into the ground.

“Huff… huff…”

The wolf king lowered its head, greedily sniffing the human under its claw.

It didn’t know what it wanted, but the most instinctive, burning desire scorched through its limbs and body, eager to leave some kind of mark, to lick its prey all over, and even attempting to swallow this prey whole, to claim it completely as its own.

“Bai… Bai Sheng,” Shen Zhuo was on the verge of suffocation under the immense pressure, “Stop messing around. It’s me; let me go…”

A frustrated growl came from the wolf king’s enormous maw.

“…You’re suffocating me, Bai Sheng!” Shen Zhuo struggled with all his might, unable to break free. “It’s me! Let go!”

At the moment when the reprimand landed, it seemed like the wolf king finally understood some instinctual urge, and it finally relented slightly, loosening its claw.

But before Shen Zhuo could get up, he was knocked down by the wolf’s eager nuzzling, like a fierce storm.

The overwhelmingly dominant beast, driven by its urgent desire to mate, spared no effort, rubbing its fur all over Shen Zhuo’s body, its hot breath filled with desire. In the chaos, it pushed Shen Zhuo back several steps, even, in its unbridled frenzy, attempting to take Shen Zhuo’s entire body into its mouth.

“Bai Sheng, Bai Sheng, listen to me.” Shen Zhuo’s coat was already gone, his shirt in disarray, as he desperately tried to resist and calm him: “It’s alright, Bai Sheng, calm down and change back first, calm down…”

Even with all his effort, he could only hold onto half of the wolf’s head, his lips trembling slightly, forced to repeatedly kiss the powerful jaw of the wolf king, “Can you deactivate your ability, Bai Sheng? Don’t you remember who I am?”

Perhaps the forced intimacy finally had an effect, and the wolf king gradually calmed down. Under the fearful gazes from all directions, its blood-red pupils stared intently at Shen Zhuo.

The next moment, the tyrant ability was deactivated.

The claws retracted, the fur disappeared, and the ferocious, strong beast body transformed back into a human. Bai Sheng stood on the open ground, looking bewildered and exhausted. The feeling of losing control when activating the new ability for the first time quickly faded, and he collapsed forward, falling into Shen Zhuo’s arms, almost knocking the latter over.

“I… I just felt… not quite like a human…”

Only then did the alarm finally subside, and the still-shaken inspectors got up.

“Is it alright now?” People cautiously approached from the edge of the open space, “Bai-ge, you won’t change again, will you?” “What the hell just happened?!”

“Yes, that’s right.” Amid the clamor, Shen Zhuo held Bai Sheng firmly, his rapid heartbeat finally calming down, and he laughed softly in Bai Sheng’s ear.

“The tyrant mimetic ability—you just turned into a beast.”

Bai Sheng asked dazedly: “What did I turn into?”

Shen Zhuo smiled and replied: “I didn’t see clearly; maybe a giant slime.”

Bai Sheng chuckled, closed his eyes in extreme exhaustion, and hugged Shen Zhuo tightly.

The secondary evolution had clearly intensified his true nature, which he had always tried to restrain. Even after deactivating the mimetic ability, that innate tyrant instinct had not completely disappeared.

Or rather, it could no longer be concealed as easily and perfectly as before, as if it were nothing.

“I’m going to sleep for a while; don’t leave.” He closed his eyes and said hoarsely, “If I see you with someone else again, I will… I will…”

Sleepiness overwhelmed him, pulling him swiftly into a deep slumber.

“…I will kill them all.” He mumbled unconsciously, falling asleep on Shen Zhuo’s shoulder.

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