DLRAS Chapter 81

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Chapter 81: I don’t mind having guests over for an extra meal.

The exhibition hall was discreet to the extreme, with no advertising at the entrance, leaving passersby clueless. Only two security guards stood watch, vigilant.

Pushing the door open and navigating through several twists and turns, one would arrive at the inner suite, revealing a hidden treasure trove.

The room was adorned with shimmering jewels, dazzling the eyes.

Yellow diamonds, pink diamonds, blue diamonds, emeralds, and pigeon blood rubies were displayed in glass cases within easy reach, eliminating any distance between the visitor and the exhibits.

Diamond necklaces dominated the display, with only a few rings, mostly agate, and jade rings, deviating from the typical engagement or wedding route. Yet Chen Wengang spotted them, unable to resist inching closer, his face bathed in a soft glow.

Adjacent was a display cabinet showcasing silver jewelry, tastefully designed and standing out from the other gemstones.

Among them was a pair of rings with floral characters engraved inside the band. The width, the lines, everything was just right, catching Chen Wengang’s eye instantly.

Fate is a mysterious thing; it’s hard to explain. In simpler terms, it’s when you see something and feel a sense of destiny, like it’s meant to be.

As he gazed at them for a while, Yu Shanding approached.

“These pieces here don’t cost much; they’re made by the organizer’s own daughter. She studied jewelry design, and won a few small awards as a newcomer, but lucked out because her parents were willing to boost her reputation. Look at the other cabinets; they’re all auction-grade items.”

Chen Wengang chuckled, “That’s perfect; I just wonder if she’s willing to take an order.”

Yu Shanding nodded, “Today’s your lucky day; she’s here. I’ll go up and get her contact information for you.”

Apart from jewelry, the exhibition hall also featured watches. Lu Chenlong was holding Xiao Bao, looking at a tourbillon.

The intricate mechanical structure kept moving, captivating his attention for a moment, but Xiao Bao found it boring after two minutes.

If Lu Chenlong didn’t let him touch it, he felt there was nothing fun about it, whining to go home.

Lu Chenlong said, “Be obedient; we’ll leave together in a while.”

Xiao Bao impatiently wriggled around, “No, I want to go home now.”

“How about I buy you some ice cream?” 

“I want to go home! Let’s go home!”

Lu Chenlong sighed as the older brother. But they still had to wait for Yu Shanding, so Lu Chenlong coaxed Xiao Bao to look at a phoenix diamond brooch, distracting him, “Look, a little bird! Whose little bird is this?”

Chen Wengang was about to pick him up when someone suddenly approached and said, “Hey, how did you guys sneak in? Where are the security guards? Are they all asleep?”

Startled, neither of them responded; both were puzzled.

The customer service staff at the exhibition hall also paused for a moment but quickly recovered, “No, no, they have tickets.”

Someone beside the speaker remarked, “They’re letting in just anyone now. Have you actually checked if they have tickets?”

Chen Wengang furrowed his brow, recognizing the newcomer, who was somewhat plump, and realizing it was He Wanxin’s brother, He Jiajun.

Not only were they acquainted, but they also had some unresolved issues from their last encounter at a restaurant.

Chen Wengang smiled politely and said, “We’re about to leave. Master He, feel free to continue enjoying the exhibition.”

He Jiajun made a couple of snide remarks, “Already done shopping? Are you ready to go find someone to foot the bill again?”

He was accompanied by a few friends, who chuckled softly.

He Jiajun approached, “Why bother looking elsewhere? Just call me ‘good brother,’ and I’ll foot the bill for you.”

The group burst into loud laughter. Lu Chenlong retorted icily, “We haven’t stolen anything; mind your words.”

He Jiajun scrutinized him from head to toe and said, “Oh, I almost forgot.” He then pointed at Lu Chenlong and Xiao Bao, instructing the customer service staff, “Before you leave, make sure to search their pockets; don’t be lenient, who knows what they might have taken?”

Chen Wengang intervened, “If you suspect anything, call the police. Right now.”

Caught in the middle, the customer service staff was in a dilemma. Responsible for practical matters, he neither dared to search them nor wanted to escalate by calling the police.

On the sidelines, a group of young masters joined in the commotion, creating a chaotic scene resembling a farce. Fortunately, at that moment, Yu Shanding arrived, accompanied by the organizer.

Anyone capable of organizing such an exhibition was undoubtedly extraordinary behind the scenes. Chen Wengang had come with Yu Shanding on short notice and only recognized the organizer, Meng Shihong, a local tycoon. However, He Jiajun and his companions, all from influential families, were well aware.

Hence, they didn’t dare to cause trouble openly. Even before Mr. and Mrs. Meng could speak, the commotion had naturally dissipated.

Mrs. Meng was friendly and chatted briefly with Chen Wengang, giving him her daughter’s business card.

As the couple was about to leave, Lu Chenlong, holding Xiao Bao, suddenly seemed to lose his mind, insisting on taking out the phoenix brooch to play with.

Lu Chenlong whispered sternly, “No! Stop making trouble!”

Xiao Bao let out a piercing cry, as if the brooch were something dear to him.

The situation became awkward once again. Lu Chenlong often felt embarrassed by his brother’s behavior, but here, the mocking gazes felt particularly piercing.

He Jiajun chuckled coolly, “It’s just over a hundred thousand, not expensive at all. If he likes it, just buy it for him to play with.”

Mrs. Meng suddenly gave a gentle smile, “Buying diamonds for children isn’t a good idea. Look, there’s a longevity lock over here.”

She gestured and led Lu Chenlong to the display cabinet showcasing silver jewelry, “These are my daughter’s creations. Don’t mind me boasting about her own work. Parents tend to meddle, but I believe she did well.”

Her tone was calm, which reassured Lu Chenlong, who didn’t even bother asking about the price, “It’s nice, I’ll take this one.”

Chen Wengang managed to calm Xiao Bao down and went to settle the bill with the customer service staff, who processed the payment with a card swipe.

Lu Chenlong glanced at the POS machine, 500 yuan.

Mrs. Meng smiled and explained, “These are her previous student works, not quite mature yet.”

Yu Shanding escorted the three of them back, and halfway there, Lu Chenlong seemed to come to the realization, “She’s a really nice person.”

The unexpected 500 yuan expenditure redeemed a bit of his pride and improved his mood for the entire day, along with acquiring a small longevity lock. He cast a resentful glare at the troublemaker, who had worn himself out and was now sleeping soundly on his lap, drooling.

Chen Wengang reached out and gently touched Xiao Bao’s head.

After seeing off the Lu brothers, Yu Shanding asked where Chen Wengang was headed next.

Before Chen Wengang could respond, he suddenly noticed a missed call on his phone.

He hadn’t heard it in the car earlier, but now he returned the call. On the other end, Jiang Cai sounded inquisitive, “Why weren’t you at school?”

“Oh,” Chen Wengang replied, “I took the day off. Did you need something?”

Jiang Cai, who had once considered throwing away his business card, hadn’t actually done so and had kept it on her. Perhaps feeling caught off guard, she hesitated before responding, “I skipped class to come out. Where are you? I’ll come find you.”

Chen Wengang bid farewell to Yu Shanding and took a taxi to the designated meeting spot.

At a bubble tea shop, he spotted Jiang Cai.

At first glance, her appearance had changed. She had tidied herself up from head to toe, with her hair no longer in disarray and her clothes and shoes showing a touch of sophistication.

However, she sat at the innermost seat, wearing a baseball cap, looking around nervously as if she were a wanted criminal.

Before he could ask, Jiang Cai complained, “I can’t take it anymore. They treat me like a criminal.”

Of course, this was her perspective.

If it were up to Huo Zhenfei’s secretary to speak, he would probably claim he was just following orders. He had arranged for Jiang Cai’s transfer to another school and provided all her necessities. He had even arranged for a nanny, a driver, and two tutors for her. There shouldn’t have been any oversight on his part.

These individuals were responsible for overseeing her to and from school, as well as her tutoring sessions, ensuring she had no chance to wander off. 

But Jiang Cai detested this arrangement deeply, “I don’t even have the freedom to step outside.”

It was indeed a 24/7 surveillance, straightforward but effective. Jiang Cai had even gone as far as calling the police, claiming her personal freedom was being restricted. However, when the police arrived and found out she was a minor, they deemed it to be within the bounds of parental guardianship, rendering her complaints ineffective.

Chen Wengang thought about her group of mischievous friends who hung out late at night and refrained from commenting.

As her complaints continued, Jiang Cai suddenly said, “My mom hasn’t replied to my messages in two days.”

Chen Wengang pondered for a moment before offering comforting words, “I can ask about that for you.”

Huo Zhenfei seemed to be in a meeting, as he promptly hung up without hesitation, only to return their call after a moment.

“She skipped school to see you? I’ll send the driver to pick her up.”

“No need for now; she won’t be able to get away,” Chen Wengang replied. “Did Jiang Wanxia not reply to your messages?”

Huo Zhenfei said, “Of course not. I’m already busy with work; why bother exerting that effort? If she doesn’t reply to messages, it’s because she truly can’t. You also know she’s in the late stages of renal failure and could develop various complications at any time. Honestly, after she was discharged from the hospital for treatment, her condition became very unstable. Sudden deterioration is always a possibility.”

As if afraid of being doubted, he reassured him, “I really have contacted the best doctors and treatment centers. You can trust me on this.”

Chen Wengang wasn’t fooled, “So you hadn’t planned on letting Jiang Cai know or allowing her to visit, right?”

Huo Zhenfei hadn’t even considered the matter, “Is there any need for that? Jiang Wanxia has only had a negative impact on her.”

“You didn’t plan on telling Jiang Cai about her mother’s deteriorating health at all?”

“When her condition becomes critical, of course, we’ll notify her. If she can’t make it in time to see her one last time, then it’ll be at the funeral.”

Chen Wengang hung up and returned to the bubble tea shop. Jiang Cai asked, “How did it go?”

When Huo Niansheng returned to the apartment with his assistant Amanda, he knew someone was home, as Chen Wengang had contacted him in advance.

The kitchen was illuminated, with Chen Wengang sitting on a high stool, wearing an apron, and holding a pair of chopsticks, delicately folding wontons.

On the cutting board lay a row of wontons, plump and presentable, albeit with some inconsistencies in size.

Jiang Cai sat opposite, her expression peculiar as she examined a wonton wrapper, showing no intention of helping.

The soft lighting allowed Huo Niansheng to observe for a while before he gently approached and asked, “What made you think of making these?”

Chen Wengang replied, “I had planned to make wontons. I had bought the wrappers and fillings and stored them in the freezer. She skipped school and came here unexpectedly. I thought it might be inconvenient to take her to your office, so I brought her here first.”

Having already heard the situation from Chen Wengang, Huo Niansheng glanced lightly at Jiang Cai.

It was strange; Jiang Cai exuded disdain towards others, but she was particularly sensitive to the disdainful and sarcastic gaze of Huo Niansheng.

She instinctively recoiled from him, feeling a kind of innate fear.

In the afternoon, Chen Wengang relayed Huo Zhenfei’s message to her, and she expressed a desire to go abroad to visit her mother in the treatment center.

Huo Niansheng was indifferent, considering it a matter of spending a little money. He waved his hand to Amanda and said, “You know the situation. Take her home, get her passport, plane tickets, and accommodation. Consider it a business trip, and the expenses will be reimbursed by the company.”

Amanda had come precisely for this task and agreed. She asked the boss, “When do we leave?”

Huo Niansheng said, “Leave now.”

Jiang Cai was taken aback. Without any further delay, she was forced to go to the door and put her shoes back on.

She glanced at Chen Wengang as if puzzled. She had thought they would at least stay and finish their meal before leaving.

As Huo Niansheng escorted them to the foyer, he seemed to see through her thoughts and chuckled, “I don’t mind having guests stay for a meal. But you do. Well, we’ll talk about it later. You still have a lot to learn about dealing with people.”

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