DLRAS Chapter 74

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Chapter 74: Like a centuries-old fox spirit

Huo Niansheng appeared as a playboy on the surface, but he was deeply scheming, while Huo Zhenfei seemed approachable, but he wasn’t entirely innocent either. They both spoke in a calculated manner. But fortunately, Chen Wengang hadn’t expected them to be good people, “Had the paternity test report come out?”

The voice on the other end sounded familiar to him: “Yes, with technological advancements, we could get it within a day.”

Chen Wengang chuckled, “Indeed, convenient. I had heard before that it used to take a week.”

Huo Zhenfei said, “I had Jingsheng go with them for the test. Jiang Cai and him are indeed related.”

On both ends of the call, the two paused momentarily without prior agreement.

Huo Zhenfei continued, “That meeting was inevitable; perhaps we could use a more tactful way. The Huo family had a newly developed hot spring resort in the western suburbs. According to the original schedule, I was to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday. There were many fun activities, and the young girl would probably enjoy them.”

Chen Wengang declined, “Isn’t it enough to discuss with Ms. Jiang Wanxia?”

Huo Zhenfei pursued, “Can you come? With an acquaintance present, I think they might feel more at ease.”

Chen Wengang smiled gently, “I’ll ask Huo Niansheng later to see if he wants to go soak in the hot springs.”

Huo Zhenfei agreed.

Unfortunately, things didn’t always go as planned. While Chen Wengang was on the phone with Huo Zhenfei, he was still returning books at the school library. When he arrived at the special education school in the afternoon and hadn’t even reached his office, the acting head, Luo Suwei, came running over, saying that Jiang Cai had run away.

Two hours earlier, some colleagues had heard the mother and daughter arguing again.

Their argument this time was particularly intense, with Jiang Cai’s face flushed and her neck swollen. She almost knocked over a security guard as she ran to the door.

And then she never came back.

Jiang Wanxia suddenly remembered to check the cookie jar where she kept her hidden money and found that Jiang Cai had taken some cash from it. It was a runaway.

Huo Zhenfei, who heard the news on the other end of the phone, remained silent for five or six seconds.

Jiang Wanxia was filled with anxiety and worry. Her outdated cellphone was on speaker, with Chen Wengang beside her listening as well. But he suspected that Huo Zhenfei might secretly be relieved, even hoping that she wouldn’t come back at all to avoid any trouble.

Finally, Huo Zhenfei said, “Alright. I’ll have someone check the airport, train station, and bus station.”

“Checking the train station and bus station should be enough. She doesn’t have money to buy a plane ticket, and she’s never flown before.”

“Okay, got it.”

Huo Zhenfei hung up the phone quickly, seeming busy. 

Back at the school, Luo Suwei was puzzled, thinking the commotion was caused by their urging Jiang Wanxia and her daughter to move out of the school. Three or four colleagues volunteered to help search for them, and she drove her own car, revving the engine as she scanned the streets.

Someone waved from the roadside, and she recognized Chen Wengang. He got in the passenger seat after she opened the door and joined her in the search.

In the end, Huo Zhenfei’s people provided some news: they found Jiang Cai in an internet café near the train station. 

Jiang Cai was brought to an open space in the square. She had bought a ticket for midnight and said she was going out to work.

“I can support myself. Once I earn money, I’ll send it back!”

Luo Suwei scolded her sternly, “You didn’t even finish high school; what kind of work are you going to do? Are you going to earn money with just a junior high school education? You run away from home just because adults scold you. Do you ever think about how worried it makes your mother and us?”

Jiang Cai stared with her eyes red, “Who would worry about me? I’m just a worthless piece of trash.”

Luo Suwei was taken aback by the child’s self-deprecation. She paused for a moment before responding, “Of course you’re not.”

She reached out her thick hand and patted Jiang Cai on the back. Jiang Cai then buried her face in her arms and started sobbing.

Luo Suwei thought that dealing with this teenage girl in her rebellious phase was hopeless; she became even more difficult to handle when her emotions broke down. Chen Wengang called Jiang Wanxia to inform her that they had found Jiang Cai. Suddenly, Luo Suwei suggested, “Why don’t we let her stay with me for a night to calm down?”

Chen Wengang also thought it would be beneficial for her. He turned to Jiang Cai in the passenger seat and asked, “What do you think?”

Jiang Cai didn’t object, but she seemed deaf to their conversation, lost in her own thoughts.

Chen Wengang felt a bit sympathetic. Jiang Wanxia was stubborn and overbearing, never willing to communicate properly with her child and always imposing her own ideas. For a high school student, the amount of information she received today was quite overwhelming, and it would be hard for anyone to process it all at once.

Chen Wengang answered for her again, “Alright then. You go back with Eden and behave yourself.”

Luo Suwei dropped him off at the subway station near the school. She wanted to take Jiang Cai home directly, avoiding any confrontation between the seemingly antagonistic mother and daughter.

Chen Wengang told Luo Suwei, “This is indeed a significant event for her. If she’s willing to talk, you can give her some guidance.”

Luo Suwei replied, “Don’t worry, I’ve got it.”

And so, Jiang Cai stayed at Luo Suwei’s house for two days.

However, Jiang Wanxia acted out of character, taking the initiative to pack up their belongings and arranging for a three-wheeled cart to transport them to their new residence. 

Chen Wengang found it difficult to understand her thought process. He still tried to persuade Jiang Wanxia:smile and said “Since you’ve delayed moving for so long, do you really need this little bit of time now? When Jiang Cai comes back and finds out that you’re not even living here anymore, she’ll feel like you’re abandoning her!”

Jiang Wanxia carried a bag containing her medical records, her dull hair appearing desolate.

Stubbornly, Jiang Wanxia replied, “Parents’ hearts are pitiful. Everything I do is for her own good.”

She accepted Huo Zhenfei’s invitation for her and Jiang Cai to go to the hot spring resort. She was determined to negotiate.

As Friday evening approached and people were getting ready to leave work, colleagues were discussing the presence of an unfamiliar luxury car parked on the street.

Some people joked with Chen Wengang, “Did Mr. Huo get a new car again?” 

As it turned out, it was another Mr. Huo—Chen Wengang hadn’t expected that Huo Zhenfei, who had previously brushed him off, would come directly to him.

Dressed in a dark suit, leaning against the car door with a cigarette, he looked stern, like a big boss who had just finished a business deal.

Chen Wengang greeted him with a smile, “Niansheng hasn’t returned yet. Do I have to go tomorrow?”

Huo Zhenfei walked with him to the school’s small playground.

He handed Chen Wengang a cigarette.

“Wengang—do you mind if I call you that? After all, we had a pleasant meeting at the yacht club last time. My meaning is clear. I approve of you. Times have changed, and I don’t need to interfere with my cousin’s affairs. I don’t extend my hand that far.”

Huo Zhenfei took a drag from his cigarette and said, “But no matter what, the people around a man should always be able to support him and be presentable. When you’re with Huo Niansheng, you are his face when he’s not around. You can’t show any weakness when you need to step up.”

“He’s much higher up than Huo Jingsheng.” Chen Wengang smiled, “That doesn’t mean you’re implying I’m not presentable, right?”

Huo Zhenfei said, “Please don’t misunderstand. As long as Huo Niansheng likes you, you’re a good match for him.”

After a few steps, Huo Zhenfei extinguished his cigarette and asked, “Where should I have the driver pick you up tomorrow?”

Chen Wengang pondered for a few seconds, “Yunding Tower. I’ve been staying there recently.”

Huo Zhenfei gave him a deep look upon hearing this, and for a moment, an invisible confrontation unfolded between them in the twilight. Huo Zhenfei averted his gaze first, politely bidding farewell and leaving.


On Saturday, the driver sent by Huo Zhenfei arrived as scheduled. 

Chen Wengang took the opportunity to nap in the back seat, and by the time he opened his eyes, they had reached their destination.

The entrance of the hot spring resort was adorned with flower baskets. Just as Huo Zhenfei had described, it was a prosperous opening, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for nine o’clock in the morning.

With all the hustle and bustle, unnecessary crowds, and miscellaneous people, Chen Wengang and the etiquette lady arrived at the guest room, the highest standard presidential suite, grand and luxurious. Jiang Cai was sitting on the sofa in the living room, accompanied by Luo Suwei.

It was unclear how much persuasion Luo Suwei had done, but Jiang Cai seemed emotionally stable, without any eccentric clothing or shouting. 

She wore normal clothes that day, a chiffon blouse and jeans, with a plain face, looking a bit pale.

Huo Niansheng’s trusted lawyer, Lawyer Zhu, was also present, chatting amiably with her.

Chen Wengang approached, “Lawyer Zhu.”

Lawyer Zhu nodded in acknowledgment. He was representing Huo Niansheng’s interests today.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, they even borrowed a deck of cards to play blackjack, Huo Zhenfei finally arrived late to the ceremony.

Jiang Wanxia followed behind, accompanied by her own lawyer. When Jiang Cai saw her, she turned her head away and sat motionless on the sofa.

Huo Zhenfei casually asked his secretary, “Has the chairman not arrived yet?”

The secretary spoke respectfully: “The car is on its way, arriving shortly.”

Chen Wengang exchanged a glance with Lawyer Zhu.

The negotiation took place in the study, with Huo Zhenfei leading Jiang Wanxia in first. It was half an hour later when Huo Zhenfei’s uncle arrived, surrounded by a crowd, exuding an imposing aura as he walked in. Many members of the Huo family were present, including Huo Zhenfei’s uncle, his son Huo Yingfei, and Huo Jingsheng, who entered one after the other in an orderly manner.

Jiang Wanxia’s confidence was instantly crushed to almost nothing. How could she be a match for savvy businesspeople? In a confrontation between two forces, there was only room for one to advance, one to falter, and one to exhaust. Yet, she seemed to have surrendered at the very first step. In front of the crowded room of intimidating figures, she still appeared to be the naive debutante dreaming of instant success.

Jiang Wanxia struggled to hold her ground, while Jiang Cai outside displayed a complex expression.

Chen Wengang patted her shoulder reassuringly.

The door to the study was actually not closed, allowing the continuous exchange of heated arguments to be heard from inside. Jiang Wanxia’s only support was a lawyer, who was not of the highest caliber, and negotiations were stalling. Luo Suwei sighed, handing a drink to Jiang Cai, who was curled up on the sofa.

Surprisingly, they talked from noon until the sun began to set without reaching any conclusion.

Huo Zhenfei turned back, noticing Chen Wengang standing a bit away from the door, frowning as he peered inside.

Even when she frowned, she was still beautiful. Huo Zhenfei quietly stepped out and asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing. I just feel like you’re dragging this out for too long. Is it really that difficult to reach an agreement?”

“It’s mainly because of Mrs. Jiang. She has some unrealistic ideas and is unwilling to compromise.”

“So what now? Everyone skipped lunch; are you planning to keep going until late into the night?”

Chen Wengang knew what game was being played here. Prolonged fatigue, hunger, and colds would wear people down. The air conditioning in the guest room was freezing, but these men, each dressed in suits, came prepared. He glanced inside at Jiang Wanxia, then let his gaze pass over each member of the Huo family before finally landing on Huo Zhenfei’s face, who had a smile on his face.

Huo Zhenfei shrugged nonchalantly, adopting a magnanimous attitude. “You’re right. This is a major issue that can’t be resolved immediately. If necessary, we can postpone for now. The resort is in soft opening; it’s a big weekend; everyone can go relax for a bit.”

He turned and went back into the study. 

Inside, the voices continued for another half an hour before finally dispersing, one by one.

By this time, Chen Wengang had already left. He went to the front desk, got a room with a large bed, changed his clothes, and went to the hot spring alone.

There weren’t many outside visitors at the resort at this time, and the large hot spring pool was almost deserted. Mist floated in the air, and the heat was intense.

Chen Wengang immersed himself in the red wine pool, half-closing his eyes. He heard footsteps approaching, accompanied by a slight splashing sound.

Huo Niansheng’s voice, tinged with a smile, came from behind. “Are you enjoying the bath?”

Chen Wengang opened his eyes, a smile playing at the corners of his lips, and gently extended his hand toward him.

“Enjoying? Your family members, they seem to either want to devour others or devour me.”

“Realizing now that it’s not easy to deal with them?”

“Each one of them is like a centuries-old fox spirit… except for Huo Jingsheng.”

Huo Niansheng couldn’t help but chuckle at his words. Chen Wengang narrowed his eyes at him. Huo Niansheng changed into a bathrobe, leaving it open to reveal the muscular lines of his chest. He walked over, but instead of adjusting his robe, he sat down next to Chen Wengang, dipping only his lower legs into the hot spring pool.

Chen Wengang looked up at him, and Huo Niansheng reached into the steaming water, scooping up a handful and pouring it over Chen Wengang’s chest.

The wet fingers traced across his collarbone, leaving behind a warm trail of water.

Glancing around, Chen Wengang said, “He probably isn’t here.”

Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow, then turned his face back and slowly inserted his thumb into Chen Wengang’s mouth. “No, he’s not.”

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