DLRAS Chapter 73

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Chapter 73: Aftermath of a Romantic Affair.

After hearing it over and over again, this seems to be the aftermath of a romantic affair.

Jiang Wanxia’s sickly appearance was marred by the ravages of time. She often frowned, leaving deep furrows on her forehead. But she must have been beautiful in her youth. Over a decade ago, Huo Fenglai attracted crowds of women around him, and she was one of them, even bearing him a child.

“Who knows about this?” Chen Wengang asked in a calm voice. “Does Jiang Cai herself know?”

“Huo Fenglai knows, of course. But that bastard only knows sweet talk; when it comes to taking responsibility, he hides like a turtle,” Jiang Wanxia said. “Huo Kaishan also knows. I was forced to run to his car to show him the child, and his bodyguards almost attacked me!”

Recalling the past, she became more resentful: “But Huo Fenglai has left seeds everywhere outside. Huo Kaishan, that old man, has already taken back several grandsons, but just because I gave birth to a girl, he doesn’t even want to look at her.”

As for her daughter, Jiang Wanxia said, “She’s grown up now. I will tell her about her origins.”

Chen Wengang sensed something unusual in her words. “What are you planning to do?”

“It’s not about what I want to do, but what I can’t help. You’ve seen it too, Teacher Chen; I’m seriously ill. How long can I support Jiang Cai? My family has cut ties with me, and she still has to go to college and get married. Alone and helpless, besides letting her live with her father, what else can I do?”

Under the bright light, Chen Wengang looked at her with eyes as calm as still water.

Jiang Wanxia glanced around. “Um, Mr. Huo didn’t come to pick you up today?”

Chen Wengang nodded. “He’s in Zhang City. He used to work there, so sometimes he has to run between two places.”

She hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a desperate gamble. “I know; he’s Huo Fenglai’s son—”

Chen Wengang chuckled. “So you thought of using me to get to him?”

Jiang Wanxia closed her mouth.

He continued, “I don’t know how you found out about our relationship. Maybe you’ve been paying attention to the Huo family for a while, but that’s not important. Now, are you considering Huo Niansheng as a successful ‘case’ of returning to his roots, or do you think he might help you by speaking up for you, considering the partial blood relationship?”

Jiang Wanxia said, “Do you realize that Jiang Cai is his sister? Don’t you have any sympathy at all?”

Chen Wengang sighed. “If you need sympathy, I’m willing to sympathize with you. But I think Jiang Cai has quite a strong sense of self-esteem. She might not even accept it herself if you tell her. If you do, you might end up starting another war with her.”

Jiang Wanxia sneered, “What self-esteem does a child have? When life becomes uncertain, she’ll realize she can’t be willful anymore.”

The negotiation reached a stalemate.

The main culprit was Huo Fenglai, but he was already gone, turned to ashes long ago. Digging up his grave now wouldn’t help; all they could do was deal with the present situation.

The office was bright as day, while outside, the night was dark and engulfed this patch of brightness.

Chen Wengang said, “Regarding the financial difficulties, I can help you submit applications for all available subsidy programs, or we can organize fundraising among colleagues. However, personally, I think the chances of sending Jiang Cai back to the Huo family are slim.”

Jiang Wanxia was not willing to give up. “We have to try. She’s Huo Fenglai’s daughter. Why shouldn’t she have what belongs to her?”

Legally, she was right.

Chen Wengang uncapped and recapped his pen, making a clicking sound. 

Recalling the background check he did on Jiang Wanxia and her daughter Jiang Cai a while back, he realized he had forgotten to follow up due to other matters. Then, considering that an obscure single mother like Jiang Wanxia could easily have her background uncovered, it seemed clear that Huo Niansheng had chosen to remain silent from the beginning.

Originally, this might have been more practical—especially since Huo Kaishan was seriously ill. Considering the media frenzy that erupted previously, revealing a secret daughter at this time might not be beneficial for either the Huo family or Jiang Wanxia and her daughter. With Jiang Wanxia having no backing, facing both ruthless journalists and the tense Huo family, blindly rushing into this situation was not something she had thought through regarding her daughter’s position.

But Chen Wengang couldn’t intervene in so many aspects. He could only advise her, “I hope you can consider Jiang Cai’s psychological issues more.”

Jiang Wanxia asked, “What do you mean?”

Chen Wengang said helplessly, “I’m an outsider; so many things are not for me to say. I believe you and Mr. Huo Fenglai have your own stories, probably not so pleasant. From my perspective, Jiang Cai didn’t have a good environment to grow up in, which is regrettable. Last time I interacted with her briefly, I noticed she had some extreme emotions and befriended some questionable people. As her mother, aren’t you worried about these things? When you’re fighting for something for her, it’s best not to overlook your concern for her well-being. That’s what I mean.”

Jiang Wanxia may or may not have taken it in, but when it came to her daughter, she didn’t persist further and fell silent.

With the conversation reaching this point, Chen Wengang clicked the mouse, waking the sleeping computer.

“Also, if you really want to fight for her inheritance rights, I suggest you find a lawyer to negotiate with the Huo family. But your original plan won’t work, and targeting Huo Niansheng isn’t a wise idea. I won’t be unconditionally manipulated by you either.”

He found a news article about Huo Zhenfei attending an economic forum, which included a guest profile on the webpage.

Chen Wengang glanced at her, grabbed a piece of paper, and copied his work email and office phone number for Jiang Wanxia.

“What’s this?”

“I’ve met Huo Zhenfei once, but I don’t have his contact information. And even if I did, it wouldn’t be appropriate to disclose it without his consent,” he explained. “As far as I know, his father is currently the chairman of the group. Apart from Mr. Huo Kaishan, Huo Zhenfei should be the one who holds some influence. So, try these two contact methods first and try to reach the person who really has the power to make decisions, okay?”

Jiang Wanxia wasn’t entirely satisfied with passing the buck. Reluctantly, she said, “I’m afraid it won’t be that easy.”

Chen Wengang replied, “I feel like Huo Zhenfei is still a reasonable person, worth a try.”

“How can you be sure he’ll agree to help me reach his father?”

“Or you could directly make an appointment with the front desk of Huo Group. There should be a way to meet him.”

Normally good-natured, Chen Wengang’s stern expression carried a certain intimidation as she left the office with the contact information.

Chen Wengang sighed as he watched the door close behind her. Confronting Jiang Wanxia felt like fighting a battle—not because he feared being unable to reason with her. Her tragedy was both pitiable and condemnable, but there was Jiang Cai in the middle, still a minor. He didn’t want to lay too heavy blame on her.

Thinking back to Jiang Cai’s complaints about her mother kneeling down to someone, Chen Wengang wondered if that incident included the time when they stopped Huo Kaishan’s car. In any case, the child’s behavior and psyche were clearly problematic. Chen Wengang remembered her screaming in hatred toward Jiang Wanxia, and he shuddered at the memory. With Jiang Wanxia still trying to forcefully push her into a wealthy family, it was hard to predict what would happen in the future.

Sins were committed by adults, but it was truly regrettable to see the children suffer as a result. However, what could be done about it?

Illegitimate children did indeed have rights, and Chen Wengang couldn’t deny that fact, despite his sympathy for Jiang Wanxia’s position.

Putting away his professional books and shutting down his computer, Chen Wengang headed to the street-side parking lot to find his car.

The sky displayed a distinctly layered hue of blue as he unlocked his car. Just then, he received a call from Huo Niansheng.

Confirming that Huo Niansheng had indeed gone to Zhang City, Chen Wengang sat in the driver’s seat, activated the Bluetooth, fastened his seatbelt, and began recounting the recent events over the phone.

“That’s it. I owe Huo Zhenfei an apology this time. I’ll explain it to him when I get back.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled in response, “I’ll wait until I get back. It’ll be better to see his expression in person.”

Chen Wengang smiled too. “And what about you? You knew all along, but you never told me.”

Huo Niansheng shrugged, “It’s her own secret. If she doesn’t say, why should I pry? Since she’s spoken about it now, let it be.”

Chen Wengang inquired, “Is what she said about Jiang Cai’s parentage true?”

Huo Niansheng shrugged again, unconcerned. “If she needs it, I don’t mind going for a DNA test with her. But I doubt there’ll be any surprises. The testimonies, evidence, pregnancy timeline, and birth hospital all match up. It’s highly likely she’s indeed my father’s child.”

Chen Wengang stared ahead, trying to recall Jiang Cai’s rebellious demeanor and finding no common ground with Huo Niansheng. Knowing she was Huo Fenglai’s daughter was one thing, but having a connection with Huo Niansheng was another. “How does it feel to suddenly have a sister?” 

Huo Niansheng replied nonchalantly, “How did it feel when Huo Jingsheng suddenly appeared beside you? It’s the same, no difference.”

He indeed seemed entirely indifferent, even unsurprised. He had no expectations for familial ties, nor did he have any expectations for Huo Fenglai.

As it was getting late, Chen Wengang didn’t want to drive all the way back to the Zheng family’s place. Instead, he diverted to the Yunting Tower.

Huo Niansheng’s apartment loomed in the darkness, and with a beep, the fingerprint verification acknowledged its new owner.

With each visit, Chen Wengang had unwittingly brought more of his belongings. His toiletries and change of clothes were now all present.

The bed was neatly made, devoid of any trace of Huo Niansheng. After a shower, Chen Wengang lay down and fell asleep.

The next day at work, he overheard Luo Suwei and his colleagues discussing how to gently give Jiang Wanxia a final ultimatum.

Jiang Cai had gone to school, and Chen Wengang didn’t know what Jiang Wanxia had told her or how she had reacted.

But Jiang Wanxia didn’t have much time left. She would surely have to harass Huo Zhenfei as soon as possible. She was a proud woman, and Chen Wengang could tell that she wasn’t just trying to secure her daughter’s inheritance; she was determined to send her daughter back to the Huo family. It was what Huo Fenglai owed them.

Two days passed uneventfully. Huo Niansheng hadn’t returned from Zhang City yet. It was Huo Zhenfei who contacted Chen Wengang first.

He politely asked, “Could you bring out that girl named Jiang Cai for me to see?”

Chen Wengang hesitated for a moment. “Sorry, I can’t do that. If you want to meet her, you can do so openly and honestly.”

Huo Zhenfei explained, “I’ve just heard that you’re quite close to them, and I wanted to observe her objectively first.”

Chen Wengang inquired, “So, you’ve heard everything? Did Huo Niansheng also tell you about the situation?”

“Yes, he did. He also knew I would come to ask for your help,” Huo Zhenfei replied politely. “Can you?”

“I don’t think he would,” Chen Wengang chuckled. “Huo Zhenfei, perhaps you just wanted to see if she’s obedient or not. I can’t stop you, but does he really think I’d agree to do something like this if he did say it?”

Huo Zhenfei seemed a bit embarrassed, as if his intentions had been exposed. “Well, forget it then. It seems my request was too presumptuous.”

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