DLRAS Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: What do you want?

Here, what could be climbed was actually a small hill, with stone steps leading up and down the slope. The path was marked with clear signs, making it easy to ascend to the top—almost like taking a leisurely stroll.

There was moss on the path, and Chen Wengang was not wearing dedicated hiking shoes. As he slipped, Li Hongqiong, with quick eyes and agile hands, grabbed him.

“Thanks,” Chen Wengang exclaimed.

“Don’t mention it. I was the one who brought you up,” Li Hongqiong replied.

Halfway up, there was a small temple dedicated to the Matchmaking God. When descending the mountain, Li Hongqiong took Chen Wengang to visit.

The temple was the size of a palm, with a simple statue of the Matchmaking God. Someone had draped a piece of red cloth over it, and there was not even a caretaker inside.

However, according to Li Hongqiong, it was quite effective. That’s why they preserved it even after the yacht club was established. Some members even came specifically to worship it.

The big tree in the courtyard was adorned with various shades of red ribbons, bearing traces of different ages. When the wind blew, it rustled, confirming her words.

Li Hongqiong gazed at the sea of red ribbons. “Do you want to pay respects?”

Chen Wengang grinned, “No need for me. What about you?”

Li Hongqiong said: “I don’t need to either. Tongzhou already did it yesterday. When he was born, his family donated a temple for him. It seems like he has some kind of sentiment about it. He has believed in these things since childhood, even going to pray to the God of Literature before every major exam.”

She smirked, “I’m afraid the matchmaker god can connect the strings but can’t manage eczema. Those people we played with yesterday—do you know Qian Hao? The one with the airplane haircut. I saw him going up the mountain to worship the matchmaker god with a beautiful woman. He got engaged just two months ago. And there’s that guy who practically drank half the champagne tower alone, Ji Rongcheng. I saw him taking a man and a woman to his room. It can’t be for playing cards, right? Seeking marriage is easy, but finding someone clean with a decent medical check-up report… do you think we might be making it too hard for the matchmaker god?”

Chen Wengang chuckled, “And what about Huo Niansheng?”

Li Hongqiong said, “He’s fine. It’s just that he may not necessarily have the traditional notion of forming a family.”

Chen Wengang didn’t inquire further, waiting for her to continue on her own.

Of course, even if she didn’t say anything, he already knew some details about the Huo family and Huo Niansheng’s background—

Li Hongqiong pondered, “Well, it’s not really a secret. Who in Jin City doesn’t know? His father was quite notorious for being a playboy. He never got married in his lifetime, changing girlfriends more frequently than his underwear. So, Huo Niansheng is an illegitimate child. When they first found out about him, old Mr. Huo took charge and recognized him as part of the family. Later, another son was born, and they recognized him too…”

“And what happened next?”

“Turns out, one after another, more and more were discovered, so they just stopped recognizing them altogether. Isn’t it funny? If you marry someone, you’re not just marrying the person but the entire family. So, despite what people say about us, I won’t willingly bring that trouble upon myself.”

Chen Wengang seemed to pick up on an underlying message.

Li Hongqiong continued with a suggestive tone, “On this point, Qie Tongzhou is actually not bad either. His family is strict, and he’s still faithful.”

Li Hongqiong had no intention of loudly playing as a matchmaker, and speaking up for her younger brother was just a casual thing. However, from her perspective—perhaps driven by a selfish concern for her own people—if the young man in front of her was sincere and responsible, Qie Tongzhou would indeed be a better choice for him. With understanding parents, family blessings, and a simple family relationship, it would be easier to get along. This was the kind of person who could sincerely engage in a relationship.

Maintaining cleanliness was rare, and he wasn’t suitable for stepping into a quagmire.


 It was already noon when Huo Niansheng returned from the sea alone, the sun shining brightly.

As he entered the hall, he could see Chen Wengang playing the piano from a distance.

The melody was “Die Forelle,” and Zheng Baoqiu, Qie Tongzhou, and Li Hongqiong were all around; even Yu Shanding was watching with interest.

Having spent just a day together, they seemed to have formed a harmonious atmosphere.

Chen Wengang’s skill level wasn’t at a professional level, but it was not as modest as he claimed, saying he only knew a little.

His advantage lay in his superior appearance and elegant temperament, and sitting on the piano stool, he looked quite impressive. The grand piano was placed under a tall glass window, and the sunlight bathed him and the piano, creating a sparkling brilliance like that of half-cut diamonds. His slender fingers danced on the black and white keys; the scene was filled with a lively spirituality and rhythm, as if he himself were a classical sonnet.

Huo Niansheng silently watched from a distance, unwilling to disrupt this picturesque scene.

It wasn’t until Zheng Baoqiu waved at him, “Cousin! What are you standing there for?”

The piano music stopped, and Chen Wengang slightly turned his head to look at him.

Huo Niansheng didn’t look at him, smiling at Zheng Baoqiu, “I didn’t want to disturb you guys.”

Li Hongqiong said, “No disturbance. They are about to hold a sailing competition. Why don’t you join us to watch?”

Zheng Baoqiu went straight up, grabbing his wallet, and said, “Tongzhou is participating. Come on, place a bet. Show some real support.”

The look in Qie Tongzhou’s eyes immediately turned unfriendly, but it was awkward to say anything with Huo Niansheng in the middle. He gave Huo Niansheng a discreet glare.

The competition rules were simple – a sea showdown among a few young enthusiasts who enjoyed sailing. Betting was just for fun.

Qie Tongzhou’s skill level was actually quite high. He had participated in many formal competitions. If it weren’t for his family’s concern about the rigorous training, he might have pursued a professional athlete’s path. Including Yu Shanding, Chen Wengang, and others, they all naturally bet on him.

Huo Niansheng, however, insisted on going against the flow, “You all bet on the winner; where’s the profit in that? I’ll bet on someone else to give you guys a chance to earn.”

Zheng Baoqiu scolded him, “What do you mean? Are you showing off that you have money, or are you trying to be a traitor?”

Huo Niansheng showed a teasing expression, “Can’t I contribute a little? But it’s not convenient to bet too much money; otherwise, it becomes gambling. I know Tongzhou will definitely win. How about this? I’ll add another wager; if I lose, each of you can make one request.”

“What if you win? Do we owe you a request as well?”

“No need; I’m unilaterally adding to the bet.”

Li Hongqiong got enthusiastic and said, “Don’t bother with him; let him lose!”

Amidst the lively crowd, Huo Niansheng’s smiling gaze finally fell on Chen Wengang.

However, Chen Wengang had already turned away, looking at the distant sea and sky outside the window.

Huo Niansheng indeed went to the organizers, casually pointed at someone, and placed a bet with his eyes closed.

After half an hour, the sailing competition began.

It was a single-handed dinghy race, and Qie Tongzhou sailed with the wind, putting in full effort to showcase his skills. His turning and control techniques were outstanding, and he gave it his all to navigate the course. He even risked his sailboat in a competition for position at the final turn.

Zheng Baoqiu cheered enthusiastically for him, almost losing her voice.

Yu Shanding even found a trumpet from somewhere, bright red, and with a toot—

The outcome was quickly determined, and, as expected, Qie Tongzhou emerged victorious.

When he returned, both Chen Wengang and Li Hongqiong congratulated him with smiles.

The young champion was so excited that his face turned red, as if winning today was more glorious than any previous victory.

His godsister, Li Hongqiong, said, “Well done,” and then turned to Huo Niansheng with a challenge, “Ready to admit defeat in our bet?”

“Of course, I’m ready to admit defeat,” Huo Niansheng also applauded. “What do you want?”

“Never mind, I can’t think of anything to challenge you with right now,” Li Hongqiong pondered for a moment. “I’ll remember this for later.”

Zheng Baoqiu eagerly raised her hand and said, “I’ve figured it out! I’ve figured it out! You take off your clothes and perform a pole dance on stage!”

Yu Shanding chuckled mischievously but quickly restrained himself when he glanced at Mr. Huo. “I don’t have anything in mind either.”

“No, I want to change it.” Zheng Baoqiu’s eyes gleamed as she thought, “Cousin, I’d like a pigeon blood red diamond necklace…”

“Tell Amanda how to buy it later.” Huo Niansheng didn’t even ask about the price, presenting an extravagant image.

Chen Wengang lounged in a corner of the sofa, indifferent to their banter, having no desires or requests.

After a while, there was a slight weight beside him. Huo Niansheng took the initiative to sit closer and didn’t forget about him: “Wengang, what about you?”

Chen Wengang’s gaze finally moved to his face, as if contemplating, “I was thinking…”

After a moment of contemplation, he smiled and said, “I’ll pass too.”

Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow, stretched out his long legs, and tapped the tip of his shoe against Chen Wengang’s ankle, “If you’ve thought about it, why not say it?”

Zheng Baoqiu egged on, “Yes, say something big. You are all shielding him, one by one. Isn’t there anything challenging? “

Chen Wengang leaned on the armrest of the sofa, slowly stood up, and looked down at Huo Niansheng from a higher vantage point.

This was indeed a challenging stance. He sighed, “I hope you never go to sea again.”

Silence fell from all sides.

While everyone was gathered to watch the competition, there were quite a few other people in this corner.

Was this a provocation?

Provoking Huo Niansheng.

Even Zheng Baoqiu looked at Chen Wengang in surprise, not understanding what he was up to.

Only Chen Wengang seemed completely unaware that he was putting Huo Niansheng in a difficult position. His attitude was so mild that it showed no trace of sarcasm.

However, of course, he also knew that this was not a feasible request. Perhaps if there was a deadline, like not going to sea for the next ten years, it could be considered.

Huo Niansheng stared at him with the gaze of a hawk hunting, scanning every inch of him as if dissecting him.

Chen Wengang, feeling exposed, took a step back and turned to leave, but was grabbed by Huo Niansheng’s hand.

“I haven’t given my opinion yet; why are you running?” Huo Niansheng was surprisingly relaxed. “It’s settled then; I won’t go to sea anymore.”

The people around couldn’t help but look at Chen Wengang as if he were a strange creature. Their attitudes had changed, wanting to understand who this mysterious figure was.

Chen Wengang looked down at Huo Niansheng, pursed his lips, and, despite being a gentle person, showed no intention of giving him an easy way out.

One was standing, and the other was sitting. Huo Niansheng looked up at him and asked, “What’s your English name?”


“I’ll be bothering Mr. Yu to repaint my boat later,” Huo Niansheng instructed Yu Shanding. “”Spray a new name; call it Alex.” He showed a sly smile to Chen Wengang. “Since there won’t be any chances of going to sea in the future, it’s a waste to leave it unused. Why not give it to you?”

Qie Tongzhou was dumbfounded, but he wasn’t the only one taken aback.

Evidence of this was the audible gasps behind him.

Or the inexplicable sighs.

And this fresh piece of gossip quickly spread outward like a ripple through the crowd network.

In terms of value, a small yacht would cost no more than two or three million. It was not a bigger move than Huo Niansheng’s previous auction, where he threw seven million.

But almost no one knew who he gave the watch to afterward. However, everyone present witnessed him easily changing the ownership of his beloved boat with just a few words—some even mentioned that the later berthing and maintenance costs would still be accounted for by Huo Niansheng, borne by him.

Surrounded by too many eyes, Chen Wengang quickly withdrew his hand and said, “Then I’ll go back first.”

Zheng Baoqiu was about to catch up and ask what was going on when she heard her cousin calling her: “Baoqiu.”

Turning around, she saw Huo Niansheng with his hands in his pockets, pointing at the counter: “Don’t you want the chips you won?”

Approaching him, Zheng Baoqiu whispered, “I don’t understand what you guys are doing! Are you doing this to vent your anger?”

Huo Niansheng smiled and asked, “Who would give away cars and boats in anger?”

Zheng Baoqiu was left speechless. Meanwhile, Chen Wengang had already taken the sightseeing elevator.

The buttons for the fifth and seventh floors were arranged together.

Yesterday, Huo Niansheng left a room key card under his change of clothing.

With his fingers hesitating between the two buttons, he paused and pressed the latter.

Qie Tongzhou sat on a plastic chair, staring blankly. Li Hongqiong walked over and tousled his wet hair: “Kid, why don’t you go wash up? Waiting until the salt comes out?”

Qie Tongzhou finally came to his senses, “Oh… okay.”

He stood up, banged his knee against the coffee table, and then threw himself onto the green fern. Li Hongqiong couldn’t bear to look at him as he disappeared around the corner.

It wasn’t until he turned on the shower, warm water streaming over him, that Qie Tongzhou’s mind suddenly snapped awake—

What’s the point of self-deprecation? It wasn’t like he didn’t have any advantages. Money was the most superficial thing!

That guy surnamed Huo, with his extravagant and wealthy demeanor, what was there to be proud of?

However, Zheng Yucheng’s derogatory remarks lingered in his mind. Qie Tongzhou wasn’t afraid of the rival in front of him, but an instinctive fear arose. Since last night, he had vaguely sensed something—Chen Wengang was the boat in the sea.

And he was just a shore-hugging lad. No matter how hard he tried to climb, he couldn’t hold onto its slender rope.


Huo Niansheng wandered around for over an hour before returning to his own room.

As soon as he pushed the door open, he sensed the subtle presence of someone entering.

Chen Wengang was still lounging in his room, sitting by the French window, engrossed in a book. He looked up as he heard the sound, glancing at Huo Niansheng. Huo Niansheng walked straight to the mini-fridge, poured himself a drink, and took out ice from the bottom compartment before asking, “What are you reading?”

“The Selected Poems by Rabindranath Tagore, the same one as last time. I didn’t expect you’d keep it here.”

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Huo Niansheng remembered, “Cliché literary stuff; I actually haven’t read it yet.”

Chen Wengang turned the book upside down on the sofa and walked over, leaning toward him just like yesterday, attempting to get a sip of his drink.

As if everything downstairs hadn’t happened.

Huo Niansheng, however, used a finger to push away his forehead: “Not touching cigarettes and alcohol is a good habit. Don’t shatter the image just because you encounter me.”

Chen Wengang held onto his finger and, in a swift move, interlocked his own fingers with Huo Niansheng’s.

Chen Wengang’s palm was warm and dry. He kissed the back of Huo Niansheng’s hand and asked, “Are you mad at me?”

Huo Niansheng ran his fingers through the broken strands of hair at the nape of Chen Wengang’s neck, “Which one are you referring to? If it’s about the bet, I’ve made more outrageous bets with others.”

Chen Wengang smiled, “I was deliberately testing you. You act as if I haven’t said anything.”

He leaned in to seek a kiss from Huo Niansheng, only to be rejected again.

Huo Niansheng pressed his lips: “I bet that I won’t regret it. Seeking intimacy shouldn’t be demonstrated in the way you’re doing it.”

Chen Wengang was stunned, and his expression softened under Huo Niansheng’s gaze. Huo Niansheng couldn’t help but call out, “Wengang.”

With a sigh, Huo Niansheng felt like he had invested a lifetime of conscience in him.

He decided to explain one last time, “If you really want to be with me, it should be something mutually desired. Clearly, every time I touch you, your body language screams avoidance, fear, and rejection. I don’t know what’s going on with your illness, and I don’t know who you truly have in your heart. I admit, a casual relationship is fine with me; I can be indifferent. But it seems like you don’t share the same sentiment.” 

Huo Niansheng asked, “What do you really want?”

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