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Chapter 21.1

Zheng Bingyi’s appointed lawyer was surnamed Cao, and Chen Wengang arranged to meet him for a simple reason: to discuss his father’s inheritance.

When Chen Wengang’s father passed away, the distribution of the inheritance was overseen by the lawyer appointed by Mr. Zheng, who facilitated the signing of the agreement.

In the meeting room, Chen Wengang shook hands with Lawyer Cao, who politely invited him to take a seat.

This legal expert in his fifties had a clear and agile mind, functioning like a high-capacity computer. Even after more than a decade, he still remembered Chen Wengang’s situation vividly. Therefore, the communication went smoothly, taking only a little over twenty minutes.

Chen Wengang sighed inwardly.

The issues on the uncle’s side were never legal problems and certainly didn’t require resorting to illicit means like stealing property deeds. With a good lawyer, solutions were always more abundant than difficulties. The real problem was his shallow family ties, but that was something he couldn’t force.

“Also, you mentioned that your father’s houses have been rented out over the years—”

“My only request is to vacate them so I can move back in,” Chen Wengang said. “Everything else, I’ll take care of it.”

Lawyer Cao understood the situation from his words. “I understand.”

Exiting the law firm, Yu Shanding’s car was still parked in the same spot. Huo Niansheng got out of the car and leaned against the car door to smoke.

Seeing Chen Wengang, he smiled slightly. As Chen Wengang approached, Huo Niansheng opened the car door for him.

On the way back, Yu Shanding asked, “Is everything settled?”

“Not yet.” Chen Wengang turned to him, thought for a moment, but glanced at the other person from the corner of his eye. “Mr. Yu, you know many people. Do you have any young lawyer friends with four or five years of practice?”

“In what field? Why does it have to be four or five years?”

Chen Wengang smiled gently. “Young lawyers with fewer cases on their hands are more hands-on. A few years of experience ensure they’re not too inexperienced. Compared to hiring an expensive, top-tier lawyer, this is more suitable for ordinary people. It’s best if they specialize in online reputation disputes.”

Yu Shanding rubbed his chin. “What reputation disputes? Online harassment kind of stuff?”

Chen Wengang said, “It’s not that serious. Just some idle gossip that needs to be dealt with.”

The legal team at the Zheng family was not idle. Seeing a top-notch lawyer just appointed, Chen Wengang was already looking for another one privately. Obviously, this matter was not something they wanted to make public. Chen Wengang spoke casually, but there was much to ponder in his words.

At least Yu Shanding was pondering.

“Then, instead of Mr. Yu, you should ask me.” Huo Niansheng interjected, and with a tone that couldn’t decide whether it was pride or indifference, he chuckled, “Do you know how many legal letters my lawyer sends to paparazzi every year?”

The paparazzi in Jin City were notorious for their audacity, especially in exposing the secrets of wealthy families. Even if a big shot came, there was no one they wouldn’t dare expose. Huo Niansheng, who acted ostentatiously, was particularly favored by them.

Some even claimed that he and the paparazzi had a love-hate symbiotic relationship. If there were no interesting topics for a while and the tabloid magazines needed material, they would pull him out to find material. They even analyzed his performance and marital status through his face and body shape when they had no stories to tell.

So Chen Wengang jokingly said, “Sending too many legal letters is not intimidating enough. Maybe the paparazzi will think you’re scratching an itch for them.”

Huo Niansheng burst into laughter and wasn’t offended at all. “What can I do? Sometimes, you have to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys. Drag one out and sink it in concrete as a warning? I’ll give you the lawyer’s contact information; if you have any issues, contact him yourself and tell him I sent you.”

When they reached the door of the Zheng family, Huo Niansheng indeed gave Chen Wengang a business card.

Chen Wengang glanced at it; the lawyer’s surname was Zhu.

Huo Niansheng didn’t ask about his purpose; he just said that if Lawyer Zhu wasn’t proficient in the required area, he could recommend someone suitable.

His tone was casual, but the seemingly randomly recommended lawyer was someone Chen Wengang knew.

Huo Niansheng still remembered that, in his previous life, it was this Lawyer Zhu who presented him with the testament documents and asked him to sign.

At first, he was Huo Niansheng’s confidant for ten years, then became Chen Wengang’s confidant for another ten years.

The edge of the business card cut into his fingertips, and Chen Wengang smiled, thanking him before looking up.

Leaning against the car door, Huo Niansheng talked to Chen Wengang. Before leaving, Chen Wengang took off the coat draped over him.

However, the clothes were already soaked, carrying a damp feeling. Chen Wengang hesitated for a moment, but Huo Niansheng had already taken it. “I’ll have someone deal with it. You don’t need to worry; hurry back.”

Yu Shanding also got out of the car, continuing to acknowledge his defeat and taking over the role of the driver. He waved goodbye to Chen Wengang with a smile.

Before leaving, for some reason, Huo Niansheng called out to Chen Wengang again.

Chen Wengang bent slightly, looking at him through the car window.

Huo Niansheng smiled, “I almost forgot to mention that Baoqiu gave me a bottle of wine, and she said you picked it. Thanks, I really like it.”

Chen Wengang raised his eyebrows slightly, waving to them before saying goodbye.

Yu Shanding saw his reflection in the rearview mirror, and even as the car drove away, he continued to watch from the same spot.

He didn’t have the youthfulness typical of young people; standing there, he exuded the stability and gentleness accumulated by time. 


At three o’clock in the afternoon, the Zheng residence was empty, with no host in sight, and it was unclear what they were busy with.

Changing into clean shoes at the doorway, Chen Wengang walked to the corner of the stairs and was stopped by Zheng Yucheng.

Last time, there were flaws in the venue, and since being bitten by the snake, Zheng Yucheng has become even busier, wanting to re-examine every detail.

Chen Wengang led a simpler life than Zheng Yucheng, and they barely saw each other from morning to night.

When Zheng Yucheng had something to say, he hesitated and came up with a clumsy opening, “…Dajie 1Big Sister wants to treat us to dinner.”

The Dajie he referred to was Zheng Dongqing, who was already married.

“She said she and her husband didn’t expect the event planning company recommended by a friend to cause us so much trouble. Dajie actually feels guilty and wants to compensate us together with her husband.”

Chen Wengang politely declined, “Some people just enjoy harming acquaintances. If she knew what kind of company it was, she definitely wouldn’t have recommended it to you. I won’t join you for dinner; you guys go ahead. She’s your sister, and you should actively reach out to her for meals and show more concern.”

Zheng Yucheng’s gaze was difficult to read, and when Chen Wengang spoke this way, it seemed like a real separation was imminent.

In the past, if Chen Wengang had spoken with this “yours and mine” tone, Zheng Yucheng would have exploded long ago, leading to a certain argument.

Now it seemed like he had lost the energy for arguments, and Chen Wengang just wanted to go back and change into clean clothes.

Zheng Yucheng grabbed him again, “Wait, I just found out that you went to ask Huo Niansheng for the Crown’s venue.”

That day, Manager Mao took Chen Wengang and Xiao Lin to negotiate with Yu Shanding. After they came back, everything was settled, and no one knew the details.

Manager Mao was a skilled operator, seeing that Chen Wengang wasn’t making a fuss and Xiao Lin didn’t have the authority to report directly to Zheng Yucheng. The whole matter depended on him speaking, and as he spoke, all the credit became his.

Zheng Yucheng believed it to be true, always thinking that Chen Wengang promised significant benefits, and he dealt with it through Yu Shanding.

It wasn’t until yesterday, during overtime and casual conversations, that he heard that girl, Xiao Lin, mention it, and he realized it wasn’t the case.

“Don’t think too much about it,” Chen Wengang said, “Just know that the outcome is good. The rest doesn’t matter.”

Zheng Yucheng still blocked his way, persistently asking, “Did Huo Niansheng make things difficult for you?”

Chen Wengang said, “No. He agreed quite readily.”

Zheng Yucheng doubted the word “readily” for Huo Niansheng—this almost friendly and kind adjective sounded like it had little to do with Huo Niansheng in his impression. He wanted to ask more and opened his mouth, but what else could he ask?

Why did Huo Niansheng treat Chen Wengang so readily?

Zheng Yucheng didn’t want to think too much about the negative side; he subconsciously avoided certain possibilities.

Those possibilities, however, bit at his heart like insects—not causing intense pain but a numbing and itching sensation.

“Anyway, don’t have too much contact with him. People like him don’t do good things for others without reason.”

“Okay, got it,” Chen Wengang said.

“Don’t misunderstand; I’m not trying to interfere with your friendships or associations.” Zheng Yucheng furrowed his handsome brows, “It’s just that you’re too naive, too easy to believe in others. I’m afraid you’ll be used by others without even realizing it.”

Someone was approaching in the corridor and coughed twice—it was the voice of the housekeeper, Mr. Lin.

Chen Wengang stepped back, creating distance from Zheng Yucheng.

Mr. Lin walked up, frowned, and touched Chen Wengang’s collar, “Got caught in the rain?”

Chen Wengang hurriedly said, “It’s okay; I’m almost dry.”

“Then quickly change into dry clothes. Why are you still damp? The moisture has reached your joints.”

Under the scrutiny of the old butler, Chen Wengang ascended the stairs, leaving Zheng Yucheng behind.

Back in his bedroom, he took a hot shower, dried his hair, and changed into a black home outfit that had a sailboat embroidered on the chest with white thread. When he heard a knock on the door, he went to open it, and Mr. Lin brought him a cup of ginger tea on a tray.

“Just now, Xiao Mei came to deliver something and said you didn’t open the door, so I guessed you were taking a shower.”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear.” Chen Wengang took the tray, thanked him, and after a moment, added, “I didn’t say much to Zheng Yucheng just now.”

Mr. Lin patted him on the shoulder and said, “What are you talking about? It’s like I have to watch over you two all the time. In a family, living together means seeing each other every day. No one expects you not to say a word. Just handle it in your own way.”

The ginger tea was sweet, with added brown sugar, almost devoid of spiciness, emitting a hot steam.

Chen Wengang took a few sips, and warmth quickly spread through his body.

He put Lawyer Zhu’s business card into his wallet, then returned the tray and cup downstairs, waiting for the servant to collect them.

There was nothing urgent to do on this day, and with no one else at home, Chen Wengang enjoyed a half-day of leisure. When he went upstairs, he randomly picked up a book from the study, returned to his bedroom, turned on the stereo, chose some music at random, and settled onto the bed.

The warm and dry environment made one feel lazy. He draped a blanket over his legs, flipping through the pages one by one.

The book was a somewhat sci-fi-themed horror novel, complementing the gloomy weather outside. The rain continued to fall intermittently outside the window. Raindrops tapped on the glass, blending with the soothing piano melody into a unique rhythm.

Chen Wengang didn’t know how long he had been reading, and a gentle drowsiness gradually crept up.

He placed the book on the bedside table, slid down a bit, wrapped himself in the blanket, and closed his eyes.

Whether it was due to the white noise or some other reason, this nap was peaceful and undisturbed.

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