DLRAS Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Huo Niansheng’s object of pursuit

The news about He Jiajun stirred up a two-day online uproar and then faded away.

With a constant flow of societal news, subsequent reports mentioned that the He family compensated a sum of money, and the waiter agreed to a private settlement.

Afterwards, there was no further development, and Chen Wengang didn’t find it particularly surprising.

This society has both its bright and dark sides, whether it’s good or bad, and every day it continues to operate in this way.

Today was the day he had an appointment to see the doctor, but the weather was uncooperative, with heavy rain pouring down overnight.

By morning, the rain had finally lessened, but it showed no sign of stopping.

He didn’t want others to know he was going to the hospital, so with an umbrella in hand, he quietly took a taxi and left early.

Dark clouds pressed down on the city as if to crush it. The weather was terrible, but there was no shortage of people seeking medical attention, crowding the hospital like crossing a river.

The Zheng family had a family doctor and access to private hospitals, but going there was equivalent to having no secrets. A single bill would reveal what specialty he had consulted. Of course, seeing a psychiatrist is not something to be ashamed of, but he still didn’t want it to be known.

The psychiatric department was separated, located on a different floor, with a slightly lower patient density.

Even so, after completing various examinations and running up and down, the entire morning had passed.

The consulting doctor was in his fifties, patiently listening to his self-disclosure and speaking with a kind demeanor:

“Panic disorder is generally caused by anxiety. It can happen without any apparent reason, or it can be triggered by specific situations that make you nervous. A significant portion of patients experience it due to the serious illness or death of close relatives, as prolonged mental stress can trigger fear of death and losing dependence. You mentioned that your father passed away ten years ago, and there might be some connection to this. The trauma from that time may be hidden in your subconscious and suddenly manifest when you’re older.”

Chen Wengang put his hands on his knees and smiled.

In fact, this was a common topic, and having been sick for a long time, he had heard it countless times.

When his mother passed away, he was still too young, but when his father passed away, it made him understand what it felt like for the sky to fall.

But at that time, he still had the courage to look forward. There was still sunlight in his life, not just a broken mess.

Huo Niansheng was the last straw he lost.

The doctor glanced at the examination report again: “You have vegetative neurosis, not an organic disease. If you’re not at ease, you can go to the cardiology department for further examination. In my opinion, it’s fine if you don’t want to take anti-anxiety medication. Take some vitamin C and B1, and I’ll prescribe a bottle of alprazolam for you. Take one tablet during acute panic attacks. The most important thing is to maintain an optimistic mindset and a healthy lifestyle, avoid excessive smoking, alcohol, and coffee, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. With your proactive approach to seeking treatment, I believe you’ll recover soon.”

Chen Wengang stood up and expressed his gratitude.

Carrying a small plastic bag filled with medicine, he walked out of the hospital gate as the rain finally stopped. The sky remained gray-white, and the air had a chilly touch.

On rainy days, the fragile drainage system in the old city area always seemed precarious. Puddles of water gathered along the streets, reflecting the hurried steps of pedestrians, each with a little expression on their faces. No patient liked to linger in the hospital for long.

Crossing the pedestrian crossing and crossing the road, a sedan drove by.

Chen Wengang was caught off guard and got splashed with water on half of his body.

Fortunately, he had a good temper. He didn’t say anything and just moved to the roadside, wringing out his soaking wet clothes.

The condition of the old street was bad, and it was unavoidable. On rainy days, passing cars turned it into a water curtain.

However, the offending vehicle returned slowly, turning back.

The car window rolled down, revealing the playful face of Yu Shanding: “Old Chen, I’m really sorry! Are you here for a medical check-up?”

Boss Yu was very practical. When he had money, he was addressed as “sir,” and when he didn’t, he was called “old brother.”

Chen Wengang couldn’t help but smile at his words. He walked over, and Yu Shanding rested his thick arm on the window.

On the front passenger seat was a large bag of medicine. The hospital’s bag was semi-transparent, and the packaging boxes inside were blurry. However, those medicines were not hard to recognize; most of them were prescription drugs for the chronic illnesses of the elderly.

Yu Shanding glanced at what Chen Wengang was holding but couldn’t identify it.

“It’s all my fault for your current state.” Yu Shanding grinned, “Where are you going? I’ll give you a ride.”

“It’s okay, no need.”

“Come on up. I have to take responsibility. It’s not easy to catch a taxi in your condition; unprofessional drivers might refuse you.”

He didn’t move the bag of medicine, so Chen Wengang went around to the back. When he pulled open the door, he was surprised.

He hadn’t expected Huo Niansheng to be in the car as well.

Today, Huo Niansheng was dressed very professionally in a shiny black executive suit with a dark tie, as if he had just finished a company meeting. A tablet lay on his knee, covered in densely packed text. Chen Wengang consciously averted his gaze.

Huo Niansheng was on a phone call with a subordinate but didn’t stop Yu Shanding from taking the initiative.

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Wengang decided to sit next to him and closed the car door.

Today, Yu Shanding was not driving the flashy Rolls-Royce that belonged to Huo Niansheng. He asked Chen Wengang where he wanted to go.

After another moment of hesitation and not heading back to Zheng’s home, Chen Wengang gave the address of a law firm.

This is a well-known law firm in Jincheng, and he was going to meet the designated lawyer for Zheng Bingyi.

Such prominent lawyers are usually very busy, and rearranging their schedules at the last minute would undoubtedly be inconvenient, causing trouble for them.

Huo Niansheng finally hung up the phone and greeted Chen Wengang with a smile, as if casually accompanying a friend.

“Did you just discuss a big deal with Boss Yu?” Chen Wengang asked.

“Well, that’s the case. A while ago, I made a bet with him, and he lost. Willing to admit defeat, he agreed to be my driver for a month.”

“I had no choice.” Yu Shanding laughed heartily. “In the early years, my business failed and almost went bankrupt. At that time, only President Huo was willing to invest and help me get back on my feet. I had to deliberately lose to him.”

Huo Niansheng laughed and scolded, “You should still be more thrifty.”

Chen Wengang showed a faint smile in cooperation.

Yu Shanding, being his usual self, threw in a few jokes.

With a robust physique and strong firepower, Yu Shanding continued to drive with the cold air still blowing inside the car despite the chilly weather. Huo Niansheng, in his suit and leather shoes, didn’t mind, but Chen Wengang’s clothes were soaked on one side, sticking to him, cold and heavy.

He was not used to Yu Shanding’s car, and unconsciously, the unfamiliar leather smell of the genuine leather seats made his stomach churn.

Leaning against the backrest, Chen Wengang absentmindedly listened to the two others continue their conversation.

Huo Niansheng sat on his left, like a source of untouchable warmth, with a faint woody cologne lingering at the tip of his nose.

Outside, thunder began to rumble, but it didn’t rain. The rolling thunder sounded muffled overhead, as if a train was rolling through the sky.

The gloomy and rainy weather, along with the cold-drenched body, gave rise to a feeling of déjà vu.

Chen Wengang even felt as if all these elements were transporting him back to memories of a past life.

Back to that evening with a desolate wind and rain, where he hid under a bridge, smoking, and ended up getting on Huo Niansheng’s car in a miserable state.

Suddenly, Huo Niansheng asked, “Feeling cold?”

Chen Wengang said, “It’s okay.”

Huo Niansheng asked Yu Shanding to turn off the air conditioning, scolding him for wasting resources when the weather wasn’t hot, and then took off his suit jacket.

As the fabric touched his body, Chen Wengang held his hand, calling out to Yu Shanding, “Could you please stop ahead?”

His voice was low, sounding a bit weak, and after saying this, he tightly closed his mouth.

Yu Shanding slowly parked the car by the roadside and asked, “Hey, are you okay?”

Chen Wengang had already pushed open the car door and, in the grass by the roadside, vomited heavily.

His appearance didn’t matter anymore. Leaning against the rough cement brick wall, drenched in cold sweat, fingers trembling, and heart racing wildly. A nerve behind his head seemed to be jumping irregularly as he touched it. He reached for the alprazolam he had just taken and left in the car.

It wasn’t clear if he was about to have an episode or if it was just motion sickness. He adjusted his breathing, but it resulted in another bout of dry heaving.

Huo Niansheng got out of the car and came over, patting him on the back. “Still feeling uncomfortable?”

Chen Wengang shook his head, unable to speak with his eyes closed, hoping he wouldn’t follow. There was no need for him to witness this awkward scene.

Huo Niansheng took a bottle of mineral water from the car, opened it, supported Chen Wengang with one hand, and brought the bottle to his lips. “Rinse your mouth.”

With the cold water in his mouth, Huo Niansheng held the bottle while Chen Wengang rinsed his mouth twice, spitting the water into the soil.

Taking the bottle from Huo Niansheng, now feeling heavier and warmed by body temperature, he noticed that Huo Niansheng forcibly put his coat on him.

Chen Wengang stared at him in a daze.

As something touched his lips, Chen Wengang subconsciously opened his mouth, and sweetness filled his mouth. Huo Niansheng had peeled a coffee-flavored candy for him, saying with a smile, “I got it from the bank while handling business in the lobby.” He patted Chen Wengang’s back. “If you’re still uncomfortable, I can take you home first.”

Chen Wengang pressed the candy against his upper palate with his tongue, and the uncomfortable feeling gradually subsided. “It’s okay; I’m much better now.”

“Don’t force yourself.”

“I’m not forcing myself.” He smiled at Huo Niansheng. “Thank you.”

The two went back in succession. Yu Shanding had been waiting in the car, not suspecting anything, treating Chen Wengang as someone experiencing common motion sickness.

Huo Niansheng, however, jokingly complained about Yu Shanding’s unstable driving, saying that his starting and stopping skills were too poor. Eventually, he switched seats and took over the driving.

As for those prone to motion sickness, they should logically sit in the front, so Yu Shanding and his medicine were relegated to the back.

Chen Wengang, wearing Huo Niansheng’s coat, looked out the window.

This time, they smoothly arrived at the law firm building. The scheduled time was approaching. He had originally planned to find a clothing store and buy an emergency outfit, but now it was too late. Rain started to fall again, and people entering and leaving the building held colorful umbrellas.

Huo Niansheng found a temporary parking space by the roadside. “You go ahead. How long will it take?”

Chen Wengang glanced into his eyes. “Probably an hour… No, about half an hour should be enough.”

Huo Niansheng reassured him, “Don’t worry. Today, Boss Yu and I are determined to see you off to the end.”

Watching Chen Wengang’s back enter the building, Huo Niansheng pulled out a car lighter, lit a cigarette, and lowered his head.

Yu Shanding almost fell asleep in the back seat. Since he wasn’t at the wheel, he could only go along for the ride.

Bored, he took out his phone to play a game. A notification popped up on his phone reminding him of the secretary urging him to return to the company. He then remembered that he forgot to cancel the upcoming schedule. However, he couldn’t just abandon the car and Chen Wengang, so he simply replied that he wouldn’t be coming back.

Looking around, he noticed Chen Wengang’s medicine was still in the back seat.

Would it be illegal to take a look?

Yu Shanding refrained from touching it, just curiously glancing at it. He then used his phone to search for “the use of alprazolam.”

The online answer was “used to treat anxiety, depression, and insomnia; can be used as an anti-panic drug to relieve acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms.”

But there seemed to be eyes growing on the back of Huo Niansheng’s head. He didn’t turn his head, but his hand was raised in mid-air.

Yu Shanding was taken aback for a moment, looked at his phone, then looked back at the medicine. Realizing what was happening, he handed the box of medicine along with the plastic bag to him.

Huo Niansheng didn’t take the medicine out; he just kept it close to the plastic bag, read the text, and put it back on the seat without asking what it was for.

Yu Shanding hesitated but decided to bring it up.

It wasn’t that he cared so much about Chen Wengang; after all, he wasn’t gay himself, and there were plenty of beautiful girls to care about. But considering that Huo Niansheng had asked him to investigate Chen Wengang before and the information didn’t show any mental health history, today’s incident was a bit unfortunate.

Yu Shanding neither wanted to appear careless in his actions nor was sure if Huo Niansheng would mind this issue.

All the signs pointed to this being an interesting object of pursuit for Huo Niansheng. However, no one pursues someone specifically because of mental illness. He was not discriminating against patients, but most people are wary of those with unstable mental conditions. If there really was depression or alcohol addiction, would you want to get involved?

Yu Shanding, having enjoyed food and wine, regardless of whether the Buddha cared or not, silently chanted “Amitabha” in his heart.

Huo Niansheng, after listening, just smiled and glanced outside the car window. “Poor thing.”

Yu Shanding didn’t hear it clearly. “What did you say?”

Huo Niansheng looked at the bustling street, thinking about the dazzling crystal chandelier. Beautiful yet fragile.

Resting the hand holding the cigarette on the car window, he flicked the ash. “You misheard; I didn’t say anything.”

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