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Chapter 163: End

Summer vacation lasted for two months, and Chen Wengang enjoyed a complete holiday because he got rid of Zheng’s job. 

He still went out with Huo Niansheng, but their whereabouts were not high-profile, although occasionally they would be seen by others. When they met friends, Huo Niansheng didn’t shy away and would introduce both of them to each other. He just never explicitly stated whether they were boyfriends or something else.

As for the meaning behind the looks of others, Chen Wengang didn’t really care much anymore.

The deadline proposed on the camping night was ultimately decided by Huo Niansheng.

One year.

It’s not necessarily inappropriate—after all, graduating from university is supposed to be the season of breaking up. Many campus couples reach a point where they should go their separate ways. It’s not necessarily because they encounter insurmountable obstacles in their relationship, but rather because everyone needs to go through a change in identity and life, embarking on a new journey. The person who was originally by your side may not necessarily still be able to accompany you on the same path.

With this clear deadline, Chen Wengang couldn’t quite articulate his feelings.

Regret, not too strong. After all, Huo Niansheng wouldn’t suddenly remember the idea of breaking up just because he tested it out.

It just shows that, since he agreed so readily, he didn’t really have any long-term plans in the first place.

Chen Wengang hoped that if the end had to come sooner or later, instead of being in a state of uncertainty, it would be better to settle it definitively. Huo Nian’s attitude towards him was as attentive as ever. At least during their relationship, he was an extremely considerate partner. From bed to elsewhere, you could say there were no flaws.

Sometimes Chen Wengang wondered how he could be willing to have such a relationship one day, knowing that it might not last. Unlike in the past, when he was sticky with Zheng Yucheng, both of them were so naive, as if even thinking about separating was betraying the relationship.

Maybe his mindset is different now, knowing that pledges of eternal love are just empty words, so it’s better not to bother saying them.

After school started, the school forum experienced another sensation—

Someone posted anonymously, admitting that the previous post, which contained many untrue remarks about Chen Wengang, was out of jealousy. They now recognized their mistake, understood that spreading rumors is potentially illegal, and publicly apologized as required by their lawyer, sincerely asking for forgiveness from the parties involved.

This resulted in another round of heated discussions among the students.

This time, Mu Qing stayed home to avoid the limelight. However, he remained tight-lipped about what happened. Zheng Bingyi, in a low mood for several days in a row, called his nephew to the study, and after Mu Qing came out, he went back to his room and didn’t come out for dinner for several days in a row.

Zheng Baoqiu didn’t even inquire about the specifics.

Of course, at this point, it’s useless to say anything more, so they resorted to the old tactic and deleted the posts again.

The entire senior year seemed to fly by.

Every graduating student had to make choices and consult each other, exchanging useful information like ants coming out of their nests.

When asked, Chen Wengang’s answer was studying abroad.

Zheng Bingyi agreed.

Previously, because of Zheng Yucheng’s relationship, he was in an awkward position at home. Now, with Mu Qing added to the mix, and with no prospects, they had torn faces, and it seemed pointless to cling to the Zheng family. The road ahead had to be walked on his own, and from Chen Wengang’s perspective, he wanted to explore outside even more.

Different academic atmospheres, different living environments, different customs and people—a new beginning.

Actually, late at night, sitting in front of the computer, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was even a slight reason because of Huo Niansheng.

Ending a relationship and running away to a faraway place wasn’t really a solution; it was more like an overused plot in a TV drama. But living in different places with different geographical distances should make it easier to let go of many concerns.

Chen Wengang took the IELTS and TOEFL exams, although usually one score was enough. Fortunately, his English was good, and he was good at exams, so it wasn’t too difficult for him. He was very patient, preparing step by step, registering, choosing test centers, and checking scores. Then came the application materials, transcripts, project experiences, published articles, personal statements… he sorted these out meticulously.

He also received recommendation letters from professors one by one, and through the system, he submitted applications to the five or six target schools he had decided on.

Huo Niansheng knew about all this, and there were even a few times when he asked Chen Wengang to go out, but Chen Wengang ignored him.

On weekends, Huo Niansheng picked up Chen Wengang from school and brought him home. This time, they didn’t go back to the apartment but to the villa on the hill.

Huo Niansheng owned many properties, and this was a small estate away from the city, complete with a courtyard, fountain, and swimming pool. Chen Wengang changed his clothes and sat by the pool, the sunlight pouring down, the waves sparkling, and his calves submerged in the water, shining white.

Huo Niansheng brought a glass of ice-cold orange juice over, his fingers curled around the rim of the glass, touching Chen Wengang’s face:

“You’re so busy with important matters now, you can’t even attend to invitations. Have you finished all your interviews?”

Chen Wengang snatched the cup away, somewhat relieved, “Do what I can, and leave the rest to fate.”

“Is it going smoothly?”

“Not sure. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll look for a job.”

“You’re so modest.” Huo Niansheng sat down beside him, leaning close to Chen Wengang, lowering his voice with a slightly magnetic feeling, “All the schools you applied to are in Europe. You’re going so far away; will you miss me in the future?”

Chen Wengang’s heart trembled slightly, as if he had been brushed by a small brush, and a sour and swollen emotion surged up from nowhere.

Time flew by, and graduation, which once seemed distant, was now in the countdown stage.

Helplessly, he smiled. Chen Wengang admitted that sometimes he still hoped that Huo Niansheng might change his mind before it was over, but there was no sign of that happening, and his hopes seemed unfounded.

He smiled and asked back, “Do you want me to miss you or forget you?”

Huo Niansheng glanced at him sideways, then suddenly extended his arm. Before Chen Wengang could dodge, he was caught. Huo Niansheng pulled him closer, directly took a big sip of orange juice from the straw Chen Wengang had used, and the glass immediately became empty, making a fizzing sound.

His forearm was sleek and diligently exercised, with traces of discipline from his chest muscles to his abdominal muscles and even to his thigh muscles.

Chen Wengang turned his face away, some images flashing through his mind, his ears tinged with a bit of red.

Huo Niansheng took out the straw from his mouth, biting on it as if it were a cigarette. He said, “You can be happy now.”

Chen Wengang smiled, scooped up some water with his hand, and meaninglessly flicked it forward, splashing a string of crystal-clear water droplets.

Suddenly, Huo Niansheng said, “By the way, let me know the results when they come out. Tell me where you’re going, and I’ll see if I have any friends there who can take care of you.”

“Thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for?”

Chen Wengang looked at the undulating water surface, his mood slowly calming down.

He nudged Huo Niansheng with his elbow, “Come take a photo with me at graduation, okay?”

Huo Niansheng readily agreed and kissed his temple, “Sure. Graduation is a big deal; of course, I’ll come to see.”

In June, the school issued graduation certificates.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, the campus was bustling with people. The ceremony took place in the auditorium, with Chen Wengang speaking as the representative of the graduating students.

Standing behind the lectern, he looked out at the sea of people, tens of thousands of eyes, black and pressing, all focused on him. There wasn’t stage fright, as the speech had been confirmed repeatedly with the school leaders and was already memorized.

Chen Wengang adjusted the microphone.

After the speech, applause erupted.

Before stepping down, he once again scanned the audience. Amidst the crowd, it was actually difficult to spot one or two individuals.

When he walked out of the auditorium, Chen Wengang paused on the steps for a moment.

There was a tiered structure on the plaza in front of the auditorium, used for group photos. Many students called their friends and took turns posing, while the photographer popped his head out from behind the camera, gesturing for everyone to spread out more evenly. On the stage, three rows of students chattered away, finally deciding to put both hands on top of their heads and make a heart shape in unison.

It was already summer, the sunlight was intense, and the bachelor’s gowns were black, causing the white shirts underneath to become sweaty in no time.

Chen Wengang’s phone was on silent in his pocket, and he didn’t notice the message notifications. Suddenly, his shoulder was lightly tapped, and when he turned back, all he saw was a bouquet of flowers. Only when he turned to the other side did he see a man in a suit and leather shoes.

Huo Niansheng retracted his purposely extended arm and placed the flowers in Chen Wengang’s arms. “What were you thinking?”

Chen Wengang smiled gently. “Where were you sitting just now?”

“After going in, it was crowded, so I was pushed to the side.” Huo Niansheng accompanied him for a walk around the campus. “Your angle probably couldn’t see me. Later, I changed positions with someone else and ended up on the right side of the stage, near the presidium, where I could see you.”

“How did you convince someone to switch with you?”

“I said the one giving the speech up there was my younger brother.” Huo Niansheng said, “The elders at home aren’t in good health and couldn’t witness your glorious moment in person, so I’ll take a video back for them to see.”

Chen Wengang chuckled softly. “How do you lie so smoothly without rehearsal?”

Huo Niansheng burst into laughter, putting his finger to his lips. “Which eye of yours sees me as a good person? That’s a huge misunderstanding.”

Chen Wengang held a large bunch of white roses in his arms, their fragrance rich, as he lowered his head to look at them, the petals still carrying dewdrops.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Where should we go for the photo?”

Chen Wengang said, “How about the artificial lake? I see everyone heading there.”

As they walked to the lakeside, Chen Wengang suddenly remembered to check his phone. Finally, he managed to get in touch with Zheng Baoqiu, who had been bombarding him with messages for a while now. Zheng Baoqiu rushed over, sweating profusely.

She had just attended the graduation ceremony in the auditorium, and when the emcee announced the end, she couldn’t find Huo Niansheng inside, and when she went outside, she couldn’t find Chen Wengang. No one replied to her messages, and she was nearly driven crazy.

Chen Wengang comforted her repeatedly and finally calmed her down after much effort. The three of them asked passersby to help take a photo.

The lakeside was also a popular spot for graduates to take photos, with young men and women in bachelor’s gowns coming and going in waves.

Zheng Baoqiu was well aware of their relationship. When the passerby handed back the camera, she checked, “No, no, this one is simply weird. There are a bunch of people passing by in the background. What’s going on with this photo when we look at it later?”

Chen Wengang glanced at Huo Niansheng.

Before he could react, he was pulled and pushed to Huo Niansheng’s side by Zheng Baoqiu. “Stand properly; let’s do it again.”

Huo Niansheng smiled and extended both hands towards Chen Wengang.

He hugged Chen Wengang’s shoulders and patted his back, saying, “You did really well on stage today; congratulations.”

Chen Wengang laughed, “It’s rare to hear you speak so seriously. I feel a bit uncomfortable with it.”

Huo Niansheng once again put his arm around him, while Zheng Baoqiu pressed the shutter.

Chen Wengang developed all the graduation photos.

He used a separate album for these photos, and the one with Huo Niansheng was taken out and framed.

He wasn’t usually fond of taking selfies or photos, and the opportunity to be in the same frame as Huo Niansheng was rare. In the past few months, with their impending separation, he had thought about preserving some memories, but several times, when the words were about to come out, he hesitated.

Chen Wengang found a cardboard box to protect the framed photo and placed it at the bottom of his suitcase.

It was another summer vacation, but strictly speaking, it had nothing to do with the graduating class anymore.

Facing the two 29-inch suitcases in his bedroom, he remembered that around this time last year, on the day exams ended, Huo Niansheng’s call came as expected, almost as if timed, specifically to ask where he wanted to go for fun.

He pushed aside those memories and packed the two suitcases full of everything he intended to take with him.

The school he was attending had long been decided, and the results of his applications justified his efforts. However, Zheng Baoqiu firmly believed that the UK, where he was going, was a food desert. Chili sauce, spices, instant noodles, and hot pot base ingredients—all were packed, along with pots and rice cookers, into the suitcases.

Chen Wengang couldn’t argue with her and ultimately surrendered, leaving everything to her discretion.

Huo Niansheng was quite generous and didn’t immediately bring up the idea of breaking up. He even took Chen Wengang to the mall, trimmed his hair, and helped him plan what he needed for studying abroad—buying clothes and shoes.

Chen Wengang was speechless, being led around by him, feeling like he was truly a big brother leading his little brother.

He tugged at Huo Niansheng’s sleeve. “You don’t need to bring so much. Two suitcases are already not enough, and if you buy more, you’ll need another suitcase.”

Huo Niansheng stopped and patted him. “It’s better to be prepared. After all, going to an unfamiliar place means that if something is missing at the last minute, even if you have enough money, you might not know where to buy it. Ship everything over, hire someone to move it, and you won’t have to worry about spending money.”

Chen Wengang still had a smile on his face but suddenly lost the mood to speak.

Huo Niansheng tucked his hair behind his ear. “I’ll give you someone’s contact information. If you need anything, you can contact him.”

During the time he was still in the country, Chen Wengang was very busy, receiving invitations every now and then, and friends with good relationships came forward one after another, saying goodbye as if they didn’t know when he would come back. They told him about the delicious food and fun things to do in the country, encouraging him to experience as much as possible.

On the last weekend before leaving, Huo Niansheng took him to the yacht club.

They cuddled in bed, Huo Niansheng was exceptionally gentle, kissing Chen Wengang softly, taking their time. Chen Wengang’s eyes were moist, looking at Huo Niansheng with eyes like a small animal, clinging to his neck. Huo Niansheng almost squeezed him into his bones, and they stayed in the room all day, as if tomorrow was the end of the world and the only thing left to do today was to indulge themselves.

After falling asleep exhausted, when he woke up again, Chen Wengang was lying on Huo Niansheng’s arm. When he moved, Huo Niansheng leaned in to kiss him again.

Chen Wengang said, “I’ll be leaving soon.”

Huo Niansheng said, “I know.”

By the third day, they took a walk on the beach, but the sun was scorching, so they ended up returning indoors. Chen Wengang suggested going to the tennis club.

They played for a while, just for fun, without any intention of competing for victory or defeat.

After about half an hour, the tennis club was crowded with people again—regulars and friends of Huo Niansheng.

These people also knew Chen Wengang, having been introduced before, so it turned into a few courts simultaneously in battle.

Huo Niansheng was pulled away by someone, and Chen Wengang’s opponent became an acquaintance he didn’t know very well.

But that friend’s skills weren’t good; he hit the ball haphazardly, and his playing style wasn’t great either. Chen Wengang couldn’t afford to lose, and he kept complaining about the racket not feeling right, the ball being no good, and the backlight being too harsh. After a few rounds, Chen Wengang didn’t feel like playing with him anymore.

He found an excuse to leave the court, and the other person grumbled, “Fine, if you can’t play, then forget it.”

Chen Wengang explained that he was tired and needed to rest for a while.

The other person sarcastically said, “Sure, when someone is tired, there’s someone to take care of them, unlike us tough guys. Go rest.”

Normally, Chen Wengang probably wouldn’t stoop to his level, but today he acted out of character, threw down his racket, and calmly said, “It’s because my skills are too poor and I’m not capable enough to practice with the young master. Are you still not satisfied with the place given to someone who is capable?”

The other person was visibly surprised, not expecting him to retort, “Don’t act like I owe you anything.”

Chen Wengang said, “There’s no best.”

After saying this, he turned and walked away. Huo Niansheng was standing by the side, and Chen Wengang was pulled into his arms.

Feeling annoyed, but Huo Niansheng hadn’t noticed the recent disagreement. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Chen Wengang said, “Nothing. I just don’t feel like playing anymore. I’m going back.”

Huo Niansheng leaned closer and asked, “Who made you unhappy?”

Chen Wengang’s expression remained blank. “No one made me unhappy.”

Huo Niansheng pinched his ear. “Your expression doesn’t look like nothing’s wrong.”

Suddenly, Chen Wengang brushed his hand away and raised his voice, “Why do you care so much? Do I have to report everything to you?”

This outburst attracted everyone’s attention. Chen Wengang’s public confrontation with Huo Niansheng was quite a spectacle, and it seemed rather unreasonable. Chen Wengang pushed Huo Niansheng away and quickly left, ignoring the expressions of others.

He returned to his room in one breath, and Huo Niansheng followed closely behind. When he pushed the door open, he saw Chen Wengang curled up on the couch.

Huo Niansheng sat down beside him, turned his shoulder towards himself, and asked, “What’s wrong exactly?”

Chen Wengang ruffled his hair and softened his tone slightly. “It’s nothing. That guy was just being weird, and it annoyed me.”

Huo Niansheng said, “Just because of that? What did he say to make you so upset? I’ll make him apologize to you.”

Chen Wengang said, “It’s not that serious.” Then he added, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted at you.”

No matter how much Huo Niansheng asked, he didn’t say much more.

Later, when they met again, that person reluctantly came over and apologized.

But for the next two days, there was still a strange feeling between Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng. It seemed like if one thread was misplaced, it would be difficult to correct it. Finally, Huo Niansheng drove Chen Wengang back to the Zheng family’s house and stopped the car at the gate.

He asked, “Is your flight the day after tomorrow?”

Chen Wengang nodded. “Yes.”

Huo Niansheng unbuckled his seatbelt. “Go back.”

Chen Wengang remained silent for a moment, then leaned over and kissed his lips.

The next day, on the eve of his departure, Chen Wengang bid farewell to Zheng Bingyi, Uncle Lin, Zheng Baoqiu, and even Zheng Maohun. When he was checking his passport and visa before going to bed, he received a call from Huo Niansheng, “Is your flight tomorrow at eleven?”


“I’ll take you to the airport.”

Chen Wengang didn’t react immediately, as if he were slow to understand. Finally, he grasped his meaning, “Don’t bother, Uncle Lin arranged for a driver.”

“Tell him you don’t need it.” Huo Niansheng insisted, “Tomorrow I’ll go to my uncle’s house first and help you with your luggage.”

Chen Wengang’s heart was filled with that familiar sourness again. He held the phone, reluctant to refuse, but also reluctant to hang up.

On the other end, Huo Niansheng chuckled softly, with a hint of nasal sound, “That’s settled then. Go to bed early.”

Chen Wengang opened his mouth to say something, but before he could make a sound, the call was already disconnected.

He washed up, turned off the light, and sat in the darkness for a long time.

Chen Wengang had already mentally prepared himself. This fleeting romance would probably take some time—perhaps a few months, maybe a year or more—but eventually, with enough time, he would be able to say goodbye slowly.

But then this phone call interrupted everything, never-ending, causing him a sleepless night.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Huo Niansheng appeared in the Zheng family’s living room as agreed.

Chen Wengang had already brought down the three suitcases earlier, plus the things Huo Niansheng had bought, and in the end, there was still one extra piece of luggage.

He dragged one with one hand, and Uncle Lin had to help drag the third one. Huo Niansheng opened the trunk and stacked the suitcases one by one.

This made Chen Wengang feel a little embarrassed. “I brought too much stuff.”

Huo Niansheng didn’t mind, and he patted his back. “It’s okay. Get in the car.”

The highway to the airport was smooth, and an hour later, the car stopped outside the terminal building, sandwiched between a row of taxis.

The two got out of the car from opposite sides, and Huo Niansheng reopened the trunk, helping to take out the suitcases.

At the security checkpoint of the terminal, Huo Niansheng couldn’t go any further. He handed the suitcase to Chen Wengang, who was now responsible for three pieces of luggage with two hands, feeling a bit awkward. But he didn’t pay much attention to this, he just reached out and hugged Huo Niansheng.

His palm pressed against the broad back, as if holding the most precious thing in the world.

Huo Niansheng said, “Is there anything else you want to say to me?”

Chen Wengang sighed and smiled at him, “I didn’t answer the question before, but I actually will miss you.”

Huo Niansheng listened, then asked another question, “If I were to try to keep you here now, would you be willing to stay?”

Chen Wengang was stunned, looking at him inexplicably, unable to distinguish between jest and sincerity.

But there was a flame in his chest, suddenly rising, his heart pounding as if sensing danger approaching.

He hesitated for a long time, hoping that Huo Niansheng would say something else to give him more information to judge the situation.

Huo Niansheng just looked at him, with two tiny shadows reflected in his pupils.

After a long time, Chen Wengang could only speak, “I would, but who stays at the last moment to keep someone from leaving?”

Huo Niansheng smiled, “Isn’t that how it’s done on TV?”

Chen Wengang also smiled and straightened his collar. “But it’s too late. Probably the director and the screenwriter think that’s romantic.”

He sent the three suitcases onto the conveyor belt one by one, then turned back, and Huo Niansheng was still standing there, looking inside through the glass.

Their eyes met, and Chen Wengang waved to him, then didn’t look back again as he gradually merged into the crowd.

Chen Wengang rented a small luggage cart from the airport staff, pushed the luggage on it, and went to check it in. After some effort, when he left the counter, he only had a backpack left. Although his hands were liberated, his heart felt heavy.

Like something opaque, making it hard to breathe.

It was still early, so Chen Wengang didn’t rush to go through security. He just wandered aimlessly in the hall and almost bumped into someone.

He was originally looking down, but the person took the initiative to help him up, and unexpectedly, he heard Huo Niansheng’s voice above him, “You didn’t really cry.”

Chen Wengang was startled, looking at him incredulously. “How did you get in?”

Huo Niansheng put an arm around him and walked alongside him, “Of course I found a way. I couldn’t just barge in.”

Chen Wengang’s throat was dry and he couldn’t speak. “You…”

He suddenly stopped walking, and Huo Niansheng stopped too. They faced each other in the crowd. Unable to resist any longer, Chen Wengang reached out his arms and hugged Huo Niansheng again tightly. He almost used all his strength, and the fingertips of both hands trembled slightly.

“You know I can’t bear to leave you,” Chen Wengang’s eyes quickly misted over with tears. “What do you want to do?”

“I wanted to ask you what you meant,” Huo Niansheng said, “You’re so reluctant, can’t even say you like me?”

He didn’t say anything more, because Chen Wengang just hugged his waist tightly, pressing his whole body against him.

Passengers pulled their luggage, coming and going around them, and curious glances occasionally drifted over.

So they moved to a secluded place. Chen Wengang held onto Huo Niansheng’s arm, lagging behind, looking up. Huo Niansheng was casual, carrying his backpack on his shoulder, just walking forward. A child suddenly appeared and jumped onto Huo Niansheng’s leg.

The parent chased after them, the scolding drowned out in the noisy environment.

Seeing that the adult in front of him didn’t pay attention to himself, the naughty child stuck out his tongue, quickly ran off in another direction like a bullet.

Huo Niansheng pressed Chen Wengang against the wall, “When I was eighteen and going abroad, I was checking in at this terminal. At that time, I didn’t have any burdens, but felt relieved to get rid of a lot of troubles, it wasn’t bad.”

Chen Wengang’s eyes were red, but he smiled, “I know, but I didn’t expect you to leave so easily.”

“Kind of easy.” Huo Niansheng said, “But not without any worries.”

He looked at the crowd behind him, then turned back, “Actually, I thought of you at that time; it just flashed through my mind, but I did think… I wonder how you would be in the future; if you would still be bullied, who would you go to for help?”

Chen Wengang exclaimed, “How did you think of these things?”

Huo Niansheng stroked his face, “When we first met, I told you that you would have a different life in the future. Hurry up and grow up to grasp your own future. Probably because fate is unpredictable, my life took a turn, and naturally, I thought of you, wondering if you would find it boring that an adult like me was bragging.”

He took a step back, smiling slightly, “Later, when I returned to the country, you had indeed grown up. Clearly, I didn’t feel the past few years; you were no longer the same child as before; you had your own ideas, and you even found a boyfriend…”

Chen Wengang leaned against the wall, feeling a bittersweet but light emotion swelling in his heart.

Huo Niansheng said, “And also, not remembering the past affection, guarding against me like I’m a flood beast.”

Chen Wengang argued, “I didn’t.” Then he tried to explain, “It’s because…”

Huo Niansheng pressed his forehead against Chen Wengang’s, “I said I kind of liked you; I said you could observe for a long time; have I ever lied? It’s because, from the beginning, you didn’t trust me; you always assumed the worst about me. Can’t I calculate a little?”

Chen Wengang finally chuckled, “Just for this, making such a fuss, Mr. Huo.”

Huo Niansheng asked softly, “If I hadn’t stopped you, were you really planning to never see me again?”

Chen Wengang hugged his neck. “It’s my fault. I don’t actually want to break up with you.”

Huo Niansheng cupped his face and lowered his head to find his lips.

After embracing each other for a while, the two slowly let go. The flight would take off in two hours, and eventually they had to part ways.

Chen Wengang still felt reluctant, but fortunately, the stone blocking his chest had fallen to the ground with a bang. “So, I’m leaving?”

Huo Niansheng had already put his hands back in his pockets, smiling as he looked at him, his eyes revealing some undisguised tenderness.

Chen Wengang smiled back. “I’ll try to come back more often when I have time. Of course, if you’re willing to wait.”

Huo Niansheng still didn’t seem to mind much and didn’t say goodbye. He accompanied Chen Wengang all the way to the immigration checkpoint—

Chen Wengang queued up, and Huo Niansheng also joined the line. Chen Wengang handed over his documents, and Huo Niansheng also took out his passport. Crossing the border required a visa, and Chen Wengang didn’t understand, so he turned his head to look at Huo Niansheng. The staff immediately reminded them to keep moving forward and not to stop.

They were chased by the passengers behind them and followed the one-way route to the security checkpoint.

The security officer worked tirelessly, handing a plastic basket over. Chen Wengang had to unzip his backpack and take out the power bank and phone.

Huo Niansheng followed suit, taking a small basket and tossing his phone in. With just these few items, they went alone on the conveyor belt.

It wasn’t until they completely passed through the security area, Chen Wengang retrieved his backpack and walked a distance away before finding a place to stand with Huo Niansheng.

Huo Niansheng suddenly understood, took out his boarding pass from his pocket, and flashed it in front of him—

International flight, same plane.

The inexplicable premonition in Chen Wengang’s mind suddenly came true, and countless fireworks seemed to explode in his brain.

Countless thoughts flashed through Chen Wengang’s mind, but when it came to his lips, he couldn’t express a single one. Huo Niansheng had already taken his bag back. “I’ll go with you and help you settle down. How about having an extra hand to help with the moving? Not unwilling, right?”

Chen Wengang reacted and grabbed his sleeve. “Wait, are you boarding just like this? Aren’t you bringing any luggage?”

Huo Niansheng hooked the backpack strap. “There’s nothing to bring. There’s an apartment over there. You’re particular about applying to schools, but the university I went to is in the same place.”

Chen Wengang smiled. At this point, there was no need to deny these little thoughts. “What about your job? Won’t it be delayed?”

Huo Niansheng said, “I’ve already transferred my position. I’m not in a hurry to come back in three to five years.”

He still had that careless attitude. Chen Wengang pulled his hand from his sleeve and slowly held it, turning it into a tight grip.

Huo Niansheng smiled and said, “Now you’re asking, waiting for you to secretly inquire, waiting for you to come and ask me. But in the end, nothing happened. Do you know an old saying—forget it, you must have heard of it. It’s called ‘a crying baby gets the milk’. With your hesitancy and reluctance to ask for anything, do you ever plan to change your character?”

Chen Wengang’s lips involuntarily curled up, but he tightened his grip on Huo Niansheng’s hand.

Huo Niansheng glanced at him, then suddenly kissed him on the temple.

Chen Wengang looked around and wanted to speed up, but he was pulled back. Huo Niansheng took out the boarding pass, and Chen Wengang lowered his head to confirm the number. Side by side, they walked towards the boarding gate.

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One Comment

  1. It’s interesting that even without any past lives memories, CWG still had the instinct to get as far away from Zheng Yucheng as possible. Combining this with his previous comment about being someone who lets others make the decisions and go with the flow, I’m starting to question their initial relationship. Was CWG really IN LOVE with Zheng Yucheng or was it simply a youthful attraction plus “friendship” plus acceptance of the other person’s feelings? After all, Zheng Yucheng was the one who confessed first and CWG barely talked about his emotions before that confession.

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