ASA Ch51: Peacock

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Chapter 51: Is it a confession?

Qin Ge had only occasionally heard Tang Cuo mention that he had a sister, and he never expected to meet her for the first time in a bar.

“My sister, Tang Xing,” Tang Cuo loudly introduced to Qin Ge, then turned to Tang Xing and said, “Qin Ge, my boss.”

After getting a clear look at Tang Xing, Qin Ge felt that the siblings did resemble each other, as if their noses and eyes were carved from the same mold. He nodded at Tang Xing and continued to search for Jiang Xiaochuan’s whereabouts in the crowd.

“Why are you here?” Tang Xing shouted at Tang Cuo, “Weren’t you going to see some big fish and eat steak today?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing!” Tang Cuo exclaimed, “It’s already July, sister; isn’t your certified public accountant exam in the middle of August? Aren’t you supposed to be studying? I stay at home every day, afraid to make a sound so as not to disturb your review, and you come here to watch pole dancing!”

Tang Xing shrank her neck, “Huh? What did you say? I can’t hear you.”

Tang Cuo: “…”

By this time, the music in the bar had already stopped, and he could even hear Tang Xing’s breathing clearly.

“Give me back the PS4 you confiscated!” Tang Cuo angrily demanded.

His words had just fallen when the music started again. The entire venue’s lights went out instantly, leaving only a few beams still shining on the circular stage in the center. Tang Cuo then noticed that someone had already appeared on the stage, standing there at some point.

“Have you seen the performance here before?” Tang Xing asked Tang Cuo.

Tang Cuo, still upset about his confiscated PS4 and unfinished game, replied, “Never seen it, not interested.”

“Focus on enjoying it,” Tang Xing said loudly in his ear. “After watching, tell me your thoughts. If I’m satisfied, I’ll return your PS4.”

Tang Cuo said, “Okay, I’ll focus on watching.”

On the stage, a short-haired girl twisted like a boneless snake, with a full chest and a slender waist. After watching for a while, Tang Cuo was surprised to find that the muscles on the girl’s body were even more robust and beautiful than his own.

He admired her greatly.

“Sis, I have a thought to share with you now.” After watching for a while, Tang Cuo, who had no appreciation ability, leaned in close to Tang Xing and asked, “Did she get double eyelid surgery?”

Tang Xing: “…”

Tang Cuo: “Sorry, I was too focused.”

Tang Xing didn’t bother with him and kicked Tang Cuo’s calf, making him instantly weak in the legs. He quickly held onto Tang Xing’s shoulder and said, “Dear sister, I’m sorry, I was wrong. This girl is really beautiful, and her double eyelids are also beautiful. I was wrong, really.”

Meanwhile, in the crowd, Qin Ge kept searching for Jiang Xiaochuan but couldn’t find him. He was getting anxious; all he knew was that there was a bar called Atlantis, but what if Jiang Xiaochuan went somewhere else? He approached the bar, intending to ask the bartender if they had seen a boy like Jiang Xiaochuan.

Just as he approached the bar, a golden head suddenly appeared in his line of sight. The face of Francisco, the young vampire, swayed in front of him. “Qin!” the young vampire laughed happily. “Oh my goodness, meeting you is the happiest thing for me tonight! I’m Francisco; do you remember me? Or would you prefer to call me Ma Yun?”

Qin Ge didn’t understand why a native European vampire would be named Francisco or why he liked the name Ma Yun. However, he decided not to comment on it and grabbed Francisco’s shoulder, pushing him away slightly: “Hello.”

Francisco’s acne, which had erupted due to overheating, had all disappeared, leaving a smooth and beautiful face. Qin Ge thought that with this appearance, the vampire wandering in the royal district probably didn’t know how to spell the word “danger.”

“You’re the first person I’ve seen tonight in this bar that I like.” Francisco turned to the bartender and said, “One drink…”

“No, no, no, I don’t drink.” Qin Ge quickly interrupted him. “I’m here at Atlantis looking for someone.”

The music gradually increased in volume again, forcing Qin Ge to speak close to Francisco’s ear. Francisco, with his beautiful blue-green eyes fixed on Qin Ge, gradually showed a smile and said, “Qin, you’re handsome.”

Qin Ge: “Thank you. Have you seen a tall boy like I described? Wearing a light gray sleeveless jacket, thick eyebrows, and big eyes, but looking different from the people here. Very young! Sixteen years old!”

Francisco shook his head. A man approached him from the bar, pinched his arm, and Francisco’s expression changed, showing a hint of disgust. The man almost pressed against him, his eyes on Qin Ge with an obvious obscene look on his face: “Little blond, did you bring a companion today?”

Francisco smiled, revealing his sharp canine teeth, and turned to the man, saying, “I’m hungry.”

The man was startled and almost dropped the bottle in his hand, scrambling away.

“People here rarely see vampires like me,” Francisco laughed and said to Qin Ge. “They have misconceptions about vampires. I can’t just turn people into our kind casually, or I’ll be nailed to death by the Elder Council…”

His fangs retracted, and in front of Qin Ge was once again a handsome and obedient young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Qin Ge didn’t have time for idle chit-chat, “Have you seen the boy I described?”

“I haven’t,” Francisco replied.

Qin Ge said, “You enjoy your drink; I’m leaving.”

Francisco grabbed his hand and said, “Qin, wait.”

Qin Ge: “?”

“It’s a wonderful night, like a dream. I never thought I would meet you here again. Please send my sincerest greetings to Xie.” Qin Ge could understand why Francisco always easily attracted people willing to let him take their blood. He sincerely approached and praised people too easily, making them drop their guard and develop affection. But the premise was that he shouldn’t speak carelessly, like now. “So, can you help me pay for the drinks?”

Qin Ge: “…”

The bartender, who was mixing drinks, stood in front of the two of them, separated by a bar counter. His expression remained calm, but his gaze was firmly fixed on Francisco. In the flickering lights, the bartender’s cracked and dry skin looked somewhat terrifying, adding a touch of fierceness to the characteristic red eye whites of a semi-zombified human. Qin Ge had no doubt that if Francisco stood up, the bartender would extend his claws at any moment.

“If you don’t have money, then don’t drink!” Qin Ge was caught by Francisco and couldn’t break free, feeling both angry and helpless. “Since he can’t pay, why give him the drink?”

Francisco nodded repeatedly, showing agreement. The bartender couldn’t take it anymore and gave the vampire a disdainful look, “He has a membership card for Atlantis, but we just found out that the card has expired, and there’s no money on it.”

After a moment of speechlessness, Qin Ge had to take out his phone and say, “Let me scan the QR code to pay.”

After scanning away more than four hundred yuan and enduring the pain in his heart, Qin Ge planned to leave. However, the bartender signaled for him to stop, “Sir, the boy you mentioned, I’ve seen him.”

Qin Ge quickly turned back, “Where?!”

“Are you his guardian?”

While Qin Ge felt annoyed, he also thought that this bartender was highly vigilant. Looking at it from another perspective, he was indeed quite reliable: “I’m his brother.” 

The bartender nodded, “It’s not the first time he’s here. Just a few days ago, we kicked him out, and today, for some reason, he managed to sneak in again. Go through the security passage over there. If someone stops you, say I let you through.”

Qin Ge thanked him and immediately walked toward the security passage, with Francisco closely following.

Behind the security passage, someone did try to stop them, but Qin Ge and Francisco mentioned the bartender’s guidance and were smoothly allowed to pass. Looking at the semi-zombified humans wandering in pairs in the security passage, the two of them felt that some kind of illegal transaction might be taking place in this passage.

Although the passage was not long, it was quite winding. After turning two corners, Qin Ge suddenly heard Jiang Xiaochuan’s voice coming from a room next to them.

The door was half open, with a sign that read “Dressing Room.”

Qin Ge signaled Francisco not to make a sound, and the two approached quietly.

“…This isn’t my first time here.” Jiang Xiaochuan’s voice could be heard from the crack in the door. He stood in the center of the dressing room, his hands tightly clasped and twisting together, occasionally grabbing the hem of his jacket, and his face turned red for some reason. His eyes, however, stared straight ahead at someone neither Qin Ge nor Francisco could see.

“I remember you,” a voice with a light, low, and husky tone responded, sounding gentle. “I was the one who pulled you out last time. How old are you this year? You don’t look eighteen. Minors aren’t allowed in Atlantis.”

“I-I know it was you. I came here today just to see you. The pole dance you did is the b-best I’ve ever seen,” Jiang Xiaochuan stammered, and Qin Ge knew this was his nervous reaction.

Francisco poked Qin Ge’s arm, silently asking: Is this a confession?

Qin Ge’s mind was in chaos right now, and he couldn’t answer Francisco: Jiang Xiaochuan confessing to a pole dancer in a bar?

The person with the gentle voice laughed again. “I’ve been dancing for more than ten years and won some awards, but hearing you praise me makes me really happy.”

“Many people like you.”

“Not really; I’m more pleased when a kid like you praises me. Look, you haven’t learned to lie yet, and even talking to me makes you this nervous.”

“I’m not a kid!” Jiang Xiaochuan shouted, “I-I really like you. You’re the m-most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And I’m really not a kid…”

Qin Ge: “…”

Francisco kept staring at Qin Ge. Qin Ge really wanted to punch him in the face right now.

“Many people like me, and you’re one of them. I know that.”

The dancer’s hand had distinct knuckles, long and fair, with black-painted nails. The person patted Jiang Xiaochuan’s shoulder solemnly and said, “But I’d rather you like my dance than me as a person.”

Francisco poked Qin Ge again, silently asking: Rejected?

Qin Ge didn’t need him to interpret; it was clearly a live broadcast. Jiang Xiaochuan wasn’t a fool either. After hearing this, his expression dimmed, and even his shoulders drooped. The blush that had appeared on his face due to nervousness and shyness gradually faded away, replaced by a pitiful pallor.

The dancer then asked about Jiang Xiaochuan’s age and whether he had any particular skills. Jiang Xiaochuan had to confess, “I’m sixteen.”

“Do you have any talents? For example, I’m good at dancing. What about you?”

Jiang Xiaochuan, somewhat less dejected, spoke about his expertise, “I work on robots…”

After a moment of silence in the room, the dancer exclaimed with disbelief and amazement, “Really!”

Jiang Xiaochuan raised his head in surprise and said, “R-really… I participated in the Asia-Pacific high school competition in Shanghai this year and won an award.”

“That’s amazing… Is it the type of robot that can run?”

Jiang Xiaochuan’s spirits lifted a bit as he talked about his expertise. He seemed less nervous now: “Our team designed an auxiliary search and rescue robot specifically for explorers, so, yes, it can run.”

“Auxiliary search and rescue? Why did you choose to do this? Have you been on an expedition and had firsthand experience?”

“I haven’t been yet.” The admired person became interested in his own affairs, and Jiang Xiaochuan completely returned to his usual talkative self. “I have a brother, he… he’s not my real brother, but I love him very, very much. He’s amazing! If you meet him, you’ll definitely like him. Uh, I know that something happened to his family during an expedition, so I’ve always wanted to make a lightweight robot that can send signals to the outside world at any time and move on its own to seek help in case of accidents. If we had such a robot back then…”

Qin Ge pulled Francisco away, and the two of them left the dressing room quietly.

The admired brother’s eyes became somewhat warm, and his nose felt a bit sour. Jiang Xiaochuan had been involved in a robotics interest group since primary school. While others were making robots that could dive and climb mountains, he insisted on making a robot that could run on beaches and rocky surfaces. Even the teacher told Qin Shuangshuang, “Your child lacks imagination,” but Jiang Xiaochuan was extremely stubborn. He repeatedly disassembled and studied the robot he had been working on since the fourth grade, reconstructing and improving it over and over again.

Qin Ge asked him why he had to make such a robot. At that time, Jiang Xiaochuan’s “Rescuer 1.0” had just taken shape, capable of running around the house, bypassing obstacles, and climbing table legs.

Jiang Xiaochuan refused to tell him the reason, just mysteriously smiling: Brother, you’ll know in the future.

“Kids are really cute,” Francisco murmured. “I also have brothers and sisters, but I haven’t seen them in over a hundred years; they are too far away.”

He chattered beside Qin Ge, who listened with only partial attention until he saw the door of the dressing room completely open, and the light shone into the security passage. Jiang Xiaochuan walked out, followed by a tall woman.

Originally, Qin Ge had no favorable impression of the dancer admired by Jiang Xiaochuan, but after eavesdropping for a few minutes, his opinion had changed somewhat.

“Xiaochuan.” Qin Ge called him and walked over, meeting the inquisitive gaze of the woman. “I’m his brother.”

“Oh!” The woman smiled, immediately reaching out to him and saying, “Hello, hello, I’m Meng Yu.”

Qin Ge had no choice but to report his name. Jiang Xiaochuan stood on the side, uneasy and nervous, not daring to look at Qin Ge, sweating even at his temples.

“He came to the back, and I saw him, so I criticized him for a while,” Meng Yu said with a smile. “He’s only sixteen, but he’s a good kid.”

Jiang Xiaochuan’s face turned visibly redder.

“Thank you,” Qin Ge said sincerely. “I just came in to find him. Luckily, I saw you coming out, or I would have to run elsewhere again.”

He felt that Meng Yu’s makeup was a bit thick. The cosmetics had transformed the shape of her eyes and mouth. If she removed her makeup, she probably wouldn’t be recognizable.

Francisco also approached and shook hands with Meng Yu. “Hello, I’m also your audience. You danced well today.”

He stared at Meng Yu for a while, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. “You…”

Meng Yu smiled at him and said, “Hmm?”

Francisco: “…nothing, you’re very beautiful.”

Meng Yu wore a black sleeveless dance dress today, extending around her neck with a large hollow design on the back. Several black ribbons hung from her waist, swaying gently with her movements. She walked out of the security passage with Qin Ge and the others. Qin Ge walked beside her, and Meng Yu chatted with Francisco, occasionally looking at him and smiling.

Meng Yu was almost as tall as Qin Ge, making her frame appear large, but her posture was graceful, her waist soft, and every movement seemed to be carefully designed. Jiang Xiaochuan followed beside Qin Ge, not daring to look at her, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

The group finally met at the entrance of the Atlantis.

Tang Xing and Tang Cuo were still talking in low voices. When they looked up and saw Meng Yu, they were suddenly stunned.

Meng Yu smiled at them, and Qin Ge keenly sensed a different emotion in that smile.

The two women didn’t greet each other aloud; instead, they raised their hands and gestured to each other as if giving secret signals. Tang Cuo was particularly concerned about his sister’s affairs. “Your friend?”

“Yeah, good friend.” Tang Xing smiled. “Meng Yu, this is my brother.”

“Oh!” Meng Yu was extremely enthusiastic. She took a step forward, immediately shaking Tang Cuo’s hand tightly. “Hello, hello, hello! I’ve heard a lot about you, but it’s the first time we’ve met. I’m Meng Yu, a good friend of your sister.”

Tang Cuo looked at her suspiciously. “How does my sister know you?”

“It’s fate.” Meng Yu laughed. “Just like how I met you.”

“What about Ling Siyuan?” Tang Cuo asked. “He’s not here today?”

Meng Yu: “The boss? Yeah, he’s here. He’s been at the bar, mixing drinks. Didn’t you see him?”

Qin Ge: “…”

Francisco: “That half-zombie guy?!”

Meng Yu: “Yeah. Many bars in the Wangdu district are his, but the atmosphere is better here at Atlantis, so he likes to stay here.”

To show his familiarity with the boss, Tang Cuo nodded. “I got to know Ling Siyuan when I was doing ground surveys before. He was still with the Black Battalion at that time.”

“He still is now.” Meng Yu pointed at herself with a smile. “Actually, I am too.”

While everyone was chatting at the entrance of Artis, Qin Ge noticed that Xie Zijing was missing. He turned around to search for him and, at that moment, saw Xie Zijing turning from a nearby alley and running toward him.

“Where did you go?”

“Shh.” Xie Zijing lowered his voice. “I saw some strange people.”

Meng Yu led everyone away from the bar street, walking at the front with Tang Xing, chatting and laughing. Jiang Xiaochuan and Tang Cuo were both seeing vampires for the first time, feeling a mix of novelty and curiosity while listening to Francisco’s stories. Qin Ge and Xie Zijing walked at the back. Xie Zijing hooked his little finger around Qin Ge’s, whispering in his ear, “I might have seen patrolling Black Battalion members.”

When he was waiting for Qin Ge outside the bar just now, he saw someone running over the roof of the opposite building. The person’s speed was extremely fast, like a beast gliding over the black roof.

Xie Zijing was full of curiosity about Wangdu district and the people here. Compared to a peaceful job, places filled with excitement piqued his interest. Among the people wandering on the bar street were half-zombies, as well as sentinels and guides who freely released their spiritual bodies. Xie Zijing released his Barbary lion and found a place in the alley where he could climb, reaching the roof.

The outskirts had much less light pollution than the city, and the sky with a few clouds appeared particularly low. The densely packed stars were like a giant web, covering the area above the Wangdu district.

Xie Zijing saw the figure from earlier.

The person was tall but very thin. He stood on a distant tower, looking down at the crowd on the street. The lights on the street illuminated his face and half of his body. He was a stern-looking half-zombie.

After a moment, the person whistled, and soon a few people of similar height and thin build rushed up from the street. They didn’t seem to know what they were planning, quickly dispersing again. When they ran on the rooftops, they were light and fast, just like cats.

He brought the Barbary lion to the place where the half-zombie had just stayed, only to suddenly realize that this was the highest point in the Wangdu district. It was a tower with a large clock hanging from it, appearing so out of place compared to the other buildings around it. The Barbary lion climbed to the roof, and for the first time, standing on this urban high point, the giant beast suddenly shook its mane. The lion’s roar echoed like a bell, like thunder, erupting suddenly in the quiet night sky.

Even Xie Zijing didn’t expect it to roar so loudly, and he was startled. The sound alarmed some sentinels and guides on the ground, and many people looked up.

In a hurry, Xie Zijing retracted the Barbary lion and turned to leap down from the tower.

Several black figures appeared on the buildings around them from unknown locations, their slender bodies swaying gently in the night wind. Without exception, all of them were staring at Xie Zijing.

Xie Zijing recognized the stern-looking half-zombie from earlier and waved at him, awkwardly smiling. “I’m leaving now.”

No one responded to him. Xie Zijing slipped down from the tower and crossed through the dim streets and alleys, and when he returned to the entrance of Atlantis, he still felt the cold gaze behind him.

“Who are those people?” Qin Ge was uneasy. “You’re being too reckless.”

“Don’t worry, they are patrolling Black Battalion members.” Meng Yu turned around and smiled at them from the front. “As long as you don’t do anything bad, they won’t harm you. Besides, now that I’m with you, they know we’re companions, so they won’t cause trouble for you.”

Qin Ge was curious: “Meng Yu, what position do you hold in the Black Battalion?”

Since it was a team, there must be a hierarchy, or at least a leader.

“Meng Yu is one of the leaders of the Black Battalion.” Tang Xing said, “A call, and three hundred Black Battalion members will gather under your home, making you feel frightened.”

Meng Yu quickly grabbed Tang Xing’s hand. “Tang Xing!”

Tang Xing laughed it off, gesturing with Meng Yu holding her hand and walking arm in arm with Meng Yu.

Tang Cuo, unable to listen to Francisco’s stories anymore, stared intently at the backs of Tang Xing and Meng Yu, a myriad of chaotic thoughts swirling in his mind.

“Sis, you love Qing Meizi so much. I never expected you would like girls.” Back at home, Tang Cuo couldn’t help but want to talk to Tang Xing about her love life. He went straight to the point, “How long have you two been together?”

“We met last year, around the end of last year, when we got together.” Tang Xing was very candid and didn’t intend to hide anything. “But you got two things wrong.”

Tang Cuo: “How can Meng Yu stay in that place… What? What two things?”

“Firstly, even though I like Qing Meizi, it doesn’t mean I can’t like girls. You like men, but don’t you have a bunch of goddesses in games and movies?” Tang Xing tied her hair up, walking toward the bathroom to remove her makeup: “This is prejudice, Tang Cuo.”

Tang Cuo: “Okay, okay, all my fault. But that’s not what I wanted to say. I don’t mind you liking girls, but isn’t Meng Yu’s working environment a bit chaotic?”

“So, the second thing you got wrong.” Tang Xing poked her head out of the bathroom. “Meng Yu is not a girl.”

Tang Cuo: “…Ah?”

Tang Xing: “Meng Yu only likes to dress up as a girl during performances. He is a man.”

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