IHTIAP Chapter 135

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Chapter 135: The person I love

Just as Meng Yuan had estimated, right after the conclusion of “Echo Radio,” the tag #YuNianXieYou# that had been lingering at the bottom of the hot search list quickly surged to the top. It remained firmly in that position until the following noon without any movement.

Meanwhile, on the largest online forum in China, new threads were popping up one after another, all centered around Yu Nian and Xie You. One of these new threads gained a “hot” label within just an hour of being posted.

“Everyone is discussing the topic of Xie You and Yu Nian. The main points of contention are: 1) What is their relationship exactly? 2) When did their relationship become so close? 3) Why does Xie You frequently criticize Yu Nian on Weibo? Last night, I stared at the ceiling deep in thought until midnight and carefully pondered over these questions, organizing my thoughts logically.”

“First, what is their relationship? Initially, I was a member of the ‘good brothers’ faction, thinking that two boys who are so close must be best friends. Later, I leaned toward the ‘circle of friends, with Xie You as a genius student under the guidance of Yu Nian, possessing immense musical talent. As for Yu Nian, his dominance in the charts with his works speaks for itself, a gift from heaven. So, they appreciate each other’s talents and are mutually supportive – nothing wrong with that! But after watching the live performance of ‘Gleam’ last night, I pounded the table and declared that if this is not love, then what is? Thus, I proudly declare myself a member of the XieYou CP faction!”

“Second, when did their relationship become so close? Everyone knows that Xie You used to be Yu Nian’s number one anti-fan, earning his title of ‘head of anti-fans’ not by chance but through his own efforts. I wonder, perhaps their relationship was already this good back when Yu Nian first debuted? Otherwise, it’s hard to explain how Xie You’s dislike for Yu Nian suddenly transformed into a deep bond between them.”

“Third, building on the second point, is Xie You’s criticism of Yu Nian a facade? Why would he pretend? Most likely, it’s to cover something up and keep everyone guessing about the true nature of their relationship, misleading and confusing fans. So, what truth might they be concealing, requiring such deception and fan confusion? Please refer to the first point!”

[The logic of the original post is impeccable! I’m convinced! Every thread is arguing, but as long as we start with the premise that ‘Xie You criticizes Yu Nian to cover up their real relationship and mislead fans,’ everything falls into place! Also, Xie You has truly put in so much effort!]

[Ah, so Xie You’s past relentless criticism of Yu Nian was because Yu Nian had just debuted and couldn’t have any romantic rumors, right? That makes so much sense! We’ve all been thoroughly deceived, biased from the start, and convinced that Xie You disliked Yu Nian immensely. Nobody suspected any hidden secret between them when they were caught on camera outside the art gallery. This strategy is truly amazing! What a divine romance!]

[Newly converted YouYu girl is here, screaming! Ahhh! Can’t I enjoy this sweetener too? By the way, I highly recommend Yu Nian’s ‘Gleam.’ It’s my favorite of the year! So good!]

Quickly, the thread was reposted by a marketing account on Weibo, saying, “Yu Nian and Xie You were together before Yu Nian’s debut! Xie You pretended to be an anti-fan only to cover up their true relationship and mislead everyone! They’ve invested so much into this relationship…”

When Shi Rou showed this Weibo post and the original thread to Meng Yuan, he was amazed, “The analysis makes so much sense!”

“Exactly!” Shi Rou nodded repeatedly, “I think it’s very convincing! The logic is flawless, and I’m almost believing it myself!.”

Meng Yuan chuckled, “Well, are the fans from this generation really this exceptional? They’ve guessed almost everything right, not only logically sound but also fitting human nature.” He then looked at Yu Nian, who was being interviewed on stage and stroked his chin, “Some of the questions the host prepared actually touch on this. Yu Nian should have a response ready.”

Onstage, wearing a casual shirt and white wide-leg pants, host Song Yun sat elegantly, holding her cue cards, and turned towards the big screen, “We’re displaying a photo that Yu Nian posted on Weibo of you two as kids. From the photo, you were quite young back then, right?”

Yu Nian smiled and nodded, “Yes, at that time, I was still young and hadn’t grown much taller, while Yu Qing was already going through a growth spurt, so she appeared much older than me. We often took photos together in the courtyard of our home, and almost all the pictures were taken there.”

“By home, are you referring to the Sining Manor on Qingxi Road?”

“Exactly, the courtyard of our home was quite large, filled with flowers, trees, bird nests in the trees, insects on the ground, and a small pond with fish. Many interesting memories were left there,” Yu Nian reminisced with a nostalgic smile. “My grandparents didn’t restrict me back then either. I could lie on the ground and count ants, lean by the edge of the pond and talk to the fish—getting covered in mud was no big deal.”

The host followed up, “From your recollections, Mr. Xiuning and Ms. Lingyi were both very kind people.”

Yu Nian furrowed his brows while maintaining his smile, “Yes, both my grandparents were very kind to me.”

The host naturally transitioned to the second question, “So, when it comes to your parents not being involved in your upbringing, do you feel regretful?”

Yu Nian pondered for a couple of seconds and then spoke candidly, “Yes, I still feel a sense of regret. When I was a child, I would wonder why other kids had parents while I didn’t. My parents were separated temporarily due to circumstances, and my mother, unfortunately, passed away during childbirth. Due to various complicated reasons, my father only found out about my mother’s death years later. He was overwhelmed with grief and never set foot on this land again, unaware of my existence at the time. However, I know that my mother loved my father, and she loved me as well. This love gives me strength.”

It was the first time Yu Nian had discussed this topic in detail. The host, thinking of Yu Nian’s father being the ship king He Xiao, could almost imagine a tumultuous chapter from the past.

Sensing the weight of the topic, the host changed the subject, “Prior to this, you sang ‘Gleamt’ and ‘Serenade’ on ‘Echo Radio,’ and you and Xie You became the center of discussion. I’m also quite curious about your real relationship with Xie You.”

Upon hearing the name, a spark of light appeared in Yu Nian’s pupils as he smiled. He replied, “If I must say, I met Xie You shortly after my grandmother passed away, when I was eighteen, and he was nineteen at the time. However, we weren’t close back then.”

“So early?” The host was somewhat surprised, “You knew each other that early?”

Yu Nian didn’t go into detail, just nodding with a smile, “Yes.”

Without delving further, the host continued, “While preparing for this interview, I gathered a lot of information about you. Among them, while watching clips from the show ‘Treasure Hunt,’ I was curious whether Crown Prince Yu Huainan, the author of ‘Night Banquet’ Yu Hongzhi, and General Song Zhige’s wife, Yu Xianyang, were all part of your Qingshan Yu clan, your ancestors?”

“Yes, they’re all direct descendants of the Qingshan Yu clan. So, after the show recording, Elder Gu and Manager Gan teased me, saying I cheated since all this is extensively recorded in our family history.” Yu Nian pursed his lips with a smile. “But cheating also comes at a cost. In my childhood, I had to memorize ancient poems, literature, and even family history. The most challenging part was that when I piled up all the family history documents, they were taller than me. It was truly a nightmare!”

The host chuckled.

Yu Nian continued, “Speaking of which, I’m currently planning to build a private museum. I’ll display several generations of the Yu family’s collections there. The museum will be located on Qingchi Road in Ning City.”

The host looked surprised. “Why do you want to build a private museum? We all know that private museums require significant financial and emotional investment, and the revenue might not necessarily cover the costs.”

“That’s true.” Yu Nian nodded, his tone serious. “When building the museum, I have a lot of considerations, such as preserving cultural heritage and history, and allowing everyone to see these exquisite and deeply meaningful artifacts.”

“But the most important reason is that many people are calling out that the great wall of culture and history has fallen, and our nation will lose its heritage and beliefs. I haven’t thought about that much. I just want to use my own hands to rebuild the wall, even if it’s just one brick at a time.”

In the audience, Meng Yuan looked at Yu Nian under the spotlight and turned to Shi Rou beside him, “He never really considers how much value and significance his actions hold. How should I put it? He’s actually a very self-centered person.”

Shi Rou took over, “Despite all that, I’m still willing. Isn’t that what Yu Nian said?”

“Exactly, that’s the phrase.” Meng Yuan’s eyes held admiration. “That’s why he’s really determined. He doesn’t have the spare mental energy to dwell on what’s right, what’s supposed to be, what’s universally agreed upon, or what fits the average person’s way of thinking and values. He only does what he wants to do, and once he decides to do something, he goes all in, unwaveringly.”

Meng Yuan sighed, “I actually envy this strong confidence and conviction of his!”

After coming down from the stage and entering the backstage rest area, Yu Nian took the water that Shi Rou handed to him, drank it, and then turned to Meng Yuan, saying, “Brother Meng, I’m ready to make it public.”

His tone was natural, no different from saying, “I’m thirsty.”

Even though Meng Yuan had mentally prepared himself earlier, he stumbled slightly on his step, “When? In what form? No, I should say, on what exact month, day, hour, minute, and second?”

Compared to Meng Yuan, Shi Rou was excited, “Nian Nian, should we choose a special and meaningful time to announce it? Like 1:13 and 1:14, 1314!”

Yu Nian shook his head with a smile, “No need. Every moment I spend with Xie You is precious and special enough. It holds meaning.”

Upon hearing this, Meng Yuan rolled his eyes with disdain and then waved his hand, “Fine, I’ve prepared everything on my end long ago. I have plans A, B, C, and D. Don’t worry, Brother Meng has got you covered!”

Yu Nian’s smile grew wider, “Thanks for your hard work!”

The talk show aired on the evening of the following day, February 27th. After the program ended, the analysis thread once again climbed to the front page of the forum. Moreover, hashtags such as #YuNianParents#, #YuNianBuildingPrivateMuseum#, #YuNianXieYouKnewEachOtherEarly#, and #QingshanYuClan# all trended.

[#YuNianParents# A Legendary Love Story between the Ship King and the Aristocratic Lady! I went and looked up the background and life of ship king He Xiao and combined it with a few simple remarks Yu Nian made. Imagining it, what a heart-wrenching and beautiful love story!]

[#YuNianBuildingPrivateMuseum# How many treasures does the family actually have to build a museum to fit them all? I remember back when I used to diss Yu Nian for being too poor to even afford takeout, a spoiled rich boy character. Now I want to go back in time and tell myself to stop the nonsense! I’m about to get slapped in the face!]

[#YuNianXieYouKnewEachOtherEarly# Ahh, squealing! So that speculation is true? Even if it’s not, they were 18 and nearly 20! Mom, I’m shipping so hard that I’m crying out loud!」

[#QingshanYuClan# What Yu Nian said was really nice. I always feel like I’m getting to know him all over again each time. Instead of meaningless lamentation, let’s focus on what we can do and not let our national culture and history collapse! Together, we can do it!]

On the morning of the 28th, Yu Nian knelt on the bed, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He skillfully adjusted Xie You’s tie while helping him get ready. Out of habit, he leaned in to kiss the corner of Xie You’s lips. Then, seeming as if he had no strength left, Yu Nian flopped onto Xie You’s body, soft and relaxed.

“Xie You.”

Instinctively, Xie You’s hand wrapped around Yu Nian’s waist, holding him close. With a deep and gentle voice, Xie You responded, “Hmm?”

“Let’s post something on Weibo together!”

Understanding Yu Nian’s intention immediately, Xie You lowered his gaze to look at him, his eyes carrying the gentleness of a mountain breeze. “Alright.”

A few minutes later, both of their Weibo accounts were updated simultaneously.

“Yu Nian: The person I love, @XieYou.”

“Xie You: The person I love, @YuNian.”

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