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Fantasy Amusement Park
Chapter 92: Extortion


Under the gaze of those calm and smiling eyes, Brother Scar couldn’t help being startled, and a strong chill slowly climbed up his back for no reason.

Wh–what’s going on?

Why did he suddenly have such a strong sense of crisis?!

Under his palm, the other party’s throat was warm and soft, and through a thin layer of skin, he could feel the extraordinarily clear and steady pulse of blood, as if he hadn’t been affected at all.

…not at all like the heartbeat of a man whose throat had been pinched in the palm of an enemy.

Wasn’t this guy an anchor on the beauty list? Why was he so calm?

Something was wrong.

This was not right!

A strong sense of uneasiness fermented and spread from the bottom of his heart, and some voice screamed in his mind, urging him to do something.

However, before he had time to take action, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Darkness fell.

A deep, silent corridor stretched out in front of him. The ground was cold and clean, and the doors of the rooms on both sides were closed, like black eyes silently staring into the distance.

This… where was this?

It seemed to be…

A hospital?

 Brother Scar felt a shiver creep slowly up his spine.

“This—where is this place?” came the surprised voice of his teammate from behind.

Brother Scar turned his head and glanced behind him, only to see that several other teammates of his had actually appeared here. Each of them looked extremely shocked and confused, and a sense of fear was brewing in everyone’s eyes.

“Weren’t we in the fantasy amusement park?”

Suddenly, one of them widened his eyes: “Scar, Brother Scar, you, your hand—”

Brother Scar was startled.

Only then did he realize that the neck in the palm of his hand had become extremely cold and thin, completely unlike what a normal human being should have.

He lowered his head slowly, little by little.

 A huge, blue-purple head was half upturned, and the white-less eyes stared at him firmly. The skin was covered with thin and dense blood vessels, and there was a “giggle” coming from its mouth.


The innocent child’s voice rang in his ears:

“Mom said, I can play with you.”

Brother Scar felt the hairs all over his body explode, and he jerked back suddenly, but he felt more cold, scratchy touches on his back and shoulders.

His pupils constricted, and he turned his head slowly.

Huge bluish-purple heads crawled out from behind, each with the same big smile on their face, and the giggling sounds of cheerful children echoed in the cold corridor.


A shrill scream came from behind.

Countless blue-purple ghost babies crawled from all directions and stretched out their small hands, giggling in unison.


Brother Scar reacted instantly.

 This anchor had a very rare kind of illusion ability! It could create the illusion of large groups and was extremely tricky to use in team fights.

Dammit, this team of anchors was so f*cking difficult!

“Calm down!!”

Brother Scar shouted hoarsely: “This is an illusion; this is the ability of the anchor over there. Calm down; these images only exist in our minds. They are not real! And they can only last for a minute at most, as long as—”

“Are you sure?”

The young man’s hoarse and laughing voice sounded not far away.


Brother Scar’s eyes widened, and he suddenly looked in the direction of the voice.

Wen Jianyan was standing not far away. Several identical ghost babies with the same purple bodies were lying all over his body, hanging from his arms and shoulders. A pair of smiling amber eyes looked over from the darkness:

“Everything is an illusion?”

Brother Scar’s pupils suddenly constricted.

He seemed to realize something. He slowly lowered his head and looked at his body.

Only to see a blue-purple ghost baby lying in his stomach. His belly grew rapidly as if inflated, and his skin was so thin that it was transparent as if poking it would make it explode from the inside out.


A fierce scream erupted from his throat.

So real, all these touches… all too real!

Was this really an illusion-type ability?

And… even if it was, the time limit should have passed! It was very rare for such a large illusion to last for a minute, but…

Why, why had it not disappeared until now?!

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, what’s the theory behind it? What’s the theory?!!]

[My god, is this the so-called mental pollution?!]

[I remember that there is a prop that seems to be able to reproduce the memory, right? But this scene doesn’t look like the anchor’s memory…it’s like a fabricated scene…F*ck, it’s really mental pollution, my scalp is feeling numb.]

 Brother Scar was firm-hearted and exchanged for a bottle of mental tranquilizer.

After drinking this bottle, no matter how talented the opposite anchor was, all illusions would disappear!

But unexpectedly, not only did the opposite party not stop him, but he stood calmly not far away, with a smile in his eyes, watching with ease.

……What was going on?

 Why didn’t he seem worried at all?

The anchors, whose ability was an illusion, were the most afraid of this kind of prop, weren’t they?

A strong sense of uneasiness welled up in Brother Scar’s heart.

However, he had no time to think about it. He unscrewed the cap of the tranquilizer and poured it in, drop by drop.

In just a few seconds, a bottle of tranquilizer was consumed in the blink of an eye, and the bottle fell to the ground and shattered.


Brother Scar stared wide-eyed in horror. Seeing the bluish-purple ghost babies crawling up his body and gradually covering him, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

How could it be…

 How could it be?!!

Wen Jianyan looked at the anchors who were running in front of him, and a vague smile flashed across his lips.

Because his ability had never been to create illusions.

He was just subtly guiding the other party, making them think that his ability could create illusions.

Their entire team used their abilities as soon as they came up, and the opponent naturally assumed with inertial thinking that what he was using now was also an ability.

Therefore, after the default was broken, they fell into a more fragile mental state, reflexively thinking that they were in a worse situation and thus infinitely magnifying the opponent’s advantages in their minds.

Tranquilizers certainly couldn’t help.

What he deceived was never the opponent’s spirit or brain, but their five senses.

The reason he dared to go to the gift shop to buy gifts with great fanfare at the beginning of the instance was naturally that he had already prepared what he had to do.

 Wen Jianyan was very self-aware.

Since he entered the Nightmare live broadcast room, he had formed too many enemies. It was okay when he was in system space; after all, he could block them by changing his outward appearance. But after entering the instance, it was different. He couldn’t enter an instance wearing an appearance yet, so he directly opened his point reserve. Although he hadn’t met a revenge seeker in an instance yet, with his luck, the props for anti-pursuit must be carried with him.

 Before entering the instance, Wen Jianyan went to the free trade zone to make purchases.

None of the props he bought were used to clear the instance; all of them were to save his life during the hunt.

 He was not using an ability.

They were props disguised as an ability.

 This method couldn’t be used from the beginning.

After all, before the start of the team battle, the anchors would habitually cover themselves with passivation film, but after several other people in the team used up this period of time, there would be no restrictions.

The current scene was completed using several different props.

Polaroid, a D-level prop, could reproduce and construct the scene in memory, but it was just a single frame that couldn’t be changed. Although the use time was not short, it could be easily cracked as long as it was moved.

However, under the influence of Wen Ya’s talent, the opponent’s ability to act could be greatly alleviated.

A hidden item found in the free trade zone, the fear mushroom.

 Grind it into powder, smear it on the whip, and seep it into the opponent’s skin and blood during the battle. Although it couldn’t make people hallucinate, it would make the anchor fall into a state of intense fear that couldn’t be shaken off, effectively reducing the opponent’s psychological defense.

The most important of these was the legendary item “Remains of the Holy Infant” that Wen Jianyan got from Fukang Private General Hospital.

Before entering this instance, Wen Jianyan hardened his heart and spent a lot of points to upgrade this item to one level.

He originally thought that after upgrading, the time for obtaining the identity would be extended, but unfortunately, things backfired, and the effective time did not change, but a second option was added—

Summoning ghost babies.

It was a pity that the summoning time and quantity of this option were extremely limited. With the current level of the item, it could only summon a pitiful ghost baby at most, and it must be activated at a very close distance.

In the face of team battles, the effect could almost be said to be negligible.

So, this called for one last prop.

Plasticine, a D-level stand-in prop—although it could do the work, there must be enough details to be established, and they would act under the anchor’s will.

Because the establishment effect was very harsh and most of the stand-ins produced were crooked and easy to see through, and because this stand-in prop also had low-level replacements in the E-level system store that also consumed fewer points, most of the anchors wouldn’t choose to buy it.

But Wen Jianyan was different.

 He didn’t need these “stan-ins” to be real; he just needed them to be large enough to cast a strong psychological shadow on people.

overwhelming and densely packed—the kind that could make people have nightmares at a glance.

If he said that under the premise that he was alone, the success rate of this plan was only 50%, but with the help of the rest of his teammates, the success rate directly soared to 70% to 80%.

Even the most critical “close” steps were directly completed by the opponent.

How could he lose?!

Wen Jianyan walked forward slowly and knelt down in front of Brother Scar.

Under the horrified gaze of the other party, he raised his hand and lightly pressed his palm on the other’s round and swollen belly, rubbing it gently and feeling the wriggling and protrusion under the thin skin.

Of course, the most important thing was…

This one on Brother Scar was not plasticine.

The genuine ghost baby he could summon was in the opponent’s stomach at this moment, and as long as he wanted to, it could immediately burst the opponent’s belly and crawl out of his body.

The young man had a smile in his eyes:

 “So, for my unborn baby, how many coupons are you willing to pay?”

 No, it’s impossible, they couldn’t lose!

This was an illusion, it must be an illusion! As long as he killed the other party, everything would be over!

There was a flicker of madness in Brother Scar’s eyes, a blade appeared in his palm, and he rushed forward—

But the next second, the ghost baby in his belly began to struggle viciously.

 At the mother’s signal, it began to hatch.

The feeling of something growing in the body was so clear and terrifying that it made him tremble and be frightened.

The blade stopped in front of the young man’s slender neck. Brother Scar’s face instantly turned pale, and intermittent screams escaped from his throat.


Extreme fear flashed in his pupils.

The phenomena experienced had progressed layer by layer, and the presuppositions had been broken again and again. Brother Scar was finally sure now.

The other party’s ability was much more terrifying than he imagined. This couldn’t be an illusion; this was directly creating a whole ghost domain that could be completely controlled by the other party, and there were hundreds of ghost babies in it!

He couldn’t beat it.

It was impossible to beat.

This was unsolvable… almost like crushing a bug!

There were so many ghost babies, even if there was a chance to kill one, the others would climb up to the body again; there was no way to do it—

Brother Scar’s pupils dilated in horror.

 “Yes, I’m sorry! It’s because I was blind and failed to recognize the fact…”

With a “clang”, the knife in his hand slipped to the ground. The man’s tall and strong body trembled slightly, his eyes had completely lost their fighting spirit, and his lips quivered. He stammered and said tremblingly:

“I was wrong, I was wrong! Don’t-don’t let it move, please! I, I will give, I will give—” 

“Ten coupons for each person, sixty coupons—”

 “That’s how one should behave.”

 Wen Jianyan spoke with a smile.

“But…” He frowned with some annoyance: “This was the price before.”

With a smile on his lips, he leaned down again. His amber eyes gleamed with childlike naughtiness; his face was so beautiful and harmless as if a beauty-list anchor that could hook people’s heartstrings. But at this moment, in the eyes of the other party, this pure and delicate face was like that of a devil’s, making him chill.

“Sixty coupons are not enough now.”

The young man’s slightly hoarse voice was soft and sweet, like a whisper between lovers:

“I gave you a chance just now.”

The author has something to say: 

A dog liar who returned to his old profession: Thank you, it was great.

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  1. Ah, that was brutal. I approve! Ghost baby is still as cute and easily swayed to go along his crooked mom’s schemes as always, which I also approve!

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