WTNL Chapter 276

Follow Up
Chapter 276: Desire to conquer

The originally dim and grey interior of the building had now been completely overtaken by a surging, pitch-black darkness. Shadows swirled like a raging tide, forming a massive vortex, resembling a chaotic, enraged beast crashing and rolling in the vast space. It seemed as though the vortex would, at any moment, swallow the two people standing at its center.

The two were pressed closely together, like intimate friends or lovers—if you ignored the brass-colored short blade buried deep in one of their chests. Thick blood, like molten gold, flowed down from the wound, trickling like a small broadcast and pooling at their feet.

After five instances of manipulation, control, and threats of death… the blade that had been driven into his heart was finally paid back in full. In a grey world, revenge and debt collection are the rules of survival.

“…” Wu Zhu lowered his eyes, looking down at his own chest.

Between the open black sleeves of his robe, his pale chest was rapidly becoming transparent. Golden blood seeped from the heart, merging with eerie black runes, like wicked vines growing out of nowhere—beautiful yet ominous. Power was slipping away, dissipating, beyond recovery.

He raised a hand and touched the wound on his chest, as if unsure.

…What was this sensation?

So unfamiliar.

Staring at the wound on his chest, the god who once stood above all was momentarily dazed.

Could this be what they call “pain”?

At that moment, the one who had caused this strange sensation loosened his grip on the hilt of the blade, slowly stepping back, casually throwing out a remark:  

“Now we’re even.”

However, just as his fingers were about to leave the handle, a solid mass of darkness abruptly wrapped around Wen Jianyan’s wrist, yanking him back forcefully!


Wen Jianyan was startled. He quickly raised a hand, pressing it against Wu Zhu’s chest to avoid being pulled into the other’s embrace.


Wu Zhu slowly lifted his gaze. His face had turned more transparent and faint, as if he would disappear into the air at any moment.

The dying beast, born from the abyss, lifted its head, staring at the human who held the blade.  

His follower, his bishop, his possession. 

After dragging him into the depths of desire, he now chose to betray him without mercy.

Wu Zhu studied Wen Jianyan’s face.



Of course.  

As the one who wielded control, being stabbed through the chest by someone he thought he had already possessed without any defence was a shock.

Even the most terrifying torture or the most tragic death would be a mild punishment for such betrayal.


It was as if Wu Zhu was seeing Wen Jianyan for the first time. He stared intently at the human’s shocked expression with an unusual seriousness.

The look of disbelief on his face faded, becoming blurry and faint. Only those golden eyes remained sharp, as if an invisible wildfire blazed within them, illuminating his abyss-like gaze.

Yes, intense anger and murderous intent burned deep in his heart, unleashing endless malice.  

But beyond that, what he felt…  

was more surprise, curiosity, and even an unprecedented sense of exhilaration.

Blood continued to gush from his chest.  

This foreign sensation, called “pain,” was born within his cold and dead body, and it was growing wildly.

“…Haha.” Wu Zhu’s lips curled, and a low chuckle escaped his throat, growing clearer and louder, until it erupted into uncontrollable laughter.  


The cold-blooded god, the evil-lustful beast, in the moment just before being killed by his most cherished follower, for the first time revealed such a vivid emotion, laughing with unrestrained joy.  

It was exhilarating, high-pitched, and cruel.

It was enough to make one’s skin crawl.

Wen Jianyan stared at him in shock, seemingly unable to understand why the man before him would behave so bizarrely. Under such circumstances, anger and hatred would be normal.  

But why…  

was he laughing?  

He must be insane!

A chill ran down his spine as he couldn’t help but speak:  

“Hey, you…”


Wu Zhu slowly interrupted, his face still smiling, as he shook his head, drawing out his words.  


In the next second, before Wen Jianyan could react, the darkness coiled around his wrist suddenly tightened, forcibly binding his hand to the hilt of the blade!

The dark tentecles slowly tightened their grip—

Wu Zhu was forcing him to hold the brass knife, pushing the blade even deeper into his chest!!!

Wu Zhu’s smile widened.


Wen Jianyan’s pupils contracted, barely able to control his expression.

What exactly—

In the next second, the darkness tightly restrained the young man’s body. The molten gold-like blood climbed up his arm, shoulder, and neck, flowing upwards and eventually sinking into him.

“Cough, cough, cough!…”

Wen Jianyan chocked and started coughing.

The horrible and fishy smell filled his nose, like scorching magma or perhaps icy melting snow, sliding down his throat as if trying to forcibly merge him with Wu Zhu.

“Does it hurt?” Wu Zhu asked leisurely.

Wen Jianyan: “Cough, cough, cough!”  

He couldn’t speak, the intense pain flooding his body.

Wu Zhu licked his lips, the smile on his face growing wider. “Good, it should.”

He raised his nearly transparent hand, gripping Wen Jianyan’s chin, slowly leaning in.  

“You’re the only human who has ever tasted my blood—”

The power wrapped around Wen Jianyan’s hand intensified.  

The brass blade sank deeper, nearly piercing through Wu Zhu’s chest completely.

The evil god gazed at the human before him. His once-narrow pupils dilated and rounded. The golden irises formed a thin rim around his pupils, as if this brutal, violent act had awakened his most primal desires and fervor.

Wu Zhu tilted his head, licking the corner of Wen Jianyan’s lips, tasting his own blood.  

The cold, wet tip of his tongue trailed up, slithering like a snake across his skin.

A sigh escaped from his throat.

The taste of pain… how delicious.  

How interesting.  

What a fascinating human.

And all of this thrilled him so much.

“How does it taste?” Wu Zhu asked in a hoarse voice.

Wen Jianyan was still coughing violently, choking to the point of tears, barely able to respond.  

But suddenly, he froze, forgetting even the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.

Because he clearly felt…  

Something hard gradually awakening, pressing insistently against his thigh.  

The two were so close, it was impossible to mistake it.

Wen Jianyan: “???”  

His pupils trembled.



“Looking forward to our next meeting,” Wu Zhu said. His figure had almost become completely transparent by now.  

Cold flames burned in his eyes, but the smile on his lips never faded. “…my dear liar.”

As his words fell, the man’s figure seemed to lose all support, completely dissipating.  

In the next second, the brass knife lost its anchor and clattered to the ground.  

The thick darkness, now without its master, began to crumble, disintegrating, and collapsing.

Without the restraining force, Wen Jianyan slumped to the ground, gasping for air. The taste of the evil god’s blood still lingered in his mouth and nose, like a vast net covering his senses—sticky, bloody, and filled with the aura of dark evil.

In his ears, the familiar system notification sounded:

【Rebuilding connection…】  

【Connecting to the anchor hall…】  

【Transmitting to hall…】

As the voice faded, Wen Jianyan’s vision blurred.  

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the familiar, spacious white room.

He had returned to the anchor hall.

At that moment, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in his ear:  

“Honored anchor Wen Jianyan, greetings.”

It’s here.

Wen Jianyan perked up.

“Thank you for your full cooperation in helping the system eliminate the unknown bug. As a token of our gratitude for your contribution to Nightmare, we will reward you generously. In your upcoming live broadcasts, your point accumulation rate will be increased by 130%, and you may select one item from Nightmare’s legendary items without any restrictions on rarity or type…”

It worked.  

It seemed the brass knife could indeed “kill” Wu Zhu.  


Wen Jianyan narrowed his eyes, cutting off the system’s emotionless broadcast:

“Wait, I remember last time; wasn’t there another reward option?”

Last time, Nightmare’s exact words were, “Choose any one item from the legendary items or the system shop,” but when Wen Jianyan actually completed the task, they quietly removed the “system shop items” from the reward options—Wen Jianyan had specifically confirmed that the condition of “any item from the system shop” included the “Soul Contract Termination Coupon,” which would allow him to completely escape Nightmare.

“That’s correct.”  

The system’s mechanical voice remained completely devoid of emotion. “We greatly appreciate your cooperation and assistance. However, although the main body of the unidentified bug has disappeared, the potential for it to reappear remains. Therefore, after careful consideration, the system has decided to remove the ‘system shop selection’ from the rewards. We ask for your understanding.”

“…So, you’re saying you’re going back on your word?”

“Not at all,” the system responded smoothly, as if already programmed to answer. “Once the system has fully completed its self-inspection and confirmed that there is no further risk of the bug reappearing, you will naturally receive the original reward.”

Wen Jianyan chuckled instead of getting angry: “That’s not what you said before.”

“Of course, if you do not wish to wait for the system’s self-inspection to finish, you may choose to assist in the ongoing repair of the bug. Your participation will significantly speed up the repair process, allowing you to receive the system shop item sooner.”

It appeared reasonable on the surface, but it was actually shameless backpedaling.  

That “Soul Contract Termination Coupon” was like a carrot dangling in front of him, an empty promise that would never be fulfilled. After Wen Jianyan personally eliminated the threat of Wu Zhu, Nightmare had lost its fear, and so not only did it renege on the previous agreement, but it also tried to blackmail Wen Jianyan into continuing to work for free.

—Exactly as expected.

“As compensation, you may request additional rewards.”

They’ve finally reached this point.

As if resigning himself, Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, slowly raised his head, and stared into the empty void in front of him: “…Fine, I accept your terms. I’ll help you continue to exterminate the bug, but I have one condition.”

“Please state it.”

“You know I’ve established a guild now,” Wen Jianyan said. “You’ve always been monitoring the anchor’s movements, so you should be aware of the friction and tension between my guild and the Oracle… However, I don’t need Nightmare to intervene, because that’s not what I want…”


The air fell silent. There was no response.  

Wen Jianyan didn’t mind and continued speaking:

“My second condition is simple. I want my guild to be number one.”  

He stared at the pale space in front of him, the fire of ambition burning in his eyes. “Number one in all of Nightmare.”

“I’m afraid your request cannot be fulfilled,” the system’s voice finally replied. “Nightmare’s guild rankings are based on a point system, and even the backend cannot interfere. However, if you wish, the system can offer you a higher points multiplier—”

Before the system could finish, Wen Jianyan interrupted, “Nightmare also made a deal with the Oracle, didn’t it?”


The system’s voice abruptly stopped.  

Once again, the vast space plunged into a dead silence.

“The Oracle’s strength and unshakable position aren’t just because they ‘monopolized the prophets,’ right?” He looked into the void and continued, enunciating each word carefully, “It would be more accurate to say… they ‘monopolized the souls of the prophets.’”

By absorbing anchors with prophetic abilities into their guild and somehow turning their souls and lives into “tools” to be used without restraint, the Oracle maintained its top position through such cruel and bloody means.  

Nightmare was undoubtedly making things easier for them for a reason.

“I assume you have some secret tasks that require the Oracle’s help, something you don’t want anyone else to know about, right?” Wen Jianyan stared into the void, his voice soft yet imbued with undeniable authority and arrogance:  

“You know my instance completion rate, and you’ve analyzed my broadcasts. So you should understand—any task the Oracle can complete, I can do it better.”

“So, my request is simple… Give me the task.”

Wildness, desire, and greed coalesced in the human’s eyes, twisted into a formidable force.  

“The privileges they have, I want.”  

“Their status, I want even more.”

“I want my guild to replace the Oracle and become the official guild of all Nightmare, sitting at the top of every leaderboard.”

The silence stretched long and oppressive.

After a considerable time, the system’s mechanical voice finally broke the suffocating stillness:  “…Nightmare’s internal system will review your request. Please be patient while awaiting our response.”

In the next moment, the empty white space vanished.  

Wen Jianyan looked up and glanced around.  

—He had been directly transported back to his room.

The curtains were habitually drawn, leaving the room in darkness, offering a false sense of security.


Wen Jianyan raised a hand, pressing his fingers against his temple, which was aching from exhaustion, then turned and headed to the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face, rubbing it roughly. 

He took a deep breath and lifted his head to stare at his reflection in the mirror.

The young man’s face was reflected in the glass, pale and damp, with no excess expression, looking distant and detached.

He stared into his own eyes.  

Those familiar yet unfamiliar eyes, filled with cold calculation.

Everything was going smoothly.

Just as he had predicted before the start of the “Changsheng Building” instance.

From the beginning, Wen Jianyan knew the next instance he was about to enter was of utmost importance—both to Nightmare and to Wu Zhu.  

What Nightmare likely sought was some sort of lethal tool capable of completely eliminating Wu Zhu, while what Wu Zhu wanted was probably some form of powerful force that once belonged to him.

This meant that no matter which side Wen Jianyan chose to help, it would inevitably disrupt the fragile balance that had existed before.

“If Wu Zhu becomes too powerful, then the ownership of his soul will be transferred into the hands of the other party, and he will be forever imprisoned in darkness, just like what was shown in the “Changsheng Building” instance—becoming the other party’s captive and pet.

And if Nightmare becomes too powerful…

Then what just happened will repeat itself.

The unbalanced Nightmare, fully possessing absolute control, could shamelessly tear up the contract, making him a permanent anchor for Nightmare, a laborer completing tasks until he’s squeezed dry of his last bit of value.

That’s everything Wen Jianyan wanted to avoid.

He was a fraudster who thrived on deception and intrigue, someone who played the game of balance and manipulation.

Any side losing balance would be a disaster.

Wen Jianyan lifted his hand, undoing the buttons of his shirt in front of the mirror.

His fingers were soft and pale, slowly undoing each button with graceful precision. The scarlet fabric of his robe gradually opened, revealing large patches of smooth, white skin, a firm chest, and a toned abdomen.

Soon, the last button was undone. The bright red wedding robe slipped off his shoulders, pooling seductively at his feet.

Wen Jianyan stared at his reflection in the mirror.

Near his hipbone, close to his lower abdomen, the intricate scarlet rune had completely disappeared, leaving only flawless skin that rose and fell with his even breathing.

The brand symbolizing Wu Zhu’s name had vanished from his skin, signaling that the unequal contract had finally been broken.


Wu Zhu’s existence was too unique; he likely couldn’t be killed in the truest sense. Otherwise, Nightmare wouldn’t have needed to dismember him into fragments and seal him within different instances.

However, that brass knife could still inflict fatal and irreversible damage, potentially sending him back into the slumber he started from.

For Nightmare, that was enough.

So, when Wen Jianyan returned to the anchor hall, Nightmare had thanked him for completing the system’s bug extermination. Even though Wu Zhu couldn’t be completely killed, Nightmare could now regain control.

Wen Jianyan squinted, casually running his hand over the spot where the brand once was.

Something glittered on his finger.

It was a black ouroboros, a metallic serpent wrapped around the young man’s pale, slender finger, biting its own tail. In the bright bathroom light, it gleamed with a cold luster.

Wen Jianyan lowered his head, turning the ouroboros ring on his finger.

The diameter, once far too loose, had shrunk to fit snugly around his finger after imprisoning Wu Zhu. It now clung tightly to his finger, and no matter how hard he tried to take it off, he couldn’t remove it.

He had known from the start…

Even before entering the “Changsheng Building” instance, he had anticipated that the object Nightmare needed him to find would likely be something like this.

So, what had Wen Jianyan exchanged with the wooden plaque and parchment he got from Mosen?

The answer: “The true method of using the ouroboros.”

The ouroboros was an item from the “Ping An Asylum” instance, eventually used in the “Fantasy Amusement Park” instance for some unknown reason.

And in the asylum, Wen Jianyan learned that it was designed to seal and restrain the power of gods.

That explained why the ouroboros could, in the amusement park, imprison and even extract and steal fragments of Wu Zhu’s soul.

Wen Jianyan had guessed its function but didn’t know its usage method.

Until the parchment provided the answer—

“Feed the great serpent with the blood of gods.”

That was why, after getting the confirmation, Wen Jianyan had taken two items from his backpack.

The brass knife and the ouroboros.

Before leaving that confined space, Wen Jianyan placed the ouroboros on the hand holding the knife. It was still too loose for a human finger, but by gripping the knife tightly, the ouroboros couldn’t fall off. Thus, at the moment Wen Jianyan stabbed Wu Zhu from behind, the ouroboros absorbed the god’s blood and successfully captured a fragment of his soul, completing the imprisonment.

In other words… In the “Changsheng Building” instance, Wen Jianyan not only managed to free himself from Wu Zhu’s control, but also earned Nightmare’s trust, gained an opportunity to delve deeper into the system’s core secrets, and, most importantly, imprisoned a fragment of a god’s soul.

Killing a god, imprisoning a god, conquering a god.

To seize absolute control, to hold that terrifying, incomprehensible entity firmly in his hands, even forcing it to obey his commands…

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, bracing his hands against the sink, trying to steady his trembling fingers.

That sense of holding supreme power, of pulling a god down from its pedestal, satisfied his human need for conquest. The thrill of excitement surged from his nerves, making his whole body heat up, his blood boiling.

He raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror again.

The pale skin, shrouded in steam, had a faint flush. Tiny beads of sweat formed on the tip of his nose. His lips parted slightly, revealing sharp teeth. In the depths of his amber eyes, a burning desire slowly ignited.


He was enjoying this.

Enjoying it immensely.

He was an extreme hedonist, in love with life. But at the same time, he was a gambler walking the edges of a gray world. Deep down, Wen Jianyan craved madness and excitement. Otherwise, why would he choose to live alongside danger and make a career out of deception?

He enjoyed pleasure, but he also loved the thrill of walking the edge of an abyss, dancing with death.

When the adrenaline surged to its peak, it brought an intoxicating high—

But wait.

Wen Jianyan suddenly paused, as if recalling something unpleasant. He lowered his head, his gaze falling on the ouroboros around his finger.

The joy on his face faded like a receding tide, leaving behind a complex and subtle expression.

Wen Jianyan remembered what had happened near the end of the last instance.

Wu Zhu’s eyes, his laughter, and, in the final moments, the thing pressed against his thigh…


His expression stiffened.

He had almost stabbed him to death! How was it still… hard?????

Was he a pervert???


Author’s Note:

It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re not that normal either (affectionate).

Actually, in psychology, sharp blades and the primal concept of ‘se-x’ are closely linked.

According to Freud’s theory, killing is also a form of se-xual instinct. The blade piercing the body symbolizes the release of both the desire to conquer and sexual desire. It’s a commonality between primal violence.

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  1. Really excited to see how the relationship progresses from now on, Wu Zhu is really interesting and fun and now that his feeling have taken a turning pooint I have the feeling that he will be a riot, thanks for the tl!