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Fukang Hospital
Chapter 26.2: Unsolved dead end

He bent down to pick up the deformed ghost baby, and let it lie in his arms at a comfortable angle, “Baby, don’t you want to spend more time with your mother?” 

The blue-purple ghost baby was visibly stunned for a moment, and then, it suddenly eased up and raised its voice hastily.

“Of course!”

It once again embraced Wen Jianyan’s arms possessively, staring at its mother with those pure black eyes that occupied a large proportion of its head, its voice surprised and admiring.

“My mom is my favorite!”

“Look, I have already said that my mom is the most gentle, beautiful, and loving mom in the world.” 

The ghost baby turned its head. Its expression suddenly turned ferocious, revealing its sharp teeth at the other ghost babies who were sneaking up closer.

“This is my mom, you are not allowed to rob him!”

Wen Jianyan embraced the ghost baby and smiled affectionately at it.

“Mom won’t go anywhere.”

“Mom loves you so much.” 

The ghost baby pressed its forehead on the young man’s chest and looked at him with the eyes of a child’s pure admiration and dependence. Although its appearance was terrifying and frightening, almost making people feel goosebumps, the young man didn’t seem to notice it at all.

Wen Jianyan took a walk in the baby room with the ghost baby in his arms.

While stroking the ghost baby’s gradually solidifying uneven and deformed head, he slowly turned the pages with a gentle smile on his face and whispered the illustration book in the baby’s room to it.

As if by magic, he took out toys, brightly-colored candies, and snacks from his pockets, pampering his “child” unconditionally.

Even when the other party ate the candy and started yawning sleepily, he still hugged the ghost baby tightly, shaking it gently while humming a lullaby in a low voice, waiting for it to fall asleep.

In this world, no mother was more competent and gentler than him.

Wen Jianyan hugged the ghost baby who fell asleep after eating the “Sleeping Candy”, walked slowly to one of the cradles, leaned down, carefully put it into the cradle, and then gently touched its head.

The young man’s expression was very gentle, and affectionate, filled with pure and holy motherhood.

“My dear, go to sleep.”

The cockscomb head not far away was stunned. With a ghost-like expression, he stared at the scene in front of him that was beyond human comprehension and common sense. His brain shut down and he could hardly think.

This… this is too… f*cking weird!

He had imagined a hundred ways for this big shot to single out a group of ghost babies, but not a single scene in his mind looked like this!

The audience in the two live broadcast rooms was full of question marks.

[I really don’t understand, what is the anchor doing?]

[Does he want the ghost baby to have feelings for him and be reluctant to kill him? But did the anchor forget that the more he does this, the more attached the ghost baby is to him, the more he wants to be with him forever and wants him to give birth to itself… The anchor is just asking for his own death…]

[And it’s also a little strange, the ghost baby fell asleep after eating candy, why is he still acting so hard? For whom to see?]

[I’m sorry… although everyone is working hard to discuss the instance, but… why do I feel like my XP[1] has been smashed when I look at the anchor?]

[Aaaaaaahhhh man, long live mommy!]

——Of course, Wen Jianyan acted hard, but not for the ghost baby who was wrapped around him from the very beginning.

After putting the sleeping ghost baby in the crib, he straightened up and turned his head to look behind him.

It was unknown when, but the whole baby room has fallen into a dead silence.

All the ghost babies were motionless and silent, staring in this direction. Their bodies were purple and deformed; some were on the ground, some on the wall, some on the bed, but the only thing they had in common was——

——In the depths of those pure black eyes, there was a flash of extreme desire and envy.



They had seen screaming, terrified, distressed mothers who struggle frantically, eager to escape from their children, killing them by all means, staying away from them, torturing them.

But they had no complaints or regrets.

Because… this was their mother.

What they loved the most and desired the most was their mother.

The blue-purple ghost babies snuggled up to the human being admiringly, no matter whether the face of the other party was distorted by fear, they were tightly entangled, never to let go.

They stared at the inflated belly of the human being with their pure black eyes carrying morbid happiness and contentment.

Whether it was resentment or fear, what does it matter?

Children were born with their mothers, no matter how bad the mother’s attitude was, the child’s love for the mother would never waver.

They would always love their mother.

Mom, soon.

The ghost baby showed a smile full of sharp teeth, its face bulging on the human belly, with a fanatical and paranoid attachment, eager to burst out of the other’s body.

—We will soon be inseparable forever.

—Together forever.

In the dimly lit baby room, pairs of pure black eyes stared at the young man not far away, and the desire in their eyes seemed to materialize, flowing down from their ugly blue-black faces.

…They had never seen a mother like this since they could remember.

A smiling, beautiful, and gentle mother, who stretched their arms and hugged their child, coddling it with love and pampering, reading to it, singing to it, giving it candy… 

It was the kind of mother that only appeared in fairy tales.

So envious.

So envious.

So jealous, so jealous, so jealous…

Wen Jianyan turned his head and looked at one of the ghost babies.

The ghost baby’s body was much more solid than other ghost babies. A long, wriggling umbilical cord was extending from its body to the play area and was tightly tied to the cockscomb head.

“Oh… poor little one.”

Wen Jianyan showed a look of pity, “Your mother has a very bad attitude towards you, otherwise he would not have left you alone in such a far place.”

“That kind of person is not worthy of being your mother, all children have the right to be happy.” 

The young man smiled and stretched out his hand to it, “Do you want to be my child?”

The ghost baby stared at him blankly, looking at the perfect mom of its dream.

The next second, the cockscomb head suddenly found that his inflated belly shrunk little by little like a punctured balloon. The umbilical cord that was wrapped around his body was moved away and turned in the direction of the youth.

Soon, a second umbilical cord was wrapped around the youth’s waist again.

His face suddenly turned pale, and a trace of pain flashed across his eyebrows.


The cockscomb head suddenly realized what the other party was doing.

No… No way?

Is this anchor crazy?!

This, this is simply a suicidal action!

Although he was now saved… this anchor would surely die! And the speed of his death would be faster and more painful than if he was just wrapped around by one!

Because he would be feeding two ghost babies with his own blood and Qi[2]!

Before the cockscomb head could recover from his overly complicated mood, he saw the young man reaching out to the second ghost baby, “What about you? Do you want to be my child?”

The cockscomb head: “…… “




This man doesn’t want to live!

Wen Jianyan didn’t seem to notice the almost collapsed appearance of the other anchor. Although his face had turned pale, he still maintained that gentle and kind expression.

The upright and handsome facial features showed a different kind of holiness and fragility in the dim light, with a strange power that was almost magical.

He turned his head and sent an invitation to the fourth, fifth, sixth ghost babies…

Each of them couldn’t wait to run into the arms of the young man, like moths to a fire, attracted by the irresistible gravity, frantically and eagerly running toward the most perfect mother in their dreams.




The voice of obsession echoed in the baby room, like some kind of old, frenetic incantation, repeated over and over again by the mouths of evil spirits.

A total of… one hundred and ten.

Wen Jianyan’s body was so tightly wrapped that it was almost impossible to see it.

Countless blue-purple ghost babies nestled happily beside him, like babies thrown into the arms of their mothers, unbelievably peaceful.

The scene in front of him was too bizarre.

The cockscomb head was pale and his teeth were chattering. He felt his back was covered in a cold sweat, and the terrifying tremor made him not dare to go forward at all.

Even though he had experienced four instances, he had never seen such a frightening scene.

The other party… must be dead.

No one can be alive while feeding 110 ghost babies at the same time.

The cockscomb head took a step forward timidly.


A low hum sounded from the depths of the ghost babies.

The cockscomb head: “!!!!!!”

He abruptly stopped his steps and stepped back in horror.

However, to his surprise, those blue-purple ghost babies began to fade slowly, gradually fading in color.

Even the scalp-tingling umbilical cord began to become transparent and was assimilated into the color of the air little by little.

Soon the horrific sight disappeared.

In the darkness, the young man sat calmly on the ground, with his back against the wall. His head was drooping slightly, his half-length black hair hanging down, and a thick shadow blocking his face.

From the direction of the cockscomb head, he could only vaguely see the other side’s beautifully contoured chin and lips.

Although the young man in front of him was still in human form, the cockscomb head couldn’t help shuddering. His body was dominated by a strong, instinctive fear, and he couldn’t wait to escape.

What happened?

The barrages in the two live broadcast rooms fell into a dead silence. No audience spoke. They just stared at this absurd, bizarre, and unexplainable scene in front of them whose probability was so small that there was no possibility at all.

Exactly… What’s going on?!


The young man hummed again, his shoulders moved, and he slowly raised his head.

The half-length black hair spread out from his face with his movements, revealing an extremely pale, dead-like face.

His long eyelashes trembled, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

There was no whiteness in the pure black eyes, the ghostly aura in the bottom of the eyes was deep, and the blue-purple lines appeared and disappeared.

Wen Jianyan shook his head, then closed and opened his eyes.

The cold blue-purple faded, and the pupils became black and white again, but the original amber pupils now turned into a very deep pure black, as if the abyss which could not be penetrated by the light, and the vortex attracted all existences to sink into it.


The cockscomb’s voice was trembling and nervous, like a chicken strangled by its neck, “Are you still human?”

“…Not quite.”

Wen Jianyan’s voice was hoarse and his breathing was somewhat unstable.

——Compared to a human, he was actually closer to a ghost now, and he was almost hanging on the line between life and death. As long as he took one step forward, he would die completely.

He leaned against the wall and sighed deeply after surviving a disaster.

After Wen Jianyan entered the baby room, the “Flower of Delusion” in the backpack which was developed successfully at some point, took effect automatically when the anchor’s life was threatened. And as he talked to the cockscomb head, an introduction to these “ghost babies” popped up.

After reading it, Wen Jianyan immediately realized that he had made a mistake in his judgment.

He should have figured out a way to get the ghost baby away when it first got entangled with him, instead of waiting until now to be brought here, deep into the ghost baby’s base camp.

Even if he had a way to get rid of a ghost baby now, he would still end up being a host mother for them to parasitize.

Should he let them kill each other?


This idea was quickly rejected by Wen Jianyan.

There will always be a victor in the ghost babies, and he will still die at that time.

Wen Jianyan forced himself to calm down and read the information given about the ghost baby carefully again.

Again and again.

Look for it, the way must be hidden between the lines.

Calm down, after all, it’s not that you haven’t encountered this type of desperate situation before.

Suddenly, Wen Jianyan found something.

Unlike the previous plaster statue, this time, for the monster “Ghost Baby”, the introduction did not mention its weaknesses, but instead described their characteristics and killing methods in a great length, including how they use Yin Qi[3] to modify the mother so that the human body can give birth to them.

So… is it possible that their weakness was hiding in it?

As a fraudster, Wen Jianyan learned how to look beyond the frame long ago. Only by jumping out of the rules can you break them and get the most benefit.

He stared at the detailed introduction, and a strange and adventurous method slowly formed in his mind—if it wasn’t successful, it would be death at most, but if it was successful…

The benefits brought by this move would be unimaginable.

Since there was no way out, it was better to fight to win or die.

The cockscomb head swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty and slowly. Although his heart was still full of fear, curiosity prevailed, and he asked cautiously, “Just now, what happened just now?”

Wen Jianyan held the wall with one hand, struggling to prop himself up, his body swaying slightly.

“The ghost baby was formed from the resentment of an unborn child who had an unparalleled desire for the mother’s existence. After parasitizing the mother’s body, it will assimilate the mother’s body with its own Yin Qi, making it a hotbed for its own birth.”

The young man raised his eyes. The dim, pale light outside the window fell on his face, and the light and shadow cared up his face, making his complexion look paler and paler. His eyes were pitch-black, almost making him a bit spooky.

His eyes fell on the lower abdomen of the cockscomb head which was still swollen just a moment ago. He combined the conclusions he had drawn from the “Flowers of Delusion”, conjectured up the deductions based on this, and spoke in an extremely calm tone:

“If the Yin Qi in the ghost baby is 10, then in order to grow up in the mother’s body, it must make the Yin Qi of the mother’s body reach 10—you should have experienced this process yourself just now; little by little, your body transforming into a perfect container for the fetus.” 

The cockscomb head got goosebumps on his whole body under the other party’s gaze, and couldn’t help but secretly took a half step back.

Under the gaze of the young man, the abdomen that was no longer bulging seemed to start to ache again, giving the illusion that it was still tightly wrapped by the umbilical cord.

“Of course, to conceive two ghost babies, you need 20 Yin Qi, and so on…”

Wen Jianyan said in a calm tone.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room.


[I understood aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!]

[This is too scary!]

[This… Is this a f*cking bug?]

[I don’t care about the live broadcast room… but won’t he crash the entire instance by doing this?]

Unlike the audience, the face of the cockscomb head showed a more dazed look. He felt like what the other party said was beyond his comprehension. His brain seemed to be frozen, unable to turn, and there was absolutely no way to figure out the meaning hidden in the depths of the words.

Wen Jianyan said patiently, “If there are a hundred ghost babies and they choose the same human being as their mother, then the human body will need 1,000 Yin Qi to give birth to all the ghost babies.”

The cockscomb head opened his mouth, his face full of doubts, “But, but, in the end, don’t you have to give birth to all the ghost babies? Won’t you still be dead?”

Wen Jianyan smiled slightly, “Do you think that a human being with 1,000 Yin Qi can still be counted as a human?”

The cockscomb head, “This…” 

The young man has stood up straight now, his voice still calm:

“The most important thing is, now my Yin Qi has become 1000, but a single ghost baby’s is still 10.”

He raised his bloodless thin lips and smiled gently, but that pale face, inexplicably gave a very strong sense of danger and terror:

“Guess what happens when the power balance between the mother body and the ghost baby reaches such a disparity?”

The screen of the mobile phone in the young man’s pocket lit up.

“ID Card” had already become distorted.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a bit of thick scarlet blood smeared out.

【The anchor’s identity has been changed: Mother of Ghost Babies】

【Remaining Survival Time: ? ? ? 】

【Plot Modification: 63% Reward points: 50,000】

【Ding! It has been detected that the plot modification has reached the threshold, and the instance is now undergoing uncontrollable changes!】

【The new plot is opening…】

【The new form of the instance is being unlocked…】

Wen Jianyan spread his arms between the light and shadow, behind the slender and tall figure, the endless huge shadows wriggled, as if an invisible abyss whose limits couldn’t be seen.

He smiled even more:

“Now, I am their mother, and they obey me.”

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Translator's Note:
(1) XP: A Chinese Internet slang, short for 性癖(pronounced as XìngPǐ) in Chinese. Mean someone's aesthetics or orientation of appearance or character. ^
(2) Qi: Vital Energy ^
(3) Yin Qi: That portion of Qi that is cold, and dark. ^

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  1. CONGRATULATION, ML!! You are now the father of one hundred babies before you even have sex with your wife! I wonder how much children you will have after the sex scene between you happened?

  2. “Children were born with their mothers, no matter how bad the mother’s attitude was, the child’s love for the mother would never waver.

    They would always love their mother.”

    😭😭😭 idk why but i cried at this part

  3. I’m your mother, you listen to me ~
    (I don’t know why I suddenly remembered this song)

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