
Changsheng Building
Chapter 210: Meeting on a narrow road

A few people walked into the shop, and the frosted glass door closed behind them, blocking the view of the misty corridor and courtyard outside.

The copper oil lamps were welded to the tables, and the lit wicks flickered slightly within their shades.

The dim light barely illuminated the shop.

This was a very typical appliance store within a department building, almost indistinguishable from a real-world store, much like the clothing store downstairs. Neatly arranged metal shelves filled the shop, leaving narrow aisles only wide enough for one person to pass through. Various radios, televisions, and other items were displayed on these shelves.

The styles of the items looked very old, giving a strong sense of age.

Wen Jianyan walked forward, navigating the narrow aisle.

The blurry figure of the girl in the white dress flitted across the surfaces of the TV screens, looking somewhat eerie in the dimly lit shop.

Wen Jianyan’s gaze swept over the merchandise, his eyes slightly darkening.

Even though the shop had not officially opened yet, Wen Jianyan could clearly sense that the difficulty on the second floor was significantly higher than on the first floor.

Based on the first-floor experience, as long as the oil lamps were lit, the “customers” visiting the shop would pose no threat to the staff. The real danger came from the “merchandise” or something associated with the merchandise—for instance, the mannequins on the first floor.

This meant that the main sources of danger were:


And the shop itself.

In the “Changsheng Building” instance, merely obtaining the ghost money from the customers did not count as completing the sales quota.

Wen Jianyan noticed that after a customer left ghost money, the phone did not ring until he had escorted the mannequin out of the door and ensured it could not re-enter the shop.

In other words, the instance determined the completion of the sales quota not just by selling goods to the “customers,” but also by eliminating all related dangers after the sale.

It was precisely because Wen Jianyan had identified the real source of danger before the customer arrived and had moved it to the nearest position to the door that his team was able to pass the level quickly, becoming the first team to enter the second floor.

Wen Jianyan stopped in front of a TV, examining his familiar yet strange features reflected on the screen.

Compared to the second floor, the first floor felt almost like a vacation.

The human skin clothing was worn on the mannequin—this imagery was highly suggestive and easily noticed by the anchor.

The oil lamps could withstand up to four attacks, and he only needed to serve one customer to pass the level. The tolerance was quite low.

In other words, to survive on the first floor, the only thing needed was to understand the basic mechanics of the instance.

Once the rules were understood, the anchor’s survival to the next floor was almost guaranteed.

But the second floor was different.

The shop on the second floor had its indicators completely erased, and all the merchandise was identical, making it nearly impossible to identify the real danger based on previous experience.

Moreover, the previous shop had a single type of merchandise, but the second floor had two types.

Even though the danger had not officially arrived, Wen Jianyan could almost be certain that the number of “customers” he would need to serve on the second floor would also double.

However, the amount of basic lamp oil provided did not increase.

Although he had obtained an extra tray of lamp oil, this did not bring much sense of security to Wen Jianyan in such a dangerous environment.

This floor was very dangerous.

Wen Jianyan concluded.

“No one is outside.”

An Xin looked around outside the door.

It was quiet outside, with no sound or sign of anyone.

He cautiously asked, “It looks like I still have some preparation time before the next opening.”

“It seems so.” Qi Qian nodded in response.

As the first team to enter the second floor, they would have more time to prepare, familiarize themselves with the shop, and understand the surrounding environment.

But this peaceful time was very short.

With his example, the teams on the first floor would realize the correct way to pass the level and would quickly follow to the second floor.

“However, this instance should not wait too long.”

Qi Qian looked up at the clock hanging above the counter, squinting slightly, “I remember when I entered the first floor, the clock also showed 5:45 PM.”

Zhang Yu raised his head, his face pale and green, but his mind still clear: “Captain, do you mean that the instance timer starts the moment I turn on the light?”

Based on previous experience, this floor should also enter the so-called “night” precisely at six o’clock, and this would be the same for the entire second floor.

“Perhaps,” Qi Qian replied ambiguously, withdrawing his gaze.

“What if we don’t enter the second floor within fifteen minutes?” Tong Yao asked.

Qi Qian: “I think we will be eliminated.”

Although everyone had already guessed this answer, their hearts still sank.

As the rules gradually revealed themselves, he realized that the difficulty of the “Chansheng Building” instance was definitely among the top-tier team instances.

If Qi Qian’s guess about the mechanics was correct, then each subsequent floor would see the anchors racing to enter the next floor, with the first to enter initiating the countdown.

In other words, only the team that first completed the sales quota would get the fifteen minutes of preparation time, with each subsequent team’s preparation time decreasing.

If any team failed to reach the next floor within the first fifteen minutes, their fate would be sealed.

This instance would inevitably develop into an increasingly brutal race.

Whoever entered the next floor first would gain an advantage, and those left behind would be eliminated.

“Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[And don’t forget, the faster you climb, the higher the floors, and the greater the difficulty. This instance basically forces the anchors into increasingly deadly situations.]

[…Wow, the rules of this instance are pretty vicious.]

[Man, is this what an A+ level team instance is like? How will they get through the next few hours? Just thinking about it gives me chills.]

“But these are things we need to consider.” Qi Qian withdrew his gaze and looked seriously at the few people in front of him, “The most important thing now is to make the most of these fifteen minutes.”

With more time at his disposal, he needed to maximize this small advantage.

“An Xin, you and Zhang Yu go outside and check the status of the other shops.”

Qi Qian habitually commanded.

In this instance, conflicts with other anchor teams were inevitable. An Xin’s offensive talent could ensure a certain level of safety, while Zhang Yu’s introverted and meticulous nature would balance An Xin’s rashness and impulsiveness. The spiritual medium Tong Yao and the prophet Su Cheng would assist Wen Wen in investigating the shop, and Qi Qian, being the strongest in the team, could protect these support-type members in case of any unexpected events.

According to common sense, this should be the optimal solution.

Qi Qian’s gaze fell on the pale-faced Zhang Yu, hesitating and swallowing the rest of his words.

Given Zhang Yu’s current condition, he was indeed unsuitable for leaving the shop, especially under the premise of a high possibility of encountering other teams…

At this moment, a soft voice spoke:

“Um, Captain…”

Qi Qian was taken aback, turning towards the source of the voice.

The girl in the white dress, delicate and elegant, stepped out of the narrow aisle. She looked at Qi Qian and said softly:

“I’ll go with An Xin.”


Qi Qian frowned slightly, his gaze scanning Wen Jianyan up and down, seeming somewhat hesitant.

But An Xin’s eyes lit up, nodding enthusiastically:

“Sure, sure!”

“Captain, don’t worry; I can completely protect myself,” Wen Jianyan said.

However, his voice was soft and delicate, making it sound unconvincing.

On the other hand, An Xin repeatedly nodded, patting his chest in assurance:

“Trust me, Captain, I will definitely bring Wen Wen back safely!”

“Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Hahaha, just you?]

[Just you?]

[Just you?]

[I think Wen Wen is more likely to protect you!]

Qi Qian pondered for a while before finally sighing and nodding in agreement.

After all, there was probably no other way.

To find the dangerous items hidden among these shelves, they needed Tong Yao’s participation. Su Cheng’s role as a prophet was too crucial for Qi Qian to feel comfortable letting him leave his side. An Xin’s survival skills were excellent, but his clumsiness in finding clues made sending him out alone almost pointless.

Although Qi Qian didn’t fully trust Wen Jianyan either, based on her performance on the first floor, he knew this seemingly fragile and delicate girl was far from simple.

Her calmness in dealing with crises and her decisiveness in rescuing Zhang Yu from the darkness showed that she had more than just a pretty face to rely on.

“You have ten minutes,” Qi Qian instructed, “No matter what clues you find or who you encounter, try to return within ten minutes.”

“Got it, got it.” An Xin eagerly nodded, opening the door for Wen Jianyan with exaggerated gentlemanly manners.

Soon, the two of them disappeared into the gray mist outside the door.

Qi Qian composed himself and turned to the remaining people in the shop:

“Tong Yao, you and the prophet search the shop to see if you can find any suspicious items. Try to avoid using your abilities unless necessary, and call me immediately if you find anything.”

“Zhang Yu, you and I will check the side of the shop.”

Although he knew the danger was low, Qi Qian still wanted to see if they could get extra ghost money, like on the first floor. As he spoke, he glanced at Zhang Yu, his gaze lingering for a moment on his pale, green-tinged face.

Since Zhang Yu was still alive, there must be a way out.

His negative state couldn’t be cured by system items, so this must be part of the instance mechanics. The item that could improve his condition must be hidden in this instance, perhaps…

Like the extra lamp oil that needs to be exchanged?

Qi Qian took a deep breath and started walking:

“Let’s go; we don’t have much time.”


The corridor was shrouded in a gray haze.

Wen Jianyan walked forward slowly, raising his eyes to look at the courtyard ahead, which was not bright but also not enveloped in darkness. His eyes reflected the tranquil mist.

Tightly closed shop doors passed by him, their glass fronts dark inside.

But Wen Jianyan didn’t try to approach and see what those shops were selling.

After all, the darkness in this instance wasn’t ordinary darkness. Without the oil lamps, any peeping behavior was meaningless.

“Wen Wen, are you cold?”

Beside him, An Xin walked, fussing over him in an unusually noisy manner:

“Wen Wen, are you tired?”

Wen Jianyan: “…”

No matter his real identity, a normal human shouldn’t be tired and cold after leaving the shop for less than two minutes, right?

“Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Hahaha, even though the anchor still seems to be smiling gently, I think I can see the veins throbbing on his temples.]

[Hahaha, Wen Wen: Shut up, will you?]

[I think the anchor is already regretting teaming up with this guy.]

[Hahaha, I think he’s seriously considering lifting his skirt to scare the idiot.]

Wen Jianyan listened absentmindedly to An Xin’s chatter, occasionally glancing at the shop doors around him and silently counting.

As he had guessed, there were far fewer shops on the second floor than on the first.

The shop areas were larger, the spaces between them greater, and their number was only half of that on the first floor.

However, based on Wen Jianyan’s calculations, the shops should still be sufficient.

After all, the number of anchor teams had always been less than the number of first-floor shops. Moreover, several teams that hadn’t quickly figured out the instance mechanics had been wiped out early on. Even if all the remaining teams succeeded in surviving, the number of shops on the second floor should be enough.


If the number of shops continued to decrease with each floor, it might be a different story in the future.

Wen Jianyan narrowed his eyes.

After all, this was a team instance. Early on, avoiding conflict was to ensure enough people were left to figure out the mechanics, but once they reached the later stages, conflicts between teams would be inevitable.

In other words…

If the survival rate was high on one floor, the next floor might not have enough shops.

At that point, there would likely be brutal battles.

Beside him, An Xin continued talking non-stop:

“…By the way, Wen Wen, what kind of guy do you like? Gentle? Dominant? With a good physique?”

Wen Jianyan: “…”

His thoughts were interrupted. Damn.

Suddenly, the girl in the white dress stopped and turned to seriously look at the man beside her:

“An Xin.”

“Don’t worry, Zhang Yu will be fine.”

In the dim light, her amber eyes sparkled with a gentle, caring light.


An Xin was startled. His playful, careless demeanor froze on his face, like a mask being forcibly stripped away, leaving him looking almost embarrassed.

The next moment, a soft, slender hand covered the back of his hand.

The girl in front of him smiled reassuringly:

“If you want to talk, I can continue walking quietly. I don’t mind.”


An Xin stared at her, momentarily speechless.

He admitted that his usual talkativeness and flippancy were mostly due to hidden worries, so he needed to act like he didn’t care at all to cover up his anxiety and urgency. But… he didn’t expect Wen Wen to be so perceptive, seeing through his deeply buried anxiety at a glance and directly piercing the facade of his easygoing demeanor.

…It was almost like she could read minds, making it hard to defend against.

He lowered his head, feeling a bit defeated:


“Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Got to say, the anchor has a good eye. An Xin usually doesn’t care about the occasion when he’s flirting, so at least 50% of it this time was to cover up his emotions.]

[Hahaha, but I guarantee the anchor’s main purpose in saying that was to make him shut up, not to comfort him.]

[On the surface: I understand you, you don’t need to force a smile. Inside: Please be quiet, I’m begging you.]

[Haha, iron-hearted Wen Jianyan!]

With the noise finally gone, Wen Jianyan sighed in relief.

Now he could finally concentrate on thinking.

He turned and looked at the dead silent corridor in front of him, then glanced down at the time displayed on his phone screen.

There were ten minutes left until the fifteen-minute mark.

It should be soon.

Suddenly, An Xin stopped abruptly, raising his hand to block Wen Jianyan:


The playful, careless expression on his face was gone, replaced by a serious, cold look in his eyes.

“Don’t go any further.”

An Xin stared intently into the distance.

Between two shops, a dark staircase slowly appeared, winding downward. In the dead silence, the sound of footsteps slowly approached.

A team was coming upstairs.

And there were few of them.

Although his expression didn’t change, Wen Jianyan’s nerves also subtly tightened, his eyes shining with a faint light as he stared at the distant staircase entrance.

They were coming.

The reason he had volunteered to leave the shop and explore outside was, of course, intentional.

Before Qi Qian assigned the tasks, Wen Jianyan had already briefly scouted the shop.

He quickly realized that the special items on the second floor weren’t as easy to identify as those on the first.

On the first floor, the human skin clothes looked exactly like ordinary clothes but felt like real human skin. However, the goods sold in the second-floor shops were not so easily distinguishable.

All the electrical appliances had the same metal frames and shells. Even if there were any special features, they would be well hidden under the shell.

For an anchor without supernatural perception abilities, relying solely on observation and logical inference, staying in the shop to continue searching would likely be futile. Such tasks were better left to professional mediums.

More importantly…

Unlike the ignorant dark fire anchors, Wen Jianyan was aware of his situation; it was highly likely that a team hidden in the shadows was silently watching him, looking for an opportunity to strike.

The opposing team could be anchors from “Oracle” or a team hired by them. Either way, they would definitely be cautious and experienced.

Wen Jianyan speculated that they would likely be the second team to enter the second floor.

Because that’s what he would do.

Not only could it assess the opponent’s strength and lower their guard, but it also allowed for enough reaction time without falling too far behind.

If the opponent was first, let them be first. With proper manipulation, they could be made a well-known target.

If not, it meant they were too weak, and they could be eliminated directly on the next floor without too much concern.

An Xin squinted, warily watching the staircase that had suddenly appeared in the distance.

Due to his special abilities, he wasn’t worried about his own safety. But the problem was, this time An Xin wasn’t alone. He had a teammate with no combat experience, so he had to be more cautious.

An Xin looked at Wen Jianyan beside him and said in a low voice:

“Let’s go, I don’t want to clash with them for now…”

“No need.”

To his surprise, Wen Jianyan shook his head, looking at him calmly: “Leaving now would be more harmful than beneficial.”

An Xin was taken aback, not quite understanding.

“We are too far from the shop to disappear immediately before they come up. The other team is also experienced and might have highly perceptive prophets and mediums. They might have already sensed our presence,” the girl said, her profile pale and delicate, her eyes gentle with a hint of non-aggressiveness.

She said:

“In their eyes, our retreat would be seen as a sign of weakness.”

“We are the first team to reach the second floor, but if we choose to avoid the second team coming up, it shows we have resources but no strength.”

Wen Jianyan tilted his head slightly, his eyes almost naive.

“Guess what a team would do if it realized this when it came to a fight?”

…They’d be eaten.

As Wen Jianyan spoke lightly, An Xin’s expression grew more serious, darkening as if it could wring water out.

He understood Wen Wen’s point.

In a team instance, bloody conflicts were inevitable. Resources would become scarcer as the instance progressed, and conflicts between anchors would only escalate, not diminish.

When it came time to eliminate opponents, a team that had performed outstandingly and gained too many resources early on would become a very conspicuous target. If they then showed weakness, they might be the first to be ganged up on and wiped out.

Even if they weren’t truly weak, they could easily become lambs to the slaughter.

This was the law of the jungle.

“So, we can’t leave.”

The girl suddenly smiled, a fierce light hidden deep in her gentle eyes, unnoticed by anyone.

The beast in sheep’s clothing revealed its sharp claws.

—To be precise, from the beginning, Wen Jianyan had intended to confront the other team.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

She smiled gently.

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