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Creating a god
Chapter 192: New god hatching

The sharp whistling wind echoed in his ears, leaving everything else straight behind.

The next second, Wen Jianyan fell straight into the giant sphere formed by congealed blood.

No sound was made, nor was there any splash. Like a water droplet sinking into the sea, he was instantly swallowed beneath the crimson semi-liquid surface, disappearing completely.

Things happened so quickly and without any warning.

Except for Su Cheng, who was closest to Wen Jianyan, the other anchors in the underground tomb, and the viewers in the live broadcast room, didn’t immediately react.

This incident was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The remaining few people stared in shock at the direction where Wen Jianyan disappeared, their expressions almost dazed, as if they couldn’t believe what had just happened.


What’s going on?!

What exactly just happened?

The “Integrity First” live broadcast room exploded.


[??!! What is he trying to do!!!]

[Oh my god, why did he jump down!!!!]

Wen Jianyan was too good at hiding his intentions.

From start to finish, every decision he made, every step he took, was logical, reasonable, and even the best solution in that situation. Even the viewers with a god’s perspective could at most think his choices were a bit extreme or aggressive, but could not deduce his true intentions from them.

He selectively displayed the information he obtained, showing the attitude and appearance that others hoped to see. He could be a perfect collaborator. He gained everyone’s trust, making everyone believe in his judgment, and finally, he naturally led things to the result he wanted to see.

That’s why…

The moment he left the team, no one could have anticipated such a situation.

But for Wen Jianyan himself, all of this had already been planned and conceived in his mind countless times. No matter how unexpected or shocking it might seem to others, for him, it was just a matter of calmly and methodically completing each step.

Wen Jianyan fell into the womb nurturing a new god.

Contrary to its external appearance, the interior wasn’t filled with twisted flesh. On the contrary, it felt like a void. The viscous, crimson semi-fluid seemed to be some kind of intangible mental substance, surrounding him but completely imperceptible to his skin.

His breathing was not obstructed.

Or rather… the concept of breathing itself was distorted and altered, making it an entirely unnecessary action.

He allowed himself to continue falling deeper, as if drawn by some invisible force pulling him further down.

Soon, the red around him deepened, became thicker, layer upon layer, almost turning into an inky blackness. It seemed like Wen Jianyan had been falling for a long time.

Far beyond the confines of the underground tomb.

In a sense, from the moment he fell in, he had entered a completely different dimension.

Wen Jianyan could no longer clearly perceive concepts like “time” or “distance.” They had lost all meaning, merged into an indistinguishable whole.

Like the chaos before the birth of the universe.

At the very center of the deepening crimson was a black, shadow-shrouded endpoint.

Was it a volumetric sphere, or merely a circular outline?

It’s hard to say.

It seemed like an egg in the process of hatching or a bottomless hole leading to another unknown world.

Like a black hole, it swallowed all the light, making even sight unable to penetrate. An overwhelming sense of terror pressed in. Upon seeing it, without needing any explanation, the observer could realize—

This was the center.

The place where the so-called “god” was born.

“Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Oh my god, will there really be a god? No way, no way, right?]

[So what kind of god is it!! It feels so sinister, it doesn’t seem like any normal deity.]

[Please, look at the name of the Nightmare live broadcast room, okay? You wouldn’t really expect some kind of savior to be born here, right?]

[True, but I’m still excited!! I’ve watched Nightmare for so long, and seen plenty of summoning evil gods scenarios, but this is the first time I’m seeing god-creating!]

[Hahaha, same here, today is really an eye-opener.]

Wen Jianyan’s gaze fell on the pitch-black center. He opened the system backpack and took out an item.

It was an ouroboros, a serpent biting its own tail.

The cold, black metal fell into his palm, pressing against his soft skin, bringing a sense of real pain.

In the “Fantasy Amusement Park” instance, this item had already proven that it could imprison, even turn to use and extract energy from a god’s soul— even if it was just a fragment, it represented the so-called “divinity” contained within.

Or rather, the nature of an enemy god.

This item opened the box containing the legendary hidden item, confirming Wen Jianyan’s initial hypothesis.

It should have been born in this instance, or rather, in the real world where this instance is rooted. For some unknown reason, it flowed into another instance and became a key item supporting the operation of “Fantasy Amusement Park.”

The core issue was the motive.

Why would an instance want to create a god? What is the purpose?

If this is just an instance created out of thin air by Nightmare, then all conclusions could be attributed to “creating risk,” “increasing difficulty,” “enhancing live broadcast excitement,” and so on…

But the problem was, after going through so many instances, Wen Jianyan found many clues proving that things were far from that simple.

Since it is linked to the real world, all causes must be considered from the perspective of humans and human nature.

Generally speaking… Whatever the goal, summoning an evil god or calling forth a god should be what most madmen or fanatics would do.

Creating a god was entirely different.

It was a project with no prior experience to reference, requiring much more time, energy, and money than the option of “summoning.” So, why did the “Ping An Asylum” choose to create a god rather than summon an already existing one?

This question puzzled Wen Jianyan for a long time.

Until… he heard Luce say that during the time he lost consciousness, he vaguely saw a black box with its lid open in the center of the room.

According to his previous deductions, the location where Luce was during his coma should have been outside the mental world of No. 05, having entered the “Ping An Asylum” used as a womb.

Why was there an open black box there?

It was almost like… waiting for something.

Could it be waiting for the plan to succeed, for the new god to hatch?

At that moment, the ouroboros item obtained from the previous instance and the information Luce gave him connected unexpectedly.

It was like being struck by lightning. Wen Jianyan shivered and suddenly understood the instance’s purpose.

For the instance creators, “creating a god” was not the goal; “imprisoning a god” was the goal. So, they created the ouroboros, an item capable of imprisoning a god, and placed it outside the womb nurturing the new god, in order to imprison their creation as soon as the plan succeeded, to tame and utilize it.

Compared to the madman who first obtained the parchment and thought he had received a divine prophecy, starting to slaughter humans, the second owner of the parchment seemed less like a fanatic and more like a greedy, ambitious person.

An obedient god… What immense power, what a terrifying temptation! It would be equivalent to holding the entire world in one’s hand!

But Wen Jianyan only felt fear.

He didn’t believe in gods, didn’t revere gods, and didn’t fear gods.

The only thing he feared was humanity.

Wen Jianyan knew better than anyone the depravity of human nature, their greed, desire, cruelty, and terror—what would a human do after obtaining such a terrible power?

Wen Jianyan didn’t want to know the answer.

Therefore, he decided to let this god, destined to be a tool, die before it could be born.

On this point, the parchment provided its answer.

Activating the ouroboros with blood and throwing it into the egg would have a destructive effect on the unformed god body. However, the entire process would create a powerful energy vortex, and if one didn’t leave quickly, they would be caught in it and inevitably die.

Wen Jianyan’s palm was sweating.

He exhaled nervously, watching the black core gradually approaching him.



Suddenly, shadows of varying depths, like unconscious tentacles, climbed and wrapped around Wen Jianyan’s legs.


Wen Jianyan shuddered.

In an instant, the mark on his hip bone began to burn, something he hadn’t felt for a long time.

This feeling was indescribable. Every cell in his body was screaming and restless. His biological instincts were buzzing, and his mind was struck by concepts that couldn’t be observed or understood. His human senses became so fragile that every nerve was trembling without reason.

He lifted his eyes and suddenly looked forward.

Within the black core, a human-like body emerged. The originally damaged and incomplete parts were slowly being filled and woven by the darkness. On the pale skin, strange patterns emerged from deep within the body, from light to dark, as if some rule was materializing in the form of symbols, bit by bit engraving onto it.

Its eyes were closed, seemingly still asleep, seemingly not yet born.

That face…

Was exactly Wu Zhu’s.


The screen in the live broadcast room was filled with tiny snowflake-like interference, as if being disturbed.

[? Is it my illusion? Is the signal a bit off?]

[I think so too, the screen is all blurry…]

[Heavens, live broadcast room, can you work properly! You’ve never had so many issues before!]

In that sea of entwining shadows, there seemed to be some light spots flashing.

Wen Jianyan paused, raising his hand subconsciously.

The light spots gathered and quickly solidified together, falling into his palm: the familiar irregular edges, the familiar smooth surface that could reflect a person’s face, the cold touch—

It was none other than the legendary hidden item he obtained in the first instance… the mirror fragment!

Wen Jianyan’s mind suddenly jolted.

In an instant, many clues, either ignored or not yet thought through, all connected at that moment.

First, before the instance ends, apart from items directly placed into the backpack, other items can’t be put into the backpack in advance.

This was exactly the case in the “Fantasy Amusement Park” instance.

He had the ouroboros in his pocket when he was pulled into Wu Zhu’s mirror world—while he was shrouded in the black mist of the other’s soul fragment, this item was in his pocket.

Second, the ouroboros has the power to imprison divine fragments, and Wu Zhu was a god that had been cut into pieces. It’s likely that he still hasn’t completely gathered himself together.

Third, only inanimate objects can be placed into the system backpack. Even the Holy Infant must be stored as remains and can only be activated when used.

However, even after he left the Fantasy Amusement Park instance, the ouroboros item could not be stored in the system backpack.

Fourth, after he placed the mirror into the ouroboros item, the ouroboros could be stored in the backpack, but the mirror could not be. And this mirror had once been used as an item for Wu Zhu’s soul fragment to attach to.

This mirror was lost after entering the “Ping An Asylum” instance.

Now, everything makes sense.

Whether it was the anomalies exhibited by the high-risk patients, the face chosen by 05, or the “we,” “shared,” and almost eerie sense of synchronization mentioned by a few…

In the last instance, he had already witnessed how terrifying a chain reaction a small fragment of an evil god’s soul could cause.

It was clear that it had a similar dreadful effect on the entire instance, “polluting” or even “assimilating” the seven core NPCs of the instance.


Wen Jianyan looked at the familiar face not far away and fell into a long silence.


So I ended up creating you?!

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