WTNL Chapter 191

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Creating a god
Chapter 191: Creating a god was not the goal.

The mechanical system prompt echoed throughout the entire instance:

【Main task of the Ping An Asylum instance has been completed. Instance is closing…】

The moment they heard this sound, the surviving anchors who had been struggling for their lives were all stunned.

Almost overwhelmed by the unexpected joy, upon hearing the instance closing prompt, they all breathed a huge sigh of relief without exception.

In the current situation, everyone’s missions were extremely difficult. Trying to accumulate enough points to leave the instance in the basic way had almost become a luxury. At this moment, someone completed the ultimate main task, forcing the instance to close early. To them, this was simply a lifeline!

The system counted down with an emotionless voice.

【100, 99, 98…】

What? One hundred seconds?

The anchors were all taken aback.

Isn’t this instance closing countdown a bit too long?

However, on second thought, although this was much longer than usual, it was ultimately only one hundred seconds. Surviving this period shouldn’t be too difficult.

In the underground tomb, those who knew the inside story were far from relaxed.

To be precise, the moment they heard the one hundred second countdown, everyone’s expressions changed.

This is bad.

You need to know that the way they completed the main task this time is the most dangerous of all known options…

This is not just a simple disruption of balance, but a complete destruction of the entire scale.

No one knows what kind of changes will occur in the entire Instance after all the conditions are met. Wen Jianyan didn’t say, and they didn’t have a chance to ask.

In that situation at the time, whether intentionally or unintentionally, that person implanted an almost blind sense of trust in all of them.

After all, Wen Jianyan was the only one who truly deduced the entire inside story of the instance.

Whether it was the clues in his hand or the number of items obtained, he far exceeded everyone among them. How much information to reveal or hide was all up to his discretion.

They had no choice but to trust Wen Jianyan’s judgment.

However, if you were to ask them whether they truly believed that this ritual could create a god, and moreover… if it did succeed in creating a god, whether they could still leave the instance alive…

No one could answer these questions.

To some extent, “what will happen after the ritual is completed” had completely exceeded all the knowledge that an ordinary human could grasp, so they placed their hopes of surviving on the mechanisms of the nightmare.

Generally speaking, after the ultimate main task is completed, the countdown in the live broadcast room is only ten seconds.

If this time was the same as before, then even if they didn’t know the answers to those previous questions, they could safely return to the system space, or rather, they wouldn’t need to know.

When they heard the one hundred second countdown, everyone’s hearts sank sharply.

This was a signal.

A portent of doom.

It meant… that they couldn’t leave the instance peacefully and unknowingly as they had hoped—instead, what awaited them was completely unknown.

【91, 90, 89…】

Regardless of what thoughts the surviving anchors had, time continued to pass coldly. The countdown advanced slowly, one number at a time.

Without any warning, a deafening, grand bell toll rang out, with the sound waves reverberating through the entire instance as if they had physical form.


Compared to the previous six times, this bell toll was extremely loud, almost deafening. The anchors had to raise their hands to cover their ears to withstand the terrifying sound that shook their very souls.

The bell continued to ring, without any pause, and it even grew louder and more expansive with time.


As if influenced by the sound, the solid ground began to shake.

What is happening?

This… this has never happened before!

The survivors looked at each other in confusion and saw the same panic and bewilderment in each other’s eyes.

They found it difficult to stand steadily.

“Crack, crack.”

The sound of steel and concrete breaking echoed around them, and the ground tilted before their very eyes, as if being bent by some invisible force.

“You, you all look outside the window!!!”

Even though it was deliberately concealed, the trembling fear still leaked from the tipster’s voice, almost causing it to distort.

Under his guidance, the survivors all looked out the window.

A bizarre, almost incomprehensible scene appeared before everyone’s eyes.

The blood-red sky was being devoured bit by bit. The place they were in was tilting towards the ground in an unstoppable trend. They could see the courtyard approaching the window, with the sharp top of the small chapel pointing directly at the window like a blade embedded in the ground, seemingly about to stab straight at them.

The countdown continued.

【81, 80, 79…】

What seemed like a short few seconds now felt like a nightmare to everyone. The hope that had just ignited was doused with a bucket of cold water, instantly extinguishing it into ruins.

After the bell rang, all the monsters in the dungeon had disappeared, leaving only the empty shell of the building.

Inside, a deathly silence pervaded.

“Hold on tight!!”

Su Cheng nodded vigorously, gripping the prop net tightly, with the veins on the back of his hand bulging. With Wen Jianyan’s help, he slowly and arduously crawled back into the underground tomb.

He was drenched in cold sweat and gasping for breath: “Th-thanks.”

Wen Jianyan, who was next to him, shook his head and also panted slightly: “It’s okay.”

Su Cheng looked up and ahead.

His heart sank sharply.

From the pulpit to the direction of the hidden chamber, everything had disappeared into a giant blood-red sphere—it didn’t resemble neurons, nor any known entity.

The texture seemed soft, yet it appeared to be continuously flowing.

All the high-risk patients had vanished into it, as if…

It was a womb in the process of forming.

This concept flashed in Su Cheng’s mind, almost frightening him with his own thoughts, making him shudder.

So… was the so-called god in this instance going to be born here?

Su Cheng felt his scalp tingle and cold sweat seeped from his palms.

He swallowed, his throat dry as death, like it had been scraped by gravel.

And they…

Were seated in the front row of the VIP section.

“Where’s that paper? Do you still have it?”

Wen Jianyan shouted against the wind.

Su Cheng nodded. He fumbled into his pocket, took out the crumpled piece of parchment, and handed it to Wen Jianyan:

“Here it is!”

Su Cheng looked at the other person.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jianyan seemed… not surprised.

Unlike the other anchors who were panicking, he lowered his head, his expression remarkably calm.

The young man’s silver hair was swept up by the fierce wind, like a fluttering flag. His pale face was lowered, looking remarkably calm against the bizarre background, almost to the point of madness.

Quickly, he rolled up the parchment and stuffed it into his pocket.

Su Cheng felt uneasy:

“What did you see?”

“Just verified a hypothesis.”

Wen Jianyan smiled at him, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Proving that I’m right.”

He raised one finger. “Only one last step remains.”

Things were developing as expected.

If he could, Wen Jianyan would also choose a more cautious path.

Extreme measures were taken because he had no other choice.

Whether it was the “monopoly and sharing” mentioned by the six, or the unexpected “proposal” from 05, each action concealed terrifying implications.

Cooperating with either side carried a great risk of being stopped… permanently assimilated into this instance that would never open again, losing self-awareness, and becoming completely insane.

He was not creating a god to complete the main task from the beginning.

Wen Jianyan looked up, his gaze falling on the distant scarlet sphere. He waited.

As the Ouroboros rotated, gravity gradually shifted in the opposite direction. Those who had been pressed against the wall had to use props to stick themselves to it to avoid being pulled into the blood-red sphere.

However, while the others were sticking themselves to the wall, Wen Jianyan did something that left everyone stunned.

He let go of his hand.

“…!” A shriek broke from Su Cheng behind him, but it was muffled by the wind.

Wen Jianyan didn’t look back; he just let himself fall toward the scarlet sphere. Deep in his amber eyes, a sharp, bright light flashed, and the curve of his lips was hidden in the shadows.

Creating a god was not the goal. Slaying a god was.

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  1. Hahahahahaha this instance has had so many twists and turns out my goddddd I am absolutely cackling rn