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Ping An Asylum
Chapter 145: Ward 04

The loudspeaker no longer had any sound coming from it.


Accompanied by a flashing red light, the iron gate emitted a clanging metallic collision sound as it slowly closed behind the group.

The group continued to walk forward.

Su Cheng lowered his voice and asked, “So, what do you want to do?”

Wen Jianyan pushed the cart and shook his head slowly, replying: 

“To be honest, I’m not sure either.”

The information he currently held was too limited, like a firefly in the vast night, not enough to see the full picture of the world. The only thing he could do was follow the limited clues he had.

The wards were far apart from each other, separated by iron gates, making this place feel more like a heavily guarded prison than a part of a healthcare facility.

The echoing footsteps in the cold and eerie corridor gave an inexplicable sense of unease.

After a while, they finally reached Ward 01.

Although the underground wards were equally narrow in size, the walls were just like those in a prison, with thick and sturdy iron bars welded in place, a tightly locked cell door, and a sliding door for delivering meals.

The lights in the room were dim.

The entire Ward 01 was shrouded in pitch-black darkness, and they couldn’t see what was inside.

Luce squatted down, took out a plastic food tray from the cart, ladled out a portion of lentil soup, placed everything on the sliding tray, and then pushed it inward.

The sound of metal scraping echoed in the pitch-black space.

Inside, it remained as silent as before.

The group exchanged glances and, without lingering, pushed the cart toward the next ward.

Behind them, the food tray lay quietly on the ground, seemingly with no intention of being taken away.

Ward 02 was similarly shrouded in darkness, cold and silent like a cave.

The second food tray was placed on the sliding tray and pushed further into the room.

To their surprise, Ward 03 was also the same.

After leaving Ward 03, everyone wore puzzled expressions on their faces.

When they first entered the second underground floor for meal delivery, they were mentally prepared to encounter all kinds of high-risk patients. However, they had passed through three wards, and nothing had happened. They hadn’t even seen a single person…

This was somewhat strange.

At this moment, Luce recalled the question Wen Jianyan had asked at the very beginning and furrowed his brows slightly: 

“Could it be that the doctor did something?”

Wen Jianyan lowered his gaze and continued pushing the cart forward. 

Since entering the second underground floor, he has been unusually quiet and hasn’t engaged in any conversation with anyone.

Blond scratched his head and cautiously said, “But if nothing unexpected happens on this trip, wouldn’t that be a good thing?”


The group exchanged glances.

That’s true.

Soon, the fourth iron gate was right in front of them.

After the sharp “ding” sound, the iron gate opened again, revealing a passage leading to Ward 04.

The group took a deep breath, gathered their spirits, and stepped forward.

To their surprise, Ward 04 was lit, and the pale, cold light illuminated the small cell. For the first time, they could see the layout of the second underground floor room.

There was a firmly bolted iron bed, a narrow sink, and a toilet at one end, but despite the simplicity, the room appeared exceptionally clean and orderly.

Various drawings of different sizes were posted on the walls, but without exception, all the drawings were turned over, revealing their grayish-white backs.

A slender man sat at a desk with his head lowered, his fingers gripping a charcoal pencil, working on a piece of paper.

He had a very handsome face, with sharp features, high cheekbones, deep-set eye sockets, and pale gray eyes. His expression was cold and melancholic, exuding a classical elegance that seemed out of place in this world filled with madness and blood.

Upon hearing footsteps, he raised his head and looked in their direction.

“Good day.”

The man nodded politely toward the group and set down the charcoal pencil.

Unfortunately, everyone here was a seasoned anchor who had experienced the challenges of these instances. They couldn’t be deceived by someone who appeared harmless.

Those locked on the second underground floor were undoubtedly high-risk patients with severe mental disorders, not ordinary individuals.

The moment they saw Ward 04, a new set of tasks appeared on the task list.

【Elemantry Task Released: See ???’s Artwork】

【Advanced Task Released: Discover ???’s Real Name】

The group exchanged cautious glances and remained silent.

Su Cheng bent down and opened the metal cart’s cabinet, but before he could retrieve the food trays, No. 04 spoke up again: “May I request a specific attendant for meal delivery?”

All eyes turned to look over.

Sitting in place, No. 04, with long, graceful fingers covered in charcoal dust and smooth gray hair tied behind his head, looked almost as if he were being received with the utmost courtesy by the lord of a towering castle. If it weren’t for the identical hospital gown he was wearing, one might question whether they were in a medieval castle.

Su Cheng reflexively became wary, “No.”

No. 04 nodded and didn’t make any further requests. Instead, he lowered his gaze and continued to draw on the paper.


Luce furrowed his brows slightly. He raised his hand and placed it on Su Cheng’s shoulder, preventing his next move. He then looked at No. 04 and asked, probing, “Who do you want to deliver your meal?”

The sound of the charcoal rubbing against the paper stopped.

No. 04 raised his eyes, and his pale gray eyes shifted to the last person in the group, Wen Jianyan. His voice was deep and refined, akin to a cello, as he asked, “May I trouble you?”

Following No. 04’s gaze, everyone turned their heads toward Wen Jianyan.

“Let me do it?” 

Wen Jianyan slightly narrowed his eyes and asked in return.

The man with gray eyes nodded and replied with a sense of restraint brought on by his good education: 

“You’re not obligated if you don’t want to.”

“Why would I refuse? It’s just my job, after all.” Wen Jianyan suddenly smiled, “But as a reward, can you answer one question for me?”

“Of course.”

No. 04 smiled, “Quid pro quo.” (Latin: A favor for a favor)

Wen Jianyan took the plastic food tray from Su Cheng, had Luce put the lentil soup in it, and then approached No. 04.

No. 04 also stood up and walked step by step toward the small door for deliveries.

Instead of immediately pushing the metal tray to the other side of the iron gate, Wen Jianyan lifted his eyes and locked his gaze with the man just a few inches away.

The other person’s body was not robust, even appearing especially slender due to his height, but as he got closer, Wen Jian realized that he was still half a head taller than himself.


Damn the disparities among people. 

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath and asked slowly:

“What did Dr. Reese want from you?”

“Why? Are you concerned about him?” No. 04 lowered his gaze, watching the young man just behind the iron gate, asking softly.

Wen Jianyan didn’t answer the question, just calmly gazing at the other.

“All right.”

Realizing that Wen Jianyan wasn’t going to provide any information, the other party easily relented and politely refrained from further inquiry: “Dr. Reese came to conduct physical examinations on us.”


Just that? 

Wen Jianyan couldn’t help but furrow his brows, releasing his grip on the food tray and pushing it in.

“Thank you.” 

No. 04 said, picking up the tray.

“What kind of examinations?” Wen Jianyan inquired.

“Before I answer that question, you need to answer mine.” No. 04 raised his eyes, repeating, “Are you concerned about him?”

“Of course not.” 

Wen Jianyan lifted his eyes, and his amber eyes sparkled beneath his long and dense eyelashes. His eyelashes fluttered and his lips curled nonchalantly as he effortlessly spoke insincere, sweet words: 

“Compared to him, I’m more concerned about you.”

No. 04 laughed but gave no indication of whether he believed Wen Jianyan’s response. He simply said in a cheerful tone, “Routine checks such as blood tests, heart rate, medication inspection, and the like—nothing out of the ordinary.”

Wen Jianyan asked, “Does he usually come for these examinations at this time?”

No. 04 didn’t answer. He bent down, his long and soft lashes hanging low. He leaned closer, delicately sniffing the air. “You have the scent of fresh blood, leather, and alcohol on you… You visited his treatment room, didn’t you?”


Wen Jianyan nodded without hesitation, gazing straight at the man, and repeated, “Does he usually come to the second underground floor at this time for your examinations?”


No. 04 shook his head. “Tomorrow is the physical examination day. Generally, he rarely comes to the second underground floor at this time.”

The air grew heavy, and the conversation between the two echoed through the narrow space, carrying a hint of strangeness and a tacit understanding known to both. The listeners subconsciously held their breaths and tensed their bodies, as if gazing at the dark whirlpool just beneath the calm surface of the water.

After a brief silence, Wen Jianyan spoke again: 

“May I see your artwork?”

“Of course.” 

No. 04’s gray eyes exhibited a faint and icy texture under the light, as if a shallow mist concealed all his emotions.

Surprisingly, this time, he didn’t make any requests. Instead, he turned around and walked back to where he had been sitting, picking up the unfinished artwork.

He approached the iron gate and placed the drawing on it.

The others curiously crowded around, and after seeing the content of the drawing, they couldn’t help but be shocked, almost forgetting how to breathe.

On the paper was a depiction of a young man with severed limbs, his remaining deformed limbs pierced by sharp instruments. Twisted vines sprouted from the broken limbs, feasting on his flesh and blood. There were small white flowers on the vine that was tightly wrapped around him. The slender body was arched backward in the throes of intense emotions, vulnerable and exposed, with a look of both pain and pleasure, as the long-haired man lying on top of him unabashedly violated him.

The artistry was exceptional, and the strokes were finely detailed.

The severed limbs and wounds were depicted so vividly as if one could almost smell the strong scent of fresh blood.

Dark, bloody, and terrifying, it was unsettling.

【Ding! Congratulations to the streamer for completing the mission: See ???’s Artwork.
Reward: 200 points】


Wen Jianyan’s expression turned extremely grim.

—The person in the drawing had a face exactly like his.


In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:



[…Darn it.]

[I think I might understand why there were comments in the barrage at the beginning of this instance saying that the real freaks are yet to come…]

[Wow, there are way too many perverts targeting the anchor! I’m shocked! Is there a setting for the anchor to be 100% targeted by perverts?]

The group used the fastest speed to leave Ward 04.

“Damn… This guy sent shivers down my spine.” Blond couldn’t help but shudder, expressing his lingering fear.

Su Cheng nodded in agreement, his face revealing an indescribable expression. “Me too.”

The two of them cast a furtive glance at Wen Jianyan.

If anyone received the biggest shock among them, it would be him. After all, being painted in the artwork meant being targeted as prey by this high-risk patient, and it was in such a dark fantasy…

Even though this incident didn’t happen to them, they couldn’t help but feel creeped out by the painting.

Wen Jianyan, with his head bowed, pushed the cart at the rear of the group. He seemed to be distracted, ignoring the gazes of those around him.

In fact, when he asked to see the content of the drawing, he had already guessed that the contents of the painting might not be good and were probably related to him. 

But witnessing the artwork with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but be deeply shocked.

The perverts in this instance…

Why were they all so obsessed?

Most importantly, why were they all fixated on him?

Wen Jianyan couldn’t figure it out.

He admitted that in previous instances, he often offended various kinds of bosses, but in this instance, he felt like he was getting excessive “attention.” After meeting No. 04, this strange illusion had reached its peak.

Before pushing the cart into this ward, Wen Jianyan had never met No. 04 in person anywhere. However, during their first encounter, No. 04 had designated him to deliver the meal.

And then there was that painting…

Wen Jianyan remembered that No. 04 had started painting even before they brought the cart in, meaning that most of the painting was already finished before their first meeting.

This raised two possibilities:

The first possibility was that the other person had drawn the poses and background first and only added his face upon seeing him.

The second possibility was that before Wen Jianyan arrived at No. 04’s ward, the other person already knew his appearance and combined his face with his own fantasies in the artwork.

If it was the first possibility, Wen Jianyan had nothing to say. 

To make someone “fall in love” at first sight might indicate that he genuinely possessed some kind of attraction to perverts….

However, if it was the second possibility…

Wen Jianyan lowered his eyes, and his gaze involuntarily fell on the edge of the metal cart. In his mind, the scene of Dr. Reese placing his hand on the cart surfaced, and a vague suspicion began to take shape.

Perhaps this guy did something.

Wen Jianyan had a premonition that if he learned the answer to this question, he might be able to understand why this instance had become so bizarre.

While he was lost in thought, the group had already arrived at Ward 05.

The lights in Ward 05 were bright, but there was no one inside. This was normal. According to what they knew about the procedures at the Ping An Asylum, although these patients were confined to the second underground floor, they weren’t completely devoid of opportunities for recreation. They had a chance to apply for free activities once a month. With their hands and feet securely bound and under close observation, they could go to the lounge or the courtyard and stay for a while.

If their behavior was poor or their violent tendencies were too severe, they would be sent to the confinement room.

The group, as usual, pushed the fifth meal into the ward.

【Ding! Congratulations to the anchor for completing the task: Deliver meals to the patients in the second underground ward.
Reward points: 500】

Next, they needed to leave this place as quickly as possible.

“This is the emergency exit,” the guard behind the iron gate of Ward 05 said coldly without even looking up. “Go through the front.”


The group exchanged glances and had no choice but to go back the way they came.

As they passed by Ward 04, everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but race. However, No. 04 was just sitting quietly on the bed with the plastic tray placed aside and the food untouched.

Rustle, rustle.

The sound of a charcoal pencil rubbing against paper resounded.

While drawing on the paper, No. 04 occasionally raised his pale gray eyes. There was neither malice nor desire in them. 

Feeling the substantial gaze from the other side, Wen Jianyan couldn’t help but shiver and quicken his steps.

This brief encounter felt like an eternity.

Finally, the man’s gaze was blocked by the wall, and Wen Jianyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ward 03 and Ward 02 looked the same as when they had passed by earlier. The plastic trays were in their original positions, showing no signs of tampering.

The group hurriedly left.

Soon, Ward 01 came into view.

Looking through the sealed, narrow corridor, they could see a door at the end with a flashing red light. The guard sat in a small room behind the door, seemingly looking down.

Just passing through this door would mean they could leave this place entirely.

The group couldn’t help but feel uplifted.

In the silent and deep corridor, there were footsteps growing increasingly urgent.

…Getting closer, closer, right in front!

They were about to leave!


Only a loud, intense sound made everyone’s hearts skip a beat.

Their footsteps came to a sudden stop.

The metal sliding tray from Ward 01 was pushed out unexpectedly, and the plastic food tray had vanished, replaced by a bloody, steaming heart.


Everyone couldn’t help but show shock on their faces.


A muffled sound came from not too far down the hallway.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

The door to the guard’s room slowly opened from the inside, and the guard, who had been bowing his head, fell heavily to the ground. His body had fresh, crimson blood slowly spreading from underneath him, appearing especially vivid in the red light.

The next second, they heard a “creak,” and the door to Ward 01 opened from the inside.

A tall figure slowly walked out of the room, step by step.

The newcomer was quite familiar.

He had disheveled blond hair, light blue eyes, and a beastly physique.

His hospital clothes were covered in numerous bloodstains, making it unclear whose they were, with some already dry and some fresh.

Wen Jianyan’s heart began to race.

He never expected that after the internal conflict in the treatment room, neither Dr. Reese nor Edward would suffer any harm, escaping unscathed. 

When he saw these two people successively appear in front of him, Wen Jianyan was truly disappointed.

He had thought that at least one of them would come to harm.

Wen Jianyan glanced at the room with the door wide open, and by the light in the corridor, he could vaguely see that familiar, custom-made massive iron bed inside.

A guess slowly formed in his mind:

“Do you live in Ward 01?”

Although Wen Jianyan had first seen Edward in the confinement room, for the patients, the confinement room was mostly a temporary residence. In other words, Edward must have his own regular cell.

As a high-risk patient, the second underground floor was undoubtedly a suitable place for him.


Edward’s gaze fell on Wen Jianyan. His lips curled slightly, and he spoke in an almost gentle tone. 

“I knew you’d come to find me.”

The mad dog slowly advanced, raising his hand and gently picking up the bloody heart on the tray. His massive, imposing figure brought a terrifying pressure that was impossible to ignore.

“Look, this is a gift.” 

Edward smiled, revealing his sharp teeth under pale pink lips. 

He extended the heart toward Wen Jianyan. 

“I dug it out especially for you. Do you like it?”

Wen Jianyan: “…”

It’s over. After their previous encounter, this guy really thought they shared an appreciation for this bloody, violent aesthetic.

“That snake said some terrible things to me.” 

Edward continued, advancing, his unruly blond hair framing his face. His light blue eyes were fixed on Wen Jianyan. “He said you were a fraud, and the only reason you said those things to me was to get me killed.”

He squeezed the slippery heart in his hand, causing blood to drip from it. 

“Darling, he’s lying, isn’t he?”


Wen Jianyan answered dryly.

“Great, I knew it.”

The mad dog stared at Wen Jianyan, his gentle smile giving way to madness that sparkled deep within his light blue eyes. “In that case, you must be willing to embrace such a beautiful shade, right?”

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:



[Darn, isn’t this a declaration of murder? Aaaaahhhhhh, anchor, run quickly!]

Without hesitation, Wen Jianyan turned and sprinted. 

“Emergency exit, hurry!”

He activated a prop as quickly as possible, giving himself and Su Cheng, who didn’t have the required level, a speed buff.

Other anchors who had been chased by Edward also understood this man’s inhuman stamina. They promptly used props for themselves and frantically ran toward the emergency exit behind Ward 05.

The heavy footsteps were relentless, following them closely.

In the corridor, a chase was in full swing.

Wen Jianyan gritted his teeth and looked back at the high-risk patient covered in blood.

—He didn’t believe that this time the guard at the door would reject them by claiming it wasn’t an emergency!

Unconsciously, they had returned to the vicinity of Ward 03.

“Dang, dang, dang.”

The familiar sound of a bell came from the distance, cutting through the thick floor and walls and suddenly sounding in their ears, evoking almost horrifying associations in their hearts.

This was bad.

This was really bad!

Everyone’s faces turned pale.

The scenery around them was changing visibly as the corridor in front of them opened into darkness, branching like veins.

“…” Wen Jianyan’s face turned even worse.

Damn it.

He remembered that Ward No. 04 was just ahead.

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  1. Oh my God! Everyone here is so freaky! Thanks for the updates. Also, what does it mean for you to update on alternate days? 3 to 4 times a week or randomly? Because I’m so nervous to find out what comes next and the mtls are not cutting it out 🫠

  2. Oh lol! Mwahahahha! Now he is going to be chased by one version of hubby into arms of 2nd version! Ha ha ha!

    Thank you for the chapter!

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