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Fantasy Amusement Park
Chapter 118: Escape from the Pirate Ship


The door to the room was kicked open from the outside.

A staff member in Mr. Ribbit’s outfit rushed in.

The room was dim and empty, without a soul in sight.


The piercing electronic sound continued to beep, with an increasingly urgent trend.

Holding a strange instrument, Mr. Ribbit moved forward and stopped in front of a chair.

The “didi” sound had condensed into a sharp, piercing noise, as if a dagger was stabbing into one’s brain.

It lowered its head, its gaze falling on the empty chair.

On the seat, a removed work badge was neatly placed.

Mr. Ribbit reached out, picked up the work badge, and pressed the sharply buzzing instrument in its hand. It then turned its head to look at a few people, shaking its head slowly.


In a dark corner, using the activated invisibility prop, Wen Jianyan leaned against the wall, standing breathlessly.

He had guessed right.

The reason those Mr. Ribbits were able to find him was likely through the work badge on him.

So, just as they were about to break in, he took off the work badge and placed it on the chair, activating the invisibility prop himself and standing in a corner of the room where he wouldn’t be touched.

Wen Jianyan casually glanced at the wide-open door behind Mr. Ribbits.

The corridor was quiet and empty, a good opportunity to escape.

However, he didn’t do so; he just stood by the door, quietly waiting.

Because Wen Jianyan realized that there was a reason he had been in the room for over ten minutes before being discovered.

Combining this with the distress message sent by Wen Ya and the mention of “here we will be categorized” on the previous note, a vague conjecture gradually formed in his mind.

The “categorization” had already begun.

This categorization should be carried out through the use of work badges; after all, it was the only item they received upon entering the pirate ship.

And this “categorization” should also serve as a “screening.”

Therefore, after the “categorization” was completed, they used an investigative method to find the sole person, Wen Jianyan, who had left his work position. They determined his work badge number and tracked his location.

So, that’s why Wen Ya’s distress message and the tracking personnel arrived one after the other.

If that’s the case, their ultimate destinations should be the same.

The sharp sound of the tracker suddenly stopped.

Finding nothing, the staff members turned around and left the empty room.

And the concealed Wen Jianyan also quietly followed.

—In other words, as long as he followed them, he should be able to find Wen Ya and the others.


Wen Jianyan followed Mr. Ribbits and walked forward.

Amidst an eerie silence, the twisting corridor extended into the distance, like a path that never reached its end. Perhaps due to the uneven floor, it gave him a peculiar sense of dizziness.

In the gaps of the passageway, one could vaguely see brass pipes getting closer and larger.

The further he walked, the sharper the roar of machinery became; the temperature of the air rose, and the ground seemed to vibrate along with it.

Wen Jianyan felt as though his breath was on fire, his body relentlessly pouring out sweat, as if all the moisture within him was being evaporated.

He realized that he was heading toward the core that powered the entire pirate ship.

A nauseatingly sweet smell filled the air, a mixture of the smell of frog eggs and the odor of unfinished syrup, smelling highly repulsive.

Soon, they arrived in a corridor.

Ahead was a small, tightly closed room. Several staff members dressed in various outfits stood in line at the room’s entrance. There were brown bears, white sheep, tortoiseshell cats, and even a green-haired clown.

The line moved forward slowly.

Wen Jianyan’s heart raced uncontrollably, whether from excitement or nervousness, and cold sweat kept forming on his back.

He activated another invisibility prop on himself and hid in a corner, silently observing.

A brown bear entered the room, and the door closed with a “creak.”

Next came the terrifying silence.

The line was incredibly quiet, no talking, no movement, just waiting silently as if docilely awaiting execution on a guillotine.

He didn’t know how much time had passed.

The door creaked open once again, but this time, it wasn’t the brown bear that walked out. Instead, it was a cleaner dressed in blue cleaning attire. Its face was covered by a thick mask, obscuring nearly eighty percent of its surface, but the swollen and protruding eyes and the pale, clammy skin were still visible.

Wen Jianyan was taken aback.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Oh, is this what categorization means?]

[I don’t understand, but I’m greatly shocked!]

[Aaaaaaah, can someone explain what’s going on? I feel like I’ve lost my mind, sob!]

[Did you all forget the opening words of the cleaning staff rules? ‘To ensure the normal progress of your work in the park, please forget all the contents of your previous rules. All actions should be based on the content of these rules.’]

[Dang, so you’re saying all these cleaners used to be outdoor staff at the amusement park?]

[Aaaaaah, who remembers the contents of that note? I remember there was something about pollution in it.]

[The cleaners are here! ‘All the employees have been polluted. Those with a low degree of pollution will start festooned vehicle parade, while those with a high degree of pollution will come to the pirate ship. Here, we will be categorized.’ It should be that section, right?]

[Oh!! So those with high pollution levels are called to the pirate ship, and the higher ones become cleaners!]

[No wonder the cleaners work longer hours than the outdoor staff. Other employees can leave the park, but they can only return to the cleaner’s rest area after work. It seems like they’ll never be able to leave the amusement park.]

[Exploitative capitalists!]

[So, what about these Mr. Ribbit guys? Are they employees with even deeper pollution?]

[I think so!!]

[Yeah, maybe the cleaners become Mr. Ribbits after getting polluted again, hahaha!]

[Is it really that simple? I don’t think it’s possible…]

Amidst the lively barrage of comments, Wen Jianyan’s gaze fell on the center of the queue.

He saw Wen Ya.

And… Blond?

Blond was positioned much closer to the front than Wen Ya, and was about to enter the room.

Wen Jianyan took action.

He adeptly activated another Robe of concealment, then with astonishing agility, he moved forward, not touching any of the people in line, and slipped in behind the next person in line.

Unlike the outside, the room’s size was several times larger than he had imagined.

The room was divided into two parts, separated by a glass door.

A lonely chair stood in the center of the room, its edges rusted, and leather straps on its armrests and legs were used for binding and restraining. The straps were frayed at the edges, and their surfaces had faded, appearing as if they had been used for a long time.

Above the chair hung a massive brass contraption resembling a funnel, incredibly intricate and smooth as a mirror, glistening in the light. The dripping mechanism was pointed directly at the chair below.

A pungent and sickly sweet smell permeated the air.

Two Mr. Ribbits stood beside the chair.

Wen Jianyan’s gaze shifted to the wall. There was a large brass bell hanging, covered in a thick layer of dust. Beside it was a piece of iron:

[Do Not Touch]

He squinted his eyes slightly.

[Pirate Ship Staff Rules] Rule 2:

Your working hours and workload on the pirate ship are not fixed. Please use the ringing of the brass bell as a signal for work handover. Do not engage in verbal communication with other sailors.


Judging by the current state of the brass bell, it was never going to ring again.

In other words, those who entered the pirate ship as “working employees” would never be able to perform work handovers, nor would they ever be able to leave the pirate ship. They could only work tirelessly until contaminated, entering this room for transformation. There was no other way out.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Wow, I finally understand why none of the previous anchors who entered the pirate ship ever came out…]

[True, once you’re in this place, you’re stuck. The death rate isn’t a hundred percent for nothing!]

[Exactly. Even if employees want to escape, the way out has been sealed, and there are locators on their work badges. The anchor was lucky to have removed their badges before being caught; otherwise, even with concealment props, there’s no escaping this pirate ship…]

[So ruthless, seriously so ruthless. Is this instance really level A? I think it deserves a level S rating at least!]

Silently, Wen Jianyan approached the glass door.

It was locked.

There was no keyhole; it seemed to be some sort of card-swiping mechanism.

Wen Jianyan turned around, his keen eyes scanning the two Mr. Ribbits for clues. They had nothing that could serve as a card except…

His gaze landed on the work badge one of the Mr. Ribbits was wearing on its chest. He narrowed his eyes imperceptibly.


The queue wasn’t long to begin with, and it was soon Blond’s turn.

The room’s door slowly opened before him, revealing the strange contraption and the chair below it. Two employees in frog costumes stood on either side of the chair. The comically smiling green-headed mask faced him directly, sending an instant shiver down his spine.

Under the mask, Blond’s face had turned pale, with layers of cold sweat oozing out, causing him to tremble from head to toe.

No, no way, this can’t be…

Is he going to die like this?

This can’t be the end…

Blond took a step back, shivering uncontrollably.

Seemingly realizing the queue had stalled, the two Mr. Ribbits who had been guarding the door turned their heads slowly, their eerie gaze fixating on Blond.

Blond shivered in fear.

His instincts were telling him that lingering at the door might lead to an even more miserable fate.


In extreme terror, tears welled up in Blond’s eyes.

He suppressed the scream that had lodged in his throat, bracing himself and trembling as he walked into the room.

His body and soul seemed to have separated. Blond realized that he was like a marionette, his body moving forward step by step as if pulled by invisible strings, until he stiffly sat down on the chair.

He watched in horror as the two frogs bound his hands and feet, then slowly stepped back.

Blond’s pupils dilated in terror, his face turning pallid. He trembled uncontrollably, his blood rushing against his eardrums, the sharp sound of electrical currents ringing in his ears.

No, no, no…

No, no, no!!!

Suddenly, something gently tapped his mask with a soft “tap.”

Blond was taken aback, almost doubting if it was his own auditory hallucination. After a brief moment of dizziness and confusion, he finally realized the authenticity of the sound—

Gentle, rhythmic tapping sounded, conveying some kind of… message.

Morse code?!


A bizarre machine noise started from above.

Under the immense mental pressure, Blond strained to discern.

The other side was saying—


He froze.



The next second, accompanied by a soft “sizzle” sound, the restraints on his wrists and ankles seemed to suddenly loosen, as if someone had used a sharp object to cut a small slit in the straps!


Someone was coming to rescue him!

His teammates were coming to rescue him!!!

If they told him to run, there must be some sort of contingency plan!!

He really could escape now!!

He was saved!!

Joy, panic, excitement—intense emotions all mixed together, causing a surge of extraordinary strength to erupt from Blond’s depths!


The machine noise overhead grew louder.

Blond struggled with all his might!

The frogs on both sides didn’t seem to anticipate his action. After a brief moment of shock, he heard a few “sizzle” sounds. The straps, already worn from extended use, snapped apart. Blond stumbled and broke free from the chair, then rushed toward the door in a frenzy—!

What happened next had become blurry in Blond’s vision and mind.

Fleeing, struggling, being caught, and being dragged back.

Intense friction echoed in the room, yet no one made a sound.

Everything appeared especially chaotic—silent combat, inverted scenes, even his memories seemed fragmented and shattered.

Perhaps for several minutes, or maybe just a few tens of seconds.

Blond, who hadn’t even taken a few steps, was immediately tackled, then dragged back like a dog about to be slaughtered and re-bound to the chair.

The hope of escape vanished in an instant, as if it had never existed.


Gazing at the brass contraption above, tears streamed down Blond’s face.


Big liar!!!!!

Run my foot!!!!!!

What’s the use of that!!!!!


Amidst the chaos, Wen Jianyan took a step forward, like a silently landing cat, light and agile. By the time he stepped back, a work badge was already in the palm of his hand.

Seizing the opportunity amidst Blond and the frogs’ struggle, he moved quickly to the closed glass door.


The work badge gently swept over the sensor.

The door silently swung open.

All the frogs’ attention was focused on Blond, completely unaware that their headquarters had been infiltrated.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Aaaaah hurry!]

[Aaaaah I’m so nervous, help!!!]

[This is hilarious! How come no one cares about Blond, who was caught within two seconds of running away? Pure cannon fodder, so pitiful hahaha!]

[Damn, my heart rate just shot up. Hurry, hurry, those grogs aren’t looking this way, ahhhh!]


The machines started running again.

Blond’s body had gone limp. He stared blankly at the brass apparatus above, his expression vacant, tears silently streaming down his face. His fighting spirit had vanished from his gaze, leaving only a sense of resignation, waiting for death.

The next second—


The piercing sound of the brass bell rang out.

The sound was loud and sharp, spreading from various channels and instantly echoing throughout the entire pirate ship.


Blond was taken aback.

Wh-what’s going on???

Along with the ear-piercing brass bell, all the employees on the deck and in the cabins of the pirate ship, as if receiving some command, stopped what they were doing and turned around, walking toward the exit.

—According to the rules.

When the bell rang, it was time for the shift change.

In an instant, chaos engulfed the entire pirate ship.

The next moment, he felt the familiar sensation of his wrists and ankles being freed.

Blond lay dazed on the chair until a strong pull on his wrist yanked him up forcefully, dragging him towards the exit. As his invisibility prop’s time limit expired, a young man with clown makeup appeared beside him.

Blond stumbled along behind the young man, his face chilled by the tears that hadn’t yet dried. The roller coaster of emotions left him in a daze.

The young man’s tall and slender figure cast a comforting warmth through the touch on his wrist, as if he were the lifeline pulling him from the depths of despair.

The scene before him felt so familiar—

Almost the exact same thing had happened in that mirror world shrouded in darkness, creating a jumbled sense of déjà vu for Blond.

Wen Jianyan glanced at him, raised an eyebrow, and silently mouthed:

“What are you looking at?”


Beneath the heavily applied makeup, he could see the young man’s smooth profile. His amber eyes seemed to glow with eternal, unextinguishable fire, a mixture of righteousness and wickedness, fervent and vibrant.

The young man before him possessed a kind of irresistible charisma, a magical pull that made Blond want to abandon everything and follow blindly.

At that moment, the dazed Blond seemed to suddenly understand something.

Why did everyone follow this guy without hesitation when he stood up and walked into the employee queue, participating in this crazy game?

Never before had anyone made him feel the allure of the words “being alive.”

The dazzling, almost intense vitality that seemed to surge from the depths of his soul, the kind of life force that could bring about profound changes, had a nearly irresistible power. It could sweep anyone off their feet.

For those struggling in darkness, numbly seeking survival, it was like seeing a glimmer of light in the darkness—a rarity that was desired due to its scarcity and longed for due to its absence.

While gazing at the other person, Blond even had a momentary sensation that his eyeballs were being burned.

…So handsome.


The corridor was also plunged into chaos.

Wen Ya’s gaze landed on the running figures of Wen Jianyan and Blond, her eyes slightly brightening.

In fact, from the moment Blond was taken into the room, she had been prepared to act recklessly for self-preservation. But just before she could take action, her phone received a message from Wen Jianyan.

[Wait for the bell.]

Though she didn’t understand its meaning, Wen Ya decided to heed the message and continued to lay low.

However, it didn’t take long for her to grasp the underlying meaning of this message.

The piercing and shrill bell echoed in the corridor, prompting all the employees to react instinctively. The number of staff members in the frog uniforms was already very small and despite their desperate attempts to maintain order, their efforts seemed feeble. In an instant, the entire pirate ship descended into chaos.

Wen Jianyan tugged on Wen Ya’s arm, indicating for her to follow, and then he pulled out his phone, making a gesture to her—

Wen Ya opened her phone and found the message that Wen Jianyan had just sent her.

[Take off your badge, notify the others, and meet in the changing room.]

Wen Ya understood.

She knew that Wen Jianyan’s level as an anchor wasn’t high enough to send messages to teammates from different groups. However, she was different—her level was sufficient to communicate with Yun Bilan and the others.

Following Wen Jianyan’s instructions, she quickly messaged Yun Bilan and Elise, then removed her own badge and the one still on Blond, who was lost in thought.

The two badges fell to the ground, creating a cracking sound as they were forcefully crushed underfoot.

The sound of the brass bell continued to resonate in the air, accompanied by the rumble of machinery, creating an almost dizzying sensation.

Inside the pirate ship, chaos reigned as all the employees moved about. Character outfits of various colors and designs mingled together, resembling a colorful river.

The three activated their invisibility props and dashed along the same path they had taken earlier. Even if they bumped into people, it didn’t matter. In this current situation, nobody could pay attention to them.

Soon, they arrived at the changing room.

It was equally chaotic there.


Blond’s eyes brightened as he tugged at Wen Jianyan’s arm and pointed toward Yun Bilan and Elis, who were quite a distance away.

Quickly, the five of them reunited once again.

Though they couldn’t communicate due to their headgear, they all understood what they needed to do next—

Escape from the pirate ship as quickly as possible.

Guided by Wen Jianyan’s gestures, Yun Bilan and Elise also removed their badges and activated their invisibility props. With determination, they hurriedly made their way out of the changing room.

All the employees were driven by the rules.

If the brass bell rings, it’s the sign for work exchange.” If they believed this rule, then they could only wait for the brass bell to ring, and no one would be able to leave.

“Do not communicate with other sailors.” Because of this rule, employees couldn’t communicate with each other, cutting off the main way of obtaining information. They could only be controlled and classified as silent dolls.

These rules practically confined the infiltrating anchors, but when combined, they became the only way out within the entire pirate ship.

The chaotic crowd overwhelmed the fewer numbers of Mr. Ribbits, rendering them almost unable to stop the employees from surging outward.

The rules that were initially standing in their way had now become obstacles, incapable of informing the employees—

The bell sound was a mistake.

They couldn’t speak up, couldn’t halt the process, couldn’t prevent it, and could only helplessly watch as the employees went step by step into the changing room, removed their badges, and carried out their “shift change.”

Amidst the chaos, Wen Jianyan and the others sprinted forward.

After passing through a long, pitch-black corridor, the bright blue sky appeared before their eyes, causing their hearts to tighten and their breathing to quicken.

In that instant, it felt like being reborn.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Aaaaaahhh, charge forward!! (50 reward points)]

[Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! This is the first time I’ve seen an anchor escape from the pirate ship alive!! So excited!!! (50 reward points)]

[This is beyond breaking through the 0th level!! This is breaking through level 5!! Escaping with the entire team intact, retreating from the encirclement, this is incredible!!]

[So strong, so strong, I’m really screaming!! (100 reward points)]

[The anchor is amazing!! (100 reward points)]

The author has something to say:

Blond: Waaah, you big liar!

Three minutes later—

Blond: Um, so, if I were to join your Victims’ Association now, can I get a discount on the membership fee? (Nervously)

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  1. Я вроде догадался, что Блонди – это мужчина, но кое-где его называют Блонди* (как девочку) и я вообще запутался, он это или она

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