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Fantasy Amusement Park
Chapter 113: Syrup

“You, you’re…”

Yun Bilan widened her eyes, staring at Wen Jianyan in a clown costume before her, momentarily struck speechless.

“Can’t you tell?” 

Wen Jianyan spun around in front of her, then suddenly changed his tone, using an overly exaggerated, cheerful tone:

“Welcome all visitors to the Fantasy Amusement Park! Please read the rules for this area carefully!”

His voice really sounded just like those clowns, from the intonation to the unsettling cheerfulness – there was no difference from the real amusement park staff, sending shivers down one’s spine.

Blond couldn’t help trembling and quietly taking a step back.

“Stop!” Yun Bilan’s forehead twitched, hastily calling out, “Do you know how eerie and uncanny you’re being?”

“But speaking of which… how did you change back?”

Yun Bilan observed the other person, somewhat incredulously asking.

When they parted ways, the other person was still a delicate young figure. However, in just ten minutes or so, Wen Jianyan’s height surged by over ten centimeters. Even though he wore baggy clown pants, his originally tall figure was still apparent.

So when they had just glimpsed Wen Jianyan from afar, they hadn’t imagined at all that this normally-proportioned clown, who looked like an adult, would actually be played by Wen Jianyan.

“It’s a long story.” 

Wen Jianyan shrugged, turning back into the bushes and dragging out those hefty costumes: “Anyway, come and help out for now!”

“Oh, right, let’s get to it!”

The others seemed to wake up from a dream.

They all went forward, assisting Wen Jianyan in pulling out the other sets of staff costumes from the bushes.


Wen Ya lowered her head, looking at the doll costume on the ground, and confirmed, “You’re planning to have us disguise ourselves as staff and sneak into the east area, right?”

“That’s right!”

Wen Jianyan adjusted the top hat on his head and theatrically snapped his fingers.

“Do you remember? The staff rules mention that all staff members in the park must not remove their costumes or makeup. It’s both for protection and a means of identity confirmation.”

He pointed to the metal sign erected in the nearby bushes.

“Rules for the Food Zone in the Fantasy Amusement Park” Rule 8: Tourists are prohibited from going to the east side of this area.

The young man’s face was adorned with enigmatic clown makeup, his skin painted a pallid hue, embellished with star and moon patterns. The bright red corners of his mouth outlined a perpetually upturned smile.

“Since we’re not tourists anymore, do we really need to stop?” 

The others were taken aback.

They hadn’t expected the other party to come up with this method to bypass the rules.

Indeed, tourists couldn’t enter the east area, but for staff, it was essentially unobstructed.

“Come on, choose your outfits,” Wen Jianyan pointed to the pile of costumes behind him. “Put it on quickly after you decide; we don’t have much time.”

In the circus tent from earlier, there were several worn-out prop boxes filled with old staff uniforms and makeup supplies. Wen Jianyan had meticulously chosen a few sets of clothing that people could barely fit into.

Initially, Wen Jianyan was prepared to wear a cat costume, as Lilith was also trapped in one. Clearly, the cat costume would be more advantageous for his upcoming actions.

However, after squeezing himself into the costume, he awkwardly realized that his current skeletal figure…

Was a bit too large for this particular costume.

If it were his previous form, this costume would have fit perfectly, but now that he had reverted to his original size, it was difficult to squeeze into this smaller-sized outfit.

Wen Jianyan had to give up on that outfit and instead opt for the clown costume, which didn’t demand a specific body size.

In an attempt to perfect his disguise, he initially planned to remove the green wig from the unconscious clown’s head. However, the excessively vivid and vibrant hair turned out to be real, and he couldn’t just yank it off.

In the end, Wen Jianyan had to make do. He found some dark green dye among the makeup supplies and hastily applied it to his hair. He also found a top hat to wear, finally completing his transformation.

During this time, the rewards in Wen Jianyan’s broadcast room skyrocketed. According to the system’s calculations on the source of rewards, his broadcast room even briefly made its way to the bottom of the recommended list for anchors in the beauty zone.

In just a few minutes, the “Integrity First” live broadcast room had turned into a sea of screaming chickens:

[Aaaaaah the anchor is changing clothes, changing clothes!!! I’m screenshotting like crazy!!]

[I’m super into this, the clown makeup is just too adorable aaaahhh!]

[I was just lamenting the loss of the youthful look of the anchor, but now I’m completely bewitched by the wicked clown; wuwuwu, I’m truly a sinful ‘visual dog’!]

Unaware of the barrage of comments in his live broadcast room, Wen Jianyan finally let out a sigh of relief.

After getting everything properly dressed, that feeling of being constantly polluted finally ceased. This allowed him to relax a little, not feeling so nervously strained.

Wen Jianyan scanned his teammates and locked eyes with Blond, waving to him.

“Come here.”

Blond, who was called out, trembled in the shoulders and looked over in panic. “What-what do you want?”

“I’m not going to eat you, am I?” 

Wen Jianyan pulled him over with a smiling face. His initially very friendly expression appeared particularly eerie beneath the colorful clown makeup: “You don’t actually think I’m just a clown, do you?”

Blond wanted to cry but had no tears: “…”

No, you’re much scarier!

Luckily, Wen Jianyan quickly changed the topic: “Do you remember what I mentioned about finding someone before?”

Blond nodded.

“She’s wearing a tortoiseshell cat costume just like this one.”

Wen Jianyan rummaged on the ground and pulled out the cat costume, then handed the furry headpiece to Blond.

Next, he briefly described the marks on Lilith’s doll costume to Blond: “Your task now is to find a cat with the same features in this area. Once you spot it, let me know. Got it?”

Quickly, the group got dressed in all the costumes.

Blond became a brown teddy bear, Yun Bilan turned into a white sheep, Elise, who had short hair and a less prominent bust, and Wen Jianyan were dressed as clowns. Wen Ya, the shortest in stature, wore the tortoiseshell cat costume.

“Where are we heading next?” 

Yun Bilan adjusted her headpiece, her voice muffled as it came from underneath the hood 

“Follow me.”

Evidently, Wen Jianyan had already devised the plan for their next moves during this time.

He waved to the others behind him, taking the lead as he walked into the jungle.

Perhaps due to psychological factors, even though the east area was part of the amusement park, it seemed to exude a peculiar sense of pressure.

The air felt dense, as if it had absorbed moisture, sticking to the skin and making breathing somewhat difficult.

Maybe because there weren’t the multicolored bulbs that constantly emitted vibrant light, the east area appeared darker than the main amusement park area. Through the dense trees, one could hear the cheerful music from the park not too far away.

It gave the impression of being in a different world altogether.

Soon, Wen Jianyan stopped in his tracks.

They were at the rear of the circus tent.

“Look here,” Wen Jianyan pointed at the ground.

Everyone’s gaze followed this direction.

They saw a metal pipe shallowly buried in the ground, extending from a distance and disappearing at the far end into the red and white circus tent.

“What is this?” 

The others were puzzled.

“It’s a syrup transport pipeline.” 

Wen Jianyan answered.

“Syrup?” The others seemed somewhat bewildered.

“That’s right.”

Next, Wen Jianyan briefly summarized his experience inside the tent.

“Meaning, the reason Lilith’s condition was alleviated earlier is related to this syrup?” 

Wen Ya confirmed thoughtfully.

Wen Jianyan nodded: “Yes.”

“Not only that, the ice creams we bought probably also contain similar syrups, but they have much lower amounts and concentrations.” 

Wen Jianyan continued.

It was precisely because of the addition of the red syrup that all the ice creams they purchased, whether watermelon, bayberry, or strawberry flavors, were in shades of red.

Wen Ya looked at the young Wen Jianyan in front of her, a look of realization appearing on her face. 

“Ah, so that’s why you turned back to your original appearance?”

Since the syrup was the underlying reason behind the effects on the food, and after the robbery earlier, Wen Jianyan now possessed the most game tickets among them. This was akin to making a purchase in the food zone, causing his game tickets and physical age to be re-synchronized, leading him to revert to his original adult appearance.

“Well, this thing is quite useful!” 

Yun Bilan exclaimed excitedly.

Regardless of what exactly this syrup was and whether there were any side effects from consuming it, it remained the only item in this scenario that could alleviate mental pollution.

Even more remarkably, it not only resolved the pollution issue but also served as a substitute for consumption within the food zone.

“If we could stock up on more of it…”

Yun Bilan grew excited.

Wen Jianyan understood her thoughts.

He shrugged. “It’s a pity, I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”

The reason he didn’t bring his teammates back into the tent earlier but came directly to the back was that, when he was searching for the costumes earlier, he practically turned the entire interior upside down.

Coupled with the fact that the clown he had knocked unconscious could wake up at any moment, there was no need to go back in there anymore.

After putting on the clown attire, Wen Jianyan had the same idea as Yun Bilan.

So, he tried twisting the faucet.

However, after opening the faucet, there was no syrup gushing out. Instead, he heard hollow gurgling echoes from within the pipe.

Wen Jianyan wasn’t discouraged; instead, he felt around the pipe, searching for the source.

There were no structures behind the tent, so this pipe must have been connected from the outside. He followed its path to the rear of the tent and saw the passage extending from a distance.

“How could this be…?” Yun Bilan looked deeply disappointed.

“I don’t know.”

Wen Jianyan shook his head honestly.

It was possible that the amount of syrup retrieved each time was limited, or perhaps there wouldn’t be anymore after this. In any case, waiting here wouldn’t yield results.


The young man lifted his eyes. His facial features were well-defined, even though they were obscured by the heavy inked makeup. One could sense a compelling handsomeness and a particularly sinister charm beneath the clown’s appearance.

A hint of mischievous laughter lingered in those amber eyes.

“Wanna go and see where it leads?” 

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