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Fantasy Amusement Park
Chapter 104: Bonus Level: Halloween Spin Wheel

A few minutes before Blond’s team entered the project.

“Come on, let’s organize our thoughts.” 

Wen Jianyan said.

“We have gone through three projects so far, and there are still two more remaining to complete the main line task. If my previous guess is correct, the instance will only get harder over time. Therefore, our most important task, even before capturing Blond, is to play the project.”

Wen Jianyan looked up at Wen Ya and said in a calm and gentle voice:

“I understand that you want to rescue Lilith as soon as possible, but completing the main task still takes priority.”

Wen Ya took a deep breath and nodded slowly: 

“Don’t worry, I understand what you mean.”

She understood perfectly well what Wen Jianyan had just said.

This team was not comprised of just her alone, and they didn’t have deep bonds with each other. For the other team members, rescuing Lilith was not their highest priority. They had to complete the main task without compromising it—They didn’t have a selfless duty to risk their lives for a complete stranger.

Wen Jianyan curled his lips in a faint smile.

Yes, it was effortless to talk to smart people.

Wen Jianyan shifted his gaze to Yun Bilan’s group.

“The opposing anchor team has four members. Judging by their level of cooperation, it’s highly likely that they haven’t lost any members, and there are no signs of their age decreasing. They have probably only gone through one project at most.”

Clearly, because the mission target hadn’t appeared yet, the completion rate of the hired anchor team’s main task remained stagnant.

This situation had its pros and cons.

The downside was that the opposing team’s strength hadn’t been depleted at all, and they would have more points and a greater reserve of hidden props.

It would be unwise to confront four experienced and undiminished veteran anchors head-on.

However, the advantage was that their lack of experience in the number of projects meant that this group had insufficient knowledge of the amusement park’s basic rules, as well as the traps and dangers that could occur within the project.

“Based on our previous experience, each project takes approximately forty minutes to an hour to complete, while Lilith has a time limit of three hours.”

He paused for a moment before calmly stating, “So, I suggest we enter the next project with them and find an opportunity to strike within the project.”

“I agree.” 

Yun Bilan nodded.

The young man squinted his eyes and revealed a shallow smile. “Very well, then we have reached a consensus.”

He looked at Wen Ya, and his amber eyes shimmered with warm light and a playful smile.

“Don’t worry, Lilith will be fine.”

Wen Ya’s breath involuntarily hitched, she blinked and suppressed the sourness welling up in her heart, and replied in a suppressed voice, “Thank you.”

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Wuwuwuwu, the liar is so gentle, really gentle!]

[Wuwuwuwu, yes, even though his own life is in danger, he’s still planning to rescue someone… Oh God, is he an angel?]

[Although I admit that in Nightmares, you can go further by scheming and betraying each other, seeing these flashes of humanity in an anchor really purifies the soul!]

[Oh come on, I think the anchor is clearly a foolish idiot, right? He has already played three projects, how can he still have no concept of the difficulty of this instance? Don’t try to save someone and put yourself in danger!]

[?? Are the previous few people entering this live stream room for the first time? Seriously, do you really believe in the innocence of the anchor’s face? This guy is very cunning, don’t be fooled!]

[Yeah! If the anchor is truly kind, selfless, and illuminated by divine light, how could he suggest entering the project first and then kidnapping someone, regardless of whether the time is enough or not? It would introduce too many variables!]

Wen Jianyan’s gaze fell on Blond’s team not far away as they walked towards the project.

Wen Jianyan looked at the people around him:

“Wait for me here.”

Yun Bilan was taken aback: “What are you going to do?”

The young man blinked mysteriously. “Psychological tactics.”

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[Ha! You’re clearly just trying to scare people again!]

[Ha! You’re clearly just trying to scare people again!]

[Blond: Did I offend you?]

[Hahahahaha, so hilarious! How can you scare someone every day?! You’re so mean!]

Five minutes later.

After Blond’s figure disappeared from sight, Wen Jianyan deactivated the concealing prop on himself, and his slender figure reappeared in broad daylight.

He squinted his eyes slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

Just then, a system notification sound rang in his ears, bringing Wen Jianyan back to reality:

【Oops, the system has detected that the anchor’s remaining survival time will be less than ten minutes. Your live broadcast room will be closing soon! To satisfy your loyal fans in the live broadcast room, please exchange for additional survival time!】

Wen Jianyan snapped back to his senses.

After entering the instance, besides the initial starting time, he had purchased an additional round of survival time, but he hadn’t expected to use it up so quickly.

He lowered his head and opened the live broadcast interface, skillfully exchanging for three more hours of survival time.

After completing the exchange, he absentmindedly opened the barrage.

The barrage area of the “Integrity First” live broadcast room instantly exploded:


[Aaaaaaaaah! Anchor opened the barrage!]

[My liar wife, look at me!(50 reward points)]

[I command you to call me ‘sister’ now! Don’t force me to kneel down and beg you! (50 reward points)]

Wen Jianyan quickly scanned through the barrage in front of him, and the corners of his lips curled up unconcernedly. “Long time no see, everyone is still so enthusiastic.”

With the anchor’s response, the barrage became even more lively.

There were the nutritious cries of “Aaaaah,”  wife,” and “baby,” as well as questions and curiosity about the mechanics of this instance. Of course, mixed in were a few doubts about the decisions he had made earlier.

Soon, Wen Jianyan’s gaze lingered for a moment on one particular barrage, repeating:

“Why save Lilith?”

“What’s the matter? Don’t you believe that I’m a good person?”

He furrowed his brows slightly, placed a hand over his heart, and wore a pitiful expression of being wounded.

“I feel so sad.”

The barrage area:



[Help! He’s so adorable!!!]

[I command the previous few to take back their words! Can’t my wife be this kind-hearted?]

[That’s right!!]

Looking at the comments rapidly scrolling before his eyes, Wen Jianyan raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so you really want to know that badly?”

[Wuwuwu, super want to know! (50 reward points)]

[Tell me now!!! (50 reward points)]

[I thought I knew, but now I’m not so sure… Aaaaaahhh, don’t tease us anymore!! (100 reward points)]

Seeing the reward points skyrocketing in the background, Wen Jianyan pleasantly hooked the corner of his lips and casually spoke up:

“Of course, I genuinely want to save people.”

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left the cat plush doll for Lilith.


The young man squinted his eyes, and his irises shimmered with a honey-like color in the sunlight. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as his slightly hoarse voice dropped low: “I never waste time on meaningless things.”




Wen Jianyan playfully blinked at the barrage and nonchalantly turned away from the live broadcast interface. He calmly turned towards his teammates, who happened to be approaching him, smoothly performing a sequence of actions with perfect timing.

“Let’s go.”

He said.

“Let’s make the most of our time and complete this project as soon as possible.”

Wen Ya nodded. “Okay.”

The group walked together toward the entrance of the project.

Wen Jianyan didn’t lie to anyone, and every point he analyzed was factual.

He simply combined these facts to reach a conclusion that would maximize his own interests.

After reading the staff rules of the previous project, he quickly realized that the east side of the Food Zone was likely the staff rest area. From that moment on, the idea of exploring that area was born in his mind.

After all, he still had the task of finding Wu Zhu’s Soul Fragment.

The failure rate of entering the Forbidden Zone was too high, and whether it was completing the task, finding the fragment, or saving Lilith, he couldn’t do it without teammates by his side.

So, the most important thing he needed to do now was integrate the team. In simple terms, it was about harmonizing the relationships within the team and making everyone willingly follow his lead.

Wen Ya didn’t need him to persuade her much.

Guilt and emotional connections would make a person dominated by emotions and choose the dangerous path without hesitation. They might even think he was a selfless and good person.

As for the other teammates, he needed to reduce the threat they perceived from the main task.

Only then would everyone willingly become his puppets.

Lilith did need to be saved, but he wouldn’t make decisions that would harm his own interests. He was the puppeteer behind the scenes, the subtle guide who could make everything develop according to his own will.

No matter who he cooperated with or traded with, in the end, he would always be the ultimate beneficiary.

Wen Jianyan took out the coupons from his pocket and handed them to the sheep at the entrance, then accepted the ticket handed to him by the sheep. He smiled faintly. “Thank you.”

He withdrew his gaze and walked toward the Halloween Ferris Wheel.

A faint smile always lingered in the depths of the young man’s eyes, as if covered by a thin mask.

That’s how he always was.


“Welcome, everyone, to the Fantasy Amusement Park!”

“To thank all the visitors for their long-standing support, the park has specially prepared a bonus level for you, the Halloween Spin Wheel!”

Upon entering the project, a sweet voice sounded overhead: “This project will not close, and the rewards are generous. The completion time limit doesn’t matter. You can choose different routes to clear it!”

Wen Jianyan looked up.

The size of this project was even larger than he had imagined.

It was a massive, three-dimensional, intricately complex maze. Different corridors and stairs seemed to change periodically according to a certain pattern, connecting various rooms and a huge plaza.

At the end of the maze, a massive golden gate with the words “Exit” could be seen.

As he stared at the gate, several anchors happened to pass through the exit right before his eyes. Just as the introduction said, the project did not close after people left.

The entrance, on the other hand, seemed to be unfixed.

Wen Jianyan scanned the surroundings, and his gaze fell on a distant room one level below them. There, he could see the other anchors who had entered the project earlier, as well as the conspicuous Blonde head in the upper-right corner of the fifth floor.

The other party clearly noticed him too, his face turning pale as he widened his eyes slightly.

Wen Jianyan smiled at him and waved in an intimate manner. 


Blond’s complexion worsened a bit, and he hurriedly averted his gaze, quickening his steps as if escaping into a nearby room.

He didn’t shout for his teammates in panic, nor did he take any confrontational actions.

He chose to evade without seeking help.

Wen Jianyan’s lips curled up.

It seemed that his teammate no longer trusted him.

The already thin sense of trust had been depleted through repeated exaggerated actions and sensitive suspicions. With the fermentation and amplification of these prejudices, Blond himself was obviously aware of this.

So, even when faced with a threat, his first reaction was no longer to seek help from his teammates.

Because he knew that his pleas for help would go unanswered and might even have the opposite effect.

Through his observations in the previous project, Wen Jianyan quickly realized that there was no emotional connection or foundation of trust between these team members. Blond was not the one giving orders, and he had a low status within the team with almost no authority. He was timid and easily frightened, but he was the most important “eye” of the entire team.

Therefore, starting from the “Crazy Little Train” project, Wen Jianyan made every effort—

Whether it was the initial approach and conversation, occasional attention and intimidation, or the subtle increase in dosages of the fear mushrooms, it was all aimed at disturbing this “eye” and gradually implanting this sense of mistrust within the team.

To be honest, if it weren’t for Wu Zhu’s interference in the previous project, Wen Jianyan would have been ready to wrap things up. Although he took a detour, it wasn’t too late now.

Beside him, Yun Bilan examined the rules posted on the wall and exclaimed, “Isn’t this similar to Monopoly?”


Wen Jianyan was startled and turned his head to look.

“Monopoly, haven’t you played it?” Yun Bilan pointed at the spinning wheel in front of them.

The wheel had two layers, one indicating the number of keys and the other indicating special effects.

“The number of keys determines how many doors we can open, how many chests we can unlock in the rooms, and in a way, it’s similar to the number of steps. The special effects refer to various buffs and debuffs.”

Each room had a different number of chests, and both opening the chests and opening the rooms required keys. The anchors needed to decide whether to use their keys to open doors and progress or to open chests and search for treasure. Both options were clearly allowed by the rules.

However, it was uncertain whether the chests would yield rich rewards or Halloween scares.

After exhausting their keys, they would need to stay in that room to complete the task before being able to participate in a new round of drawing.

However, the difficulty and content of each task varied greatly. Some might only involve jumping in place three times and spinning around, while others might require risking their lives.

“It indeed feels like a bonus level,” Yun Bilan concluded. “But luck seems to play a big role.”

Wen Jianyan: “…”


—What are you looking at???

The author has something to say: 

Goddess of Luck: Huh?

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