SB Ch151: Crazy Edge

Chapter 151: Do you really think you can kill me?

Shen Ti’s sudden appearance shocked everyone, including Lilith, who intended to assassinate him.

The pollutants that had been rapidly closing in all stopped moving the moment Shen Ti appeared, as if stunned by an invisible force, unable to resist.

In the distance, Gabriel stood behind Zhong Yirou. In a short period, he had witnessed Lilith’s transformation, seen Zhong Yirou turn from a young, beautiful girl into a tentacled monster surrounded by so many pollutants, and watched Shen Ti appear like a ghost. His legs turned to jelly.

“What the hell…”

As Shen Ti turned around, they involuntarily stepped back.

The entire encirclement kept expanding outward, continuously expanding.

Even Zhong Yirou, who had turned into a pollutant, couldn’t help but retreat. The pressure was too strong; for her, it felt like all the air nearby had been sucked away, and everything inside her would soon explode.

She could only retreat, releasing the tentacles that had been protecting Zhou Yijue and Gabriel. The two of them had not been attacked by Lilith and the pollutants. The long, thick tentacles retracted, finally returning to the hollow socket of her eye.

An Wujiu, clutching his wounds, slowly walked towards the fallen Nan Shan.

Half of Wu You’s arm had been brutally cut off, lying in the pool of blood beneath Nan Shan, a horrifying sight.

“Wait, I’ll save you.” An Wujiu knelt on the ground, pressing his bloodied hands on the wound, trying every way to stop the bleeding.

Half-conscious, Nan Shan vaguely saw the life value above An Wujiu’s head. After this severe injury, it was almost gone.

With so little life value left, they probably only had one last chance.

No matter what An Wujiu did, he couldn’t stop the bleeding. No matter how hard he pressed, the blood kept gushing out like an inevitable outcome, mocking him by presenting itself before his eyes.

“Listen to me… Wujiu, Wujiu…” Nan Shan stretched out a bloody hand, grasping An Wujiu’s wrist. His pale lips moved with great difficulty, giving An Wujiu a comforting smile, “Don’t waste time on me… She, she just said she was doing this for her brother… Have you thought about it, could that masked man be… another version of you from a different timeline?”

This made An Wujiu’s hand tremble slightly.

Should he tell the truth?

He had considered it, especially when the masked man first appeared. But when the elevator doors opened and he saw the masked man shoot Lilith, he thought, no matter how bad or extreme he became, he would never kill Lilith and tell him that was his sister. In the masked man’s eyes, she was just a pawn. An Wujiu couldn’t accept that this person was himself.

“I… I don’t know…”

For the first time, An Wujiu showed his helplessness in front of them.

He lowered his head, like a destined failure.

Nan Shan’s voice was faint, using all his strength to hold An Wujiu’s hand, “Wujiu, I’m just guessing, but no matter who the masked man is… he can beat you because… because you care too much about us, you want to protect each one of us, and he doesn’t… care about anything…”

“You have to survive… don’t be afraid…” Nan Shan, using his last bit of strength, could barely speak, using his bloody fingers to write a word on the back of An Wujiu’s hand.

The last stroke was unfinished, and his hand fell.

Amid Wu You’s cries, An Wujiu looked down and saw the word on the back of his hand.


Could it be that he had really been wrong?

An Wujiu couldn’t accept this. He couldn’t leave these people behind, nor could he allow himself to become another masked man.

Staggering, he stood up and picked up a gun. He saw Shen Ti walking towards Lilith with apparent calm, but An Wujiu knew his calm was on the brink of losing control.

Sure enough, Shen Ti picked up a gun from the ground and aimed it at Lilith’s forehead.

“Don’t kill her yet.” An Wujiu walked up to her and asked expressionlessly, “I look just like your brother, don’t I?”

Lilith was completely confused, suddenly becoming frantic, tears streaming from her eyes, her body convulsing.

An Wujiu saw the needle marks on her arm.

“Your brother made you come to kill me; he controlled you.”

This sentence pierced Lilith painfully. She suddenly raised her head, shouting hysterically, “He loves me.”

An Wujiu gave a bleak smile and shook his head.

It seemed like it was really him.

Hearing this, Shen Ti felt deep heartache, a pain stemming from An Wujiu.

A brother who truly loved her, striving to survive for her, painstakingly searching for her, only to end in bloodshed.

While the one who used her, who saw her as a tool, became “the one who loved her the most.”


Why did An Wujiu have to suffer all this?

That extreme power awakened again, with hot blood rushing to Shen Ti’s throat.

An Wujiu lowered his eyes, seeing the word on the back of his hand, thinking only of the scene of Nan Shan being stabbed.

He raised his gun and aimed it at Lilith’s chest.

No matter what, it was his sister who killed Nan Shan, and it was also a tragedy he indirectly caused.

Such a significant hidden danger needed someone to end it.

His fingers tightly gripped the handle, unexpectedly trembling uncontrollably. Lilith’s crying face was right in front of him, gradually morphing into the girl at the ventilation shaft from their childhood—the little girl who was about to be separated from him.

Just as he closed his eyes, trying to overcome everything and pull the trigger.

Blood suddenly splashed onto his face.

An Wujiu opened his eyes and saw a tentacle with a hooked mouthpiece piercing through Lilith’s chest.


The pollutants were at least a meter away. An Wujiu looked at Shen Ti, but Shen Ti, looking surprised, had done nothing.

As Lilith fell, they saw clearly that the tentacle piercing her chest had emerged from the ground.

“Watch out!”

An Wujiu pulled Shen Ti back as the tentacle burst from the soil like a giant serpent. Scales and teeth interwove along every inch of its surface, and slimy fluid dripped from the tips of the teeth.

Zhong Yirou realized that the moment this tentacle appeared, Shen Ti’s control over the land was weakened.

Or rather, it was balanced.

[This must be that evil god!]

The distant snipers, as well as Wu You, Zhou Yijue, and Gabriel nearby, picked up their weapons and began shooting at the massive tentacle. To their surprise, the scales were not impenetrable and could be pierced by bullets!

They increased their firepower, but the excitement was short-lived. The areas pierced by bullets not only splattered slime but also sprouted new, small tentacles. These sub-tentacles were incredibly agile, shooting out like bullets in all directions, targeting and killing.

Zhong Yirou used her body to shield against the attacks, and the tentacles in her hollow eye socket fought back.

Everyone worked together to deal with this suddenly appearing troublesome enemy. But An Wujiu sensed something was wrong; the attacks were targeting everyone else, but not him.

As he was thinking this, he felt a lightness at his waist.

He turned around to see Shen Ti pulling out the long knife from his waist, his expression terrifyingly cold. Shen Ti leaped to an inhuman height, raised the knife with both hands, and fiercely split the giant tentacle from the tip downwards.

His movements were fluid and sharp, the slime splattering but not touching him.

This burst of strength stunned everyone. An Wujiu was about to coordinate with him, but to his surprise, Shen Ti, holding the long knife, walked into the midst of the pollutants he had previously intimidated.

“Hey.” From a distance, Zhou Yijue signaled to An Wujiu, “That guy is acting weird.”

Shen Ti seemed to be in a killing frenzy, wildly slashing the pollutants he had previously disdainfully ignored, causing wails all around.

The severed tentacle moved on the ground. Wu You noticed it and fired his gun, but it was too late; the tentacle shot straight towards Zhong Yirou.

An Wujiu shot at the tentacle while rushing over. In an instant, Shen Ti appeared in front of him, completely blocking him.

This teleportation ability seemed more than just awakened.

“Shen Ti!” An Wujiu grabbed one of his hands but was thrown off.

In shock, he watched Shen Ti raise the knife and fiercely cut the revived tentacle in half. Unsatisfied, Shen Ti chopped the tentacle into small pieces, watching them fall to the ground.

“That’s enough, Shen Ti, stop!” An Wujiu stepped forward, trying to grab his knife-wielding hand, but Shen Ti was faster, swinging the knife towards Zhong Yirou!

An Wujiu couldn’t believe it; he instinctively rushed in between them, the knife swiftly descending.

Finally, it stopped at An Wujiu’s forehead.

Unlike before.

Shen Ti stared straight at An Wujiu, like a predator in the middle of a hunt.

He slightly stiffly tilted his head, still staring at An Wujiu.

“Shen Ti, it’s me.” An Wujiu tried to communicate with him, reaching out to gently stroke his wrist.

He saw Shen Ti’s sanity value fluctuating greatly, halved in such a short time, but his life value was still full.

The green glow in Shen Ti’s eyes dimmed a bit. He blinked and, following An Wujiu’s touch, gradually lowered his hand.

Zhong Yirou retreated further. Since Shen Ti appeared, she knew that, even as a pollutant, she couldn’t compete with him. But she didn’t understand why Shen Ti went berserk while An Wujiu hadn’t even collapsed.

Just as Shen Ti was gradually regaining his sanity, they suddenly heard a familiar voice.

That rabbit’s voice.

“So it was you.”

An Wujiu turned his face, trying to locate the source of the voice, only to find the fragments at his feet moving again. This time, however, they weren’t attacking but seeking each other out.

Scattered pieces of pollutants gradually gathered, piecing together and bonding before their eyes into a grotesque whole.

Blue light enveloped these flesh chunks, and soon, the grotesque, gigantic form began to resemble a human shadow.

As the blue light faded, they saw Russell holding Noah.

Noah’s face was pale, and her eyes were hollow and lifeless, like a doll.

The rabbit’s voice gradually transformed into Russell’s, merging together. He turned his face slightly, looking at Shen Ti with a bizarre smile, a parody of a human smile.

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time, my dear brother.”


An Wujiu looked at Shen Ti.

It turned out they were not only of the same kind but also blood relatives.

“We’re both incomplete now, but I didn’t expect you to be so much weaker than me. It wasn’t like this before.”

Russell then looked at An Wujiu, walking towards him. An Wujiu defensively raised his gun, but Russell merely sneered, “Do you really think you can kill me?”

He continued approaching them, “With your human body? Small and insignificant humans with grand ambitions.”

An Wujiu aimed at his head and fired repeatedly, nearly shattering Russell’s skull into a bloody mess. But the next second, the broken parts fused together, restoring to their previous state.

A remnant fell onto Russell’s shoulder. He straightened his collar, gracefully picked up the remnant, and put it in his mouth.

“Listen.” The smile on his face faded as he raised his eyebrows at An Wujiu, “I know you can rewind time, or rather, he can take you back. So, I won’t let you die so easily.”

He released Noah’s hand and opened his arms in the dawn light, “Watching your friends die one by one while you are lucky enough to survive, isn’t that great?”

“Of course, these people are not important at all. Dead or alive, it doesn’t matter,” Russell smirked.

“Except… this one.”

His hands suddenly turned into tentacles, swiftly reaching out, too fast for human eyes to catch.

When An Wujiu’s vision finally caught up, he saw Shen Ti falling, while he himself was lifted by the tentacles, his limbs pierced and firmly fixed in place.

Shen Ti had been pierced, leaving a large, gaping hole in his body.

Impossible; this couldn’t be happening.

An Wujiu trembled all over, refusing to believe Shen Ti was dead.

But Shen Ti’s life value above his head was clearly zero.

“Kill me, quick, Yirou, Zhou Yijue, hurry, kill me!”

An Wujiu screamed almost hysterically, his head aching intensely as if something was about to burst out.

Zhong Yirou wanted to comply; before getting off the aircraft, An Wujiu had found her alone and made a pact with her.

If ever there came a time when An Wujiu couldn’t kill himself, she must do it for him.


Russell chuckled softly. In no time, Wu You, Zhou Yijue, Gabriel, and the pollutant-transformed Zhong Yirou were all dead.

Dead right before An Wujiu’s eyes.

An Wujiu watched everything in despair, watching his own dwindling life value.

“Feeling the inability to die, it’s quite unbearable, isn’t it?” Russell sneered, “Thanks to the human revolution plan, you’ve been turned into such a resilient being. Even riddled with holes, it’s hard to die directly.”

Russell laughed mockingly and said, “Though you’re just a human, at least you’re the strongest among humans. Your collapse and madness must be so delicious; I can’t wait…”

Before he finished, a bullet from a distance pierced An Wujiu’s head.

How could this be…

Russell quickly turned, looking in the direction from which the bullet came.

Suddenly, another bullet came, precisely piercing An Wujiu’s chest!

In his final moments, the riddled An Wujiu laughed softly.

“The game… isn’t over yet.”

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