SB Ch105: Christmas Eve

Chapter 105: “I didn’t get enough sleep last night, and listening to you guys chattering makes me even more tired.”

Andrew’s kill detection was firm and resolute. He glanced at Megan, who looked somewhat alarmed and surprised.

Andrew repeated, “As the Seer, I’m revealing my investigation: Megan, Player Five, is a werewolf. Tonight, I will investigate Player Nine, and tomorrow night, I will investigate either Player Four or Player Eleven, depending on their speeches.”

“I’m revealing all my investigation targets at once because I’m afraid the wolves might self-destruct. Since they haven’t, I’ll explain my reasoning. As the seer, I was very nervous, knowing that a fake seer would certainly appear. If I fail to gain the trust of the good players, we could be in trouble.

Last night, I pondered for a long time and decided to investigate Player Five (Megan). When I found out I was the seer, I specifically observed everyone and noticed that Player Five had a serious expression and furrowed brows. I suspected Player Five had some kind of role, and indeed, I found a wolf. I feel lucky to have detected a wolf, but since the speaking order is random, I still feel anxious.”

“Now, Player Five is a confirmed werewolf. Player Twelve (Matsura), who contested me, doesn’t seem like they will back down, meaning they must also be a werewolf. The targets Matsubara plans to investigate are Player Nine and Player One. I don’t believe he, as a werewolf, would include a fellow wolf in his investigation list, so I think there’s at most one wolf between Players Nine and One.”

“Considering there’s a Gargoyle in this game who doesn’t meet with the werewolves at night, it’s unlikely that the wolves would include all their teammates in the investigation list, which would make them targets. Therefore, there should be at most one wolf between Players Nine and One.”

Andrew glanced at An Wujiu.

“I can see Player One as a good person because during the election speech, he guided how the true seer should reveal themselves and how to choose investigation targets. If he were a werewolf, he wouldn’t want the true seer to reveal themselves well, making it easier for the wolves to contest the role.

If he did this to guide an unskilled wolf on how to contest the seer, it would be better for him to contest the role himself, increasing his chances of getting the scepter.”

“So, I can temporarily consider Player One as a good person. I will investigate Player Nine (Noah) from Matsubara’s list. I’m investigating Player Nine not because she’s a child and hard to read, but because I believe every player who made it this far has their own abilities. Despite age differences, we shouldn’t judge someone’s capability based on their age. I respect her abilities, so I will investigate her.”

“Additionally,” he continued, “Player Two (Lao Yu) wasn’t exposed by Player One’s bluff. Although his speech was emotional, it sounded like he’s a good person. If the wolves are playing this dirty, there’s nothing I can do; I have to consider him a good person for now.

In my view, Players One and Two are good. Player Five is a wolf, so I believe there’s at least one wolf among Players Three (Toudou Sakura), Four (Zhou Yijue), and Six (Nan Shan). Player Three bluffed a role and withdrew from the election, which I think was to avoid splitting the votes, allowing the true seer to gain the mid-priest role. I acknowledge this point. Player Six, like Player Nine, also didn’t run for election, so I will put them aside for now. I will investigate Player Four. If Player Four’s speech sounds like a good person, I will investigate Player Eleven in front of me.”

He turned to look at Yang Ce, who appeared calm and composed.

“Among the villagers, it’s easier to consider double logic, and you recognize An Wujiu as a good person, which I agree with. But I’m worried that the Gargoyle might make a move on the first day. I haven’t heard Player Four’s speech yet. After the election, I will finalize my investigation target for tomorrow night. Tonight, I will investigate Noah.”

Andrew looked around and said, “I am the only true seer here. I will never withdraw from this election. As the true seer, I must obtain this scepter.

With the Gargoyle in play, it’s very difficult for the good players. As long as the Gargoyle survives until the third day, they can revive and make the wolves self-destruct, killing one good role each night with precision. I hope the good players think about this. Whether it’s my reasoning for investigations or the reservation of future targets, I have fully respected my role and explained everything clearly to everyone. I am the Seer, Player Five is a werewolf, tonight I will investigate Player Nine, and tomorrow night I will investigate either Player Four or Player One. That’s all.”

He finished speaking, and since Players Six and Eight did not run for the election, it was Player Seven’s turn to speak.

Shen Ti stretched lazily, looking like he hadn’t fully woken up. “Sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night. Listening to all this chatter makes me even more tired, and there’s no breakfast.”

He finished with a nonchalant smile, “Two Seers have already spoken. I’ll jump as the seer, but it might mess up the good players’ perspective because I might get elected unanimously.”

He pointed at Nan Shan, Wu You, and Noah, who didn’t run for the election.

“Look at Player Six, my buddy, Player Eight, my little bro, and Player Nine, my little sis. If I jump, you might not get the scepter, so I won’t mess around.”

“I didn’t jump as the Seer, so it’s obvious I’m a good person. If I were a werewolf, I would’ve jumped for sure. Simple logic.”

Shen Ti glanced at Matsubara and then at Andrew, “I’ll evaluate the two Seers in play now.

First, Matsubara in the early position gave a ‘golden water’ to Player Two, who practically stated, ‘If I’m not a good person, I’ll die right here,’ so Player Two must be a good person. Otherwise, this cultist game would be too lame.

So Matsubara giving ‘golden water’ to Player Two isn’t very strong because Player Two was already outed as a good person. However, your speech and reasoning were more like a true seer’s. If I remember correctly, your targets are Player Nine and Player One, which is average.

Player Two is ‘golden water.’ You consider Player One a good person but still want to investigate him. As Player Eleven said, this is An Wujiu, a player with a perfect win rate so far. If he wanted to deceive you, he would’ve contested the seer role with a perfect speech and secured votes.”

Shen Ti raised an eyebrow and said, “So your investigation of Player One is unnecessary. There are many people who haven’t spoken yet, including potential contestants and instigators. You could pick someone from this group to investigate. Even if you investigated me, Player Seven, it would be better than investigating Player One. Do you think Player One might be the Gargoyle? Then you should say so, but you didn’t mention the Gargoyle at all.

These are Matsubara’s weak points.

“Andrew, on the other hand, revealed a werewolf in the later position, while you gave a ‘golden water’ in the early position. Both actions have a similar impact, but Andrew’s follow-up investigation plans are clearer and more flexible.”

Shen Ti turned to Andrew and said, “I think you should investigate Player Four among Players Four and Eleven. Player Four looks like they have a role.”

“Anyway…” Shen Ti shrugged, “Both of you have seer potential. Based on this round alone, I can’t firmly support either one. I can only point out issues. From this circle of speeches, I think Player Three is suspicious, bluffing a role too obviously. Player Eleven can see both sides, like me, without a fixed stance. I’m confident that with two seers in play, I must be a good person. I slept through the night and still need more sleep, so let’s wrap this up quickly.”

Shen Ti then sat cross-legged and looked at Megan, “Now, let’s see the werewolf’s reaction. If you jump as the Seer, I’ll be impressed. If Player Four jumps last, I definitely won’t believe it.”

“I’m done.”

An Wujiu quietly listened to Shen Ti’s speech, feeling some suspicion.

He calmed himself and turned to look at Megan, who was about to speak.

“I am not a wolf.” Megan pursed her lips, her brows still furrowed. “I really don’t understand why the Seer would investigate me. Last night, when I got my card, I did frown, but that’s because I got a card with no special abilities, and I was upset about it. Can’t I frown for that?”

She pointed at Andrew and said to the others, “I suggest that we all vote out Player Ten today in the morning sacrifice. Player Ten must be a wolf pretending to be the seer.”

After speaking, Megan looked around at the others. “Then… Andrew’s wolf teammate must be Player Seven, Shen Ti. He claims not to take sides, but everything he says supports Player Ten. They must be in cahoots.

I am a confirmed good person. I ran for election just to speak my mind. I was worried I might vote wrong if I stayed out of it, so I participated in the election.

The seer must be Player Twelve, Brother Matsubara. Didn’t you find his speech convincing? I think he sounds like a seer. I don’t trust any Seer claims after him, especially from Player Four. I’m just a villager, that’s all.”

Everyone’s attention turned to Zhou Yijue, Player Four, the last candidate to speak.

With his phoenix eyes still smiling, he slightly turned his face to Megan and said, “I was waiting for you to reveal your role, but you claim to be a villager. It’s going to be hard to clear yourself from this accusation.

I am a good person. In this round, I’m not a focus point but rather a vote consolidator. It’s actually fine to investigate me; if the seer finds me to be a good person, it confirms my role, and I won’t need to explain much.”

“However,” Zhou Yijue looked at Yang Ce, “there is a small flaw in Player Eleven’s logic, which was even accepted by Seer Andrew, Player Twelve. I need to point it out.

You reasoned with the opposite logic, and I can accept that, but Player One, An Wujiu, could indeed be a wolf. Not jumping in might be part of a reverse-reverse logic. If he jumps, he naturally confronts the true seer, and other players might vote for the other seer out of fear of his skill, thinking the other seer is less deceptive. Even if he does get those votes and becomes the mid-priest, in the next round, others could attack him for having a team, because as long as An Wujiu jumps as the Seer, he will always be a focal point.”

“Player One can foresee this situation and therefore choose not to jump.”

After speaking, Zhou Yijue smiled again, “Of course, I’m not insisting that Player One is a confirmed wolf; I’m just supplementing Player Eleven’s logic chain. Since both Seers have Player One as a future target, I won’t make further judgments. His role will be clear on the second day.”

“I don’t side with either Seer. I withdraw. You three vote according to your own judgment.”

He finished and stepped back, withdrawing from the election.

[Entering withdrawal time.]

Other players who had not yet withdrawn took this time to exit the election.

[Now, the remaining candidates are Player Ten, Andrew, and Player Twelve, Matsubara Mori. Voting time begins now. Players Six, Nan Shan, Eight, Wu You, and Nine, Noah, please turn around. Options will appear before you; vote for one of the candidates.]

A ten-second countdown appeared in the center.

When it ended and they hadn’t turned back yet, An Wujiu could already see the voting results. The results were displayed in the center of the hall, just below the smooth, transparent obsidian.

[Player Six, Nan Shan, voted for Player Twelve, Matsubara Mori. Players Eight, Wu You, and Nine, Noah, voted for Player Ten, Andrew.]

[Voting is over. Player Ten, Andrew, is elected as mid-priest with 1.5 times the votes and holds the final decision power.]

[Now announcing last night’s death toll.]

An Wujiu lowered his eyes.

Announcing now, does it mean that the deaths are revealed after the morning sacrifice each night? Then the person killed the previous night…

Die on the spot?

[Congratulations everyone, last night was a peaceful night. Mid-priest, please designate the speaking order for this round, starting from your left or right.]

Andrew thought for a moment, “Right side.”

[Okay, starting from Player Nine, Noah, please speak.]

Noah thought for a moment, “I voted for Player Ten without any special reason. Both Seers seemed sincere, but when Brother Matsura spoke, I kept waiting for him to mention the Gargoyle, but he didn’t. I found it strange. If I were the Seer, I would be eager to identify the Gargoyle or find them through speeches. How can a seer’s vision lack this critical role?

Brother Andrew’s speech felt more like a Seer to me.

If I’ve chosen the wrong side, there’s nothing I can do; I am a good person. Anyway, I’m just a kid, so if I’m wrong, you won’t blame me, right? If I realize I’m wrong, I will definitely correct it. That’s all I have to say.”

She finished and looked at Wu You.

“Player Eight, your turn,” Wu You thought for a moment, “I also voted for Player Ten because I felt Player Ten spoke better overall. Although Player Twelve, Matsubara Mori, seemed sincere as a seer, the way they identified people was too coincidental. It lowered your credibility as a Seer.”

“I believe Player Ten, Andrew, is the Seer. This round, two wolves are blatantly exposed: one with an accusation and one pretending to be a seer. I will follow the seer’s instructions for the vote.”

Shen Ti was still sitting in his seat, almost falling asleep, his head nearly hitting the lamppost. Wu You extended his foot to kick him but was caught by Shen Ti.

“Kid, don’t be so violent.” Shen Ti let go of his ankle and rubbed his eyes. “Alright, I’ll speak now, Player Seven.”

“The two players before me both voted for Player Ten, and it feels a bit off.”

He stretched out his arms and gave a big yawn. “Let me give you a scenario with wolves on both sides. If Andrew is the real Seer, then the wolves are Players Four, Five, Twelve, Six, and Eight. If Matsubara is the real Seer, then it’s Players Two and Three, and maybe Five… It could be a wolf accusing another wolf. Player Nine might be a wolf teammate waiting for Matsubara’s investigation, and Eleven is a trap. So, it’s Two/Three, Five/Nine, Ten, and Eleven.

I’m a good person, regardless of which side you choose. I’m definitely a good person. If I were a wolf, I wouldn’t just expose my teammates. I’m not sure if my guesses are correct since I’m a blindfolded player and didn’t go out or see anyone last night. This is just an example. I’ll pass for now. This round, I might…”

Shen Ti thought for a moment, “I’m hesitant. I want to vote for Player Three. If Player Three is bluffing about my role, I’ll force her to expose herself. On second thought, I’ll follow the mid-priest’s lead.”

As if remembering something, he added, “Player One is definitely a good person. It’s obvious he’s a villager; otherwise, he wouldn’t jump in to teach the Seer role. He didn’t get a leadership role, right? This should be clear. I want to hear Player Three reveal their role. Passing.”

When it was Player Six, Nan Shan’s turn, their speech seemed more stable and reliable compared to that of Shen Ti.

“I voted for Player Twelve because Matsubara said something that moved me. He mentioned that he was aiming to identify wolves at night to maximize the use of his card. Although it sounds a bit abstract, I believed him at the time. This round, I think both Seers need to speak more. Player Ten’s speech seemed fine, and his targets for investigation were well organized, like a seer. I’m not firmly on one side yet; I need to listen more.

It seems many villagers have already revealed themselves. I am also a villager without special abilities and can only follow the seer’s instructions. Additionally, since last night was peaceful, the witch has used their antidote. I suggest the Witch reveal the target of the attack from last night, as the silver water can help us good people see more clearly.”

“That’s all for now. Passing.”

Megan, looking at Player Six, began to speak, “Player Four asked me to reveal my role during the election, but I can’t. I’m just a villager. I don’t understand how I could be investigated. I am convinced Andrew is a definite wolf. Despite his good speech, he has the skill to organize it. I firmly stand with Player Twelve. It’s not my turn this round, so I’ll support Matsura against Andrew.”

She spoke forcefully and then passed.

Zhou Yijue smiled and said, “I wasn’t trying to push Player Five too hard; don’t get upset. I acknowledge Player Six as a good person. I also think the Witch should reveal themselves this round to give us a clear perspective. The Witch doesn’t need to be afraid; whoever challenges you can be poisoned. Among all the officials, the Grave Keeper needs to stay hidden the most on the first day. That’s all I can say. I’m a good person. I’ll wait to hear the Witch’s speech before choosing a side. Passing.”

After him, it was Player Three, Toudou Sakura’s turn.

“I didn’t want to reveal my role,” Toudou Sakura sighed. “But I have to now. It seems the good people are confused. I am the Witch. Last night, I saved Player Five, Megan, who was attacked by the wolves. So, this makes Player Ten, Andrew, a definite wolf, and he has the scepter. This round, I must destroy the scepter. Player Five is my silver water. How could Player Ten identify my Silver Water as a target? I am the Witch, and whoever challenges me will be poisoned.”

“Think about it, if I weren’t a strong role, would I bluff about my role? Doing so would put me in the spotlight. I must be a role that can prove myself. Since Player Twelve, the true seer, gave you, Player Two, gold water, I must apologize. I wasn’t truly accusing you. You’re a good person, and now that I’ve revealed myself, you should see it clearly.”

An Wujiu recalled that during the election, Lap Yu was aggressively accused and emotionally unstable, ultimately pretending to be a villager, which suddenly seemed wrong.

Lao Yu stared at Toudou Sakura’s face.

Her words made things clear.

Because Lao Yu’s card was the real witch!


Author’s Note:

Gold Water: A person identified as good by the seer.

Silver Water: A person saved by the witch.

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