RTEW Chapter 74

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Chapter 74: Long Crush

Behind a closed door, He Wei saw a shadowy figure. Cheng Zesheng was standing just outside the door. Today was a workday, and he hadn’t expected Cheng Zesheng to come back. According to his memory, Cheng Zesheng should have been busy with a murder case disguised as a car accident, swamped with work. So why did he have the time to come back during the day?

“Did you come back just after working overtime? Me too. I’ve been sitting at the bureau for so long that my neck hurts. I came back to rest for a while.”

“Okay. then you go to have a rest. I’ll take a shower and head back to the bureau.” He Wei’s tone was deliberately cold, suppressing the urge to see him. There were already too many variables at play, and he couldn’t control what might happen if he met Cheng Zesheng now. The loop was about to end, and before that, He Wei just hoped that nothing unexpected would occur.

“So, you’re heading back so soon?” Cheng Zesheng paused for a moment. “Well, I’ll wait for you to finish showering. I want to talk to you.”

He Wei had initially wanted to refuse, but Cheng Zesheng had already gone to the living room to wait for him. He understood that a meeting was inevitable, so he’d chat for a bit and then find an excuse to leave. That should be fine.

Twenty minutes later, He Wei emerged from the bathroom, towel-drying his hair. As expected, he saw a tall figure sitting on the couch, engrossed in a phone, and when he heard He Wei’s approach, he looked up, revealing his strikingly handsome face.

He Wei stared at Cheng Zesheng, as if time had stood still, unable to take his eyes off him. At this moment, Cheng Zesheng had no idea what he would go through in the future and didn’t understand the depth of He Wei’s gaze. Seeing the complexity in his eyes, Cheng Zesheng walked over and asked, “Is something wrong? You don’t look too good.”

“…It’s nothing,” He Wei averted his gaze. “How’s your case going?”

“It’s about to be handed over to the court. What about you? Have you found the real suspect?”

He Wei glanced at the date on his phone. There were a few days left until the exposure of Qiao Ruofei. He shook his head. “Not yet, but I believe we’ll find him soon.”

“Yeah, I think so too.” Cheng Zesheng hesitated for a moment as if making a decision, and then he took He Wei’s hand. “About that day… how have you been thinking about it?”

After that confession, He Wei hadn’t given Cheng Zesheng a clear answer. Although they hadn’t explicitly discussed it, their relationship had gradually escalated into something more than friendship. It seemed as though they had naturally become a couple, and it appeared that He Wei had never formally expressed his feelings to Cheng Zesheng until his death.

I like you. 

He Wei whispered silently in his heart, but he withdrew his hand and replied casually, “We’re both busy with our cases. There’s hardly any time to think about it.”

Cheng Zesheng moved quickly and held onto his hand again. “What are you really concerned about? Because we’re from different worlds? But we get along just fine like this. We can meet each other when we come back here, and it’s not much different from anyone else’s life.”

He Wei gave a faint smile. “You’re taking it too lightly. We are from different worlds, and there are too many risks involved. Even if it threatens your life, you don’t care?”

“What could threaten my life?” Cheng Zesheng smiled slightly, stroking He Wei’s cheek with one hand and leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. “If it’s to protect you, I really don’t care. As long as you’re safe.”

He Wei shivered all over, instinctively gripping Cheng Zesheng’s hand tightly. Seeing his thick eyelashes quiver gently, Cheng Zesheng couldn’t help but feel nervous. “He Wei, are you okay?”

The palm of his hand was warm, and his expression was lively, completely different from the cold and stiff Cheng Zesheng lying on the floor. He Wei cherished the warmth he brought but couldn’t linger. He shook his head gently, stepped back, and distanced himself from Cheng Zesheng. “I’m fine; I’m going back to the office.”

“…Alright, we’ll talk after your case is resolved.”

After changing his shoes and sitting in the hallway, He Wei remained motionless for a long time. Cheng Zesheng had been watching him curiously and felt that He Wei was acting strangely today.

“Cheng Zesheng, remember this: when I’m in danger, I can protect myself. Don’t do foolish things for my sake.” He Wei lowered his head. “I won’t be grateful to you; I’ll only become more miserable because of your death.”

“…?” Cheng Zesheng watched the door close, feeling bewildered. What did he mean by saying all of this?


After Qiao Ruofei officially entered their surveillance, Yun Xiaoxiao spent the last few days accompanying her on shopping trips. Zou Bin was assigned to follow them covertly, but there was another person following them as well.

He Wei checked his watch, and at this point, Yun Xiaoxiao and Qiao Ruofei should have returned to the hotel. Qiao Ruofei would then make a move on Yun Xiaoxiao, and that’s when Xia Liang and Zou Bin would come to the rescue. But why were they still in the mall?

“Captain, Yun Xiaoxiao just communicated with me. They’re inside trying on clothes, and they plan to watch a movie later.”

He Wei, sitting behind Zou Bin, furrowed his brow. This additional movie-watching activity wasn’t in the plan.

Suddenly, a fashionable and charming woman in a floral dress caught He Wei’s eye. He lowered his sunglasses slightly and frowned even more when he recognized her—Zheng Youqing.

Wasn’t she supposed to be at the bureau providing DNA comparison reports today? How did she end up here? He Wei could feel tension building within him as another unexpected development unfolded.

Zou Bin had more interactions with the front-line personnel in the Criminal Investigation Division and wasn’t familiar with Zheng Youqing, who usually wore a mask and a lab coat. That’s why he didn’t recognize her as she walked past him. He Wei discreetly followed her, going up to the third floor, the women’s clothing section. There, he saw Yun Xiaoxiao waving at Zheng Youqing.

“Youqing! Over here!”

Zheng Youqing smiled sweetly, carrying a small bag, and walked over. She and Qiao Ruofei seemed to hit it off instantly, chatting animatedly. The three attractive women with high visibility drew the attention of onlookers.

They went together to the men’s clothing department on the fourth floor. To find out Zheng Youqing’s unexpected purpose for being here, He Wei quietly followed them. The store was quite crowded, and He Wei stood behind a long clothing rack, listening as Zheng Youqing asked, “Xiaoxiao, which color do you think is better?”

“I’m not the captain, how would I know what colors he likes? But judging from his usual clothing style, black and white are safe choices.”

He Wei was taken aback. Zheng Youqing was… helping him shop?

Qiao Ruofei seemed experienced in this matter and said, “For a gift to your beloved, this one is nice. It’s understated and stylish, suitable for any occasion. How long have you been together?”

“We haven’t.” Zheng Youqing replied softly. “I was rejected a few days ago.”

“What?” Yun Xiaoxiao exclaimed. “What’s Captain He thinking? He’s turning down someone as fair and beautiful as you, the daughter of the bureau chief? Is he aiming for Miss Universe or something?!”

“…” He Wei quietly skipped that part.

Zheng Youqing quickly explained that it was because he had someone he liked now, so he rejected her completely. Qiao Ruofei was even more surprised, “Then why are you buying him a gift?”

“It’s not really a gift.” Zheng Youqing said it with a tinge of regret. “My dad said there will be a gathering of higher-ups at the end of the month, and all the leaders from the department will attend. I just wanted to help him pick a nice tie for the occasion, nothing more.” She sounded a bit sad. “This is the last time I’ll be helping him buy something. There won’t be another chance.”

Yun Xiaoxiao and Qiao Ruofei comforted her, assuring her that there were plenty of better men out there. He Wei’s mood was complicated. He had never taken Zheng Youqing’s feelings seriously, and her way of expressing affection was unique and never made him feel uncomfortable. So, each time he rejected her, he didn’t feel guilty; in fact, he felt that he was doing it for her own good.

But looking at it the other way around, Zheng Youqing had liked him for several years and hadn’t dated anyone during her most beautiful years. She had wasted her time on him, and in the end, all she could get was a rejection. It was truly a pity.

After choosing the tie, the three of them went to the fifth floor to watch a movie together. It turned out that they had changed their plans because Zheng Youqing had already bought two movie tickets with the intention of inviting He Wei, but since they couldn’t find him, they decided to watch the movie with their best friends while doing some shopping.

Two movie tickets and one ticket left to buy. While Qiao Ruofei was in line to purchase the remaining ticket, Yun Xiaoxiao whispered to Zheng Youqing, “Why did you have to come here and even change your work schedule? I’m on a mission, you know.”

Though Yun Xiaoxiao didn’t understand why Zheng Youqing was looking at Qiao Ruofei, she would follow the captain’s orders. Zheng Youqing’s voice was even lower, “I won’t assure you. The DNA comparison report isn’t fully ready yet, but she might be a man.”

Yun Xiaoxiao couldn’t believe her ears. “A man?!”

Zheng Youqing signaled her to be quiet, and when Qiao Ruofei returned, looking worried, she explained, “All the good seats around those two were already taken, so I had to buy the farthest seats. Why don’t you and Xiaoxiao sit together, and I’ll sit nearby?”

“Ah… your two tickets are in good positions. I feel bad taking both,” Qiao Ruofei hesitated. “Why don’t you two sit together, and I’ll sit nearby? I can still see clearly from there.”

Zheng Youqing smiled, “It’s okay, you and Xiaoxiao sit together, and I’ll sit nearby.”

“Your two tickets are in such good positions, it’s really not a problem.” Qiao Ruofei insisted. “Let you two sit together; I’ll sit nearby.”

Yun Xiaoxiao didn’t care if she could see clearly; it was about not letting her leave their sight. After some discussion, it ended up with Zheng Youqing and Qiao Ruofei sitting together, while Yun Xiaoxiao sat in a distant seat. Zheng Youqing gestured to Yun Xiaoxiao, reassuring her that she would keep an eye on her.

He Wei also bought a ticket and had a seat even farther away than Yun Xiaoxiao. This was a recently released sci-fi movie called “The Triassic Chronicles.” While it sounded like the age of dinosaurs, it was actually a movie about intertwining time periods. Three different timelines overlapped, making the plot complex and mind-boggling. However, its cleverly designed story arcs had received high praise, so it was supposed to have ended its run last month but had been extended into this month due to popular demand.

He Wei found himself engrossed in the movie’s plot, which reminded him of himself and Cheng Zesheng struggling in the vortex of time. Just like the protagonist, who was searching for his purpose while moving forward and fighting, He Wei was also lost, wondering if his current efforts were really making a difference. Did he truly have the ability to save Cheng Zesheng?

At the end of the movie, the protagonist sacrificed himself, much like the ending of “The Butterfly Effect.” If the male lead had never been born, everyone’s lives would have turned out better, and the only one in pain would be the mother who repeatedly lost her child. He Wei didn’t like this ending; he didn’t have such noble sentiments and a great sense of enlightenment. He believed that, as a human being, the only way to solve more problems was to stay alive. If he wanted to save Cheng Zesheng, he would choose a path that allowed both of them to survive together. Otherwise, what would be the point of breaking the loop if only one of them lived?

After the movie ended, the three girls had dinner together before heading back. By this time, it was already late in the evening. He Wei had followed them all day but hadn’t seen Qiao Ruofei reveal her true nature. Perhaps it was because Zheng Youqing was with them today that Qiao Ruofei hadn’t made a move. She might wait for an opportunity when she was alone with Yun Xiaoxiao.

After dropping off Qiao Ruofei at the hotel, Yun Xiaoxiao and Zheng Youqing went their separate ways to go home. He Wei adjusted his hat and considered this day a waste. He was about to leave when Zheng Youqing stopped him and asked, “You’ve been following us all day, what’s your purpose?”

He Wei turned around and looked at her through his sunglasses, ignoring her and continuing to walk forward. Zheng Youqing, in her high heels, caught up to him and grabbed his arm. “Do you know who you’ve been following? I’m a police officer…”

Her voice gradually trailed off, and she stared at He Wei in astonishment. “…Captain He?”

He Wei put his index finger to his lips and pointed towards a small park near the artificial lake. 

“Let’s change locations.”


Seeing the man remove his sunglasses and mask and take off his hat, Zheng Youqing confirmed that she hadn’t mistaken the person; it was indeed He Wei.

“Captain He, what are you—”

“Protecting you, of course. You know there’s something off about Qiao Ruofei, right? She’s the culprit.” He Wei smiled at Zheng Youqing. “But I didn’t expect you to be so sharp. Even Xiaoxiao didn’t notice me, but you did.”

“…I accidentally saw it in the mirror at the cinema and then started paying attention, realizing that you were always following us.” Zheng Youqing sat with poise and elegance, her hands on her knees, but suddenly her face turned red. “Ah! Then you must have… seen me shopping…”

She covered her face all of a sudden, and He Wei pretended not to know. “Shopping for what? I only arrived when you went to the cinema.”

Zheng Youqing sneakily peered at He Wei’s expression through her fingers and, after a moment, put her hands down, resigned. She handed over a bag. “Well, if you saw it, you saw it. I bought it for you. There’s an important meeting at the end of the month, and I hope it can be of help.”

“Thank you.” He Wei accepted the bag and gave a faint smile. “How much is it? I’ll transfer it to you.”

“Can we change it to something else?” Zheng Youqing bit her lip. “Would you accompany me to see a movie?”

The late-night showing of “The Triassic Chronicles” had far fewer people compared to the daytime, and He Wei and Zheng Youqing sat in the best seats with a clear view of the screen. Zheng Youqing held a bag of popcorn, swinging her long legs and smiling, “I’ve been fantasizing about this day for a long time, but I never thought I’d actually get the chance to sit here and watch a movie together.”

“Do you still remember? The first time I saw you was at the crime scene, and you handed me a severed finger. I vomited on the spot, and afterward, I really wished I could redo that day, I wouldn’t have embarrassed myself in front of you.”

“It was normal. Your performance was actually not bad. Besides, there was a colleague who fainted at the sight of a corpse the first time.” He Wei replied.

“That’s different.” Zheng Youqing brushed her long hair behind her ear and sneakily glanced at He Wei. “I saw you in my dad’s photo album a long time ago. I’ve been thinking about making a good impression on you when we first met.”

He Wei didn’t know how to respond, but Zheng Youqing kept her eyes on the screen and smiled, “Actually, if I could start all over like the protagonist in this movie, even if I knew there was no outcome, I think I would still fall for you.”

After a long while, He Wei spoke softly, his words easily drowned out by the movie’s surround sound effects, “Such persistence isn’t good. You shouldn’t waste your time on me.”

After the movie ended, it was late at night. Zheng Youqing stretched and prepared to go back, knowing that she had to work in the morning. He Wei accompanied her to the station, and as she looked at him, she suddenly asked, “Will we ever meet again in the future?”

He Wei was taken aback for a moment, realizing that she had already figured things out.

“Before I went to the cinema, I messaged my colleagues, and they said Captain He had been at the bureau all day and didn’t leave. Though I don’t understand what’s going on, you are still He Wei; that much is certain. Maybe I’m just lucky to have encountered a plot from the movie.”

“…How did you figure it out?”

“Because all these years, you’ve never agreed to watch a movie with me.” Zheng Youqing blinked, “I won’t tell anyone. I’ll cherish this beautiful dream forever. Even if I face the cold, real you in the future, I won’t feel discouraged.”

He Wei sighed, defeated by this girl once again. He reached out and, for the first time, gently touched Zheng Youqing’s head. He spoke as a friend and a brother, “Stay safe on the way home, get some rest, and goodbye.”

As he sat in a taxi, Zheng Youqing waved at He Wei, and after closing the car window, she took out the movie ticket for the late-night show from her bag, lost in thought.

A deep-seated crush may not make one feel heartbroken, but momentary satisfaction can be like opening Pandora’s Box, making one desire more, and things can quickly spiral out of control.

After getting out of the car, Zheng Youqing walked through a small alley on her way home. In the dim light of a streetlamp, she noticed a small figure curled up on the ground, crying softly.

“What’s wrong?” Zheng Youqing squatted down, patting the person’s shoulder. “Are you okay? Why are you crying alone here?”

The person lifted their head, revealing a smile. “Of course, I was waiting for you to come back.”

Zheng Youqing’s pupils dilated, and before she could step back, a cloth soaked with a pungent substance covered her nose, and her consciousness gradually faded.

Qiao Ruofei’s voice echoed in her ears, incredibly gentle, “I’ve found a better target than Xiaoxiao. When you love someone so much, the last letter is the most fitting for you.”

Zheng Youqing’s eyelids grew heavy, and her mind drifted through various scenes, finally settling on the only moment of closeness between her and He Wei in the movie theater.

It really was… all a dream.

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