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Chapter 62: Hidden Loop

On the way back, He Wei remained silent. After arriving home, he grabbed a can of beer and leaned against the balcony railing, smoking. 

He hadn’t told Cheng Zesheng anything because he didn’t know where to start or how to open up. Cheng Zesheng was unaware of all the details of the haunted murder case that He Wei had experienced. Therefore, He Wei’s guilt was even stronger, as if he had taken a life with his own hands.

“Something is off since you visited that hotel. What happened, exactly?” Cheng Zesheng also grabbed a can of beer and leaned in next to He Wei.

“…It’s nothing, just that I’m suspicious of the purpose of this time reversal,” He Wei took a sip of beer, gazing at the lights of the city. “Suddenly, I realized there are some things I couldn’t anticipate. I have a few thoughts in my mind, some preliminary ideas, but I can’t confirm them.”

“Tell me, what are your thoughts?”

He Wei hesitated. He had kept certain things from Cheng Zesheng before, such as his brother’s mention of the “script” and the photo in the safe. Explaining all of that now would require too much context, not because he found it bothersome, but because he feared involving Cheng Zesheng deeper.

Cheng Zhenqing attempted a few times to intervene, hoping He Wei wouldn’t drag Cheng Zesheng into this, but given the current situation, the implied threat of “you die” hung in the air. He Wei only hoped that it was a singular danger, not both of them being in trouble.

Seeing his reluctance to speak, Cheng Zesheng leaned in closer, their shoulders touching. “Come on, speak up. I’ve noticed you always keep things to yourself, but it’s better to talk about it to find a solution.”

Seeing that he was reluctant to speak, Cheng Zesheng leaned even closer, their shoulders brushing against each other. “Come on, just say it. I’ve noticed you always keep things to yourself. It’s better to talk about them to find a solution.”

“It’s nothing, probably just me overthinking things.”

“…,” Cheng Zesheng placed the beer on the shelf, turned He Wei’s shoulder to face him, and locked eyes with him. He asked, “He Wei, given the circumstances, why don’t you trust me?”

“I’m not—”

“You are. You don’t tell me anything. Did I come back with you just to be a tourist?”

Their gazes held for a long while. Determination gleamed in Cheng Zesheng’s dark eyes. He held onto He Wei’s hand, silently questioning: Why are you keeping things from me when we’re in this kind of relationship?

Finally, under the weight of this intense and complex gaze, He Wei relented. He sighed and led Cheng Zesheng back to the living room, taking out paper and a pen to explain the situation. Before he could finish, Cheng Zesheng put his hand on his and said, “These are just your speculations. What if his criminal actions have nothing to do with your influence? What if his plans were already in motion long before you encountered him today as the fake ghost?”

“Judging from the timeline you established during your investigation, he had been planning this operation for a while, and he had been posing as a ghost long before today when we encountered him. Therefore, you can’t conclude that his subsequent actions were influenced by your suggestion.” Cheng Zesheng’s tone softened. “He Wei, when we solve cases, we rely on evidence. Without evidence, can you please stop burdening yourself with this guilt?”

Covering his face with one hand, brows furrowed, He Wei shook his head. “I can’t help it. I’m a cop. Once I think there’s even a possibility of contributing to a crime, I can’t accept it.”

“I understand. We’re colleagues, and I get how you feel. Under normal circumstances, we’d naturally fight crime fiercely, but the situation we’re facing isn’t normal. Don’t use conventional reasoning to consider it,” Cheng Zesheng held his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm. “If you truly believe his actions are a result of your influence, then let’s try to stop it. As long as you’re willing, I’ll be with you.”

“…If we try to stop it, I’m even less certain about what might happen next,” He Wei sighed, his hand caressing Cheng Zesheng’s face. “There are things I haven’t told you because I didn’t want you to be in danger. I understand what you mean. Okay, for now, I won’t think about this case. Don’t worry.”

Cheng Zesheng pinched He Wei’s chin and leaned in for a kiss.

Perhaps it was due to the recent emotional shift he had experienced, having his vulnerabilities exposed to Cheng Zesheng He Wei shed his usual facade of strength, becoming more compliant. He clung to Cheng Zesheng’s shoulders, responding to the tender kiss, nipping at his lower lip, savoring it like a delicious candy.

Cheng Zesheng held him close, his voice growing husky and low. Glancing around, he realized he hadn’t prepared any essentials. It wasn’t that he forgot every time they went out, but here, he had no financial independence; he relied on He Wei for everything. To ask to buy “everyday items” in broad daylight might embarrass He Wei.

So, he always dropped the ball at critical moments. Cheng Zesheng’s kisses grew more passionate and intense. Trailing down He Wei’s cheek, he mumbled, “Beer… is it okay?”

“…How can that work?” He Wei might not have had much experience, but he was familiar enough to know that skincare products or hand creams made more sense. But beer? Where had Cheng Zesheng picked that up, some sort of odd movie?

Cheng Zesheng’s expression turned embarrassed, evidently realizing that the suggestion wasn’t very practical. His hand paused on the button of He Wei’s shirt, considering whether to continue. He Wei gave a faint smile, pushed him away to freshen up, and prepared to sleep.

Cheng Zesheng followed him to the bathroom, sounding even more pitiful than a little wife, “How much longer do we have to wait for the right time?”

He Wei turned on the tap, “Couldn’t you just say it when you’re outside? If you want to buy condoms and lubricant, what’s there to be embarrassed about?”

“…,” Cheng Zesheng rubbed his face, suddenly feeling that all the thoughtful efforts he had made earlier were in vain.

“Okay.” He leaned over and nibbled on He Wei’s earlobe, “I definitely got them; just you wait.”


If going out to buy condoms was the only reason, that would really underestimate the mindset and consciousness of the police officers. Today, He Wei brought Cheng Zesheng to a rather special place—Fulong Mountain Mansion.

This abandoned mansion had remained hidden in the deep mountains. Few people came here regularly, and even the villagers living nearby in the mountains wouldn’t approach it easily, avoiding this decrepit and eerie mansion.

“When my old man was still around, that mansion was lively. Three generations under one roof, a family of ten plus servants and maids, all living inside. Those lights, they stayed on till midnight, and during festivals, it was even more extravagant. The big red lanterns would be lit all night till dawn.” The old farmer, puffing on his tobacco pipe, pointed to the hilltop. “Looking down from that end, there’d be this one bright spot in the mountains, like a pearl in the night.”

“Later on, they said they were moving out, and before you knew it, the house was empty. They didn’t even put it up for sale. Some kids sneaked in and ran out scared, saying they encountered ghosts. Rumors spread, and we were all afraid of running into bad things. No one dared to go near.”

“Alright, thank you, Grandpa,” He Wei and Cheng Zesheng thanked the old farmer, then continued walking toward the mansion.

Today, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was about to exceed 30 degrees Celsius. He Wei pulled down his mask, took a breath of the fresh mountain air, and felt sweat forming on the tip of his nose due to the heat.

“It seems like both places are haunted similarly. The owner of the house we investigated also moved away because they frequently heard strange noises in their home,” Cheng Zesheng commented.

“It’s not haunted at all. They just heard sounds that don’t belong to this world,” He Wei gave an analogy, “Just like our 404 Apartment. Back when I couldn’t see you, I could hear inexplicable sounds. Since the time-space in the mansion can fold and permeate, the phenomena experienced by people living there must be even more extreme.”

For ordinary people who haven’t experienced such phenomena, feelings of terror are quite normal, and moving the whole family would be the first choice. Cheng Zesheng and He Wei followed the mountain path to reach the mansion. Even in the bright sunlight, the mansion, covered in vegetation with rusted patches, emitted a sinister aura. Standing outside the courtyard gate, one could sense chilling winds, and the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

He Wei pulled a pair of plastic gloves from his pocket and handed one to Cheng Zesheng. They had bought these at the pharmacy while getting masks. Captain He often appeared at crime scenes, always carrying a pair in his pocket—essential equipment for both home and travel.

Cheng Zesheng put on the gloves. He Wei walked to the courtyard gate and gave it a gentle push; the gate opened easily. He glanced down and realized the gate had never been locked. He remembered that when they came here that night, both gate doors were wide open, probably pushed aside by some students.

Entering the courtyard, both of them were cautious, stepping on the stone slabs that wouldn’t leave footprints easily. They reached the main entrance of the mansion, where a rusty lock hung on the bolt. He Wei took it down, and Cheng Zesheng pushed the door open.

The scene inside the mansion was exactly the same as they had seen during their investigation. All the furnishings were in the same positions in their memories, untouched. He Wei looked at the ground covered in a thick layer of dust, evidence that no one had set foot there for a long time  They might have been the only visitors in recent times.

“It seems like no one came here before the crime occurred,” He Wei closed the door again and locked it. Cheng Zesheng looked around the mansion. “Aren’t you curious about what happened here that night?”

Curiosity was a given. The mansion case had been lingering, almost becoming a thorn in He Wei’s side.

After leaving the courtyard, Cheng Zesheng closed the gate. “We can come back on the 14th. That way, we’ll find out how the pianist on your side died.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t access information about the employee’s deaths in your world,” He Wei sighed silently.

After descending the mountain, He Wei led Cheng Zesheng to a popular food street in the south of the city. There was a well-known restaurant that served ginger duck, and he wanted to take him there. It was mealtime, so there was a line for the restaurant. He Wei went to get a number ticket, but sitting and waiting at the entrance didn’t seem enjoyable. They decided to take a stroll along the street.

Passing by a toy store, Cheng Zesheng suddenly stopped and grabbed He Wei, asking, “Did you play with this when you were a kid?”

He Wei turned to look. Colorful glass marbles were stored in a capsule toy vending machine. It cost one yuan to operate, and you got as many marbles as rolled out.

Seeing Cheng Zesheng’s eyes sparkle, He Wei exchanged some coins with the shop owner and handed him a few. There was a sense of helplessness and affection in his gaze, directed at the “child” before him.

It had to be said that Cheng Zesheng’s luck was unusually bad. He put in a coin, turned the handle, and only one marble came out. The pattern in the middle of the marble was red and white, and Cheng Zesheng clearly wasn’t satisfied. He pushed his hands into his pockets and quipped, “On the market, one yuan usually gets you at least two. Yet you managed to get just one for your buck. Impressive.”

“…”, Cheng Zesheng’s expression turned angry. He pocketed the marbles and took out a few coins. Hei Wei’s eyes narrowed as he asked, “Finished spinning them all?”

“Not doing anymore.” Cheng Zesheng took the coin and walked over to the nearby beverage vending machine. He inserted the coins one by one. It was better to use the money to play once and experience something new than to leave the leftover money unused.

“What do you want to drink?” He pulled down his mask, looked at the vending machine, and said, “Coke, Sprite, iced tea, or mineral water?”

“Sprite, please.”


After the Sprite dropped, Cheng Zesheng bent over to pick it up. As he turned around, he suddenly noticed that two girls behind him were incredibly excited, their eyes shining as they stared at him.

“…?” Cheng Zesheng was confused for a few seconds. He saw their expressions grow more and more fanatical. The girl with her hair in a ponytail, who seemed bold, stepped forward and covered her mouth, whispering, “Are you… Cheng Zesheng?”

Cheng Zesheng instinctively nodded, only to see her so excited that she covered her mouth, afraid of screaming out loud. He Wei opened the Sprite, acting like he was just a passerby, not knowing anything.

Cheng Zesheng understood; he had encountered a devoted fan of the pianist.

Though he was Cheng Zesheng, he wasn’t the one they had in mind. Cheng Zesheng didn’t know how to explain himself. He tugged at He Wei’s arm, trying to signal him. Finally, He Wei reacted and gave him a look: “Quickly pretend. “

“…” Cheng Zesheng found himself in an awkward situation and could only go along with it. He forced a smile, gestured, and tried to convey to them to keep it discreet and not draw attention.

The two girls’ gazes lingered on He Wei and Cheng Zesheng. He Wei scrutinized the girl with slightly shorter hair, feeling like he had seen her somewhere before.

Before He Wei could think further, Cheng Zesheng had already put on his mask and hastily led him away. The two girls were left standing by the vending machine, savoring their surprise encounter with their idol.

“Meeting fans on the street—being a celebrity really isn’t easy,” Cheng Zesheng grumbled.

Suddenly, He Wei turned his head, staring at the girl with short hair, memories gradually coming back to him.

That day, when he and Chong Zhen went up the mountain together, the fan who asked if he and Cheng Zesheng were friends was this girl with short hair.

He Wei’s face turned sour, and an increasing sense of unease filled his heart.

He and Cheng Zesheng seemed to be caught in a loop.

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One Comment

  1. It’s like I said, you can’t change the past, the future is the inevitable result of the immutable events that have already occurred and cannot return.

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