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Chapter 57: Case Closed

After accompanying Qiao Ruofei to buy clothes, Yun Xiaoxiao and Qiao Ruofei returned to the hotel together. Although she didn’t understand why the captain would suspect such a clean, beautiful, and affectionate girl, she obediently complied and stayed with Qiao Ruofei, spending these days helping her relax.

In front of Qiao Ruofei, she avoided bringing up the case of Zhao Shen, fearing that it would make her sad. However, Qiao Ruofei seemed to have come to terms with it. The paleness and exhaustion from the previous period had disappeared, and she even took the initiative to tell Yun Xiaoxiao that she wanted to start anew, gaining a fresh start from that moment.

“Xiaoxiao, why don’t you sit for a while? I’ll go try on the new dress I bought today.” Qiao Ruofei took the dress and headed to the bathroom. Yun Xiaoxiao sat in the room and noticed that Qiao Ruofei’s luggage was already packed, with a suitcase standing by the bed and a bag on the table. When she looked inside the bag, she found it filled with Qiao Ruofei’s usual makeup items.

A light green packaging bag caught Yun Xiaoxiao’s attention. She took out half of the bag, and her eyelids twitched intensely twice. This was the packaging bag for Emma face masks, and there were only a few sheet masks left inside. Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at the bathroom and put the face masks back in their place.

With years of experience as a police officer, Yun Xiaoxiao’s intuition told her that the face masks in Zhao Shen’s stomach and the partially used bag of Qiao Ruofei’s were not coincidences. Qiao Ruofei emerged in her new dress, asking with a smile how she looked. Yun Xiaoxiao praised her, saying, “You look great.”

“I think this color would suit you even better,” Qiao Ruofei handed her a bottle of mineral water, “With your beautiful features and temperament, you should wear more dresses.”

Yun Xiaoxiao looked down at her T-shirt and jeans, saying, “I’m used to it. Sometimes, even during rest, we might be called for a mission. Wearing dresses isn’t very convenient.”

“Being a police officer is truly tough,” Qiao Ruofei placed her hand on Yun Xiaoxiao’s backhand, “I’m grateful to have you with me during this time; otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to move forward. Weren’t you thirsty just now? Why aren’t you drinking water?”

Yun Xiaoxiao unscrewed the bottle cap and pretended to take a sip, but she didn’t actually let the water touch her lips. Qiao Ruofei’s gaze was gentle, and her slender, fair hand caressed Yun Xiaoxiao’s hair. “Xiaoxiao, you’re truly perfect. You’re the type that easily captivates people’s hearts. Anyone who could be with you would be really lucky.”

Goosebumps appeared on Yun Xiaoxiao’s skin. Her hand moved to her face, and her slightly cool fingertips brushed against her cheek in an ambiguous and affectionate gesture. Yun Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but tilt her head and avoid it, saying, “Thank you for your compliments, but unfortunately, I don’t have a boyfriend right now. I haven’t met someone who appreciates me as much as you do.”

“That’s because they don’t understand. Men’s and women’s thoughts can never truly resonate. But I’m different; I can fully see your beauty.” Qiao Ruofei took out another dress from the bag, “Why not give it a try? You’ll definitely look great in it.”

Yun Xiaoxiao awkwardly shook her head, “It’s not necessary; the clothes you bought might not fit me well…”

Qiao Ruofei grabbed her wrist forcefully, her demeanor suddenly becoming assertive, “Just try it on. It’s meant for you.”

Yun Xiaoxiao still wanted to refuse, but Qiao Ruofei smiled faintly and said, “You must be feeling very tired, right? I added a generous dose of diazepam… Since you’re not willing to change, how about I help you put it on?”

…Yun Xiaoxiao pretended to be weak, allowing Qiao Ruofei to guide her to the bed. She squinted her eyes, her voice weak, and asked, “You—are you a lesbian?”

“I can’t be described that way. In fact, if we consider my biological sex, it’s completely normal for me to be attracted to women.” Qiao Ruofei sat on the edge of the bed and adjusted her long hair, “Don’t worry, I won’t make you suffer like him. You’ll peacefully drift off to sleep.”

A shock ran through Yun Xiaoxiao’s heart. Zhao Shen was indeed killed by her! Thinking back to the day they retrieved the body, Qiao Ruofei had cried so intensely after just a glance, and she clearly remembered what he was wearing. But before Zhao Shen went to the village to fish, he had changed his clothes. Qiao Ruofei’s spontaneous remark could only mean that she had seen Zhao Shen before.

“Why did you kill him?” Yun Xiaoxiao asked.

Qiao Ruofei took out a syringe from her bag, smiling gently, “He knew too much.”

“In reality, Zhao Shen didn’t commit the murders. You did, didn’t you?”

A slight curve appeared at the corner of Qiao Ruofei’s lips, carrying an air of confidence and satisfaction, “Yes.”


In the interrogation room, Qiao Ruofei cast away her usual timid demeanor, facing He Wei and Lin Heyu calmly. He Wei looked at the report in his hand and said, “It’s quite surprising, we didn’t expect you to be intersex.”

“Even I didn’t know my genetic makeup was XY before the age of eighteen. I lack a uterus, ovaries, and male reproductive organs. Neither male nor female, just like a monster.”

“Why did you kill those two girls?” Lin Heyu asked, “What grudge did you have with them?”

“In reality, there was no grudge. I quite liked them,” Qiao Ruofei smiled, “One had big eyes, the other had dimples when she smiled. They used to go to KTV often, so they added Zhao Shen on WeChat. Many times, it was me using Zhao Shen’s account to chat with them. Over time, feelings naturally developed.”

“But being an intersex like me, neither male nor female, I couldn’t be with them either. In the end, I couldn’t even become their friend. I had to kill them and then use fake ritual objects for indecency. But I had feelings for them, which is why I left the initials to express my love.”

“…Your love was indeed heavy to bear,” He Wei said somewhat speechlessly, “Did Zhao Shen know? Did he participate in your murders?”

“No, he didn’t know anything. I’m not sure if he was too infatuated or just too foolish. After discovering that I had killed someone, his first reaction wasn’t to report it or convince me to turn myself in. Instead, he helped me conceal it.” Qiao Ruofei shook her head with a smile, “He was truly foolish. To clear my suspicion, he even left his s*men behind and fled to Shengzhou City, creating the illusion that he had gone into hiding.”

“I knew he was buying time for me. Even if he got caught by the police, there’s a chance he’d confess to everything as if he did it. But I don’t believe that, in this world, there’s only myself that I can trust.”

Lin Heyu typed quickly, recording all her words. He asked, “Were you worried that Zhao Shen would expose you, so you killed him?”


“We checked the high-speed rail records; information about you arriving in Shengzhou only appeared after he died. Did you use someone else’s ID before?”

Qiao Ruofei admitted to obtaining a fake ID and arriving in Shengzhou before and after Zhao Shen. She had planted a location chip in Zhao Shen’s phone, so even if he changed his number, she would know where he went. On the shores of Dangshui Lake, Zhao Shen was waiting for Zhao Yang, but unexpectedly, he met his girlfriend. Excited and elated, he never thought that this would be their final meeting.

“He was truly foolish, so foolish that it left me speechless. I handed him a mask, and without a second thought, he opened it and ate it, even asking why the candy was so hard…” Qiao Ruofei shook her head helplessly, “I’ve truly never met a man like this. He had no precautions against me, a murderer. Even when I gave him diazepam, he actually thought I was using drugs and wanted to help me quit. He was truly foolish.”

The subsequent process went just as the police had theorized. With Zhao Shen unconscious, Qiao Ruofei chained his hands, feet, and travel bag together and pushed him into the river. After he died, she returned that same night and, a few days later, came to Shengzhou pretending to look for her boyfriend. Being with Zhao Yang was just to reduce suspicion, shaping herself as a weak, helpless, affectionate woman. Afterward, she often visited Dangshui Lake, observing whether Zhao Shen’s body would be discovered.

She hadn’t expected the police to find Zhao Shen in the lake so quickly. According to her calculations, at the very least, his whereabouts should have remained a mystery and puzzled them for some time. She admitted her crimes without hesitation, clearly and fluently recounting the whole process, showing little concern about the upcoming trial.

The confession was soon completed, and He Wei brought the printed transcript for her to sign. Qiao Ruofei looked relaxed, raising her head with a faint smile, “It’s a pity I didn’t kill Xiaoxiao. I actually quite liked her.”

“Don’t worry, Xiaoxiao doesn’t need your concern.” He Wei glanced at her, “There are plenty of people who care about her; she doesn’t lack you.”


The serial killing case finally reached its conclusion. Zou Bin and Xia Liang described Yun Xiaoxiao’s actions as heroic, holding up a decorative vase and acting like the historical figure Mu Guiying, showing that women could be as competent as men. Yun Xiaoxiao’s face reddened slightly as she emphasized once again that she’s actually quite ladylike in her daily life, fearing that the publicity might make it difficult for her to find a husband.

Her colleagues were teasing her, “What are you afraid of? With our Xiao Xia here, you have no worries about finding a husband!”

“Exactly, Xia Liang is just a step away from kneeling down and handing a bouquet of roses to our Xiaoxiao while singing, ‘Today you are going to marry me’!”

“Come on, don’t wait for an auspicious day, just go for it. You two should date already; we’re all getting impatient!”

Xia Liang blushed deeply, and Yun Xiaoxiao stared at him with big, sparkling eyes. He became nervous and hurriedly explained, “Xiaoxiao, they’re all just joking around. Don’t take it seriously.”

Yun Xiaoxiao rested her chin on her hand, “Oh… sure, then I won’t take it seriously.”

Zheng Youqing, who was nearby, covered her mouth and giggled. Yun Xiaoxiao grabbed her arm, “Youqing, let’s stick together as lifelong companions, good sisters forever. Men… tsk, let’s talk about something else.”

“…,” Xia Liang gathered his courage, took a deep breath, and exclaimed, “Xiaoxiao!”

Everyone was startled, and Yun Xiaoxiao looked up, asking, “What’s wrong? Why are you so serious?”

Xia Liang took a deep breath, “I…”

Before he could even utter the words of confession, Lin Heyu stood at the door, “Zou Bin, Wen Huaibei, get ready; we’re going back to Haijing.”

The two who were watching the show nodded repeatedly. He Wei also entered the room and pointed to two people, instructing them to accompany Qiao Ruofei to identify the crime scene. He noticed Xia Liang’s forlorn expression and found it strange, “What’s wrong with Xia Liang?”

“…Nothing, I’ll talk about it another time.” Xia Liang shook his head and sighed, comforting himself, “There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”


The serial killing case was being transferred back to Haijing for trial. Lin Heyu and He Wei bid their farewells, and after dragging it out for more than a month, they could finally return. He Wei offered a perfunctory phrase, “Come visit again when you have the time.”

“Sure, okay,” Lin Heyu lowered his voice, “How about you and that person? How’s it going?”

“…,” He Wei retorted, “Why are you becoming more and more nosy?”

“It’s not being nosy; it’s showing concern.”

Whatever it was, He Wei wouldn’t tell him about the progress between him and Cheng Zesheng. Zou Bin and Wen Huabei escorted Qiao Ruofei into the car, and He Wei observed her for a moment before casually asking, “You had deep feelings for Zhao Shen, didn’t you?”

Qiao Ruofei froze for a few seconds and then shook her head in denial, saying, “No.”

“During the interrogation, you used the word ‘fool’ repeatedly. The only way you belittled him was by using that term. Aside from that, you couldn’t find any reason not to like him. Is it because of jealousy and worry? When they asked Zhao Shen for their contact information, as his girlfriend, you’re beautiful and charming, but you have a secret you’re most afraid he’ll find out. So you killed them. You would’ve eventually killed Zhao Shen, not because you were afraid he’d expose you, but because you felt that only by doing that, he would truly belong to you. As for Xiaoxiao, it was just a side note—success or failure didn’t matter to you.”

Qiao Ruofei’s face turned pale, and she gradually clenched her fists, bowing her head in silence. He Wei calmly said, “However, all of this doesn’t matter anymore. No matter the reasons, they can’t justify a crime. Let’s leave the sentencing to the fair hands of the law.”

The police car moved steadily, and Qiao Ruofei gazed at the passing scenery outside the window, murmuring to herself, “Yes, he was so foolish. I felt most at ease with him by my side.”


Cheng Zhenqing counted the days in the detention center, and the question he asked the guards most frequently was, “What’s the date today?” Fortunately, the young guard on duty had just started working and didn’t feel comfortable yelling at the prisoners. He answered all of Cheng Zhenqing’s questions obediently.

“It’s the 12th today.”

Cheng Zhenqing frowned and asked again, “Has the serial killing case outside been solved?”

“It should be solved. The suspect was taken back yesterday.”

Leaning against the fence, Cheng Zhenqing furrowed his brow and said after a moment, “Hey, little comrades, can you help me get in touch with Officer He? I have something urgent to discuss with him.”

The guard widened his eyes, “Again? Do you have more clues to provide?”

Cheng Zhenqing coaxed him, saying he had plenty, and urged him to go quickly since it was urgent. The guard reluctantly reported to his superior, and as a result, Officer He arrived himself, wanting to see Cheng Zhenqing.

“I heard you wanted to see me?” He Wei asked, arms crossed as he looked at Cheng Zhenqing. “Go ahead, tell me, what surprising news do you have for me this time?”

“That envelope, did you open it?”

He Wei raised an eyebrow, “It’s still in my drawer. Why? Is it time now?”

Cheng Zhenqing nodded, his expression becoming serious. He whispered, “He Wei, what’s about to happen next might exceed normal logic, but… never mind, it’s useless for me to say anything. Just know that if you need help, find a way to reach out to me.”

Cheng Zhenqing’s words left He Wei even more puzzled. If he wanted to see him, he could just come to the detention center. Was he planning a jailbreak?

As the day grew late, most of the colleagues had already finished work and left. He Wei returned to his office, took a paper cutter, and opened the leather envelope. A desk lamp illuminated the room, and he poured out the contents of the envelope. Sure enough, it was a stack of photographs.

The first one was a picture of Cheng Zesheng on the street, wearing a mask and a hat, seemingly browsing through magazines. The subsequent photos showed him stopping on the street to buy a drink, glancing up at shop windows, and chatting with fans who were holding beverages. From the angles, they looked like candid shots taken by private fans. He Wei flipped through more than a dozen photos in succession, growing increasingly puzzled. These were just candid photos of Cheng Zesheng’s daily life—what was there to open?

It wasn’t until he reached the last photo that He Wei’s hand trembled, and he felt a sense of disbelief.

In that photo, he appeared beside Cheng Zesheng.

They were standing in front of a drink vending machine, and Cheng Zesheng was gripping his arm, waving goodbye to two female fans. The familiar side profile was clear, with no beauty mark below the corner of the eye—it wasn’t He Lu.

At the bottom of the photo, the shooting date was April 8th. He Wei remembered that day very well; he had been working on a case out of town and wasn’t in Shengzhou City at all.

“Do you really not know Cheng Zesheng?” 

It was a question the Cheng Zesheng of another world had once asked him. At the time, He Wei’s response had been firm, but now, holding this photo, a trace of confusion crept in.

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One Comment

  1. Ok are we not gonna have a conversation about how the author just dehumanized and made qiao ruofei look like an evil person with no feelings just bc she is intersex?? What message is the author sending to the readers ☠️

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