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Chapter 53: Clue

A champagne-colored rose lay quietly on the coffee table, its emerald stems wrapped in transparent plastic paper. Several baby’s breath flowers were arranged around the blossom, standing out like stars in the sky, making it a unique and solitary showpiece.

With a slight frown, He Wei wasn’t a stranger to receiving confessions, but it was the first time he had been confessed to in front of friends.

He glanced at Lin Heyu; evidently, this old classmate wasn’t as steady and sincere as he appeared. His lips were held in a restrained position, as if he were suppressing a burst of laughter.

Cheng Zesheng had really put aside his pride to achieve this point. Expressing tender and affectionate feelings was truly difficult, and the words had already reached this stage. He believed He Wei could understand the meaning he was trying to convey.

The innocent, handsome guy clearly didn’t know that there was a glaring third wheel at this confession scene. Lin Heyu didn’t want to be the bad guy either, so he gestured to He Wei: Go ahead and accept.

He Wei couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to him, blaming him for making a scene. Otherwise, if Cheng Zesheng knew there were others present, he wouldn’t have impulsively confessed, no matter what.

“I’m allergic to pollen.” He Wei said.

“…” Cheng Zesheng fell silent. He never anticipated this twist.

“That’s okay. Treat it like it doesn’t exist.” Cheng Zesheng picked up the champagne rose and casually tossed it into the trash bin. “I won’t buy flowers again in the future.”

“Yeah, aren’t you going to get your clothes for a shower?” At this moment, He Wei just wanted to quickly get Cheng Zesheng to leave. Only when he left would Lin Heyu’s presence not be discovered. Otherwise, what was originally a movie for two suddenly gained an unexpected third character with a name, skyrocketing the awkwardness level.

“No rush. You…” Cheng Zesheng cleared his throat. “What did you want to say?”

“What I wanted to say was already said the other day.” He Wei rubbed his forehead. “You can go take a shower, and we can talk about the case if you have time.”

“…” Cheng Zesheng sighed. Fine, he’d go.

Hearing the sound of the door upstairs closing, He Wei hurriedly pulled Lin Heyu towards the entrance. “Had enough of making fun? Can you leave now?”

Hearing this, Lin Heyu’s smile faded, and he earnestly said, “It’s not a joke. I’m also advising you to think it over and not regret it later.”

After he left, He Wei returned to the living room and inadvertently caught sight of the champagne rose slanted in the trash bin. His claim of a pollen allergy was just an excuse; although he had a predisposition to allergies, he didn’t have that particular type of allergy.

He Wei hesitated for a moment, then slowly bent down and picked up the discarded symbol of affection from the trash bin.

The champagne rose is the national flower of Bulgaria. Strictly speaking, it wasn’t a true rose but a type of hybrid rose. One of its meanings was “solely devoted to you.” Don’t ask why He Wei knew this; it was from a case he had been involved in where the suspect had killed his girlfriend and left a champagne rose in her mouth.

Sounds from the staircase indicated that Cheng Zesheng was coming downstairs. He had just heard the sound of the security door and asked, “Did someone come?”

“No,” He Wei fabricated an excuse, “just taking out the trash.”

Cheng Zesheng glanced at the trash bin, but the flower inside was gone.

He had no idea that He Wei was standing right in front of him, holding that champagne rose. At this moment, he felt like he had made a terrible move. If he had known, he shouldn’t have listened to Cheng Aiyue about what kind of flowers to give. Not only did his confession fail, but he also made a mess of things.

He Wei turned the rose in his hand. “Cheng Zesheng, are you serious?”

Cheng Zesheng didn’t hesitate for a second. “Yes, I’m serious.”

He Wei lowered his eyelids, and his long, thick lashes cast shadows on his nose. The subtle and elegant fragrance of the rose wafted through the air, and he faintly understood why many women enjoyed receiving this reproductive organ of a plant.

He went upstairs alone and casually placed the champagne rose in the pen holder on the table. Adding a bit of greenery to the room wouldn’t make it look so dull.

Cheng Zesheng stood at the foot of the stairs, looking up. Was this the end of it?


Xia Liang arrived at the police station once again, his arm no longer in a sling, but rather wrapped in bandages. At first glance, his right hand seemed to be sealing some miraculous power. This time, he brought macarons as treats. He heard that they were made by Captain He’s family’s master baker. Everyone rushed over and quickly devoured the colorful sweets.

“Where’s Xiaoxiao?” Xia Liang looked around, becoming a bit anxious as he hadn’t seen his crush during his two visits to the station. Beside him was a small bag containing a mille-feuille cake he had bought specifically for Yun Xiaoxiao. Ke Bo stretched his neck to take a look and teased, “Xiao Xia, look at you. Your favoritism is so obvious!”

“Nonsense! Is Xia Liang pursuing you? Why would you be treated specially?” A colleague pushed Ke Bo playfully.

Xia Liang interrupted their banter. “Just tell me, where is Xiaoxiao?”

“Oh, Xiaoxiao went to see the suspect’s girlfriend. Building relationships with girls is easier. Xiaoxiao helps her buy daily necessities and often consoles her,” another colleague explained.

“Qiao Ruofei? Hasn’t she returned to Haijing?”

“No, she’s still infatuated, refusing to give up on her boyfriend. Xiaoxiao tried to persuade her to go back, but it’s been quite a struggle, and she hasn’t succeeded yet.”

Xia Liang was completely puzzled by what he was hearing and didn’t understand how Yun Xiaoxiao could be in contact with a suspect’s girlfriend. Only after his colleague explained did he realize that Qiao Ruofei had been interrogated by Yun Xiaoxiao. After being released, she refused to leave and kept hanging around the village. The fair and beautiful girl had become emotionally drained and haggard within a few days. Feeling sorry for her, Yun Xiaoxiao suggested contacting her family in Haijing to bring her back.

However, Qiao Ruofei’s family repeatedly declined, unwilling to come. Her parents had advised her to cut ties with Zhao Shen after his incident, but unexpectedly, Qiao Ruofei had gone to Shengzhou City on her own. The story of the “devoted girlfriend” spread through the media, and her parents were incredibly embarrassed. They even considered cutting ties with her, let alone bringing her back.

Qiao Ruofei was an adult with self-consciousness, and as long as her actions didn’t pose a threat to society, no one had the right to forcibly interfere. One day, when Yun Xiaoxiao left the police station, she saw Qiao Ruofei standing at the entrance, looking dazed and desperate. A sense of duty as a police officer surged within her. After taking her back, she patiently consoled her. Over time, Qiao Ruofei started reaching out to Yun Xiao Xiao whenever she needed help, gradually building a rapport.

“Oh… I see.” Xia Liang nodded. He probably wouldn’t see Yun Xiaoxiao today. He asked his colleagues to remember to give her the cake.

When He Wei returned to the station, a call came in from the detention center. Cheng Zhenqing was strongly demanding to see Captain He, claiming to have significant clues to offer.

“Who is this Cheng Zhenqing?” Lin Heyu asked.

“Cheng Zesheng’s brother. He’s a bit special. How do I explain it to you… it’s like ‘borrowing a dead body to come back to life’.”

“…,” Lin Heyu warned in a hushed tone, “Focus on science.”

He Wei waved his hand. In their current situation, what was there to talk about science?

In the interrogation room, He Wei and Lin Heyu interrogated Cheng Zhenqing simultaneously. His mental state seemed fine, and he even asked He Wei for a cigarette.

He Wei didn’t restrain his hands and let him casually hold the cigarette. Cheng Zhenqing pointed at Lin Heyu. “Officer Lin?”

“You know him too?” He Wei chuckled. “Seems like you know quite a bit. If you’re providing some clues, have you remembered who might have killed your brother?”

Cheng Zhenqing shook his head, exhaling a wisp of smoke. “I know that the current case you’re dealing with isn’t this one, right? The suspect hasn’t been found yet, am I correct?”

Lin Heyu squinted his slender eyes, studying Cheng Zhenqing. He Wei wasn’t particularly surprised. He absentmindedly twirled a pen in his hand. “So, the clue you want to provide is related to him? Go on, tell us.”

“The lake.”

He Wei was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the lake behind Dangshui Village. He stood up abruptly. “…Are you being serious?”

“Whether it’s true or not, Officer He, won’t you know if you go and see?” Cheng Zhenqing supported his forehead with his right hand, sounding relaxed. “You must have had this speculation before, right? Go and verify it.”

Lin Heyu stood up too and asked in a deep voice, “How do you know about this?”

“It was purely accidental. I don’t even know when it started, but somehow it became my role to tip you off.” Cheng Zhenqing glanced at the clock. “Oh dear, it’s getting late. I should go back now. Officers, solve the case quickly.”

“…” He Wei and Lin Heyu watched Cheng Zhenqing leave the interrogation room on his own and told the detained officer, “We’re done talking. Let’s go back.”

The officer was puzzled, only understanding when He Wei came out and told him to take the man back. They gradually walked away. Lin Heyu looked at Cheng Zhenqing’s departing figure. “Can we trust what he said?”

“At the very least, he wouldn’t waste our time for no reason.” He Wei’s hand rested on Lin Heyu’s shoulder. “Arrange for someone to search the lake. Zhao Shen might actually be in there.”


The lake in Dangshui Village was called Dangshui Lake and was about 600 meters long and 10 meters wide, with an elliptical shape. Originally, farmlands and houses were scattered along its banks. The local villagers used the lake’s water for irrigation. The village was named after the lake.

Later, due to land requisition and demolition by the government, Dangshui Village was almost emptied out. Dangshui Lake was planned to be transformed into a park for recreational activities for the surrounding residents. However, construction hadn’t begun yet. The surroundings were desolate, with only vast reeds swaying in the wind, giving the scene a bleak and desolate appearance.

At this moment, three police cars were parked by the lakeside path, and villagers from the neighboring village had gathered to watch. Qiao Ruofei received the news and rushed to the scene, gripping Yun Xiaoxiao’s arm with unease.

“Xiaoxiao, is Zhao Shen really here? Is he?” Qiao Ruofei’s voice trembled softly. Yun Xiaoxiao patted her hand to comfort her, “Don’t be nervous. We might not have any results yet.”

The search team divided into four areas, but even after an hour, they found nothing. Qiao Ruofei’s nerves eased slightly, and Yun Xiaoxiao asked her to sit down nearby. The sun was scorching, and she didn’t want her to suffer from heatstroke. Qiao Ruofei shook her head, her eyes fixed on the lake’s surface, afraid to miss a moment.

“With the current temperature and water temperature, considering the time Zhao Shen went missing, if he’s in the lake, he should have floated up by now,” Lin Heyu handed a cold drink to He Wei. “If he’s in the lake, he’s likely weighed down by something heavy or stuck in a place preventing him from floating.”

He Wei observed Dangshui Lake. Water plants were distributed along the banks, with a lotus pond to the east and a vast expanse of tall reeds to the west. The road they had driven on was shielded by the shimmering lake and the waving reeds.

A salvage boat glided into the reeds. After about fifteen minutes, someone on the boat suddenly shouted, “Captain He! We found something here!”

He Wei and Lin Heyu walked over together. Two members of the salvage team jumped into the water, pushing aside the reeds taller than a person. After a while, they turned back and shouted, “We found it! There’s a body here!”

Villagers gathered by the roadside to watch the commotion. If it weren’t for the officers blocking the way, they might have crowded closer. Yun Xiaoxiao felt a sharp pain in her arm and lowered her head to find Qiao Ruofei gripping her upper arm tightly. Qiao Ruofei was so nervous that her knuckles were turning white, and her hands were trembling slightly. The pain she felt was from Qiao Ruofei’s nails lightly digging into her flesh.

As the police retrieved the body, her breaths became heavier, and her eyes widened like copper bells, afraid to miss a second. Several minutes later, a body was lifted onto the shore, accompanied by a suitcase that was dragged out. Qiao Ruofei’s pupils contracted, and she took a shaky step backward. Yun Xiaoxiao supported her, saying, “Sit down and rest for a moment.”

“It’s him, it’s really him. I remember the clothes he’s wearing…”

Qiao Ruofei’s mental state collapsed. She lowered her head, covering her face as she cried in pain.

He Wei looked at the highly decomposed body and instructed, “Call Lan-Jie and tell her to start the examination.”

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