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Chapter 31: [HELLO] [Hello]

In the dead of night, with a bright moon hanging in the black night sky, a jeep stopped at the intersection of Fulong Mountain. Chong Zhen and He Wei climbed the mountain road for ten minutes and arrived at the mansion.

As the days since Cheng Zesheng’s passing grew longer, the number of fans coming to the mountain to mourn gradually decreased. However, there were still those who couldn’t forget, treating this place as Cheng Zesheng’s resting place. Every day, they would place a bouquet of flowers here and pray for him.

They stood outside the cordon and saw a bunch of delicate and beautiful lilies placed quietly there. The blooming flowers were still adorned with dew, indicating that they had been placed there only in the evening. Chong Zhen exclaimed, “Being a celebrity is great. Look at this, so many people take turns to remember. If it were me, I wouldn’t even want to be reincarnated.”

“Don’t worry, you don’t have that kind of fate.” He Wei bent over, picked up the card inserted in the lilies, turned it over, and saw two lines of elegant handwriting. The top line read, “HELLO.9th,” and the next line was signed, “Wei Youdie.”

“Look at the dates on the back. The girl is really persistent, keeping up with fresh flowers for nine days in a row,” Chongzhen speculated, stroking his chin. “Do you think it’s like setting up a spiritual practice? You have to offer flowers continuously for forty-nine days to count?”

How could He Wei know? He inserted the card back and arranged the lilies. A beam of light shone through, causing He Wei to squint his eyes. A patrolling police officer holding a flashlight approached.

“You can’t just come here like this. It’s a crime scene. Leave quickly.”

He Wei and Chong Zhen exchanged glances. Chong Zhen cleared his throat lightly, “We’re from the Criminal Investigation Division of the Shengzhou Municipal Bureau.”

The young patrol officer had just been assigned to patrol duty at the scene a couple of days ago and hadn’t encountered anyone from the city’s criminal investigation team. Seeing them in plain clothes, showing up here in the middle of the night, their motives seemed suspicious. He sternly said, “Please show your ID.”

“Alright, alright, it’s just the ID, right?” Chong Zhen reached into his pocket, felt around, and then slapped his forehead. “Damn, I left it in the jacket I wore during the day!”

He Wei’s pocket was also empty because he had absentmindedly left the ID in the car when he took out the lighter earlier, and he didn’t remember to grab it when they got out of the car.

Now things were getting worse; the young patrol officer regarded them even more suspiciously. Chong Zhen tried to reason with a pleasant tone, “Comrade, which precinct are you from? We’re colleagues. Our IDs are in the car. Going down and coming back up will only take twenty minutes, and it’ll save us all some time and efficiency.”

The young patrol officer remained firm, “If you can’t produce your IDs, you can’t enter. Go down the mountain quickly!”

Chong Zhen couldn’t help but think, why was this kid so responsible? He was about to say a few more words, but He Wei stopped him. With a sharp look, He Wei scanned the patrol officer from head to toe, smiled slightly, and then began to use his skills.

“Comrade, are you in a bad mood because your marriage proposal failed?”

The patrol officer blinked and furrowed his brows, “Don’t talk nonsense, don’t try to get close!”

He Wei acted as if he didn’t hear, “Let me guess again. You bought a ring, reserved a candlelit dinner, and even got a luxury brand lipstick as a gift for your girlfriend. Unfortunately, she didn’t like it. She picked up her bag and left on the spot, which led to your unsuccessful proposal. You ended up eating alone. You’re on night duty, so you couldn’t make amends with your girlfriend. You must be quite frustrated, right?”

The patrol officer looked bewildered and blurted out, “How do you know?”

“It’s simple. The cuffs of your uniform are stained with black pepper sauce, and the white spot on your chest is likely from salad or mushroom soup. However, your demeanor doesn’t seem to favor a bourgeois lifestyle. You must have chosen the Western restaurant for someone else, considering the high prices. Even if your girlfriend left in anger, you wouldn’t want to waste the meal and end up eating it alone. The purpose of your visit to the Western restaurant is in your pants pocket, a square box, just the right size for a ring.”

“As for the reason for the argument…” He Wei raised his right hand and pointed at the back of his hand. “That red mark on your hand is probably lipstick that you didn’t wipe off cleanly after trying it on. You tried several shades and ended up choosing the one your girlfriend dislikes the most. No wonder you felt wronged. Did you just go to make up with her on the phone? Your phone is still in your hand. Comrade, even though I’ve never been in a romantic relationship, I know that ‘pink neon’ is not a color most girls can handle. Remember, don’t buy that shade in the future.”

The patrol officer’s nose tingled, and a wave of sadness washed over him. “How do you even know this?”

“Because when you were wiping the lipstick, you accidentally smudged another uniform cuff.”

Chong Zhen beamed triumphantly, see that? This is our Captain He with sharp eyes, whatever details you hide can’t escape his gaze!

He Wei lifted the cordon. “Alright, you can continue with your phone call. We’ll go in for a while and come out soon.”

“Okay… wait!” The young patrol officer jumped up. “Don’t think that acting like Conan will work! Show me your IDs!”

He Wei: “…”

Chong Zhen: “…”

Fifteen minutes later, Chong Zhen returned, panting, and thrust the identification right in front of the patrol officer’s eyes. “Take a good look! Captain of the Shengzhou Municipal Criminal Investigation Division! Official level! I’m exhausted from going back and forth. Why is this kid so stubborn?”

The patrol officer looked at the IDs, saluted the two, and gestured with a “please” motion. He Wei tucked the ID into his pocket, lifted the cordon, and Chong Zhen went inside, commenting, “Why didn’t they give you a high-level deputy position? It would be even more intimidating.”

He Wei sneered, “If I get promoted to Deputy Chief at my age, do you want to make Lao Zheng step down or have me subjected to dictatorship?”

“Hey, you’re not young anymore. Look at those prominent characters in novels. They become police chiefs by the age of 25! You also have the face of a male lead. Why are you so lacking in ambition?”

He Wei couldn’t be bothered to respond. He raised his watch to check the time. With that little commotion with the young patrol officer, time passed quickly. Only ten minutes remain until midnight.

Just as midnight approached, Cheng Zesheng also arrived at the mansion. The mountain was eerily quiet. The stout patrol officer was dozing off in a chair, completely unaware of anyone approaching.

Since the patrol officer was asleep, Cheng Zesheng decided not to disturb him. He stepped inside the cordon. He instinctively pulled out a pair of plastic gloves from his pocket and was about to put them on when he realized that he wasn’t here for the crime scene investigation today, so he didn’t need them at all.

Cheng Zesheng stared at his wristwatch. As the clock struck twelve, he pushed open the mansion door and entered this eerie crime scene.

Simultaneously, He Wei muttered to himself, “Time’s up.”

He pushed open the creaking door, and a thin line of light tore through the darkness, disrupting the mansion’s tranquility.


Tap,tap,” the sound of Cheng Zesheng’s footsteps echoed in the living room as he looked around, his ears alert for any other sounds. Unfortunately, there was nothing – the mansion was extremely quiet, offering only echoes in response.

Once He Wei entered, he called out, “Cheng Zesheng!”

Chong Zhen rubbed his arms, and goosebumps started to form.

“Cheng Zesheng!” He Wei took a couple of steps forward. “Can you hear me?”

The echoes of He Wei’s voice reverberated through the spacious mansion, but apart from that, there was no other sound.

“He Wei, are you there?” Cheng Zesheng also asked, but unfortunately, there was still only his own voice echoing back. He suddenly remembered something, and he casually picked up a round stone carving from a pillar and let it roll along the ground.

The stone carving rolled to Chong Zhen’s feet, and he looked down, puzzled: “What’s this?”

He Wei keenly noticed that the round stone carving that was just on the pillar they passed had disappeared. He whispered, “He’s here.”

Chong Zhen was startled: “Don’t scare me. I only have one protective amulet. If I tear it in half to give you a piece, it might lose its power.”

“Cheng Zesheng, can you hear me?”

After another inquiry, He Wei confirmed that Cheng Zesheng couldn’t hear them. So, he took out a notepad and wrote two words on a piece of paper, sticking it onto the round stone carving before placing it back where it was.

Cheng Zesheng noticed the round stone carving returning, this time with a familiar note attached: [I’m here.]

Just two simple words instantly lightened Cheng Zesheng’s mood, dispelling the initial heaviness he felt upon entering. This place was different from his apartment; even though the evidence he took outside wouldn’t collapse and disappear, he couldn’t hear He Wei’s voice. 

He Wei and Chong Zhen aimlessly wandered through the mansion, with Chong Zhen occasionally asking, “Is there any progress?” He Wei responded half-heartedly, “Almost there, almost there,” while waiting for a response from Cheng Zesheng.

Cheng Zesheng’s note was quite lengthy. He explained to He Wei that he couldn’t hear any sounds there, but he could see the notes. He wasn’t sure what triggered the ability to communicate. He speculated that it might have something to do with the clock, possibly the lack of the piano melody. That could be the reason they couldn’t converse smoothly.

Chong Zhen saw the countless notes and was thoroughly frightened, “…Damn it! It’s actually here! L-La-Lao He Wei, take it easy, don’t mess with supernatural games like this!”

He Wei was both amused and exasperated. He draped his arm over Chongzhen’s shoulder and patted his face, saying, “You’re so tall and formidable-looking, yet you’re this easily scared. What supernatural game? Do you know about parallel worlds?”

“I don’t know,” Chong Zhen replied firmly, “I’m an idealist. I believe there’s only one.”

“…You’re truly something.”

He Wei released him and walked towards the balcony, looking up at the bright moon outside. Stars were twinkling in the night sky, far more numerous and brighter than those visible in the city. The air was fresh with a hint of chilliness, invigorating his mind.

Tonight’s experiment ended in failure. They hadn’t discovered the penetration patterns of the folded space. He thought there might be a chance to see Cheng Zesheng, but he couldn’t even hear his voice. How could he expect to see him?

He rubbed his neck absentmindedly, and suddenly, his movement halted. He looked down unintentionally, his actions freezing.

Through the transparent glass, a reflection appeared – besides the furnishings of the mansion and Chong Zhen leaning against the stairs, there was also a tall figure wearing a light blue shirt and a black windbreaker draped over his arm, standing in the living room.

He Wei’s heartbeat accelerated abruptly, and he slowly turned his head. His gaze fell only on Chong Zhen and the familiar décor, but the spot where the man appeared was empty.

“… Chong Zhen,” He Wei’s throat felt dry, “come over here.”

Chong Zhen walked over as requested, standing beside He Wei. He Wei raised his chin slightly and asked, “The reflection in the glass, what do you see?”

Chong Zhen stared at the reflection with a confused expression on his face. “…Besides you and me, what else?”

“Look more closely.”

“I did look closely. It’s just you and me, and there are a few pillars behind us, a sofa… and that’s it.”

Chong Zhen couldn’t see.

After He Wei realized this, he patted Chong Zhen’s shoulder with feigned ease, saying it was nothing, just a casual question. Chong Zhen, feeling suspicious and uneasy, found a corner to smoke.

He Wei stared at the reflection in the glass, his index finger curling up as he lightly tapped the glass twice.

“Tap, tap.”

With keen hearing, the man immediately turned around. His finely sculpted face entered He Wei’s line of sight, his expressive black eyes enhancing his already handsome features, making him unforgettable.

Sure enough, a living person looks better. He Wei’s lips curled into a smile.

Cheng Zesheng turned his head and looked in the direction of the balcony. Where was he?

Step by step, he walked over, noticing the extra reflection on the glass. He was astonished and unconsciously quickened his pace.

In the glass’s reflection, a face with delicate and gentle features and calm eyebrows and eyes appeared. Unlike the stiffness of He Lu’s expression, these features, although the same, had a gentle quality when illuminated by the moonlight, radiating an inexplicable warmth.

Seeing him approach, He Wei exhaled, creating a mist on the glass. His hand moved within the mist, writing stroke by stroke. When Cheng Zesheng stood behind him, he had just finished the final stroke.


A gentle smile filled his eyes. Cheng Zesheng stood slightly to the right behind He Wei. Comparing their heights, it was clear that he was a few centimeters taller. He raised his hand, hovering it in the air, and in the reflection, that hand was resting on He Wei’s shoulder.

Cheng Zesheng lowered his head and silently whispered a greeting into He Wei’s ear.


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