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Chapter 13: The Third Person

This basement might not be large, but it was filled with a dazzling array of firearms. Handguns, rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, and more, were all neatly categorized and hung on the walls, each with its own matching gun holster. Like Cheng Zesheng’s books, they were meticulously protected. Every gun barrel was free of any rust, shining silver, or sleek black, resembling valiant knights ready for battle at any moment.

In a cabinet, various boxes of ammunition were displayed, including some highly lethal and inhumane specialty rounds, such as Dum-dum bullets and glass bullets. It was no exaggeration to call this a weapons arsenal, and it was fully equipped with both common and rare ammunition.

“AK series, Browning series, Glock series, Beretta series… Damn, I haven’t even seen some of these models before. And there’s an abundance of ammunition. Is he planning his own armed uprising?”

“I don’t know about the uprising, but he certainly has money,” He Wei remarked. His gaze swept across the guns, and he took down the Desert Eagle from the wall. “Here you go. Weren’t you longing to hold a Desert Eagle in your lifetime? Your wish is granted.”

Chong Zhen held the Desert Eagle in his hand, feeling its weight, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. He even thought about firing a few rounds to experience the handling. He Wei walked to the opposite side of the wall, noticing a conspicuous empty space just above an NP22. Among the vast collection of guns on the wall, this spot stood out with its obvious absence.

However, not all of Cheng Zesheng’s guns were labeled with their models, and He Wei didn’t know which one had disappeared. He had a faint feeling that it might be Type 92, the one that caused Cheng Zesheng’s death. On the side of the armory, there was a small door, which He Wei pushed open, revealing another hidden gem – a small shooting range. It had two shooting positions without an observation hall or moving targets. The protective measures were rudimentary, probably only for self-entertainment.

The ventilation in the basement was poor, despite the presence of an exhaust fan. Even after opening the door, a faint smell of gunpowder lingered in the air. Chong Zhen estimated the distance from the shooting position to the target at approximately 25 meters, which happened to meet the requirements for shooting tests.

The earmuffs and protective goggles of the first shooting position were casually placed on the table, accompanied by a detachable high-end silencer. Chong Zhen picked it up. “A detachable high-end silencer. No wonder there have been no neighbor complaints in the area.”

“Not all guns can be fitted with it, including the Type 92,” He Wei pointed to the ceiling. “The walls and ceiling have definitely been soundproofed. Handgun shots aren’t that loud to begin with, unlike rifles. Besides, this is still a basement. If the noise were to reach upstairs, it would probably be similar to the sounds of a car repair.”

The ground at the shooting position was scattered with several spent casings. He Wei crouched down, picked one up, and noticed brown rust spots forming on it. He lightly sniffed it near his nose and detected a faint residual gas odor. He said, “These casings were fired at least three days ago. Judging by the quantity, at least one box has been emptied. Let’s have Zheng Youqing come down and take them all for examination.”

Chong Zhen also picked up a casing. “9mm? Could the firearm used to shoot the victim be the same?”

“That’s why we need to compare them,” He Wei replied, looking at the moving target several meters away. The bullet holes were clearly visible, concentrated near the center, and overlapping. Chong Zhen went to retrieve the projectile and asked, “Hey, Lao He, do you think your shooting skills can match this?”

“The distance isn’t enough. Let’s talk about it when it’s over 30 meters.”

“Look at you, so proud. Are you the great sharpshooter?”

Zheng Youqing entered the small shooting range, marveling along the way. “Impressive. Are all those guns collected by Cheng Zesheng?”

“Looks like it. Isn’t it crazy that he dug up his own basement and filled it with these?” Chong Zhen shook his head. “At first, I thought he was just a weak literary youth, but now it seems he’s a terrorist sitting on a stockpile of weapons.”

“Xiao Qing, when you examined Cheng Zesheng’s clothing, how was the distribution of gunpowder residue?” He Wei asked.

“I have the data on my computer. The majority of the residue was concentrated around the wound, with a small amount splattered on the shoulders and waist.”

He Wei looked at the bullet and casing placed in evidence bags, lost in thought. In the autopsy report, Cheng Zesheng’s hands only had trace amounts of gunpowder, and it couldn’t be ruled out that it was residue transferred from touching his clothing. Du Ruanlan didn’t state a conclusion about him firing a gun before his death, indicating that she also believed the detected residue wasn’t sufficient to make such a determination.

But gunpowder residue could also be easily removed deliberately. There was a third person present at the scene, right beside Cheng Zesheng. It was highly likely that they arranged Cheng Zesheng’s body neatly as well.

After packaging the casings and bullets, Zheng Youqing took photos and collected fingerprints. Her evidence kit, carried with her at all times, was like a small treasure chest that could produce anything. Chong Zhen leaned against the wall, looking at the room full of guns, feeling regretful. “These are all good guns, and many of the models are discontinued and rare. It’s a shame they’ll be destroyed.”

“What do you want to do? Not report it? Take up his mantle and start a rebellion?” He Wei patted his shoulder. “According to Article 128 of the Criminal Law, the illegal possession or concealment of firearms and ammunition, in serious circumstances, carries a sentence of no less than three years and no more than seven years. I think you’re aiming for the people’s democratic dictatorship.”

“Tsk, not even going to consider it?” Chong Zhen picked up the Desert Eagle on the table. “A good gun, truly a good gun. It’s a pity, such a pity.”

While he lamented, He Wei had already called Zheng Furui to report. Zheng Furui was also shocked and surprised. He never expected that this pianist would have collected over a hundred guns at home. It was the largest seizure of illegal firearms in recent years during the crackdown on crime and elimination of evil in Shengzhou City.

Based on He Wei’s speculation, Cheng Zesheng had been collecting firearms for more than just a year or two, perhaps even when he was in Canada. If it was merely a hobby, He Wei could only marvel at the man’s fanaticism for weapons. As for how he managed to smuggle so many guns into the country, that would require a thorough investigation of Cheng Zesheng’s complex network of relationships.

In any case, He Wei had a premonition that this case would be a major undertaking and not easily resolved. Now that they had discovered an armory, the motive for Cheng Zesheng’s murder became even more complex. Zheng Furui decided to establish a special task force and appointed He Wei as the team leader to investigate this homicide and provide an explanation to society and the people.

“Make a list of the personnel you need, and I’ll make the arrangements,” Zheng Furui paused. “Also, you haven’t returned to the dormitory for two days, right? Your things have been moved out. If you need to sleep, go to your new place.”

The chief’s efficiency was impressive. He Wei sighed, knowing that his journey to the bureau would now take at least half an hour.


As Hu Songkai had said, the abandoned mansion on Fulong Mountain was becoming a tourist attraction. Despite the police officers’ warnings, some stubborn fans insisted on visiting and constantly inquired about the progress of the case. The officers couldn’t do much about them and could only do their best to guard the area.

The car stopped on the slope, and He Wei and Chong Zhen ascended the mountain together. On the way, they encountered a group of fans who came to pay tribute to their idol. They were told that they couldn’t go through the main road as it was blocked by the police, so they had to take a smaller path.

He Wei smiled and followed behind them, climbing Fulong Mountain through the path they had carved out. Chong Zhen walked ahead, chatting with the fans along the way, discussing Cheng Zesheng. He had thick skin and a smooth tongue, disguising himself as a fan. He could engage in conversation, answering any questions thrown his way, appearing genuine without revealing anything.

“Zesheng was really super warm. During last year’s birthday party, it was pouring rain and he was trapped at an airport abroad and couldn’t come back. But he still live-streamed and played a piano piece to celebrate his birthday with his fans. He’s really a great person, gentle and handsome. Why did he suddenly leave like this…”

The young girl’s eyes welled up with tears as she spoke, and it affected several other fans who also shed tears. Chong Zhen had to lower his head and pretend to wipe his eyes. He Wei followed behind, appearing much more indifferent, his face expressionless as he pondered the case.

The mountain road was steep, and the girl holding flowers slipped on the gravel. Instinctively, He Wei reached out and steadied her. Their eyes met, and there was a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. After regaining her balance, she whispered a thank you, occasionally stealing glances at He Wei when he wasn’t looking.

Chong Zhen pulled He Wei aside and whispered, “Look at you, trying to pick up girls while on a case.”

He Wei looked puzzled, wondering what he was talking about. Did helping others become a problem now?

The fans placed their flowers outside the police cordon and took turns bowing before reluctantly leaving the mountain. The girl who had just been helped by He Wei stood at the back and discreetly tugged at his coat sleeve. “Thank you for your help earlier.”

“You’re welcome.”

“May I ask, were you friends with Cheng Zesheng?”

He Wei turned his head to look at her, clearly not understanding why she would ask such a question. The girl covered half of her face with her hand and whispered, “I bumped into you guys on the street. Just a hint for you, the vending machine.”

He Wei’s eyelid twitched, and the girl observed his expression. A hint of disappointment appeared on her pretty face. “If you can’t remember, it’s fine.”

After the people left, Chong Zhen nudged He Wei’s arm. “Hey, what did that girl say to you?”

“She said… that Zesheng and I knew each other.”

“Huh?” Chong Zhen wasn’t surprised. He shrugged. “Maybe she mistook you for He Lu? Their advertising company and the entertainment industry have some overlap. When you have time, ask He Lu about it.”

He Wei had the same thought, so he neither admitted nor denied it earlier. He and Chong Zhen entered the mansion once again. Thanks to the efforts of Hu Songkai and Xia Liang, an arched shooting area had been marked, and the shooting point was determined. The elder and the youngster were probably just finishing their work and were now sitting together, eating popsicles.

Xia Liang was a well-behaved and sensible boy. When he saw He Wei, he immediately stood up. Hu Songkai, the seasoned veteran, was more shameless than Chong Zhen. He waved his claws in a casual manner, indicating for Xia Liang to explain to them. He couldn’t be bothered to greet them himself.

“Captain He, based on our analysis, we believe that the shooting position is near the entrance here. The range and span of the scattered gunpowder residue are large, and even the sofa has been contaminated. So we speculate that the killer may have clashed or fought with someone on the sofa.”

“There are no obvious signs of a struggle.” He Wei ran his hand over the sofa. “And this is genuine leather; fingerprints can be easily removed.”

“Really! Captain He, believe me!” Xia Liang pulled him down and crouched. “Look, there’s a slight shift in the sofa’s legs. I shone a light inside, and the dust impressions deviated by 0.5 centimeters.”

He Wei shone his flashlight as instructed and indeed saw that the sofa had been moved, just as Xia Liang had described. He smiled and ruffled Xia Liang’s hair. “Young people indeed have sharp eyes.”

Xia Liang chuckled, and Chong Zhen remembered the glass bead. “That glass bead was found under the sofa. It’s highly likely that it was dropped by the killer. Have the forensic results come out?”

“Not that quickly. They were delayed by the earlier identification of the firearm types. They brought back another batch of bullet heads and casings today. The forensic team is working overtime without rest.” He Wei ran his hand over the traces left by the movement of the sofa legs. “Based on this speculation, this third person may not have been in a cooperative relationship with the killer but rather on Cheng Zesheng’s side.”

“It’s also possible that they killed Cheng Zesheng because of a disagreement over splitting the spoils. They each wanted to keep the guns for themselves,” Chong Zhen snapped his fingers. “Another breakthrough in the case.”

“But there’s no need to fight here. They could have gone back to the basement to settle it. It has ample space, better concealment, and the body is less likely to be discovered,” He Wei focused on the traces of the crime scene that had been cleaned up around the body. “Although this place is also fairly hidden, students still come here to explore–“

His words abruptly halted as he stood up and observed the villa entrance not far away. After a moment, he asked, “Xia Liang, when you were taking statements, did you ask why they came here to explore?”

“Ah? At that time, they said they saw someone posting an exploration challenge on a website, and there was a cash prize for completing it. I often see such posts too…”

“Find out when that exploration challenge was posted and who posted it.” He Wei walked to the area that had been trampled into a mess, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

“There might be footprints preserved within that area, amidst the footprints left by the students.”

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