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Chapter 104: Two Worlds

“You got off work early today; do you want to go eat Japanese food?” Xia Liang picked up his bag and looked at the man, who was slowly tidying up his desk. He saw him raise his head and flash a shy smile, “No, I have plans today.”

Xia Liang was surprised, “Captain He, are you in a relationship?!”

He Wei looked uneasy, half of his face turning red, and he explained in a low voice that it was not a date, just having dinner with a friend.

“Is your face turning red like that for a regular dinner?”

He Wei’s fingers twisted together; he knew why, because he would soon meet the person he most wanted to see.

In fact, the friend he was meeting tonight was not ordinary at all, and telling others would shock them to death. He Wei’s dinner companion was none other than the internationally renowned pianist Cheng Zesheng, who had risen to fame in the past two years. They didn’t meet often, but today Cheng Zesheng had returned from abroad after winning an award, and He Wei wanted to celebrate with him, so he had booked a restaurant in advance.

When they arrived at the private room, Cheng Zesheng was already there, his beige trench coat hanging on the hanger, and underneath, he wore a refreshing-colored shirt. He waved at He Wei, “A-Wei, come over and sit.”

He Wei nodded, his face slightly red. He hung up his coat and sat down across from Cheng Zesheng. After taking their order, the waiter left, leaving just the two of them in the private room. He Wei felt nervous for a moment and took a while to muster the courage to say, “Congratulations on winning the award.”

Cheng Zesheng suppressed a smile and reached out to ruffle He Wei’s hair, “Thank you. We’ve known each other for so long, why are you still so shy?”

Glancing at Cheng Zesheng, He Wei couldn’t help but remember how Cheng Zesheng himself often got flustered and embarrassed on the show. It was amusing that he had the audacity to tease him about it.

Cheng Zesheng was indeed easily flustered, but he was clearly much better at handling it than He Wei. Although he was younger than He Wei, he always felt the need to appear more mature in front of him. As a result, he often slipped up with a few words in front of outsiders and fans, but when he was with He Wei, it was usually He Wei who couldn’t handle himself.

“After we finish eating, will you come back with me? I’ll play a piece for you.” Cheng Zesheng’s fingers slid to He Wei’s cheek and gently pinched it.

He Wei’s face turned even redder, and he nodded hurriedly, his lips pressed together. He blamed himself for being so useless; why did he lose his ability to speak whenever he was with Cheng Zesheng, becoming so passive?

The first time he met Cheng Zesheng was because He Lu had something come up and asked him to help deliver some documents to the photo studio. At that time, Cheng Zesheng and his manager happened to be there. Cheng Zesheng had mistaken him for He Lu at first and had shaken hands with him, saying, “Director He, what a coincidence, I guessed that your company must be responsible for this ad too.”

He Wei felt a bit embarrassed and scratched his cheek shyly with his index finger, saying, “…You’ve got the wrong person; I’m He Wei, He Lu’s brother.”

Cheng Zesheng was surprised, and his manager whispered to him that he had made a mistake and that Director He had a twin brother who looked exactly like him.

Cheng Zesheng nodded and looked He Wei up and down. When his gaze met He Wei’s, the other party’s face suddenly blushed like it was on fire, all rosy and tempting, like freshly picked strawberries, making him want to take a bite.

Even though they had known each other for several months, Cheng Zesheng still felt this way—He Wei looked especially good when he blushed.

After dinner, Cheng Zesheng, for the first time, didn’t wear his full disguise, just put on a mask, and he left the restaurant with He Wei. He drove his own Porsche and gave He Wei a ride back home. He Wei felt uneasy, always worrying about the possibility of paparazzi following them. “Is it really okay like this? What if we get photographed…”

“Then let them photograph us.” Cheng Zesheng turned his head and smiled, “Sorry for causing you a scandal.”

He Wei bit his lip and remained silent. It wasn’t until they were about to get out of the car that he finally said, “En,” without much context.

Cheng Zesheng lived alone in his home. After they entered, he led He Wei to the ivory piano and sat down, lifting the piano lid.

“This piece is quite unusual; I dreamt of it and wrote it down as soon as I woke up.” Cheng Zesheng placed his hands on the black and white keys and looked up. “But in the dream, it seemed like you didn’t like it.”

“How could that be?” He Wei immediately denied, “Dreams are always the opposite; I’m sure I’ll like it.”

“That’s good. It’s called ‘Wings of Hope,’ and you’re the first audience.”

Cheng Zesheng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and his fingertips flowed with beautiful and moving notes.

The melody of the first sentence wasn’t particularly melodious, but as it progressed, it became more and more wonderful. The piano notes resonated in the living room, the melody continuously rising and the intensity growing, filled with rich emotions, as if a faint light appearing in the darkness gradually became blazing and bright, unfolding a pair of hopeful wings.

He Wei was stunned as if he was infected by this surge of emotions. For some reason, a sense of soreness welled up in his chest, and without realizing it, a tear rolled down his cheek.

His mind was filled with many images, like an old movie playing repeatedly, with him and Cheng Zesheng as the main characters. They loved each other but were unable to be together, bound by fate. However, they never thought of giving up. He had no other thoughts, just wanting to save Cheng Zesheng and break free from the shackles of time together.

“What’s wrong?” A hand reached out and wiped away the tear on He Wei’s cheek. He Wei came to his senses, shook his head, and lowered his gaze, saying, “It’s nothing; I was just lost in thought. Just for a moment, I realized… I’m afraid of losing you.”

Cheng Zesheng stood up and hugged He Wei, whispering softly, “Me too.”

His dreams were strange and surreal, full of bizarre and vivid scenes, all related to He Wei. Falling in love, parting ways—almost every dream was etched deeply in his memory. Cheng Zesheng often wondered if these were memories from past lives, which was why he fell in love at first sight with He Wei, easily entangled in the web of love.

“Don’t be afraid; it’s just a dream. You won’t lose me, and I won’t lose you either.” Cheng Zesheng tightened his embrace.

He Wei buried his face in Cheng Zesheng’s embrace and wrapped his arms around his back gently, “…En, we will be together.”


Lian Jingyuan couldn’t remember when he had started keeping a cat. He had a clear memory that he bought a blue bicolor Ragdoll cat named Stephen in April of this year, in memory of the late physicist Stephen Hawking. However, this memory felt foreign to him, and he didn’t seem like the person who had experienced it. It was as if this event had been implanted in his mind. 

Although he wasn’t clear about where this Ragdoll cat came from, when asked by friends, he just said he wanted a pet, so he bought a cat. Even with He Wei, he used the same explanation. The first time Stephen met He Wei, he inexplicably felt a sense of familiarity, but after becoming more familiar, they gradually grew distant, and he started to pay less attention to He Wei. Sometimes when He Wei came to visit, Stephen would stand on the cat climbing frame, curiously watching him.

He Wei found it amusing and raised an eyebrow, “Your cat is quite unique. Did it mistake me for someone else, and that’s why it’s so friendly at first?”

“Who could it have mistaken you for? Don’t tell me—” Lian Jingyuan’s words almost slipped out, but he managed to stop himself before saying something strange like, “Mistaking you for another He Wei.”

Lian Jingyuan stroked his chin, not understanding why that thought had briefly crossed his mind.

“What could it have mistaken me for?” He Wei’s warm eyes looked at him.

Lian Jingyuan found an excuse, “Could it have mistaken you for He Lu? After all, you two are identical twins.”

Once certain thoughts emerged, they couldn’t be easily suppressed. Lian Jingyuan had been experiencing a strange feeling lately that his friends and acquaintances seemed slightly off, not like the people he was familiar with.

Despite having memories of every detail of his interactions with He Wei since childhood, including his tendency to cry and blush easily and his gentle and sensitive nature, there was always a sense of unreality when he looked back on them. It was as if Stephen’s existence wasn’t something he had personally experienced, but rather a complete memory that had been implanted in his mind.

Sometimes, when he had some free time, Lian Jingyuan began to ponder and imagine what the “real” He Wei should be like.

Steady, full of determination, and with a resolute and decisive way of doing things. His sharp, bright black eyes, unyielding even in the face of adversity, were truly attractive.

He spoke in a perpetually calm tone, and his facial expressions rarely changed.

He was always composed in times of crisis, able to handle even the most daunting situations with calmness and poise.

He possessed strong and unwavering willpower and a heart filled with dedication.

Lian Jingyuan felt somewhat bewildered. Was this still He Wei? The key was that he was gradually developing a fondness for an imaginary version of He Wei?

Perhaps he was going crazy.

It wasn’t until one day when He Wei, blushing and excited, told him that he was in a romantic relationship with Cheng Zesheng. Lian Jingyuan congratulated him with a smile, and he didn’t feel a sense of loss. He felt that his delusional tendencies might have become more severe, completely separating the real He Wei from the one in his imagination.

Lian Jingyuan pinched his brow and turned to look at the Ragdoll cat sitting in the passenger seat. Stephen raised its head with its sapphire-blue eyes fixed on him, occasionally tilting its head, displaying an expression so cute that it would make even a straight guy scream. Lian Jingyuan reached out and gently stroked its little head. “Be good. We’re going out to play soon. I’ll take you to see an art exhibition.”

The car was parked in front of a seven-story apartment building. This apartment building was called “Future Domain,” and it could be used for both commercial and residential purposes. It had just started leasing. Lian Jingyuan’s friend had rented the entire fourth floor to organize a small art exhibition and fulfill his artist’s dream.

Lian Jingyuan carried Stephen with him as he went upstairs, where his friend was already waiting at the elevator entrance. “Jingyuan, you finally made it! Oh, and you brought a guest? Such a beautiful cat!”

“Yeah, it’s name is Stephen.”

“Stephen?” Lian Jingyuan’s friend immediately snapped his fingers. “Stephen Hawking! You haven’t changed at all!”

There weren’t many people attending the art exhibition. Lian Jingyuan held Stephen and began to appreciate the artwork, starting with the first painting. Most of the works on display were post-modernist pieces, and Lian Jingyuan, who lacked artistic talent, couldn’t quite appreciate the chaotic color blocks and distorted lines. Stephen also seemed uninterested, curling up in his arms and yawning lazily.

After turning a corner down a corridor, they reached the end and were captivated by one oil painting.

For once, it wasn’t a jumble of colors and lines but a beautiful landscape painting. A winding path led into a dense forest with lush trees, and the sunset bathed everything in a golden glow. Upon closer inspection, two small figures in the painting, one in yellow and the other in white, could be seen among the trees, like two children with small backpacks climbing the mountain.

Lian Jingyuan was completely drawn to it, and Stephen suddenly became restless, using its hind legs to push against his arm, wanting to get down. So Lian Jingyuan placed it on the ground and continued to stare at the painting. Stephen also looked up, and the two of them were engrossed in appreciating the scenery.

Although this painting depicted a landscape, its name was “Circle.”

Moreover, the mountain scenery looked very familiar. There was a sharp roof visible in the corner of the oil painting, resembling a chapel. Lian Jingyuan squinted his eyes. Could this be… Fulong Mountain? That pointed roof looked more and more like the abandoned mansion.

“Do you really like this painting? Oh, you have a good eye! I like it too! The play of light and shadow in it is simply amazing!” His friend’s voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Lian Jingyuan turned around and pointed at the painting. “Is this Fulong Mountain?”

“Huh? I don’t know. The person who sold the painting said it’s a hidden place that ordinary people can’t easily reach.”

“What does the presence of those two children climbing the mountain signify?” Lian Jingyuan asked.

His friend looked puzzled. What children? There were no children in that painting.

“…” Lian Jingyuan sighed. He didn’t know how this friend dared to do business with such a gaze. He turned around to find the painting again, but for some reason, he couldn’t find those two small figures in yellow and white anymore.

What could have happened? Lian Jingyuan furrowed his brow as his friend was called away, leaving him alone to stare at the oil painting. After a moment, Lian Jingyuan remembered something and began to look around the corridor.

Where was the cat? Where had Stephen gone?


After the New Year, Yan Minglang retired, and He Wei and Cheng Zesheng were both promoted. When it came to who should be the Captain and Vice-Captain of the investigation team, Yan Minglang and Huang Zhanwei had a difficult decision to make. Honestly, both of these individuals were equally capable, but Yan Minglang believed that He Wei’s calm demeanor made him more suitable for leadership. On the other hand, Huang Zhanwei valued Cheng Zesheng’s qualifications at the city bureau and also considered his father’s connections. He couldn’t ignore the personal and political factors.

So, they each held their ground and decided to gather information about the two candidates. Unexpectedly, when they approached Cheng Zesheng, he looked puzzled and asked, “What’s the problem with He Wei being the Captain of the team?”

This caught Huang Zhanwei off guard, and for a moment, he didn’t know how to respond. “Well, there’s no problem. It’s just that we wanted to hear your opinion.”

“I wholeheartedly support it.”

Yan Minglang beamed with joy, while Huang Zhanwei remained skeptical, feeling that something was amiss.

Since their opinions aligned, after the New Year, Yan Minglang officially retired, and He Wei became the Captain of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Shengzhou City Bureau, with Cheng Zesheng as the Vice-Captain.

He Wei felt that the timing was perfect. Both he and Cheng Zesheng had reached their respective career milestones at the right age. It felt as though their life paths were harmoniously synchronized, especially in He Wei’s case, as if his life trajectory aligned with someone from another world.

In April, the new apartment building constructed by the city bureau arrived as scheduled. When He Wei saw the words “Future Domain,” his eyelid twitched. Huang Zhanwei had mentioned that the new apartments were being allocated, and he asked, “Xiao He, do you want to take one? If you don’t want to live with roommates, we can give you a single unit.”

This sentence sounded oddly familiar, and He Wei smiled slightly as he looked at Chief Huang. “No need. I’ve bought a house and am currently renovating it.”

“You’ve bought a house? Well done, young man.” Huang Zhanwei waved his hand. “Alright, the new apartments aren’t enough for everyone anyway. If each of you is buying a house, it’ll make things easier for us.”

Before leaving the office, He Wei remembered something and turned back to remind Huang Zhanwei, “Chief Huang, there’s no need to ask Cheng Zesheng either. He’s not considering it.”

“Huh? Did that kid tell you?” 

He Wei smiled again: “We bought the houe together.”

“…Huh?” Huang Zhanwei was taken aback and remembered the online CP rumors from a few years ago. He nearly spilled his tea. “Is it for real?”

He Wei shrugged, and of course, it was real. They had met each other’s parents, after all.

So, in the year that Cheng Zesheng and He Wei were promoted with honors, their romantic relationship was finally revealed at the bureau. Those in the know just smiled and said nothing, while those who were unaware were left in astonishment. What was happening? What happened to the leaders? Their days together became even more blissful.


“It’s just like before; nothing has changed.”

“Yeah, the colors and the number of floors are the same. I can’t believe we’re back here again.”

As they walked together, someone passing by overheard He Wei and Cheng Zesheng’s conversation and looked at them with confusion. “Future Domain” was a newly constructed apartment building, so where did the “before” come from?

This part wasn’t easy to explain. It was a secret shared by He Wei and Cheng Zesheng, something they had experienced together. It wasn’t something to be shared with outsiders.

They entered the building together, taking the elevator straight to the fourth floor. Both of them were feeling a bit nervous. Would there still be a 404 on the fourth floor? If there was, would it still serve as a gateway to the parallel world?

“Ding,” the elevator arrived at the floor. Cheng Zesheng and He Wei stepped out of the elevator and followed the familiar path to find that familiar apartment. As they approached, they saw that, after 403, where 404 should have been, there was now a large blank wall. On this floor, there was no apartment 404.

“It’s really not here.” He Wei extended his index finger and tapped on the wall. “It’s solid, just a wall inside.”

Cheng Zesheng heaved a sigh of relief, wrapping his arm around He Wei’s shoulder. “It seems that when you switched back, the two worlds’ connection points were closed.”

He Wei furrowed his brow, a trace of disappointment in his expression. He had lived in the other world for over thirty years, and he couldn’t meet his former friends or family members again. Although he had known from the start that this was the cruel reality, he still had to accept it. Reflecting on it still brought a touch of melancholy.

Then there was Stephen. At the time, he had entrusted Stephen to Lian Jingyuan’s care, promising to bring him back after everything was over. However, he had never returned to that world, and he couldn’t see Stephen again.

Living together with Cheng Zesheng for several years, they rarely talked about pets. One reason was that they had been too busy in recent years, and the other reason was He Wei’s selfishness. He had been waiting for this moment when everything would develop according to the original trajectory, secretly hoping that Stephen would reappear.

Cheng Zesheng could guess that He Wei was thinking about the affectionate and clingy Ragdoll cat. He hugged He Wei and comforted him, saying, “Let’s visit the cat shelter later. When our new house is renovated, you can have as many cats as you want.”

He Wei nodded, smiling at him. There were many regrets in life, and if he started counting them, he had lost too much. Adding one more Stephen wasn’t a big deal.

After the tour, with no particular expectations in their hearts, Cheng Zesheng held He Wei’s hand as they walked towards the elevator. Before they even turned the corner, a soft meow suddenly echoed in the empty corridor.


He Wei jolted and quickly turned around. Not far behind them, a Ragdoll cat was tilting its head and looking at them. It had azure, almond-shaped eyes, a familiar coat pattern, and a round, chubby face. Wasn’t this the little life they had just been talking about?

He Wei rushed over and scooped it up in his arms. “Stephen!”

Stephen appeared somewhat cautious, staring at He Wei and blinking its eyes, as if it was trying to confirm whether he was truly its former owner. Finally, after a brief exchange of glances between them, Stephen leaned in, nudging its head gently against He Wei’s chin and letting out a soft meow.


You’ve finally come to get me.

He Wei closed his eyes, resting his chin against Stephen’s forehead, and his eyes became slightly moist. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”

Cheng Zesheng also approached and turned over one of the Ragdoll cat’s small paws, revealing a dark brown patch of fur on the palm of its right paw. It was indeed the same Ragdoll cat he had raised in Apartment 403 during the period when He Wei had lost his memory. Cheng Zesheng was astonished and looked around. Both sides of the corridor were walls, and the only ventilation window was closed. Where had it appeared from?

He Wei happily cradled Stephen in his arms, unable to suppress the smile that crept onto his lips. He noticed that Cheng Zesheng was still lost in thought and chuckled. “Don’t overthink it. Perhaps, after enduring so many hardships, this is our final gift.”

They had come empty-handed, but they were leaving with a precious addition to their family. In the midst of curious glances from colleagues who had been investigating, they embraced Stephen and headed home.

As the sun set, Lian Jingyuan bid farewell to his friend, concluding their art exhibition visit. He had other commitments for the evening and decided not to linger. His friend noticed he was leaving alone and glanced around. “What about the cat you brought with you?”

Lian Jingyuan turned his gaze back to the corridor and pushed up his glasses with his index finger, and a multitude of thoughts raced through his mind.

“It probably went to find its real owner.”

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  1. I feel sort of sorry for Liang Jingyuan, losing his friend/love and now this cutie. 🥲

    Thanks for the chapter(s)!

  2. Dear Translator

    I’m Nada Indonensian Translator. I read your translation novel “Replacing the Evil Way (置换凶途)” and got hooked. So here, i want to ask permission to re-translating it to Indonesian and post them on, if you don’t mind. I will also put your link on my indonesian’s chapter

    Thank you for your attention, i will be waiting for your reply.


    1. It would be better if you translate directly from the raws for better accuracy, but if you still want to re-translate it, go ahead. I won’t mind. Just support the author.

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