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Chapter 133: Whatever you want, I want to make it happen for you.

“You want to transfer these things? You wastrel! Cough—”

In a private dining room of the exclusive restaurant, Zeng Hongying’s voice couldn’t be controlled due to his astonishment. Having said that, he choked on peanut dregs and coughed repeatedly, his face turning red.

Yu Nian quickly handed over a cup of warm tea, saying helplessly, “Teacher, please don’t be hasty. I haven’t finished explaining.”

After drinking a cup of water, Zeng Hongying regained his composure. He looked at Yu Nian and waved his hand, saying, “Alright, alright, I’ll patiently listen to what you have to say. Where were we? You mentioned having the idea of transferring sixteen out of the thirty-one cultural relics, and then?”

Yu Nian poured tea from the pot and refilled Zeng Hongying’s cup. “I have two plans. First, I want to transfer sixteen out of the thirty-one items listed in my grandpa’s registry to the National Bureau of Cultural Relics. Second, I want to establish a private museum.”

Zeng Hongying had calmed down by now. He picked up his chopsticks again, using them to pick up a peanut, and said, “Go on.”

“I had the idea of donating the sixteen cultural relics some time ago. These sixteen items were carefully selected by me. Their value and significance are immense, something I can’t bear to shoulder, and the museum I would build couldn’t shoulder it either. So, I thought of transferring them to the National Bureau of Cultural Relics for protection in the name of the country.”

Setting down his chopsticks, Zeng Hongying sighed, “When you called me suddenly, I guessed you had something important to discuss, but I didn’t expect it to be about this matter. Any one of the thirty-one items in Mr. Xiuning’s registry is already extremely valuable, not to mention the sixteen combined.
Moreover, your two generations of the Yu family have invested immeasurable effort into recovering these thirty-one treasures. It’s a good thing for the country, history, and culture that you’re transferring them, but I’m afraid you might regret it.”

“Teacher, I won’t regret it. Or, I might even feel more relieved. After all, even accidentally damaging a corner of any of these sixteen items would make me a criminal throughout eternity. It’s too daunting.”

The amber tea poured smoothly into the celadon cup, making a soft “tap tap” sound. Yu Nian held the tea cup in his fingers but didn’t drink. He continued:

“I’ve been with my grandpa since I was young and witnessed many things. Leaving aside the rest, and just focusing on the last two years, what I’ve personally seen and heard. ‘Continuous Rain on Jiangshan,’ the person who collected this painting had the surname Hong, and their ancestors were also affluent. However, in this generation, their finances are quite tight. Mr. Hong wouldn’t even buy new clothes for five years just to pass down this painting.
But Mr. Hong’s wife thought he was being foolish. They needed money for their children’s school fees. Why not sell the painting and get some money? Due to an argument, the painting almost got cut to shreds by Mr. Hong’s wife. After that, Mr. Hong sold the painting because he realized he couldn’t preserve it any longer.”

“The fish-tail vase with landscape patterns was used by an elderly lady to hold plastic flowers, placed in front of a clay sculpture of a Bodhisattva in a mountain temple. Later, a foreigner went to the village to take photos and inadvertently captured this vase. After some twists and turns, the fish-tail vase was recognized by a foreign collector from the photograph. Ultimately, this bottle appeared in an overseas auction.”

“The bamboo slips of Guo Shu,’ belonging to the Sun family of Hui City, were stolen by the unworthy descendants. They liked gambling, got into debt, and resorted to burning down their family’s library of books to cover up their theft, sneaking out the bamboo slips in the process and selling them at a low price to foreign antique dealers.”

Listening to these stories, Zeng Hongying also sighed, “Indeed, if these cultural relics could speak, their stories would probably take days and nights to tell. I can see from these incidents that the future is uncertain. Being cautious and considering the long-term for these artifacts is the right approach.”

Lifting the tea cup, Yu Nian took a sip of the clear tea, his profile looking more refined in the gentle steam. Clearing his throat, he continued:

“Yes, and there’s also ‘Drunken Horse Roaming in Spring,’ which used to be held in a private museum in the island nation. However, the private museum faced poor management and was on the verge of closure, leading to all its collections being liquidated in the auction market. If it weren’t for my sister letting me borrow the money at the last minute to buy the painting, it would probably be in the hands of a wealthy merchant in the northern country.”

Zeng Hongying’s expression grew serious, “Since you brought up this topic, Nian Nian, you’ve thought about establishing a private museum, but have you considered similar issues?”

“I have.” Yu Nian spoke candidly, “I’m only twenty-two years old now, still young. While life is short, I still have several decades ahead of me, with ample time to gradually steer the museum in the right direction. I have a lot of money, so even if it doesn’t perform well initially, it’s okay; I can sustain the museum’s expenses. The only thing I worry about is time.”

Zeng Hongying furrowed his brow, “What do you mean by time?”

“Teacher, as someone who studies history, you should understand my feelings,” Yu Nian chose his words carefully, “Although I’m only twenty-two, I’ve already experienced the departure of three loved ones. I don’t fear death, but I keenly realize that a person’s lifespan compared to these artifacts is just a fleeting moment in a thousand years. I don’t know how long I’ll live or whether I’ll encounter accidents, so my only concern is what will happen to this private museum and these objects after I leave this world.”

Yu Nian continued, “On the other hand, think about objects like bronze vessels; once war breaks out, they’re also difficult to preserve. Bronze artifacts are already challenging, let alone fragile calligraphy and paintings.”

With a light “tap,” he set down the teacup, and Zeng Hongying said, “Although considering the long-term is wise, Yu Nian, as a student of history, you should also know that doing what you can while yielding to fate has its merits. In a thousand years, the world might be in ruins, let alone your museum. You just need to do your best, accomplish what you can, and leave the rest to future generations. Why worry so much?”

Yu Nian detected Zeng Hongying’s sudden understanding and smiled, “Well, you’re absolutely right.”

Studying Yu Nian intently, Zeng Hongying inquired carefully, “But to be honest, how did you come up with the idea of establishing a museum? It’s not something that can be easily accomplished.”

Yu Nian responded, “This idea was actually present in my grandpa’s mind before, but the circumstances weren’t favorable then, preventing him from realizing it. When I was young, I used to follow my grandpa, counting the ancient books, antiques, and cultural relics in our family. The treasures passed down through generations of our Yu family are not only numerous but also diverse. However, for the sake of preservation, most of them are stored in secure vaults, hidden from public view.”

Zeng Hongying knew that the Qingshan Yu family had an extensive and profound history, producing scholars, virtuous officials, accomplished intellectuals, and even military commanders over the years. He nodded approvingly, “Indeed, your family is like that, with a deep heritage. I can hardly believe otherwise.”

Yu Nian nodded with a smile, “Yes, I was quite amazed as a child, wondering how our family possessed so many valuable items. My grandpa teased me, saying that my reaction was exactly the same as my mother’s years ago.”

After eating a couple of peanuts fried by Zeng Hongying, Yu Nian composed his thoughts and continued speaking, “My grandpa once said that truly remarkable individuals don’t just possess countless treasures but have the ability to search for these treasures from obscure corners, dust them off, ensure they receive proper maintenance and care, and display them for the world to understand their historical, cultural, and artistic value.

Studying history myself, I also realize that artifacts and documents are vital for reconstructing our history. Just like the bamboo slips of ‘Guo Shu,’ the Chang Fang Zun, or even the bronze vessels. When these artifacts in my possession can reveal a segment of history not so clear, when they can complete a piece of the civilization puzzle, I find it difficult to keep them hidden away.”

With a serene expression, and a confident tone, he added, “So, that’s my initial intention for establishing a museum.” Shifting his tone, he expressed with burning confidence, “Moreover, with our Qingshan Yu family’s centuries-old collection, I already possess the capability. So why shouldn’t I take action?”

Zeng Hongying chuckled heartily, “Well said! If you have the desire, the capability, and the conditions are ripe, why not take action? Nian Nian, whether it’s about transferring sixteen national treasures to the National Bureau of Cultural Relics or building your own private museum to fulfill your long-cherished dream, I support you wholeheartedly.”

Yu Nian’s smile was radiant, “Thank you, Teacher!” He poured a cup of tea for Zeng Hongying, saying, “Regarding matters with the National Bureau of Cultural Relics, I might need your assistance.”

“No problem!” Zeng Hongying readily agreed and added, “Regarding the donation of artifacts, there have been many cases in the past, but the compensation offered often pales in comparison to the value of the artifacts themselves. In my opinion, you should consider not donating for free. It might be better to arrange a friendly transfer at a discounted price. You shouldn’t let yourself be taken advantage of, right?”

“Yes, I agree, I’ll follow your advice.” Yu Nian pondered for a moment, then continued, “To be honest, apart from this, I also have another consideration.”

Zeng Hongying became intrigued, “Tell me, what’s your other consideration?”

“One, if I transfer the sixteen national treasures, the relevant authorities will inevitably give the green light to my application for a private museum, making the process smoother. Two, if I were to keep all these items to myself without selling any, there would likely be some actions taken from above. Then, whether it turns out to be a blessing or a curse, it’s hard to predict, but trouble will undoubtedly arise. It might be better for me to take the initiative, sell these sixteen items, gain some goodwill, and divert their attention. Later on, there won’t be as many issues.”

Yu Nian’s words were a bit cryptic, but Zeng Hongying understood completely. He laughed and pointed his finger, “Nian Nian, you’re only twenty-two years old. How are you so clever and clear about this?”

After saying that, he felt a bit sorry for Yu Nian. If Yu Nian’s grandparents or parents were still around, why would he, at such a young age, have to think so thoroughly?

Yu Nian blushed with the praise, “My grandpa taught me that wealth should not be displayed publicly. If it must be shown, then a strategy to protect it should be well thought out. In situations like this, selling a small portion can protect the larger part.”

Having lived for decades, Zeng Hongying understood the unspoken words in Yu Nian’s statement – if they waited until higher authorities focused on them and demanded everything to be donated, trying to salvage anything would be too late.

He didn’t say much more, only spoke seriously, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you arrange the sale of these sixteen national treasures.”

A bit of tension in Yu Nian’s heart eased, “Thank you, Teacher.”

Meanwhile, online, news about Yu Nian and Xie You appearing at the Sining Manor didn’t cause much commotion. Instead, discussions about another topic quickly gained momentum.

Originally, the topic of ‘What might happen to Yu Nian’s purchase of several cultural relics?’ had been discussed a few times in the comment section. But unexpectedly, the next day, early on the 31st, the topic became a hot search. Along with Yu Nian’s own popularity that remained high, the hashtag #YuNianCulturalRelics# directly reached the top of the trending list.

At first, fans and bystanders approached the topic casually, offering ideas to Yu Nian from afar with playful and creative suggestions. However, before long, the direction of the discussions noticeably shifted.

[My own purchased items, and I can’t decide how to handle them on my own? Yu Nian clearly understands the antique and cultural relic auction market. It’s obvious he plans to hoard these things and wait for the market to improve before selling them off for a big profit! Who would complain about making more money? Those moralists, they’re quick to demand donations without compensation. If the money isn’t yours, why should you care!]

[To be honest, cultural relics are precious, especially things like bamboo slips. They hold immense historical and cultural value. From any angle, I believe Yu Nian should consider the bigger picture and donate these items. That would be the right thing to do as an influential public figure. @YuNian, think about it.]

[I’m truly amazed by these keyboard warriors. They keep preaching about donating without compensation. Isn’t that moral manipulation? If you’re so capable, spend your own money to buy from Yu Nian, and then donate it for free!]

As the discussion on this topic gained traction, Meng Yuan noticed it. 

Seeing the discussions intensify, Meng Yuan sat with his legs crossed behind his desk, took a sip of hot coffee, and asked Shi Rou, “Rou Rou, do you see anything?”

“These online trolls aren’t being very subtle. And those marketing accounts, their messages are almost identical. Clearly, they’ve been paid to shape the narrative!” Shi Rou expressed some concern, “But this orchestrated public opinion is working really well, Brother Meng. Many netizens are circling around Nian Nian, saying he needs to have a broader perspective and donate everything. Otherwise, they claim he doesn’t deserve to be a star and lacks nationalistic sentiment! They talk so big, why don’t they do it themselves? So frustrating!”

Putting down his coffee cup, Meng Yuan crossed his fingers, “You’re right. The people behind trying to trip up Nian Nian are using worn-out tactics, but they’re effective— it’s a moral hostage situation. Morality is something that easily triggers excitement and is contagious.”

He continued, “Originally, there was just one marketing account, standing on the moral high ground, criticizing Nian Nian and dictating how he should act. Once this started, countless people would mistakenly think it’s righteous, it’s the morally correct thing to do, and then they join in, using the name of ‘morality’ to push Nian Nian into a corner.”

Just then, Yu Nian walked in through the door, smiling as he asked, “What’s wrong, Sister Rou Rou? Feeling unhappy?”

Meng Yuan took over the conversation, summarizing the situation in a couple of sentences. He then asked Yu Nian, “What’s your plan?”

Taking the freshly squeezed fruit juice handed to him by Shi Rou, Yu Nian took a big sip to quench his thirst before explaining, “I’ve already asked my teacher to help me facilitate this. I’m planning to transfer these sixteen precious artifacts to the National Bureau of Cultural Relics in the name of the ‘Qingshan Yu family.'”

With a loud “thud,” Meng Yuan’s coffee cup slipped from his hand, spilling onto the table. He rushed to clean up the spilled coffee while his heart raced, “Wait a minute! Nian Nian, what did you just say? How many?”

Yu Nian patiently repeated, “Sixteen.”

Meng Yuan had experience with antique investments before, so he knew the staggering amounts of money involved. Swallowing hard, he quickly calculated, “Let’s assume, on average, each artifact is worth 200 million, that’s 3.2 billion!”

His mind processed Yu Nian’s words once more, “Transferring to the National Bureau of Cultural Relics, paid or unpaid?”

“Paid, but the amount won’t be substantial. According to tradition, it’ll probably be just a symbolic sum.” Yu Nian took a seat in the chair and added, “I’m also planning to establish a private museum.”

Shi Rou was flabbergasted, “A-A private museum?”

After hearing this, Meng Yuan finally grasped the situation and understood Yu Nian’s intentions. He tapped his fingers on the table a couple of times, “Once you establish a private museum, the generations of your family and the treasures they’ve hidden won’t remain a secret, right?”

“Exactly, and that’s the point. Many valuable and rare items have been collected in my family over the generations.”

Meng Yuan placed his hand over his heart, “Just hearing you say that, my heart rate is accelerating! Nian Nian, you’re well aware that once the family collection is exhibited in the museum, it will inevitably attract attention from various quarters. It’s better to take preemptive action and stop the trouble before it takes root, right?”

Yu Nian curved his lips, “Exactly.”

Leaning back in his chair, Meng Yuan sighed heavily, “Ah, people like us, who are just ordinary folks, would never have to deal with such troubles in the first place! But since the matter of transferring the artifacts is already in progress, let’s just put aside the nonsense on the internet. When the time comes, those schemers behind the scenes will surely be fuming!”

Yu Nian agreed, “Sure, let them be infuriated.”

After contemplating for a couple of seconds while sitting in his chair, Meng Yuan continued, “Speaking of which, do you have any idea who’s behind all this trying to trip you up?”

Seeing that there were no outsiders in the office, Meng Yuan spoke more openly, “Initially, I thought it might be those in the industry who can’t stand seeing you succeed and want to seize the opportunity to bring you down. After all, if you fall into the trap of moral hostage, labels like ‘lacking national sentiment’ will stick to you for a lifetime.” He lowered his voice, “But after talking to you for a bit, I’m starting to think that it might not be that simple? Could people from outside the industry also be involved?”

Yu Nian’s smile didn’t waver, “Yes, you’re right. But their goal is nothing more than the items I possess. Once we follow the procedure and transfer the sixteen artifacts, things will calm down.”

Meng Yuan let out a sigh of relief, “Alright, I’ll follow your lead.”

Three days later, the hashtag #YuNianCulturalRelics# not only didn’t lose momentum, but it firmly held the first place on the trending list with the assistance of various influences. The discussions escalated from the initial “if he doesn’t donate, he lacks national sentiment and a broader perspective” moral hostage situation to a few voices suggesting that “artists like Yu Nian need to be resisted.”

Just when public opinion was pinning accusations of guilt on Yu Nian for not speaking up, a breaking news report suddenly appeared on the national television network.

“…On December 30th, the National Cultural Heritage Administration received a substantial donation from the Qingshan Yu family. This donation includes precious artifacts such as a carved lacquer cloud-patterned plate, a jade phoenix-shaped incense burner, a shiren dish, ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtue Manuscript,’ ‘Insomniac,’ ‘Guo Shu’ bamboo slips, and the Chang Fang Zun…

Upon receiving the donation, the National Cultural Heritage Administration immediately initiated various processes including authentication and acceptance of the sixteen artifacts. Today, the sixteen precious national treasures have successfully arrived, and the officials from the National Museum expressed that an official artifact acceptance ceremony will be held on January 7th…”

Once the news was broadcasted, the internet, whether on Weibo or various forums, exploded with reactions.

[All those who were criticizing Yu Nian for not being patriotic, lacking national sentiment, and only caring about money should shut up now! While you were busy criticizing, he has already donated the artifacts to the Cultural Heritage Administration! Well, not exactly donated, since the administration paid two billion yuan for the transfer. But even if you casually pick one out of those sixteen treasures, it’s worth more than that! In the end, it’s still a donation! I suddenly feel sorry for Yu Nian! If it were me, losing two, three, or even four tens of billions in one go, I’d probably vomit blood and die!]

[Aaah, Nian Nian is truly amazing QAQ! So many people have been criticizing him these days. If you have the ability, why don’t you donate too? If you’re capable, buy back the cultural relics that are scattered abroad as well! All you know is moral hostage-taking; you deserve to be slapped in the face!]

[Is this considered a victory for public opinion? In the end, he still donated…]

[Get lost, morons! Did you really read carefully? He donated on the thirtieth. He does what he wants. Do you really think you can become the messengers of morality and justice by blabbering a few words? Compared to Yu Nian, you guys are really disgusting!]

[To be honest, I’m quite surprised. Sixteen artifacts, each worth hundreds of millions, and Yu Nian quietly donated all of them. Those who say he did it for his image or for profit, just stop. Other people’s spiritual realm and aspirations are on a different level from ours! Those who keep criticizing Yu Nian should think about it. If those artifacts were in your hands, would you be willing to donate them? I wouldn’t, that’s for sure!]

[Nian Nian was on national television! My mom pointed at Nian Nian and said, ‘This is the role model for your studies!’ Hahaha! Proud! Also, I want to recommend, Nian Nian’s new album is coming out soon, everyone check it out!]

This wave of enthusiasm continued until the artifact acceptance ceremony on January 7th. Due to the fact that this was the largest, most valuable, and highest-quality donation the Cultural Heritage Administration had received in nearly eighty years, the media were allowed on the scene to cover the event.

The scene had been set up, and Yu Nian was standing patiently in his black traditional Chinese outfit, waiting to listen to the speeches. His hair was pure black, combed upwards, revealing his smooth forehead and delicate brows and eyes. His demeanor was calm and collected, not deliberate but simply a habit, standing upright with his back straight. His long legs and excellent body proportions created an impressive posture. From the side and back, he attracted the focus of many cameras.

When the images of the sixteen artifacts appeared on the background screen one by one, Yu Nian walked to the center of the stage, receiving the certificate of honor and medal. Simultaneously, numerous cameras captured this moment.

Within an hour after the ceremony, this photograph dominated the front pages of major media outlets.

Leaving the venue, inside the spacious chauffeured car, Yu Nian was sprawled over Xie You’s back, speaking lazily, “Dear Mr. Xie, you—”

“Nian Nian.”

His words were interrupted, and Yu Nian raised his eyes, “Hmm?”

Xie You didn’t dare turn his head to look at Yu Nian, “You can drop the… ‘Mr. Xie’ part.”

Blinking, Yu Nian realized, a playful smile emerging, “Sure thing. Then…” He deliberately leaned close to Xie You’s ear, elongating his tone and called out, “Deeeear.”

Almost immediately, Xie You’s ears turned completely red.

Lifting his hand, he pulled Yu Nian from behind into his embrace. His voice carried a slightly husky tone, “Nian Nian, can you call me that again?”

Wrapping his arm around Xie You’s neck, Yu Nian curved his brows and eyes, and as instructed, he called out again, “Dear.”

Just as the words landed, Yu Nian found Xie You lowering his head, capturing his lips in a deep kiss.

After a while, Xie You finally eased the kiss, his gaze fixed on the corner of Yu Nian’s lips as he spoke in a hoarse voice, “Sweet.”

With a light pull on Xie You’s tie, his lips still tinged with the taste of water, Yu Nian lazily teased, “Would you like to taste it again?”

But instead of continuing the kiss, Xie You covered Yu Nian’s eyes with his hand.

Hearing some rustling sounds of taking something, Yu Nian cooperated by staying still, curious, “What are you doing?”

Before long, Xie You removed his hand covering Yu Nian’s eyes and handed him a stack of blueprints.

“What’s this?” As he took them and looked at the text on the blueprints, Yu Nian’s breath hitched. He looked up at Xie You in astonishment, “This is—”

“The architectural design and location reference for the museum.” Seeing the surprise in Yu Nian’s eyes, Xie You leaned in and pressed a kiss to the corner of Yu Nian’s lips, whispering softly, “Whatever you want, I want to make it happen for you.”

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One Comment

  1. Well, everything I wanted to say about ‘donating’ was said in text, so I just add ‘Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear!’ \(=^w^=)/
    Thank You for the new chapter (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

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