IHTIAP Chapter 103

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Chapter 103: In the future, I’ll play the piano for you.

Carefully arranging the inkstone and ancient books, Yu Nian locked the safe and looked up at Xie You, saying, “I also have a gift for you!”

He took out a square gift box tied with a bow from the wardrobe in the bedroom and handed it to Xie You, eagerly asking, “Do you want to open it and have a look?”

Xie You untied the light blue bow, lifted the lid, and saw two… white hoodies side by side?

He couldn’t even blink his eyes and asked uncertainly, “Is this… couple outfits?”

Yu Nian smiled, his eyes curved, “Yes, exactly! They are couple outfits! I specially picked them, one for you and one for me.” He handed the clothes over, including the larger one and a pair of jeans, “Let’s wear the same ones!”

Blushing slightly, Xie You agreed, “Okay.”

Five minutes later, the two changed into outfits and stood together in front of the mirror. Xie You hadn’t worn anything other than suits and shirts for a long time. He seemed to recall his nineteen-year-old self, fastening the buttons of his suit, tying his tie, and making himself calm and focused, discarding all unrealistic fantasies.

Looking at himself in the mirror wearing the white hoodie, jeans, and sneakers, a relaxed expression appeared on Xie You’s face, which he hadn’t even noticed. He was lost in thought for a split second.

Yu Nian was also looking at Xie You, his eyes filled with a smile. This person by his side was only twenty-four years old, just two years older than himself. Despite not being good with words and sometimes being easily shy, he forced himself to wear a mask, making others think he was deep and unapproachable.

Reaching out to adjust the hoodie’s drawstring on Xie You’s shoulder, and then tugging at his own hoodie’s logo, Yu Nian asked, “Do I look good? My taste is great, right?”

“Yes, you look good. Your taste is excellent,” Xie You replied.

Yu Nian circled his arm around Xie You’s neck and pecked his cheek, suggesting, “Should we take a photo together?”

Xie You subconsciously protected Yu Nian, unable to refuse his expectant eyes, “Sure.”

Yu Nian quickly grabbed the phone from the bed, opened the camera mode, aimed it at the mirror, and directed, “Xie You, put your hand on my shoulder… Yes, just like that. I’m going to take the shot, three, two, one!”

“Click.” The picture was captured. In the photo, the two were wearing identical outfits and shoes, with similar height and leg length. Yu Nian’s smile was radiant as he held the phone, making a traditional peace sign with his fingers. Xie You’s slightly messy hair covered his sharp eyebrows, and he gazed tenderly at the person in his arms with a faint smile on his lips.

Yu Nian stared at the photo for a while and asked Xie You, “How about we print this picture as a memento for our 99th-day anniversary?”

Xie You had no objections as usual and replied, “Sure.” He looked at the phone screen and hesitated for a moment, “Nian Nian, I want a copy of the photo too.”

“Sure, right away,” Yu Nian quickly sent the photo to Xie You. He then noticed that Xie You discreetly set the photo as his wallpaper. As if worried about being discovered, Xie You casually turned off the screen and put the phone in his pocket.

The next afternoon, Yu Nian arrived at the recording studio for the last episode of “Let Me Sing.” Since it was the final round, the stage needed to be set up again, and materials were scattered all around. Yu Nian carefully avoided them and entered the backstage area.

Sun Mengze and Wei Lu were holding a plate of fruits and eating. When they saw Yu Nian, they waved and said, “Nian Nian, come here! We saved some mangoes for you. They are really sweet!”

Yu Nian approached and thanked them. He used a small fork to enjoy two large pieces of mango. He noticed Bai Yan standing quietly on the side and found it strange, “Sister Bai Yan, aren’t you eating?”

Sun Mengze swallowed the apple and raised her hand, “I know, I know. She attended an event wearing an evening gown, and when unedited photos of her were posted, people made fun of her, saying she looked fat!”

Bai Yan glared at Sun Mengze, feeling a bit annoyed. She leaned over and ate several pieces of fruit in succession, “Where am I fat? I’m not fat!”

Yu Nian smiled, “Exactly, Bai Yan looks beautiful!”

In no time, they finished the whole plate of fruit. The studio began testing the sound and lighting effects. Sun Mengze got up to close the door and then asked as she sat back down, “For this final night, they didn’t arrange a specific ranking for the top three contestants, right?”

Wei Lu shook his head, “I guess they were confronted in previous years, which made them restrain themselves a bit and stop rigging the results. The top three contestants have already signed with companies, and they are just waiting for the show to air before releasing their singles.”

“Yeah, to be honest, the rankings in talent shows don’t have much meaning in predicting future success,” Bai Yan patted her chest, the glitter on her nails sparkling. “But luckily, the final wasn’t rigged, so my conscience is at ease!”

The four of them laughed.

Each of them looked at the program schedule, and Bai Yan suddenly remembered something. She sat down next to Yu Nian and spoke in a lower voice, “By the way, I’ve been thinking about whether I should tell you. Isn’t Yu Qing your sister?”

Yu Nian closed the information in his hand and nodded, “Yes.”

“I’ve met her twice, but we’re not close, so I didn’t feel comfortable approaching her directly. My friend mentioned a woman the other day who spreads malicious rumors about Yu Qing behind her back, as if she knows a lot about her. She seems so confident, and I don’t know what she’s relying on.”

Bai Yan recalled how Yu Nian’s songs, which she helped popularize overnight, and his performances on the show made her feel that he was a good person. So, without too many reservations, she continued, “I always feel something is off. Everyone in this circle is cautious and secretive. Maybe you should remind your sister about it?”

Having heard about the incidents around Uncle Sheng’s circle and the changes in his entourage from Yu Qing, Yu Nian was aware of the situation. He appreciated Bai Yan’s concern and replied, “Thank you, Sister Bai Yan, I will definitely remind my sister.”

After the first rehearsal ended, Yu Nian called Yu Qing and relayed everything Bai Yan had said to her.

Upon hearing it, Yu Qing exploded, “Does she really think I’m an easy target? I haven’t even set foot in the Sheng family’s door, and she’s already scheming to get rid of me, as if I’m standing in the way of her future son!”

Yu Nian grew up playing with Yu Qing and knew some of the Sheng family’s affairs to some extent. Sheng’s family was large and influential, and Yu Qing was their only daughter, so she was expected to inherit the family business in the future. As for singing and acting, it was all based on her interests. Yu Qing didn’t want others to label her with the “Sheng” name, nor did she want everything to be connected to the Sheng family. That’s why she had kept her identity hidden since her debut. However, her usual behavior was not low-key, and many people in the industry speculated about her background.

In the past, some of Uncle Sheng’s lovers had considered giving birth to a male heir to marry into a wealthy family.

“She’s young but cunning. She’s been telling my father that daughters will eventually marry and have children with a different surname, and she says I have a terrible reputation in the entertainment industry, which will definitely tarnish the Sheng family’s name. It’s like she’s hoping my father will drive me out of the family!”

Yu Nian quickly tried to comfort her, “Sister, don’t get angry. Getting angry will give you wrinkles.”

After taking a deep breath, Yu Qing calmed down a bit and said coldly, “It’s not just those scheming foxes that make me angry; it’s mainly my father. He changed so much after my mother passed away. I understand, but I can’t respect him.”

Returning to her usual tone, Yu Qing asked, “Please thank Bai Yan for me and tell her I know what’s going on. Those grasshoppers won’t jump too high.”

“Sure, I’ll pass on the message.”

Yu Qing then asked about Yu Nian’s plans, “Is ‘Let Me Sing’ almost over? What are your plans for the future?”

“I’ve received a lot of variety show invitations, but Brother Meng doesn’t think some of them will be successful, so I’m still selecting. If there’s nothing suitable, I’ll use the time to concentrate on writing songs and releasing a new album. Once the album is out, I can also start preparing for a concert. I really enjoy performing live.”

“Hmm, you’re thinking ahead,” Yu Qing chuckled. “Alright, if you have a concert, I’ll be your guest performer for free!”

Yu Nian laughed, “Sister, I’ll remember that.”

“As long as there’s recorded evidence, I won’t back down from my promise!”

On the third night, he finally successfully recorded the final episode of ‘Let Me Sing.’ At the end of the program, Yu Nian was sitting in the judge’s seat, and the host asked, “Do any of the four judges have anything to say to our top three contestants?”

Yu Nian was the last one to speak. He held the microphone, feeling a bit troubled, “The three previous judges already said everything I wanted to say.”

Laughter erupted from the audience.

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Nian said, “Let me keep it simple then.” He smiled and continued, “From now on, we’ll be colleagues, and I wish all three of you a bright future!”

When he left the studio, it was already dark outside. The rehearsal and recording for the program were both long, and Yu Nian felt a bit tired. He sat alone in the resting room, lost in thought for a while.

Shi Rou was tidying up the room when she heard someone knocking on the door. She took a few steps to open it and blinked when she saw the person outside. She said to Yu Nian, “Nian Nian, it’s Miss Ding Wei.”

Yu Nian snapped out of his thoughts and stood up, saying, “Let her in.”

“Alright!” Shi Rou made space for her, and when Ding Wei entered, she made sure the door was half-open and discreetly turned on the phone’s recording.

Unexpectedly, Ding Wei was wearing a black lace dress with smoky makeup. She stopped a couple of steps away from Yu Nian, bowed, and brushed her falling hair behind her ears. She smiled and said, ‘Teacher Yu Nian, I won third place.’

Yu Nian was a bit confused, but he still politely smiled and replied, “Your performance this time was excellent, and your singing style has always had its unique characteristics. As Bai Yan said, the music industry lacks female singers like you. With time, you will definitely become a powerful force.”

“Thank you for your praise, Teacher Yu Nian.” Ding Wei fidgeted with her clasped fingers and bit her lip. She hesitated and said, “Actually, the reason I came here was to thank you. I also wanted to tell you that I have signed with Qingyu Entertainment. My manager is very nice, and I’ve seen the development plan they have set for me, which I think is very sincere.”

After standing awkwardly for a couple of seconds, Ding Wei’s words rushed out, “And also, I want to apologize for my obsession with you at that time!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed away, and her figure disappeared.

Shi Rou looked at the empty doorway and couldn’t react, “Did she just leave like that?”

Yu Nian smiled, “Because she had said everything she wanted to say and didn’t need my response.”

After finishing all the schedules, Yu Nian packed his luggage on the fourth night at 8:00 p.m. and boarded the plane from the airport’s business boarding building. Shortly after takeoff, Xie You connected to a Bluetooth earphone and started an online video conference.

Yu Nian yawned and washed up before lying on the bed, feeling drowsy. These past few days had been tight, and he only slept about five hours each day. The dim light, low noise in the cabin, and Xie You’s soft voice relaxed him completely, and in no time, he fell asleep.

After a few seconds, he woke up again, and mumbled to himself, “Can we buy Chang Fang Zun back smoothly?”

Xie You answered, “Don’t worry, it will definitely work out.”

After hearing that, Yu Nian finally slept peacefully. However, he didn’t sleep soundly, and after an unknown period, he woke up from a confusing dream.

“Did you have a nightmare?”

A warm hand gently stroked his forehead. Still feeling a bit drowsy, Yu Nian raised his hand and covered Xie You’s hand on his forehead. His voice was hoarse, “Is the meeting over?”

“Yes, it’s over. You only slept for three hours. What’s wrong?”

Yu Nian shifted a bit inside, and following his lead, Xie You also lay on the bed.

Little by little, Yu Nian moved closer to Xie You and put his legs over him. Yu Nian answered, “Nothing much, just couldn’t sleep deeply, kept having dreams. Xie You, are you tired?”

“Not tired. What did you dream about, Nian Nian?”

Outside the porthole was an endless sea of clouds and a pitch-black night. In the dim cabin light, Xie You’s voice was like pure wine, gentle and deep. As they lay together, Yu Nian could feel Xie You’s warm body temperature and the firm muscles hidden under his clothes. He was embraced in Xie You’s arms, leaning against his shoulder, feeling lazy and weak.

“I dreamt about my grandfather just now. He was sitting in the courtyard of our old house, holding a magnifying glass and flipping through ancient books. I seemed to be very young, holding a twig, standing next to him and writing on the courtyard’s stone bricks, dipping the twig in water. While my grandfather wasn’t looking, I secretly drew a little bird.” Yu Nian fell silent for a moment and said softly, “I miss them a bit.”

He reached out and wrapped his arm around Xie You’s neck, in intimate proximity. “When the Chang Fang Zun was unearthed, it caused a sensation in the entire archaeology community. My grandfather studied it tirelessly for a long time. When we returned home, my grandmother refused to cook in the kitchen, saying that not seeing him for a day felt like three autumns. It had been so many decades since they had seen each other, and she had long forgotten that she had a husband.

My grandfather smiled and apologized, saying he shouldn’t have been away for so many days without even sending a message back, making my grandmother worried. He even wrote a repentance letter and read it out loud in the courtyard, and only then did my grandmother allow the kitchen to make a bowl of noodles.”

Xie You kissed Yu Nian’s hair. “Your grandparents are doing well.”

“Yeah, there was once a Go player who said that after his master passed away, he believed that his master didn’t leave, but was in every move he made in the game. I often tell myself the same, that my grandparents haven’t left. But sometimes, I still feel… a bit lonely.”

He snuggled closer to Xie You, burying himself deeper. “My grandmother would definitely like you if she saw you. My grandfather used to tease her, saying she likes handsome men. She married him back then because he looked good.”

Xie You kissed the tip of Yu Nian’s nose. “Nian Nian, you look good too.”

“Enough about me,” Yu Nian propped his elbow on the bed and looked at Xie You’s facial features curiously. His heart skipped a beat as he asked, “What about you? Is there anything you can’t bear to let go of?” He felt a bit nervous when he asked that question.


Yu Nian lowered his head, resting it on Xie You’s shoulder. After being happy for a while, he cleared his throat, “No, besides me?”

This time, Xie You remained silent for a long time before whispering, “The piano.”

“I thought I would play the piano for a lifetime, but unexpectedly, I stopped before I turned twenty.”

Xie You reached out and embraced Yu Nian again. “Yu Nian, in the future,”


“In the future, I’ll play the piano for you.”

Yu Nian’s eyes welled up, and he snuggled against Xie You’s chest, gently rubbing against him. “Okay.”

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