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Chapter 6: High school, every day.


On the second day of military training, the dormitory broadcast horn sound played repeatedly.

The instructor stood downstairs in the dormitory building, holding a megaphone and shouting, “Don’t sleep! Quickly get up; you have fifteen minutes to tidy up and assemble downstairs!”

Yun Ci got up early and, as the temporary squad leader, was responsible for supervising classmates scattered in other dormitories, going through several dormitories to ensure that students from his class were downstairs on time.

The trendy guy, who got up later, remarked impressively, “I could barely get up, and you woke up early. Did you not play games last night?”

Yun Ci, accustomed to being a squad leader for many years, casually replied, “I didn’t play. I went to bed early.”

The trendy guy was even more impressed by the fact that Yun Ci and his classmates had finished two boxes of water: “You finished two boxes. Your classmates must have run to the toilet eight hundred times last night.”

Last night, Li Yan and Zhou Wenyu drank until they had to lean against the wall to walk. 

Then, after ten minutes, several old classmates from West High came in and drank until almost midnight, emptying the two boxes of water. There were plastic bottles scattered all over the floor, and if someone didn’t know what was happening, they might have thought they were having a drinking party in their dormitory in the middle of the night.

The content of the military training on the second day was not as relaxed as the previous day, as they started training under the hot sun.

During the high-intensity training, everyone collapsed in place during breaks.

Yun Ci, carrying his cap, sneaked away to Li Yan’s squad.

Li Yan was hiding in the back row, secretly playing with his phone. Yun Ci approached him from behind, squatted down, and tapped him on the back.


Li Yan was startled, and his phone almost flew out of his hand.

Yun Ci sat down next to him and commented, “You have poor mental resilience.”

Li Yan replied, “…Do I need to thank you for testing my mental resilience?”

“Of course,” Yun Ci glanced down, “Are you playing games?”

Unexpectedly, Li Yan tried to avoid his gaze and discreetly hid his phone behind him. “No, just casual browsing.”

Yun Ci had casually asked, but seeing his reaction, he reached out directly. “Give it here.”

Li Yan hesitated, “I’m just casually browsing.”

Yun Ci pressed, “Are you not going to give it to me?”

“…,” Li Yan was speechless. He reluctantly handed over his phone, emphasizing, “You wanted to see it yourself, it’s not my fault.”

As it turned out, some curiosity was indeed unnecessary.

Yun Ci took the phone, and just as his fingers touched the screen, the phone lit up again, one second away from locking. The screen displayed a video, which was automatically playing. It happened to be at a point where someone in the video said, “Interview?”


It was the interview video from the day Yun Ci and Yu Xun enrolled, filmed by the school’s student union.

“What’s this?” Yun Ci’s eyes were downcast, and his voice was emotionless.

Li Yan knew he wasn’t referring to the video. “It’s from the Nanyang University forum. The official account of the school’s student union posted it, probably last night, around the time we were drinking water.”

Li Yan added, “Do you want to see how many replies there are?”

Yun Ci almost laughed angrily at his response. He casually scrolled down and saw at the end that there were over eight hundred pages of replies. “I saw, so what?”

“Then think about the good side. The good thing is that you two are now famous. The forum has never had so many replies before,” Li Yan said. “Before you came, the girls in our class were even asking about you and Yu… Never mind, forget I said anything.”

Yun Ci didn’t know what “good side” this was.

He casually glanced through the replies.

【11L: Damn, is our Nanyang University so awesome in admissions this year?】

【12L: Name, major, now, immediately.】

【36L: But has no one noticed that they seem to be at odds with each other? Did they end the interview with a fight on the spot?】

【37L: Not likely; fighting would be reported. And didn’t someone say they’re both law majors? I heard law is tough, especially in terms of GPA.】

【48L: It’s subtle, they seem not to get along, but also seem very familiar with each other.】

【49L: +1】

【50L: As a former student at West High, I can tell you that these two were famous rivals at our school. I could talk for three days and three nights about the stories of their three years in high school.】

【51L: Tell us, tell us more.】

【52L: There’s too much; I’m just picking one to tell. For example, in our high school, there was an important basketball game. They both hadn’t originally participated, but the PE teacher intentionally said in front of them that the other one was going to participate. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion for the first place, but they both ended up signing up just to prevent the other from getting the first place. And that’s not even the most outrageous part. The basketball game went into overtime; I’ve never seen such a long game in my life. The referee couldn’t stop it even after calling it quits; luckily, it suddenly poured rain in the end…】

Li Yan smacked his lips and said, “Speaking of that basketball game… I remember it too. Everyone debated for a long time afterward about who actually won.”

“Me,” Yun Ci said expressionlessly, “Before the rain started, I threw in the last shot.”

Li Yan responded, “But I remember Yu Xun making a three-pointer.”

Yun Ci clarified, “That was in the fourth quarter.”

Li Yan continued, “And there were several impressive drives to the basket…”

“That was in the third quarter,” Yun Ci interrupted.

Li Yan fell silent, realizing Yun Ci’s memory was remarkably clear.

Some people can’t even remember details about their significant other, but his buddy can recall so many specifics about Yu Xun, down to which game and how many shots were made. Li Yan couldn’t help but feel amazed.

Yun Ci wondered if the remaining eight hundred pages of comments were all about the things he and Yu Xun experienced in high school.

He didn’t bother to read further and tossed the phone back to Li Yan.


As the day’s training neared its end, everyone had been exposed to the sun all day, leaving them utterly exhausted.

As the evening temperature dropped, occasional gusts of wind provided some relief. Yun Ci encouraged the people in his group to persevere. 

Several other instructors gathered under the shade of trees, chatting away. As their conversation continued, the instructors started to challenge each other. It was unclear who found a basketball from somewhere, but their resting spot happened to be conveniently close to the basketball court. They decided to play basketball for a while.

Many students gathered nearby to watch, cheering on their respective squad instructors with shouts of “Nice shot!”

Yun Ci watched as their class instructor, surnamed Wang from the Law School Class Two, missed several shots, prompting teasing from the crowd, “Can you even play? You’ll be treating us to dinner tonight.” 

During the daytime training, Instructor Wang boasted and made bets with them. Now, looking at the scoreboard, he skillfully dodged responsibility and said, “Best of three.”

“Who the hell agreed to the best of three? It’s one game, and you lost.”

“We instructors don’t count,” Seeing that acting shamelessly was useless, Instructor Wang skillfully shifted blame, standing there calmly and saying, “Let the students compete and see who leads their troops better; that’s the true strength.”

Yun Ci’s right eye twitched involuntarily.

Instructor Wang turned around and called out, “Squad 2 Leader, come here!”

Yun Ci coldly averted his gaze, pretending not to hear.

Instructor Wang paused, his anger simmering, “Yun Ci, don’t play deaf with me. I know you heard me. Hurry up and fall into formation!”


Yun Ci took a step forward.

Instructor Wang’s expression hardened, “I just called you, why didn’t you respond immediately?”

“The wind was too strong,” Yun Ci replied, “I couldn’t hear clearly.”

“I won’t argue with you for now,” Instructor Wang cleared his throat and then asked, “How’s your basketball skills?”


Saying that, Yun Ci remarked again, “Who are we competing with?”

This question reminded Instructor Wang, and he asked another instructor nearby, “Who is the representative from our Squad 1? Quickly, disband and head to the cafeteria for lunch.”

Yun Ci’s right eyelid twitched again upon hearing the words “Squad 1.”

Which Squad 1?

The Computer Science department, New Media, or…

“Squad 1, Law School,” Instructor Wang’s voice boomed, “Stop dawdling!”

Everyone’s gaze involuntarily shifted to a particular squad diagonally across from them, or rather, to a particular individual within that squad.

Their squad leader was squatting at the end of the formation, his military boots firmly planted on the ground. The military training uniform accentuated his youthful vigor. His head was slightly tilted as he exchanged banter with the group of boys in front of him. Though his smile seemed casual, his eyes appeared fixed in their direction.

The Squad 1 instructor was also pumped up, shouting loudly, “Yu Xun, stand up and face the challenge! Don’t embarrass our Squad 1.”


Yun Ci stood on the court, experiencing the profound meaning of the words: The road between enemies is narrow.

Instructor Wang, fearing that his student might not measure up, pressed, “Do you have confidence?”

Yun Ci wasn’t very keen on speaking. 

Although he wasn’t inclined to talk, someone else was more than willing to speak.

Yu Xun stood up, took the basketball from the instructor, swaggered out, and answered on Yun Ci’s behalf, “He should have some confidence in his words.”

Instructor Wang thought, ‘Isn’t this kid from the opposing side? Why is he coming forward to chat with him?’

Yu Xun continued, self-answering without prompting, “After all, we used to play basketball together every day during our high school days.”

High school, every day.

He spoke as if they were close friends.

As if fearing others might think their relationship wasn’t “good” enough, Yu Xun added, “We met on the court every evening after school, playing for three years straight.”

Instructor Wang understood the situation—they were actually best friends. He was about to say, “Alright, friendship first, competition second,” when he heard the Squad 2 Leader, that kid named Yun, standing beside him, give a crisp “hmph.”


Yun Ci finished with a “hmph” and repeated, “High school, every day, playing basketball. Was it in your dream?”

Does that damn thing, where every week they bring two teams to the court to exchange tough words, count as well?

Actually, West High originally had two basketball courts, but one was under renovation since their freshman year, leaving only one usable court. At West High, physical education classes were taught by other subject teachers, so their opportunities to play were limited. To claim the court’s usage rights, every week, students from their class and Yu Xun’s class would promptly arrive to fight for territory.

At that time, when the bell rang, everyone barely had time to pack their bags before a group of students would climb out of the window one after another, stepping on chairs.

West High strictly prohibited fighting, but their two groups played basketball with the intensity that could lead to fights, prompting Yan Yue to come and monitor them every week, afraid they might actually start a fight one day.

As they talked, Yu Xun pressed the ball down in his palm, lightly tapping it on the ground twice before tossing it to Yun Ci across from him, just like they did in high school.

“What’s the matter, not admitting it?” he said after passing the ball. “Doesn’t sparring count as playing?”


Yun Ci instinctively reacted and caught the ball passed from the opposite side.

He absurdly realized.

He couldn’t refute this statement.

The basketball court at West High hadn’t been repaired by the time they graduated.

They secretly speculated whether this was a school strategy to encourage fewer people to play basketball and spend more time studying.

So, indeed, he and Yu Xun fought for it for three years.

Not necessarily every week or every day, but almost.

They played less in the third year of high school, with continuous rounds of revision before exams, making it hard to find time.


Thinking of this, he suddenly thought, When was the last time he played basketball with Yu Xun?

It seems like it was that game where there was no clear winner.

Yun Ci didn’t say anything. He palmed the ball, dribbled it a few times, and his figure moved incredibly fast, dribbling past Yu Xun.

Everyone’s gaze followed the ball to the three-point line, then along the trajectory, towards the hoop — in the moment the ball went in, it dawned on them that the 1v1 had begun.

The first praise came from his opponent.

Yu Xun lightly applauded, “Nice shot.”

Yun Ci didn’t buy it at all, “Keep talking.”

Yun Ci’s demeanor when playing basketball was colder than usual, his entire being calm and terrifyingly clear-minded, seizing opportunities once they arose. After scoring three times in a row, the opposition started to exert force. Yu Xun snatched the ball, dribbling with feints. Seeming to find something interesting, he said, “Impressive, you can even read my feints now.”

Yu Xun, this person playing basketball, though fierce, always looked like he was playing around.

He often seemed lazily dribbling the ball one second, showing off some fancy moves, even chatting for a while, then suddenly exerting force the next second, driving straight to the basket—

“Damn, strong move, caught up.”


“I just saw it on the forum last night… Are they playing already today?”

“They’ve been neck and neck in score and know each other’s moves well.”

“25:25, it’s time, oh, overtime.”

The crowd around the court unknowingly grew larger.

Especially their classmates from the Law School. They naturally divided into two camps, cheering for their respective squad leaders.

Things like basketball games inherently carry a desire to win.

The Law School’s two classes felt a collective sense of pride, with Squad 2 immediately chanting slogans on the spot: “Squad 2, Squad 2! Who can compete with us?!”

Squad 1 was more straightforward: “Yu-ge is awesome!”

“Their class seems more spirited,” a student from Squad 2 said in silence, “They all call him ‘Ge’.”

Someone suggested, “Should we also call?”

“Let’s call something more awesome.”

“How about ‘Master Ci’?”


“Going too far with that one.”

Fortunately, that nickname was rejected; otherwise, Yun Ci might have vomited blood on the spot.

But he couldn’t care about that now; all he saw were the basketball and… the person across from him.

On the court, confronting Yu Xun required getting very close.

The more they sought opportunities to steal the ball, the closer they got.

Especially when one side took a shot, the moment the ball hit the backboard but didn’t go in, it was a good opportunity to grab the rebound.

Both leaped with a collision-like posture—

Yun Ci couldn’t control his force, crashing into Yu Xun, both hitting the ball together. For that brief moment, he even felt Yu Xun’s hand.

It was scorching and had a distinct bone-like feeling.

It was the protruding knuckle of the opponent’s finger.

However, the next moment, the ball slipped away—

Due to the impact just now, his landing posture wasn’t very good, and his ankle lightly “clicked” as he landed.

Damn it.

They had run seven or eight laps during the daytime training session, played basketball until overtime, and hadn’t even warmed up before the game.

Now, he had sprained his ankle.

Yun Ci glanced at the scoreboard, 26:27.

Just one point behind.

If it were any other time, if the opponent wasn’t Yu Xun, he would wisely step down.

But not today, absolutely not.

Yun Ci gritted his teeth, ignoring the lingering pain in his ankle, and continued to exert force, aiming to snatch the ball from Yu Xun’s hands.

Apart from the momentary pause after twisting his ankle just now, he resumed his actions as if nothing had happened. The spectators didn’t notice his brief stumble; they were still cheering him on, “Squad Leader, come on! Let’s take the lead!”

However, Yu Xun stopped his steps ahead of him, tossed the ball aside, and made a “timeout” gesture.

Yun Ci was a bit puzzled by his sudden action, not understanding why he would just throw the ball away like that.

Yu Xun’s gaze seemed to inadvertently glance at Yun Ci’s ankle, but only for a second.

“It’s lunchtime,” he said casually, with one hand in his pocket and a nonchalant expression, “Let’s not continue. With so many people watching, we shouldn’t delay everyone’s meal.”


Yun Ci almost chuckled with exasperation.

The score was now 26:27.

He had 26 points, and Yu Xun had 27.

Why couldn’t they eat later? Why did it have to be when he was one point behind?

Even if his ankle hadn’t twisted, even if he had a heart attack, he couldn’t stand this score: “Get the ball back, let’s finish this.”

Yu Xun seemed to intentionally hit his sore spot, knowing exactly how to provoke him. He chuckled lightly and said, “I’m done playing.”

“Now that I’m one point ahead, why shouldn’t I go eat and wait for you to surpass me?”


A string of curses flashed through Yun Ci’s mind.

In high school, Yu Xun didn’t like being human.

Now in college, he finally wasn’t one.

The author has something to say:

Thank you for your support! (Did Xiao Yu become human today? No, he did not.)

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