HW Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Come and support quickly.

The girl ultimately didn’t add Liu Zi as a friend.

Her smile briefly froze, then she said, “I’ll come back another day to take a look. Sorry for the bother.”

The words “It’s not like it’s impossible, girl, I’m single, how about getting to know each other” got stuck in Liu Zi’s throat, awkwardly turning into, “…Take care, you’re welcome to come again.”

Shortly after Yun Ci pushed the door open and went out, that glass door was pulled open again.

The person who had been sleeping at the cash register earlier came out of the store.

He was wearing a jacket with the store name on it, though it was hard to associate it with a work uniform on him as he made it look quite stylish. His hair was unkempt, with stray strands hanging straight by his face. He asked, “…Why didn’t you go in and take a look?”

Why did you come out?

Yun Ci: “I’m allergic to cake, came out for some fresh air.”

Yu Xun didn’t believe it at all but still responded with an “Oh.”

The two of them stood side by side at the entrance of the store on the commercial street, passersby occasionally casting glances at them.

Yun Ci’s inner awkwardness was magnified to the extreme.

In the end, he gave in, squeezing out a few words through his teeth: “When are you going back in?”

“Came out to check the market situation,” Yu Xun gave an irrefutable reason, “It’s also part of the job.”


What a nutcase.

Just standing on the street.

Yun Ci had nothing to say.

He focused his gaze on the opposite street, seriously considering whether he should go over there to wait for Wang Zhuang.

The commercial street was bustling. After standing for a while, Yu Xun squatted down on the store steps, letting his hand holding the phone hang down, watching the people coming and going on the street. Suddenly he said, “Liu Zi and I met working part-time in high school.”

High school. Part-time jobs.

Yun Ci’s mind went blank for a moment.

Yu Xun continued, “Behind the school, there was a barbecue place. It was open until two or three in the morning, and often hired people in the evenings.”

The weather was cooling down, the stifling heat of late summer dispersed by the autumn wind.

After entering university, it felt like everyone’s life was unfolding in different directions. In their dorm, there were those who focused intensely on their GPA, like himself, and those like Luo Sifang who, despite being addicted to games, showed remarkable talent in computer science. There was also Liu Sheng, who got up early every morning to practice his voice.

At the same time, their individual worlds gradually expanded.

Although Yun Ci buried his head in books, the relationships in the dorm were there, and occasionally, he would hear bits and pieces from his roommates’ phone calls.

For instance, Wang Zhuang came from a rural area and had an unusual obsession with “trends” as a result. He also avoided speaking his hometown dialect, feeling somewhat self-conscious about it in the big city.

His mom would send local specialties to school.

Liu Sheng was a local, but his family didn’t support him studying this major.

Then there was the person they unexpectedly ran into today, doing a part-time job.

In high school, Yun Ci knew everything about the “in-school” Yu Xun, but his knowledge of the “out-of-school” Yu Xun came from bits and pieces overheard during teacher Yan Yue’s phone calls.

“He didn’t come to school? … He… right, his family situation… this parent-teacher meeting, in any case we…”

Fragmented and incomplete.

Yun Ci snapped back to reality, thinking that the reason these two were inseparable since high school was because of this.

But why bring this up suddenly, such personal matters, why tell him?

It felt as if he had long wanted to say this and finally found the right opportunity to tell him.

Inside the store, Wang Zhuang had chosen the style he wanted.

Liu Zi pushed the door open and called Yu Xun to collect payment.

Yu Xun stared at him, maintaining his position, suddenly smiled, and said before getting up, “Don’t feel inferior. Although not everyone is as diligent and excellent as me, working hard to support themselves… you’re already doing quite well.”


All the inner drama in Yun Ci’s mind turned into curses.

Just as Yun Ci decided that he might as well stop worrying about Wang Zhuang, he saw a familiar figure on the opposite street.

Not very tall, very thin, carrying a backpack honestly, with slightly long bangs covering his eyes, wearing thin-framed glasses—it was Peng Yiyuan from their dorm. Although Peng Yiyuan studied acting, he always looked like he had chosen the wrong major.

In the dorm, he was the quietest, not saying much, with little presence, so Yun Ci had to look a few times to confirm it was him.

Not only did Yun Ci see him, but Yu Xun also said, “Isn’t that Xiao Peng?”

Knowing Yu Xun, the next second he would probably call out to Peng Yiyuan across the street.

However, in the next second, Peng Yiyuan was grabbed by two or three people.

The leader, holding a cigarette in his mouth while speaking, had a smile on his face.

That person put his arm around Peng Yiyuan’s shoulder, with others following behind them.

Yu Xun watched those people and asked, “What do you think?”

Yun Ci said, “Something’s off.”

“Yes, something’s off,” Yu Xun said, “If they were friends, he wouldn’t be that nervous. The strap of his backpack is almost twisted.”

Yun Ci was still deciding whether to go over and check, but saw the person say something to Peng Yiyuan, then release his arm and lead him with the others into an alley.

Just as Yun Ci was about to say, “Too little information, hard to judge.”

He saw Yu Xun already taking off his work uniform, tossing it back to Liu Zi to take inside: “Let’s go check it out, this isn’t the first time I’ve run into this.”

Yun Ci: “Not the first time?”

“Yes,” Yu Xun said, “I saw it once a few days ago too.”

“At that time, it was hard to confirm, but seeing it today, it’s probably about right, he seems to be in trouble.”

Normally, Yun Ci would definitely refuse to act together with Yu Xun. If worse came to worst, there were also the options of “splitting up” or “each acting on their own.”

But in this situation, Yun Ci couldn’t think too much, and before he realized it, he had followed Yu Xun.

In the alley.

Peng Yiyuan lowered his head, taking out a thick wad of money from his backpack: “This… is all I have.”

The person with the cigarette took the money, counted it, then spat the cigarette on the ground, cursing, “Just this much? Who are you trying to fool?”

“Go ask your parents for more, just say the school is collecting fees, some miscellaneous fees, club fees, you college students have plenty of excuses. You live away from home, they will surely give you more.”

He said, then glanced at Peng Yiyuan’s backpack, and on a whim said, “Got a phone? Call your parents now.”

Peng Yiyuan, scared by the curse, didn’t dare make a sound but insisted, “I don’t want to ask my parents for money.”

“Don’t want to ask?”

“They will worry,” he said.

“Worry about asking for some money,” the person with the cigarette seemed to have heard a joke, “—but they won’t worry if we send you to the hospital?”

As soon as he finished speaking.

The light from the alley entrance was suddenly blocked by two figures, making the narrow alley darken as the two walked in side by side.

One of them, smiling, said, “Sounds like you must have no parents.”

“Quite pitiful,” as he walked closer, his features became clearer, his eyes smiling regardless of what he said, he said leisurely, “… In that case, we two can sacrifice a bit and reluctantly act as your two dads.”

The other one coldly declined: “I’ll pass.”

He continued, “I don’t really want a son like this.”

Peng Yiyuan’s eyes widened.

He never expected his dorm mates to suddenly appear at such a moment.

…and it was the two who didn’t get along.

The leader was stunned for a moment, then angrily said, “Damn it, what business is it of yours? Want to fight?”

“No fighting, I’ve called the police,” Yu Xun said, shaking his phone. “Just called in the nick of time, the police should be here within ten minutes. We’re adults, who still fights?”

Yun Ci, using a tone more skilled than the other party’s, continued, “Were you about to say ‘Go ahead, call them. I’ll be in for two or three days, and when I come out, this won’t be as simple as today.'”

“No problem, no matter how many times you come out, I can make sure you go back in. From two days to three days, to two months to three months, and eventually, I’ll push for you to get two to three years.”


“Just so happens it’s my field of study,” Yu Xun said, “Boring classes, I can take the opportunity to study which laws suit you best.”


Is that how you’re supposed to use the law?

Yun Ci stood aside, feeling as complicated as the people opposite.

Yu Xun, after finishing his words, had to ask Yun Ci, “Right, Xiao Ci?”

“Right,” Yun Ci had to cooperate, “Sending you in is easy.”

After Yun Ci spoke, the group exchanged glances and decided to retreat for now.

They were just some idle troublemakers who picked on freshmen too scared to resist. If anyone threatened to call the police, they would habitually use this rhetoric.

For someone like Peng Yiyuan, who had been well-protected before college, this tactic usually worked.

New to university, there were plenty of sheltered kids like him just beginning to learn independence.

However, when they tried to leave, they found the only exit blocked by two people.

The other side said, “Move aside.”

Yu Xun: “No.”

“Hey, don’t be stupid,” the other side warned, “I’m giving you one last chance!”

“Oh,” Yu Xun said lightly, “Still not moving.”

The guy couldn’t take it anymore and signaled to his buddies.

“Should we… go for it?” the buddies hesitated, “He’s studying law.”

The guy: “…We’re street guys, and you’re scared of that!”

He couldn’t win in knowledge.

Could he lose in a fistfight?

Besides, didn’t this guy say he wouldn’t… he wouldn’t…

“Didn’t you say you don’t fight!”

The leader swung a punch but was immediately grabbed and pinned against the wall, his face pressed against it as he yelled, “Then why are you fighting!”

“I don’t fight, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t detain you,” Yu Xun said, holding the guy’s almost dislocated hand. “If you leave, who will the police catch when they arrive?”



Across the street, in the dessert shop.

Liu Zi, holding his brother’s work uniform, watched the two figures rushing off. He lowered his head, seriously opened his phone, and entered a group chat.

The group chat was named [Preparation Group], with fifteen members.

Liu Zi took a deep breath.

Then solemnly typed: [Brothers.]

[I knew this day would come, although it came a bit later than I expected.]


[See this jacket.]

[They just stood on the street facing off for a long time, then Yu-ge took off the jacket and he and that kid Yun Ci rushed into the alley to fight.]

[@all members]

[Yu-ge must not lose face in this battle.]

[East gate of the school, come quickly to support.]

Author’s note:

(I can’t imagine how bright Liu Zi’s future will be)

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