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Chapter 64

Those hands, capable of dealing with life and death, could be so gentle.

The black combat uniform was soaked with blood, warm, sticky, and damp. At such a close distance, the strong smell of iron was unmistakable.

Shen Zhuo gritted his teeth, his breathing slightly heavy, staring into the bright, smiling black eyes right in front of him.

Though the scenes were unrelated, in those few seconds, another similar night seemed to flash before his eyes—a storm brewing outside the window, Bai Sheng lying on the sickbed with his eyes tightly closed, his muscles twitching in agony, his sweat-drenched fingers gripping Shen Zhuo’s hand desperately, like a dying man clutching at his last hope.

But it was all in vain.

He could only stand by the bedside, helplessly watching the numbers on the life monitor worsen rapidly, feeling acutely as Bai Sheng, who had suddenly barged into his life, left a deep mark and then departed just as abruptly, slipping away with each passing second.

The suppressed endurance and prolonged agony of that night were reawakened by the vivid, warm, thick smell of blood before him. Even the sensation of his hand being gripped in despair was exactly the same.

“Alright, alright, I was just teasing you, are you really mad?” Bai Sheng, sensing something wrong with Shen Zhuo, immediately softened his tone to coax him, “Alright, don’t feel bad. I’ll give you back 1000 cc of blood when we get out, okay? I…”

Shen Zhuo suddenly broke free, landing a merciless punch with a bang!

With a heavy thud, Bai Sheng’s head was snapped to the side, and he spat out a few traces of blood on the spot.

Yang Xiaodao was stunned. His first reaction was to rub his eyes, feeling like he was watching a frail human use all his strength to slap a lion twice.

Bai Sheng’s whole body tensed up instantly, his back muscles reflexively tightening, like a crazed lion about to pounce on its prey. But immediately, Shen Zhuo pushed him away, stood up with a face as cold as ice, and started to stride out without a word.

It was like being doused with a bucket of cold water. Bai Sheng instantly sobered up, rushing forward to hug him, forcibly holding him from behind: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it was my fault. I didn’t mean to scare you. Please, be good, listen to me, okay? I know I was wrong. Isn’t that enough?”

Shen Zhuo sternly said: “Let go!”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. I won’t scare you like this again, alright? Don’t be afraid.” Bai Sheng pressed against Shen Zhuo’s cold ear, repeatedly kissing his sweat-drenched temples: “It’s too dangerous here. How can you go out alone? What if there’s another ambush? Right? Yang Xiaodao!”

Yang Xiaodao hurried forward, while Bai Sheng kept signaling with his eyes: “Escort Supervisor Shen back to the surface, and hurry back!”

Shen Zhuo suddenly broke free from Bai Sheng, his face stern, and walked out. Yang Xiaodao quickly followed with his gun. Behind them, Bai Sheng called out loudly: “Don’t worry, Supervisor Shen! We’ll be extremely cautious this time! No risks! We’ll contact you immediately once the mission is completed and we return to the surface!”

Bai Sheng truly understood Shen Zhuo like no one else. Those last few words worked like a charm. Shen Zhuo turned his head and gave him a deep look, seeming somewhat softened, but he said nothing. He continued to walk out of the underground hall, about to step into the test site.

But at that moment, a sudden tremor rose from the ground, spreading out from the center of the elevator.

Within half a second, the entire metal floor of the test site began to shake. Yang Xiaodao stumbled: “What’s—”

A trap!

Shen Zhuo instantly realized what was happening. He pushed Yang Xiaodao with a powerful backward shove, sending the young man flying to the door and grabbing hold of the explosion-proof spring: “Hold tight!”

Before he finished speaking, the entire floor of the hall swiftly retracted, leaving them with nothing underfoot!

Normally, one would never expect such a scene: within an area of 200 square meters, the metal floor could retract into the walls, causing all debris, tools, and even unfinished construction materials to fall simultaneously.

Bai Sheng’s reaction was faster than lightning. In the same millisecond that the ground disappeared, he flew through the air, extending his arm to the limit and catching Shen Zhuo in midair.

Immediately, both of them fell weightlessly, the wind whistling past their ears, and within seconds, they plummeted dozens of meters—


Dust and smoke filled the air.

Bai Sheng landed on his back, holding Shen Zhuo tightly, crashing heavily onto the bottom of the elevator shaft.

Blood filled his ears, and for several seconds, Shen Zhuo lost his hearing. Then he gradually heard his own coughing clearly:

“Cough, cough, cough—”

The taste of blood filled his mouth, and his internal organs felt displaced from the fall. It took a long time for his blurry vision to focus. Looking up, he saw faint light from the test site high above, at least eighty or ninety meters away.

Shen Zhuo gasped and looked back.

The reason he survived the fall unscathed was because Bai Sheng had held him tightly, using his S-class powerful muscles to cushion the impact, and they had landed on a scrap incinerator instead of hard ground.

Bai Sheng lay on his back, his muscles contracted from the violent impact, still holding Shen Zhuo tightly.

“…Bai…” Shen Zhuo’s throat tore with the effort of speaking, filled with the sticky taste of blood, but he couldn’t care about that now, “Bai Sheng?!”

Bai Sheng’s chest convulsed, and after a while, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, finally managing to speak: “Baby, I swear this is the last time I’ll ever say this…”

“…You’re heavy.”

Shen Zhuo stared at him expressionlessly.

At that moment, a loud noise came from above, and all the gates, high-pressure doors, and even the explosion-proof biometric doors of the entire base closed. Their faces changed instantly, and they simultaneously looked up to see Yang Xiaodao, who had not fallen earlier, losing his grip and rapidly falling: “Aaaaah—”

Without thinking, Shen Zhuo rolled out of Bai Sheng’s embrace like lightning.

Poor Bai Sheng couldn’t even move in time. Yang Xiaodao fell straight onto him with a thud!!

The terrifying impact of the strong A-class youth was like a cannonball, crashing directly into Bai Sheng’s arms. The ground beneath them collapsed with a roar, dust shooting up more than ten meters, and even Shen Zhuo stumbled and had to hold onto the wall.

“—Dad, Dad?!” Yang Xiaodao coughed incessantly, stumbling as he got up: “Dad, are you okay? Are you alright?!”

In the incinerator ruins, having been a cushion twice, Bai Sheng almost vomited his stomach out. After a long time, he swallowed back his churning organs, gritting his teeth and spitting out four words:

“Get the hell off…”


“Nothing.” “Nothing here either.” “Absolutely nothing—”

“Good, the walls are smooth. No climbing supports found.” Five minutes later, Bai Sheng finally got up from the ground, turning around with a flashlight along the wall, one hand covering his rib that had just healed after being broken by his adopted son, and announced, “Supervisor Shen is stuck here with us.”

They were at the bottom of a vertical shaft about ten square meters in size, designed for waste from the test site to be dumped here. The floor could retract, allowing all the waste to fall into the incinerator below.

Although their fall was clearly manipulated, fortunately, the bottom of the shaft was filled with waste soil. Otherwise, even with Bai Sheng’s best efforts to cushion the fall, Shen Zhuo would have suffered several internal injuries.

Bai Sheng’s first thought was to get Shen Zhuo out, but they were about eighty or ninety meters from the surface. At this depth, their powers were severely suppressed. Yang Xiaodao’s attack abilities were nullified, and Bai Sheng wasn’t much better off, only managing to produce a tiny flame after trying to conjure several fireballs.

Without climbing supports or any ability to assist, even Bai Sheng couldn’t climb out like Spider-Man.

“The law of causality isn’t suppressed, and I still have about half of my gravity and air pressure abilities left.” Bai Sheng closed his eyes to sense his remaining powers and then exclaimed in surprise, “I have a D-class garbage ability that’s completely unaffected!”

Shen Zhuo was examining the complex base blueprints with a flashlight, not looking up as he asked, “What is it?”

Bai Sheng replied seriously, “I can infinitely replicate any animal sound I’ve heard.” Then he let out a long wolf howl.

Shen Zhuo: “…”

“Every suppression device is designed to target destructive abilities individually. No one has thought to suppress animal sounds yet.” Shen Zhuo remembered something and turned to ask Yang Xiaodao, “How about your luck stat?”

The young man shook his head, indicating it wasn’t affected.

“Our Yang Xiaodao has been saving his luck for this moment,” Bai Sheng said with a smile, shining his flashlight around. He turned to Shen Zhuo and asked, “Can you pinpoint our location on the map, Supervisor Shen?”

Back to calling him “Supervisor Shen.”

“The blueprint doesn’t show this area. This incineration shaft was probably added after construction, which is why we fell without any warning.” Shen Zhuo, expressionless, folded the map and said, “Mr. Bai.”

Mr. Bai rested one hand under his chin, glancing at Supervisor Shen from the corner of his eye, possibly smiling.

“Based on the estimated height,” Shen Zhuo looked up at where they had fallen from, squinting slightly, and after a moment said, “We should be around the eighth underground level, six levels away from the deepest meteorite storage tank.”

“What?” Yang Xiaodao was stunned by this unexpected good news: “Instant transmission?!”

“That’s right. Although we obviously fell into a trap, we should thank our enemies for saving us the trouble of traversing seven levels.” Bai Sheng clapped his hands and said solemnly, “Fortune lies within misfortune, and misfortune hides within fortune. Congratulations!”

Yang Xiaodao nodded enthusiastically, not realizing his dad was being sarcastic.

“Also, thanks to our enemies for teleporting our ace, Supervisor Shen, into the wild zone with us,” Bai Sheng added seriously, “Next year on this day, I’ll make sure to burn extra paper money at Rong’s grave and play ‘Good Days’ all day long.”

Shen Zhuo: “…”

Rong Qi must have been crazy to tie Shen Zhuo and Bai Sheng together. With Shen Zhuo in front, no one would dare to shoot Bai Sheng. This clearly made no sense.

What was Rong Qi thinking?

Rong Qi’s swift invasion of Saint Carter Fort had been inexplicably strange from the start. Did he really think that just because Shen Zhuo was there, Bai Sheng would be so cautious about the 1% chance of causality going out of control that he’d let him escape again?

Shen Zhuo scanned the surroundings, his expression serious. He tapped his tactical earpiece, but they were completely cut off from the outside world.

“Stop thinking about it. Speculating won’t help us now. Let’s focus on reaching the meteorite storage point first,” Bai Sheng flexed his wrist and asked, “How do we get out of here?”

Yang Xiaodao held his gun, looking around blankly, but the darkness revealed only sealed walls.

Fortunately, Shen Zhuo was well-versed in the general layout of the Evolution Lab. He closed his eyes and mentally calculated for a moment, then walked to a corner of the shaft. He reached out and patted the metal wall covered in incineration dust, listening intently. After a moment, he brought his tactical flashlight close to the wall.

“Here,” he pointed out a hairline crack on the wall to Bai Sheng, “This is a one-way gate for personnel to enter and clean, but using just bullets to break it open would be difficult…”

Before he finished speaking, Bai Sheng grabbed Shen Zhuo’s shoulder, pushing him behind him, and said, “Cover your ears.”

Shen Zhuo was momentarily stunned but complied, covering his ears with his hands. Bai Sheng shielded Shen Zhuo’s head and face with one hand and clenched his other hand into a fist, striking the gate forcefully—Boom!



Metal shattered and debris flew. Bai Sheng’s punch, powered solely by his immense physical strength, hit with the force of a ton. The gate twisted and deformed under the impact, followed by a loud bang!

The steel gate flew off, crashing down with a deafening thud and creating a smoking crater in the ground.

Shen Zhuo was about to look up but was quickly pushed down by Bai Sheng. From outside, they heard furious shouts: “Don’t move!”

“Drop your weapons and stand still!”

“Raise your hands!”

Bai Sheng glanced outside.

The area outside the incinerator was an open space about the size of a football field, filled with various pipes, likely part of the underground facility. Over ten armed evolutionists formed a tight semicircle around them, all aiming their guns at them, clearly having laid in wait.

As expected, they were surrounded.

Bai Sheng looked around the dark, enclosed, and vast area. He turned back as if to say something to Shen Zhuo but swallowed his words, giving only a look to Yang Xiaodao.

Yang Xiaodao understood, lowered his sniper rifle, raised his hands, and stepped out of the gate with Bai Sheng.

“Come here! Stand right there!” The leader of the evolutionists, a B-class individual in his forties with some physical enhancements, stood over two meters tall. His arm holding the gun was as tense as his voice: “No one can use their abilities down here, no matter how powerful. Don’t move! Stand still!”

Bai Sheng remained calm and softly said, “Supervisor Shen, be careful.”

Shen Zhuo’s gaze swept across the vast, empty floor in the distance. His breathing seemed heavier, and he lowered his eyes without a word.

The mention of “Supervisor Shen” had an immediate effect; the dozen invaders instinctively glanced at Shen Zhuo. A few of them, unable to hide their reactions, even shifted their gun barrels slightly away. Bai Sheng instantly understood.

——These people had been instructed by Rong Qi and indeed didn’t dare harm Shen Zhuo.

“Don’t be so tense. You have so many guns.” Bai Sheng raised his hands and walked to the wall as the B-class evolutionist indicated, smiling, “Did Rong Qi tell you to guard here? Did he mention how many evolution sources you’d get later?”

Several of them shouted simultaneously, “Shut up!”

“Mr. Rong, we found them, yes, in the pipeline floor.” The B-class leader held a walkie-talkie, staring at Bai Sheng, his voice trembling uncontrollably: “Three of them, all three are here.”

The other side of the communication crackled, and then a familiar voice came through—it was indeed Rong Qi!


He said only that one word before cutting off the communication.

Bai Sheng furrowed his brow, a sharp hint of suspicion in his eyes.

“What are you looking at?” The B-class leader immediately put down the walkie-talkie and pointed his gun at Bai Sheng. “Stand still!”

“Can’t I look at you, brother?” Bai Sheng smiled, sizing up the burly man, and suddenly hissed with interest, “Why are you shaking? Are you scared of us?”

Not “us,” but actually just Bai Sheng. Even knowing that most abilities were suppressed in this underground area, the instinctive fear and awe that lower and mid-level evolutionists felt towards an S-class still persisted. This was the direct impact of S-class pheromones on the brain, causing intimidation and pressure.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” The B-class evolutionist swallowed hard and reflexively glanced at his wristwatch. “What is there to be afraid of? Down here, everyone speaks with bullets.”

Bai Sheng’s eyes caught the tactical digital watch on the B-class’s wrist, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Even Yang Xiaodao might not have noticed at this distance, but Bai Sheng saw it clearly. The watch displayed a countdown, with 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds remaining.

“So,” Bai Sheng smiled, “waiting for Rong Qi to come and back you up?”


“There’s something I’m very curious about.” Bai Sheng tilted his head slightly and said, “We saw a lot of corpses on our way down here, both human and evolutionist. What exactly did Rong Qi promise you?”

The B-class evolutionist remained silent, his face showing a desperate determination. The dozen or so evolutionists behind him all gritted their teeth.

“Wealth? Status? A second evolution?” Bai Sheng raised an eyebrow mockingly. “It can’t just be daily brainwashing. Do you really think you’re naturally superior?”

“We are!” One of the evolutionists in the back couldn’t hold back and shouted, “Humans oppress us with their numbers, restrict us, and make laws against us. Shouldn’t we fight back?”

“These inferior genes want to suppress us. One day, humans will devour all the evolutionists!”

“We are the chosen new humans. Those who betray our kind deserve to die!”

Bai Sheng found this somewhat absurdly amusing and said calmly, “Don’t forget, even if you low-level evolutionists conquer the earth one day, you’ll still end up as dogs for the S-classes…”

“What makes you so arrogant? Mr. Rong said that if we trap you until he arrives, he’ll grant us a second evolution!” The B-class leader gritted his teeth, staring at Bai Sheng with a gambler’s crazed expression. “We will all evolve to A-class and become the elite in the new world!”

Their roars echoed in the enclosed space like phantoms.

Shen Zhuo’s throat moved slightly, as if he were suppressing heavy breathing, and he lowered his eyelashes.

Bai Sheng retracted his gaze and looked at the gambler-like, twisted, and fanatical faces not far away, silently sighing.

“Although I could probably debate with you all for three hours with my unmatched eloquence…” Bai Sheng cracked his neck and said, “our little swan here isn’t feeling well.”

The armed evolutionists were taken aback.

In a flash, Bai Sheng drew his dagger, its cold light reflecting a slight, polite smile on his lips:

“Thanks for the information. I’ll send you on your way in three seconds, elite of the new world.”

“What are you doing!” “Stop!”

As the shouts rang out, Bai Sheng vanished from his spot and reappeared beside the B-class evolutionist, slicing upward to sever his arm—

Bang bang bang bang bang!

All the guns fired simultaneously, but Yang Xiaodao was faster, pressing Shen Zhuo down!

The severed arm spun into the air as Bai Sheng, moving like a specter, slashed through the throat of a second person. Everyone screamed, and all the guns fired. Bai Sheng slid through the blood on the floor, disemboweling a third attacker as he kicked a fourth into the wall. He grabbed the hairs of the fifth and sixth attackers, smashing their heads together with terrifying force, causing their skulls to burst open.


The severed arm traced a blood arc in midair.

Countless bullets embedded in Bai Sheng’s back were automatically expelled and clattered to the ground. In the next moment, the shooter’s head was sliced in half, and the momentum of the knife drove it through the throat of another attacker. The corpse fell back, firing a burst of bullets that turned two others into bloody sieves. The last attacker, too slow to escape, was grabbed by Bai Sheng, spun in the air, and slammed down hard, his neck snapping with a thunderous crack!


The last man screamed, rolling and crawling away, but without turning, Bai Sheng threw his dagger. The spinning blade pinned the man’s body to the wall.


The severed arm fell to the ground, splattering blood.

Exactly 3 seconds.

“Help… help me… help…”

The B-class evolutionist, who had his arm severed, lay in a pool of blood, convulsing and writhing in agony. Through the pain, he saw a pair of feet appear before him.

Looking up, he saw two impossibly long legs, a slightly tilted torso with hands behind the back, and Bai Sheng’s handsome, almost demonic face, adorned with a mocking smile.

Bai Sheng lifted his foot and stepped on the B-class’s back, his heavy tactical boot causing the man’s ribs to emit a chilling crackling sound.

“One last question,” Bai Sheng asked with a playful smile, “Where is Rong Qi?”

“Spare… spare me… Rong… is…”

Bai Sheng leaned in, listening patiently.

Every word the B-class evolutionist uttered came out with a gush of blood: “In… the meteorite… storage… spare me…”

“Thank you,” Bai Sheng replied solemnly, then pressed down with cold force.


The ribs broke and pierced the heart, causing the B-class to stiffen momentarily before collapsing lifelessly into the blood, eyes wide open and silent.

The ground was littered with bodies and blood everywhere, with splatters of flesh and bone flying several meters away.

The blood of an evolutionist was just as warm as that of the innocent human guard who had died at the gate, showing no difference.

Bai Sheng withdrew his foot and bent down to take the still-counting tactical digital watch from the severed arm. After observing it intently for a moment, he pocketed it without another glance at the bodies and turned to walk toward Shen Zhuo.

“Oh, scared?”

Bai Sheng casually motioned for Yang Xiaodao to collect the guns and ammunition, wiping the blood from his fingers on his back. Then he held Shen Zhuo with one hand and gently grasped his cold chin, examining him closely: “Are you okay? Don’t move! Let me see.”

Those hands, capable of dealing with life and death, could be so gentle, as if examining a rare treasure. After a thorough inspection, he used his thumb to wipe away a drop of blood from Shen Zhuo’s porcelain-white cheek.

“It’s okay now.” Bai Sheng shielded Shen Zhuo from the sight of the bodies behind them, speaking in a low, gentle voice: “Don’t look.”

In the vast, enclosed space, blood was everywhere.

Severed limbs and dismembered bodies littered the ground. The B-class evolutionist lay in a pool of blood, his eyes staring blankly. The blood and screams seemed to transcend time, overlapping with the horrors deep in Shen Zhuo’s subconscious.

Shen Zhuo lowered his gaze, controlling his breathing with great effort, but his heart pounded against his pulse, each rapid beat in his carotid artery transmitting directly to Bai Sheng’s fingertips.

“…Mm.” Shen Zhuo averted his eyes and said hoarsely, “Let’s go.”

But Bai Sheng didn’t move, nor did he show any intention of continuing forward. He looked down at Shen Zhuo, with a hidden softness in his bright black eyes, and suddenly smiled slightly, murmuring to himself:

“…Little swan.”

He pushed Shen Zhuo back into the corner, bit down on his combat uniform sleeve, and tore off a long strip of black fabric. Then, gently but firmly, he leaned in and wrapped the fabric around Shen Zhuo’s eyes, tying a loose but secure knot at the back of his head.

“Now you can’t see.” Bai Sheng’s voice, laced with a smile, came through the darkness.

Then Bai Sheng bent down and scooped Shen Zhuo up, holding him horizontally, pressing Shen Zhuo’s face into the crook of his neck. Bai Sheng walked steadily, ensuring that Shen Zhuo’s feet did not touch the bloody ground, crossing the hellish river of corpses and blood.

They moved across the silent, empty floor. In the distance was the maintenance elevator, destroyed by the intruders. Shen Zhuo couldn’t see anything, but the warmth of Bai Sheng’s breath seemed to calm him, smoothing out all his anxieties. All his senses focused on the steady, rhythmic movement of Bai Sheng’s footsteps.

“…What did you say about a swan?” Shen Zhuo’s muffled voice came from Bai Sheng’s neck.

Bai Sheng chuckled, a sound resonating from his chest, filled with a hint of pleasure.

“A little swan,” he said leisurely, “is a bird that can be carefully brought back to the nest, stroked, and its feathers licked, held in one’s arms for warmth. But the moment you let go, it will soar up to ten thousand meters high, even flying over Mount Everest alone, braving the wind and snow.”


Bai Sheng turned his head slightly, his lips brushing affectionately against Shen Zhuo’s hair.

“Maybe when it’s flying over the snowy mountains, it’ll look back at its warm nest once,” he said softly, smiling.

Under the blindfold, Shen Zhuo closed his eyes, burying his face in Bai Sheng’s combat uniform and remaining silent.


The metal elevator doors were tightly shut; the power system on this floor had been destroyed. According to the blueprints, the elevator shaft led directly to the second-to-last level of the base, just above the deepest meteorite storage chamber.

Bai Sheng didn’t put Shen Zhuo down. He turned and gave a signal to Yang Xiaodao, who was carrying a sniper rifle in the distance.

The two of them were well-practiced in tactical coordination. Yang Xiaodao first inspected the edges of the elevator door, confirming no signs of bombs behind it. Then Bai Sheng stepped back slightly, and Yang Xiaodao gripped the door seam with his fingers, his arm muscles bulging—


The half-ton explosion-proof elevator door was forcefully pried open, releasing a rush of cold air from the depths below. Inside was a dark elevator shaft.

Bai Sheng whispered into Shen Zhuo’s ear, “Hold onto my neck.” He removed the black cloth from Shen Zhuo’s eyes, supporting him with one arm while grasping the steel cable with the other. He leapt into the elevator shaft, landing heavily on the scaffold with a thud.

Yang Xiaodao followed, jumping in and grabbing the steel cable, hanging above with a tactical flashlight, scanning up and down:

“The elevator car is above us, and it’s clear below!”

“Great! Now we have a causality weapon, full luck points, and an invincible talisman. Our team is intact and unscathed. Let’s boldly and confidently advance to the meteorite storage chamber.” Bai Sheng held Shen Zhuo tightly, looking up at Yang Xiaodao, and said loudly, “Remember two things!”

Yang Xiaodao: “?”

“First, if we run into Nielsen, kill him on sight. Don’t give him any chance to activate the Tyrant; second, Yang Xiaodao, if you fall again today, I’ll make you regret ever being born!”

Yang Xiaodao scowled, “Pah!”



At the deepest part of the base, the 14th sublevel.

If viewed from above, the legendary Evolution Source sealed chamber would appear as a massive lead container, buried over a hundred meters deep.

A 15-meter-thick lead plate completely sealed this giant container, with a bridge extending from the core layer to the sealed chamber door.

This high-pressure gate, built with the highest technology of the International Supervision General Administration, consisted of internal lead plates, an outer tungsten alloy shell, and nuclear shock-proof springs. It could only be opened by combining the highest-level password, biometric information, and backend approval. Missing any one of these would trigger a level-one security alarm throughout the base.

In the vast core layer, Rong Qi stood motionless on the bridge, staring at the tactical digital watch in his hand.

The countdown was still running: 1 hour, 46 minutes, 54 seconds.

He turned his head, looking into the pitch-black darkness in the distance, aware that the S-class evolutionist Bai Sheng was rapidly approaching.

…The team above hadn’t delayed him for long; they hadn’t even held out for the minimum estimated hour before being completely wiped out!

All they cared about was evolving to A-class and becoming the superior race, with no ideals for the future or loyalty to their kind. Their swift annihilation wasn’t surprising, but he hadn’t expected it to be this quick.

He gritted his teeth and looked across the bridge at the tightly sealed tungsten-alloy lead door.

It didn’t matter.

Everything had been rushed and executed so quickly that no one had time to react.

As long as he delayed until the last moment, no one would discover the secret behind that heavy lead door—

1300 kilometers away from Saint Carter Fort.

Basel, International Supervision General Administration.

From the forest outskirts, the headquarters appeared silent and deserted under the night sky.

With everything proceeding according to plan, all attention was focused on the meteorite storage base 1300 kilometers away; no one noticed this place.

The moon emerged from behind the clouds, casting a faint glow that revealed the solemn silhouettes of evolutionists standing in the forest. The person at the front had half his face hidden behind binoculars, a prominent S mark on his hand, and was coughing lightly from a body barely recovered.

Perhaps due to the urgency of his treatment, even with the powerful meteorite energy, he still felt a stabbing pain in his organs when breathing.

But it was enough; at least he had recovered to the point of being able to activate the Tyrant.

He lowered the binoculars, revealing his brooding blue eyes in the moonlight—it was Nielsen.

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