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Chapter 9

“I’m the one who stepped on the minefield, you idiot.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shen Zhuo’s reaction was as quick as lightning. In an instant, he drew his gun and fired, splattering fluids from the hands of several zombies. Simultaneously, he kicked open the car door and rolled out of the vehicle.

It was a nightmarish scene.

On the deserted bridge, dozens of swollen zombies, as if soaked in water for too long, appeared out of nowhere. Their bodies were covered in cracks, and numerous small eyeballs squirmed in the fissures. Even their facial skin was burst open by dozens or hundreds of eyeballs, making it impossible to distinguish any facial features.

Is it a result of biochemical experiments or some kind of supernatural power?

Without time for further contemplation, the zombies were already lunging at him!

This scene would have terrified anyone, but Shen Zhuo’s hands were steady. Bang! Bang! He fired one shot at a time until the bullets ran out. Then he reversed the gun, smashing the skull of a zombie with its butt, and kicked another zombie off the bridge.

More zombies dragged their feet and approached. Shen Zhuo quickly stepped back, his hand reaching into his suit jacket, finding a cold metallic syringe in the inner pocket.

“…The human body has its limits, and playing with the god of evolution will inevitably come at a cost…” A heavy warning sounded in his ears once again.

“In this world, there’s no such thing as a completely side-effect-free drug, Supervisor Shen. The cost is inevitable, sooner or later.”

Shen Zhuo squinted his eyes, released the syringe from his palm, and smoothly pulled out a folding knife from his sleeve. With a swift motion, he stabbed through the throat of the approaching zombie!

Black blood splattered out, and the second zombie followed suit. Shen Zhuo threw him on his back, flipping the third zombie over, and they tumbled down the bridge. The fourth zombie grabbed Shen Zhuo’s hand, ready to bite, but he kicked it several meters away with a powerful blow and, at the same time, swiftly slashed the approaching zombie’s abdomen, spilling its decaying organs on the ground.

Cold, swift, ruthless, and efficient.

Not a single strike was ineffective, and not a single move was superfluous.

At that moment, a crash sounded as a window shattered. A zombie knelt by the overturned car, pulling out the unconscious driver, Luo Zhen, and lowering its head to bite him—

A throwing knife spun rapidly and pierced through the back of the zombie’s head.

Countless small eyeballs burst open on the zombie’s face, and black blood splashed over Luo Zhen’s half-body.

Shen Zhuo released the knife, and hordes of zombies swarmed toward him. He swiftly retreated a few steps and found the weakest point for a breakthrough in the chaos. He then leaped onto the wall for leverage, turned in mid-air, and forcefully smashed the face of an approaching zombie, instantly splattering its brain matter.

“Heh, heh—”

Shen Zhuo landed by the overturned car, and the group of zombies surged forward. He blocked in front, but another zombie bit down on his hand. Fresh blood soaked his sleeve, yet he seemed unaffected by the pain. He reached into the suit’s back pocket and unlocked the trunk with his fingerprint.

Immediately, he single-handedly pulled out a submachine gun from the trunk, aimed at the zombies’ foreheads, and decisively pulled the trigger.


Zombies’ heads exploded, and the tongues of fire flashed like a storm, tearing through the encircling horde.

Thousands of small eyeballs burst in mid-air, dismembered limbs and bodies scattered on the ground, and the group of zombies was swiftly eradicated!

As soon as the gunfire ceased, a thick, nauseating smell of blood permeated the air.

On the bridge, only incomplete and decaying corpses remained. Shen Zhuo tossed the empty submachine gun aside, turned, and walked toward the car, patting the face of the driver, “Luo Zhen?”

Luo Zhen’s face was covered in blood, and a significant portion of his skull had caved in. If it weren’t for the D-level evolution, he would have died by now. Shen Zhuo slapped him several times before he slowly opened his eyes, trying to call out something, but only a torrent of blood gushed from his mouth.

This special car had a unique safety design. The moment of impact would trigger a level one alarm, and reinforcements from the supervision office should be on their way. However, the crisis was far from over.

Shen Zhuo turned to look at the military airport in the distance, exerted some force to support Luo Zhen, and headed toward the other side of the overpass.

“…Let go… don’t…” Luo Zhen weakly struggled, his voice intermittent and unrecognizable.

“I… can’t control it anymore… Let go quickly.”

Luo Zhen’s struggle intensified, as if desperately trying to express some kind of hopeless warning. However, blood had already clogged his throat, and no one could hear him clearly except himself.

Shen Zhuo pulled out his phone and dialed a number. It connected almost instantly, and an urgent but calm voice came from the other end, “Hello, Supervisor. The safety system has received the impact alert. The emergency response team is on their way, and they are still approximately 5 minutes and 20 seconds away from your current location…”

“Level 2 bio-contamination, suspected infiltration by aberrant evolutionists, at least between B and A class.” Shen Zhuo interrupted with a furrowed brow. “Seal off the roads near the military airport. No civilian vehicles allowed.”

“Yes! Do you need medical resources?”

A squelching sound of flesh being pierced abruptly halted Shen Zhuo’s words.

The phone dropped to the ground with a clatter, but he didn’t pick it up. He only breathed heavily, lowering his head to see a blood-drenched blade protruding through his abdomen.

“…Heh, heh…” Strange muscle contractions echoed from Luo Zhen’s throat. His entire body swelled, and his gaze became vacant, like a stiff puppet being controlled. With a sudden force, he pulled his hand back, and blood gushed out like an arrow.


Shen Zhuo staggered to his knees, his abdomen pierced front and back. A pool of blood quickly accumulated beneath him.

Gritting his teeth, he looked up to see large cracks appearing on Luo Zhen’s arm, and numerous swollen bumps emerged from the fissures. They were rotating eyeballs—the juice from the zombie’s eyes had splashed onto his arm just before.

He was assimilated.

“Supervisor… quickly… go…”

Luo Zhen struggled to squeeze out these last words with his remaining consciousness. Immediately afterward, the infection on his arm expanded, robbing him of his last trace of sanity. He rose like the zombies from before and lunged at Shen Zhuo!

It was too late. He was too fast.

Shen Zhuo pressed his hand tightly against the gushing wound, his muscles and tendons bulging as he frantically searched backward. From the zombie’s skull, he swiftly pulled out the knife he had thrown earlier.

In the next instant, Luo Zhen pounced.

Shen Zhuo raised the knife and, in a flash, cut off the other party’s infected arm!

The arm arched through the air, and with a thud, the severed limb fell to the ground, spewing black blood everywhere.

As the infected limb disconnected, the thread controlling Luo Zhen’s consciousness seemed to be cut as well. He stood frozen in place, staggering back and forth, his dull gaze gradually clearing.

Then he vomited a large mouthful of blood, collapsed to the ground, and clutched his severed arm, screaming in agony.

Shen Zhuo breathed heavily, dropped the blood-soaked knife, and his face, soaked in blood, had a chilling pale appearance. He reached into his coat, gripping the metal syringe.

—Just at that moment, in the mid-air behind him.

Clap, clap, clap. The leisurely applause echoed, followed by a voice of admiration: “Truly worthy of being the Shenhai City Supervisor, quite impressive.”

Shen Zhuo turned around.

He saw a figure standing atop a high streetlight—a man with a square face, narrow eyes, a gloomy gaze, and a mocking expression—matching the wanted image on the tablet just now.

“…” Shen Zhuo’s pupils tightened, recognizing who it was—Liu Sanji.

But this made no sense at all. Liu Sanji was just a lowly D-class evolutionist, incapable of possessing such powerful bio-abilities to infect and control the undead. What on earth had happened?

Had he evolved for the second time?

“Don’t look at me like that, Supervisor Shen. Originally, I had no conflicts with you, but someone wants your life, and I can’t help it.” Liu Sanji assessed Shen Zhuo with malicious intent, smiling sinisterly and saying, “Come with me, Chief Supervisor.”

Snap! He snapped his fingers.

A rustling sound came from behind. Shen Zhuo abruptly turned around, only to see the fragmented zombie spontaneously wriggling —

“Hello? Hello?” Bai Sheng looked at his phone in disbelief. “Did he hang up?”

The Koenigsegg raced through the night, with Yue Yang supporting his forehead in the passenger seat, his eyes filled with an indescribable expression.

Bai Sheng seemed to find it hard to believe that someone could refuse a lamb leg roasted by his own hands. After thinking for a moment, he finally came to a realization and took the initiative to offer Shen Zhuo an out, “Inspector Shen is good in every way, just unwilling to trouble others. In fact, I could easily drop you off first and then go back to deliver the lamb leg to him—no trouble at all.”

Yue Yang said, “…Actually, you don’t have to go out of your way to take me to the airport.”

Bai Sheng, being especially considerate, said, “It’s okay, Chief Yue. It’s my fault for keeping you chatting so late. I take full responsibility for ensuring you board your special flight on time!”

Yue Yang said, “…Actually, you don’t have to go out of your way to take on this responsibility.”

Bai Sheng was the first person in history to drive a supercar on the highway. If Yue Yang wasn’t an A-class evolutionist, the terrifying motion of the car soaring over the first speed bump at an angle would have made him vomit his stomach out.

“I think I’ll still deliver the lamb to Inspector Shen later.” Bai Sheng steered with one hand through the bend, speaking cheerfully, “I am his future subordinate; caring for the health of a superior is something I should do. How can I give up just because of one refusal?”


Yue Yang thought to himself, ‘You’d better retreat while you can. You won’t be able to serve as his subordinate in the future. In a couple of days, he’s likely going to expel you from Shenhai…’

At that moment, Yue Yang’s phone rang. Seeing that it was Chen Miao, he answered, “Hello?”

“Yue-ge, have you boarded the plane?”

As two of the top ten permanent supervisors at the United Nations, Yue Yang and Shen Zhuo held the only two seats in Asia, theoretically at the same level. However, B City had a higher administrative level than Shenhai City, so Yue Yang was actually slightly higher in rank than Shen Zhuo. Chen Miao, as Shen Zhuo’s right-hand man, could casually address the head of the central inspection office as “ge,” indicating some prior relationship.

But Bai Sheng was more cunning than a ghost, just giving a smiling glance without asking anything.

Yue Yang replied, “Not yet; I’m on my way to the military airport. What’s going on?”

Chen Miao’s voice sounded urgent: “Senior is in trouble.”

Yue Yang’s expression changed slightly.

“Senior was supposed to fly to the military district tonight. The dedicated car reached the overpass but suddenly overturned. After that, both Senior and the driver are in a state of missing contact. It’s very likely that after the crash, they encountered another accident…”

Yue Yang interrupted sharply, “I’m on my way there now. Where exactly is the location?”

From the commotion on the other end of the phone, it seemed that Chen Miao was also in a rapidly moving vehicle. “—Someone, send me the coordinates of the crash site! Immediately!”

A screeching sound of urgent brakes sounded, and the Koenigsegg with its hazard lights stopped on the side of the road.

Bai Sheng raised his chin forward, smiling, “Isn’t that the overpass?”

Yue Yang held the phone in one hand, looking ahead. In the distance, an overpass stretched across the night, and the sign on the side of the road clearly read: Military Airport, five kilometers ahead.

Bai Sheng calmly unbuckled his seatbelt, opened the car door, and stepped out.

Yue Yang was puzzled, “Where are you going?”

With a slam, the car door closed. Bai Sheng leaned in from outside the window, earnestly advising, “This car costs twenty-six million. Don’t put it in a ditch for me.”

Yue Yang: “…”

Yue Yang’s current feelings were simply indescribable. He watched as Bai Sheng took a step back and suddenly leaped forward—


On the overpass, the fragmented zombie wriggled spontaneously, forming a new humanoid creature. It was grotesque and bizarre, standing nearly three meters tall. Rib bones, covered in flesh membranes, flipped out and unfolded from its back, creating a pair of horrifying, fleshy “wings.”

Liu Sanji smiled, “Be careful; don’t get our Supervisor Shen hurt again.”

The monster opened its mouth, producing a sound of countless small eyeballs squeezing and rubbing against each other in its throat. In an instant, it darted forward like lightning, its decayed claws grabbing Shen Zhuo’s left wrist. Then, with a sudden flap of its wings, it dragged Shen Zhuo off the overpass!

The night wind suddenly howled. Shen Zhuo’s entire body was suspended in midair, blood gushing from his abdomen and splattering onto the ground. Rapid blood loss caused his body to quickly cool, but his left hand, which was caught, struggled difficultly while the humanoid creature continued to flap its eerie wings.

Where on earth was it taking him?

Given the current situation, it was evident that playing the lone hero and delving deep into the unknown was not an option. Shen Zhuo gasped for breath hoarsely and finally took out the metallic syringe from the inner side of his coat. The metal cap had a small letter engraved on it, ‘A.’

He bit open the metal cap, revealing the injection needle, and aimed it at the inside of his left wrist, ready to plunge it down—

At that moment…

A figure leaped from a distance. Because of its speed, it seemed to almost teleport to the top of the overpass. With a tall and imposing posture, the figure stood high above, backlit by a giant crescent moon.

It was Bai Sheng.

Liu Sanji blurted out, “Who is that?!”

Bai Sheng, hands in his pockets, looked down from above. His gaze met Shen Zhuo’s, who was covered in blood in mid-air. Bai Sheng raised an eyebrow in surprise and then burst into laughter.

“Who left you in such a sorry state, Inspector?”

Despite his seemingly casual and unserious tone, for some unknown reason, the moment he appeared, an overwhelmingly terrifying pressure suddenly surged, causing Liu Sanji’s pupils to contract instantly. Instinctive fear rushed directly to his brain from the marrow of his bones.

Without time for further thought, Liu Sanji, disregarding everything, tried to take the initiative, only to see Bai Sheng sliding on the railing, soaring through the air—


A large section of the highway collapsed.

Debris soared into the sky, and the shock echoed endlessly.

Shen Zhuo, gasping for breath, opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the sharp jawline of Bai Sheng.


He turned his head to glance downward.

He saw his entire body cradled in Bai Sheng’s arms, and the monstrous humanoid creature was pinned under Bai Sheng’s feet. The tremendous impact had embedded it entirely into the asphalt; radial cracks spread towards the distance, with large chunks of debris flipping up and extending more than twenty meters away.

Dust and smoke filled the air, lingering.

Sirens from all directions approached, and more than a dozen vehicles from the supervision office rushed and came to a halt. Chen Miao, fully armed, led his team out of the cars, shouting, “Senior!”

Bai Sheng lowered his head, making eye contact with Shen Zhuo. There seemed to be a trace of amusement in his gaze, but his voice was unexpectedly calm and gentle: “Go to sleep; it’s okay.”

Those words carried an irresistible force.

Shen Zhuo opened his mouth, wanting to say something more before bidding farewell, but then darkness engulfed everything, and his consciousness slowly sank into the abyss.

Under the overpass, the air seemed to freeze, and the swirling dust appeared to come to a standstill. Bai Sheng, with his head lowered, gazed at Shen Zhuo for a moment. Then, he looked up at Liu Sanji on the overpass and asked with a smile:

“Do you not know who I am?”

Liu Sanji tensed up and took a step back, saying, “You—”

All the streetlights went out without warning, plunging the world into darkness. Only the high-voltage power lines on both sides of the road crackled with lightning. Electricity rapidly converged around Bai Sheng, growing larger and more dazzling. Eventually, it formed a massive and terrifying high-voltage ball of lightning, casting a glow on Bai Sheng’s eyes, which bore a chilling smile.

“An evolutionist murdering a supervisor in the Shenhai city’s territory?”

“I’m the one who stepped into your minefield, you fool.”

The next moment,

In Liu Sanji’s horrified gaze, the violent electric current surged like a roaring tsunami. In an instant, it illuminated his pallid face—

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