Hui Tian Ch86

Chapter 86

A man with an annual income of less than 10 billion has no right to breathe in front of his wife

Even when Bai Sheng was angered, he would calm down very quickly, and afterward, he would never bring it up again. Therefore, to those who didn’t know the truth, he often left the impression of having a very good temperament.

—That was because those who angered him often didn’t live past the moment, so there was no need to mention the dead afterward.

Shen Zhuo wanted to discern his expression at this moment, but Bai Sheng never showed his face in the mirror. Instead, he kept nuzzling Shen Zhuo’s temple and sideburns intermittently with intimate affection. His breath was hot and sweet, like a couple preparing for a wedding—intimate and inseparable.

“…Anywhere is fine.” Shen Zhuo’s hand, immobilized in mid-air, exerted a bit of force, gripping Bai Sheng’s fingers in return. His trembling voice was well concealed, “As long as the time is right, anywhere is fine.”

“So, what if we go abroad to register? Would it be hard to keep it a secret? Will it be exposed to the world by the media?”

The sound of clothes rustling and intimate touches continued. The Chief Supervisor’s shirt was already completely unbuttoned. The hand behind him followed the line of his waist up to his chest and suddenly pinched somewhere, causing Shen Zhuo to press his forehead against the mirror, swallowing a shattered gasp between his teeth.

“Maybe. When the time comes, we should… inform the media in advance…”

Bai Sheng finally glanced into the mirror, revealing eyes filled with a smile. Upon closer inspection, however, the tenderness did not reach the depths of his eyes. At the same time, like a dagger finally revealed, he began a rhythmic thrust.

“What timing would be suitable? Should we go on a mission, and then register when we come back?”

His seemingly tender affection and increasingly fierce thrusting were two opposite extremes. It was as if a beast, provoked to the extreme, had its fangs already touching the flesh of its beautiful prey, yet couldn’t find a reason to tear off its gentle mask and bite down.

He was no longer the S-class who could be deterred by Shen Zhuo’s simple statement, “I don’t like overly aggressive people.” His power and influence had grown rapidly, his desire to mate had become more intense, and his day-by-day endurance and feigned civility had made him unbearable. The intense stimulation in the interrogation room earlier was enough to push his anger towards eruption.

Shen Zhuo struggled to keep his tone steady, “What… do you want… when?”

Bai Sheng finally withdrew his hand from the Chief Supervisor’s uniform and instead grasped Shen Zhuo’s throat, making him lean his head back against his shoulder. He hoarsely said, “I think anytime is fine; any day will do.”

In the midst of the vigorous movements, Shen Zhuo managed to turn his head and continuously kiss Bai Sheng’s earlobe in a calming manner, gasping intermittently, “I… I think it’s fine too. We can… slowly pick a suitable day, okay?”

Shen Zhuo’s throat could feel Bai Sheng’s fingers tense to the extreme, which was actually because he was forcing himself to hold back his strength.

The painstaking effort to soothe him finally paid off. Shen Zhuo managed to find a gap in the pressure, turned around with force, and pushed Bai Sheng out of the pantry and onto the office sofa. The two of them fell down on top of each other.

Shen Zhuo pressed on top of him, kissing him face-to-face while his hands moved downward.

The mingling sounds of rubbing and slight water noises, along with heavy breathing, filled the entire office.

From the first time they were naked in bed, Shen Zhuo showed obvious resistance—his size was too frightening, he couldn’t handle it, and he wanted to delay it as much as possible.

Fortunately, at that time, besides being a bit overly assertive, Bai Sheng didn’t show too many abnormalities. He even had the patience to demonstrate his service spirit, so it was relatively easy to get through it.

But a person’s truest nature cannot be hidden. Over time, Bai Sheng’s intense possessiveness became increasingly uncontrollable. He naturally liked to dominate and needed to have absolute control. Numerous small actions could reveal his tendency towards violent preferences, just like a beast that couldn’t help but show its sharp fangs.

His favorite position was half-leaning against the headboard, forcibly holding Shen Zhuo on top of himself with one powerful arm around his waist, making it impossible for Shen Zhuo to get up. The next favorite was holding Shen Zhuo up with one hand, his whole body suspended against the wall. For a double-S evolutionist, that weight was probably like a feather.

But that was also the position Shen Zhuo most resisted because the extremely confined posture left him unable to exert any force, while Bai Sheng could act however he wished, squeezing, rubbing, and even repeatedly teasing the feather in his arms until it was completely soaked with the dense scent of double S-S-class pheromones.

Shen Zhuo definitely didn’t want to be pinned against the office wall in broad daylight, so he half-knelt beside him, maintaining this top-down position. While his hands moved, he continuously kissed Bai Sheng.

His supervisor’s uniform was still on, in the solemn office on the top floor, with the faint sound of staff footsteps outside the thick rosewood door.

The burgeoning desire had reached its peak. Bai Sheng impulsively tightened his grip on Shen Zhuo’s waist, wanting to lift him up and press him against the wall, regardless of anything. But every time he showed this tendency, Shen Zhuo would kiss him with extraordinary tenderness until he pushed Bai Sheng back onto the sofa.


At that moment, Chen Miao’s voice suddenly came from outside, followed by the sound of the office door handle turning.

In a split second, without even looking, Bai Sheng stretched out his hand and spread his fingers, a powerful force whistling out—bang!

The door, which barely opened a fraction, was slammed shut with great force. Outside, Chen Miao stumbled half a step: “?!”

The huge stimulation of almost being discovered was too much for Bai Sheng to bear. At the moment of near climax, he exerted his strength, gripping Shen Zhuo’s waist and lifting him up completely, pressing him against the wall in just two steps, thrusting and rubbing wildly and roughly.

In the violent trembling, Shen Zhuo’s toes couldn’t touch the ground. He was shaken so much he couldn’t speak and could only hook his arms around Bai Sheng’s neck to barely maintain balance until the double S-class pheromones exploded out, filling the entire office like a bomb.

Bai Sheng buried his face in Shen Zhuo’s shoulder, letting out a rough pant.

Shen Zhuo had only one thought in his mind: F*ck your ancestors…

His thin abdomen was soaked, his clothes disheveled and in a mess, with his trousers and even his shirt completely drenched, literally in a sorry state. Fortunately, Bai Sheng was temporarily appeased and finally showed some mercy by letting him down from the wall, turning and pressing him heavily onto the sofa.

Then Bai Sheng himself covered him, still breathless and unsatisfied, continuously kissing Shen Zhuo’s flushed and swollen lips.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked with interest.

Shen Zhuo turned his head to avoid his kiss, gritting out three words, “You’re too heavy…”

Bai Sheng immediately couldn’t help but laugh, his chest shaking with mirth.

Bai Sheng had liked boxing since he was a child. Though he looked lean in his clothes, he was actually much heavier than he appeared. Shen Zhuo, pressed on the sofa and unable to breathe, cursed Chen Miao outside the door and Su Jiqiao in the secret room to hell, then had his jaw pinched by Bai Sheng, who kissed him again.

“Did you ever suspect Fu?” His voice still carried the huskiness of unfulfilled desire.

Shen Zhuo knew this guy named Bai all too well and knew that settling accounts later wasn’t so easily over. He turned his head and mumbled, “More or less.”

Bai Sheng stared intently into Shen Zhuo’s eyes, “But I still can’t figure it out.”


“If he was really leaking information to delay the progress of drug development, wasn’t he afraid that you might actually get assassinated by a slip-up, causing the entire HRG to be indefinitely postponed?”

Shen Zhuo averted his gaze, “How would I know? I’m not Fu Chen. Why don’t you dig him out of the ground and ask him?”

Bai Sheng seemed oblivious to the perfunctory response from the person in his arms, “Hmm… who was the biggest beneficiary of the HRG experiment being postponed.” He propped himself up on one hand, pondering for a while, “Speaking of which, hasn’t it been postponed ever since your lab moved to Shenhai? You haven’t delved deeper into the research in these three years, have you?”

“The little bit of money squeezed out each year isn’t enough for anything.” Shen Zhuo finally mustered the strength to push Bai Sheng up, impatiently saying, “Don’t just stand there. Go out now and make money for me. A hundred billion a year, and I’ll make you a rocket to the moon if you want. Go.”

Marrying Supervisor Shen came with a price. Men with an annual income of less than a hundred billion had no right to breathe at home.

Bai Sheng burst into laughter and pushed back staggeringly. Shen Zhuo seized the opportunity to withdraw to the bathroom to shower and change clothes.

Every time Shen Zhuo got messed up by Bai Sheng, the strong and terrifying pheromones almost seeped into his skin and bones. It took a good scrub to get rid of them.

Fortunately, there was a spare uniform in the living quarters. Shen Zhuo changed everything from the inside out, even pulling out a new tie. While buttoning his cuffs, he called Chen Miao, his tone icy like shards of ice: “Tell Gao Tonglin to send someone to draw blood from Su Jiqiao, 500 CC at a time, every day. If he dies, we’ll count it. And from now on, whatever Su Jiqiao says, Bai Sheng is not to hear a word. Got it?”

“Got… got it.” Chen Miao’s voice was confused and bewildered, and the sound of him struggling to push the door open came from the background, “Senior, your office door seems broken. I can’t push it open, no matter what. Bai-ge is inside, laughing and encouraging me to use more force. Why?”

Shen Zhuo: “…”

Shen Zhuo fastened his cufflinks, turned, and strode out of the living quarters, through the corridor to the outer office. Bai Sheng was pressing the door with one finger, his whole body shaking with suppressed laughter. Seeing Shen Zhuo approaching, he immediately stopped laughing, coughed, and let go of the door.

In the next instant, Chen Miao burst through the door, almost tripping at his senior’s feet.

Even Shen Zhuo couldn’t bear to watch and closed his eyes. Chen Miao looked up with an innocent expression:

“Ah, Bai-ge, is the door lock stuck… Senior, why did you take a shower and change clothes in broad daylight?”

Chen Miao’s meticulous observation skills truly lived up to his biomedical master’s degree. All of Shen Zhuo’s suits were custom-made in batches, but the shirt he had just changed into had a deep white diagonal weave pattern, and his black hair was still slightly damp, clear evidence of adult misbehavior.

“Junior,” Bai Sheng squatted down, personally helping the curious Chen Miao up, sincerely praising him, “I find you even more pure and charming than Chief Yue next door.”

Chen Miao: “?”

Shen Zhuo took a deep breath, “Why aren’t you informing Gao Tonglin to draw Su Jiqiao’s blood? What are you doing here?”

“Oh, Senior, I have good news!” Chen Miao suddenly remembered something and raised the fax he had just received, excitedly saying, “The national confidential database just retrieved some information. The genealogical files of all employees at Quanshan County Health Clinic over the past 30 years have been restored as much as possible. We found an important clue among them. Look!”

Shen Zhuo took the fax. The old archival copy was incomplete, with clear signs of rat gnawing on the edges.

No wonder Shen Zhuo couldn’t find anything even with the global supervision office’s authority back then. It would be a miracle if this thing could be found.

“Wang Tiejun, a villager from Deyang Town, Quanshan County, invested in and contracted the Quanshan County Health Clinic in the 1980s. He withdrew from the contract due to poor management and passed away fifteen years ago. He had a son named Wang Dan, who is now a gastroenterologist at a private hospital in Shenhai. The remaining paper archives at the Quanshan County Health Clinic noted that he visited at least two or three times. Although it didn’t specify what he went for, the visits were after his father’s death, so it is reasonable to infer that he was visiting a patient.”

Bai Sheng pinched his chin with two fingers and asked, “What does this have to do with Rong Qi?”

Chen Miao’s face turned serious, “It’s highly relevant. The artificial ‘vessel’ was stolen from the HRG laboratory 23 years ago, precisely during Wang Tiejun’s contract period at the Quanshan County Health Clinic. At the same time, the national confidential database revealed Wang Tiejun’s background, educational history, and family address. We found that nearly half a century ago, Wang Tiejun’s family address while he was in school was Nu’er Village, Gebali Township, X Province Autonomous Region.”

Shen Zhuo suddenly remembered something and paused.

“—Yes, the first-generation HRG container cultivation project director, Qiao Jianqing, had one of his registered residences in Gebali Township, X Province Autonomous Region,” Chen Miao said, raising a finger. “He was from the same village as Wang Tiejun.”

Shen Zhuo looked at Bai Sheng and met his gaze. Both knew they were thinking of the same scene—

Six-year-old Shen Zhuo leaning on the edge of the incubator: “Child… your… child…”

“Yes,” the container cultivation project director patted his head, looking at the pale, cold synthetic body in the nutrient solution with pride and emotion in his eyes, “I watched the synthesis myself and nurtured it with my own hands… Of course, it’s my most perfect child.”

From the other end of the corridor, Cameron’s voice called out: “Director Qiao, help the research team look at the data!”

“So, Director Qiao and Wang Tiejun were neighbors and good friends since school. It’s reasonable to assume their relationship was close. If Director Qiao ever managed to take the artificial ‘vessel’ out of the lab, then Wang Tiejun, who contracted the township clinic and had some medical knowledge, would have been his first choice for entrustment,” Chen Miao shrugged. “After all, you can’t just leave a three-year-old child anywhere; anyone who saw it would report it to the police.”

Then came the radiation leak in the laboratory, all key researchers were killed, and Director Qiao himself died, too. Outsiders who didn’t know the truth would think the container had been destroyed by Shen Ruzhen’s self-destruct program.

Wang Tiejun died fifteen years ago, and since then, no one knew the origins of the vegetative Rong Qi in the clinic until a big fire three years ago, which burned Rong Qi’s body to ashes.

Through the mists of time, the chains finally linked, connecting the HRG laboratory with the remote township clinic.

Bai Sheng looked up from the old documents, asking sensitively, “Did Qiao Jianqing have any children? Any relatives with the surname Su?”

Shen Zhuo shook his head and said softly, “I know what you’re asking. No.”

“All the family information of the first-generation key researchers was detailed and filed, and all relatives within five degrees of kinship can be traced out,” Chen Miao explained. “Such a big matter couldn’t be hidden unless in extreme cases.”

Shen Zhuo took a deep breath and closed the file.

“I need to know the specific details from back then.” He glanced at Chen Miao and asked, “Where does Wang Tiejun’s son, Wang Dan, live?”

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