Chapter 68

“Do you like me that much?”

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, in Asia.

J City.

The space tunnel vanished abruptly, and a bloody, severed hand appeared out of thin air, falling into a pool filled with a blue meteorite solution.

A large amount of blood gushed out of Shunsuke Noda’s throat and nasal cavity. The forced activation of his spatial abilities caused rapid DNA fragmentation in his body. Within seconds, large patches of his skin cracked, turning him into a figure covered in blood from head to toe!


Yoko Noda rushed to support him, but as soon as she touched him, a large piece of decayed skin tore off his arm.

“It’s… it’s okay.” Shunsuke Noda panted heavily, his gaze fixed on the severed hand in the meteorite solution that had quickly stopped bleeding. His voice was hoarse from the intense pain, “We made it in time… This is our last hope…”

Previously, Bai Sheng had twisted off his head, and Rong Qi had used his infinite regeneration ability to reconstruct his body. However, his internal organs, blood vessels, and nerves had not fully regenerated, and his spatial abilities were severely impacted.

Forcibly opening the space tunnel this time had nearly cost him half of his life, and the genetic tearing worsened his condition. But he couldn’t afford to think about that now.

“It’s okay, brother. Once Mr. Rong recovers, he will be able to cure you.” Yoko choked up, half-kneeling by the pool, repeatedly comforting herself, “Last time, he could regenerate from ashes. This time, with so much DNA left, he can definitely do it. He will definitely do it—”

But it wasn’t that simple.

Last time, the violent energy from the meteorite explosion had aided his regeneration from ashes. This time, although there was more DNA left from the severed limb, the energy in the meteorite pool was less than before.

Moreover, the complete reconstruction and regeneration of an entire body are not easy. The process becomes more challenging and fortuitous each time.

“It’s that Bai Sheng again… That Bai Sheng!” Yoko gritted her teeth in hatred, “How can he be so arrogant? Isn’t there any way to kill that bastard?!”

Her question was met with a deep, inexpressible silence, broken only by the suppressed breaths of the executionists in the hall.

—That Bai Sheng.

What no one could see was that Rong Qi’s consciousness was floating in mid-air, like a mass of cold air, looking down at the severed hand quietly floating in the meteorite solution.

I underestimated the enemy, he thought.

He should have realized that the Causality Weapon falling into Bai Sheng’s hands from the vast universe was no coincidence.

It was actually a precise selection made after the Causality comprehensively evaluated the genetic level and physical capabilities of its holder.

In his distant homeland, at the time when numerous high-level beings emerged, he had seen a very rare special gene that had unparalleled affinity for the source of evolution, with an evolutionary potential much higher than ordinary people, capable of assimilating multiple superpowers.

This gene was called the “Devouring Mutation” and was also known as the “Arsenal Mutation.”

It was named this way because this gene could acquire the abilities of others through devouring, fusion, and transcription. Therefore, while most S-class evolutionists could carry only one S-class ability, a devouring mutant could carry two, three, or even more, becoming a living humanoid weapon platform.

The devouring gene was not congenital but an acquired mutation, so it couldn’t be inherited across generations. The cause of this mutation was unclear. People with this mutation had different neurotransmitter secretions in their brains than normal people, often showing distinct personality traits such as extreme competitiveness, strong idealism, and difficulty accepting societal norms.

Another notable feature was that devouring gene mutants could not have offspring. Natural reproduction had nearly a 100% mortality rate, and assisted reproduction or cloning had never succeeded, so devouring mutants quickly went extinct and never reappeared.

Due to their inability to reproduce, it is challenging to determine whether the devouring mutation represents a genetic boon or a rare pathology—but one thing is certain.

Individuals with the devouring mutation possess immense potential. Once fully developed, they face no rivals, unless they succumb to natural death.

Deep within Rong Qi’s consciousness, a tremor began to emerge, blending disbelief and incredulity.

Why has the source of evolution shown such favor to Earth?

Humans are low-level creatures in the universe, unqualified even to be classified as an intelligent species. Compared to his mother planet, they are woefully deficient in both genetic diversity and superpowers. How could Earth produce such a mutation?

The tremor in the consciousness body grew more pronounced and intense, radiating outward from the building into the void in expanding rings.

—Such a special gene should not belong to a human. I must acquire it.

I must obtain that power.

I must obtain that body—

A silent roar surged into the sky, and the consciousness body rapidly expanded, permeating the entire heavens and earth!

In the distant overcast sky, a muffled thunder rolled, and water vapor, carrying countless invisible bluish glows, gathered with the atmospheric circulation.

That was the dust of the source of evolution.

The heavy rain carrying radiation finally poured down upon the world.


A clap of thunder resounded through the sky, and lightning illuminated Shen Zhuo’s clear and sharp profile behind the floor-to-ceiling window.

“The radiation levels in the atmosphere have already exceeded the peak from five years ago. Unlike the meteorite landing, this time it is pervasive and unavoidable.” On the other end of the satellite phone, Amatullah’s voice was grave. “We’ve used all kinds of measures, but none can prevent it. Our human technological level is ultimately limited. The second wave of global evolution has begun.”

The floor-to-ceiling glass reflected Shen Zhuo’s somber expression, the dimly lit hotel suite behind him, and the steady, heavy breathing from the large bed.

Shen Zhuo did not turn around but lowered his voice: “How does this compare to our previous estimates?”

“Our previous estimates suggested that if all the evolution sources from the International Supervision General Administration dispersed into the atmosphere, the global number of evolved individuals would surpass 60 million within 72 hours and continue to rise in the following week.”

Amatullah paused, the rustling sound of her turning a page coming through the call.

“Currently, due to the causality erasing most of the meteorite dust, only 1% to 2% has escaped into the atmospheric circulation. Therefore, the estimated number of newly evolved individuals should be between 1 million and 1.3 million, with specific numbers needing subsequent statistics.”

Shen Zhuo was silent for a moment.

60 million would undoubtedly be catastrophic, with humanity being overrun by evolved individuals in minutes.

Therefore, relatively speaking, 1.3 million seemed like a more manageable number, though it was still a tenfold increase compared to the previous global total of 100,000 evolutionists.

“…What about the number of high-level evolutionists?” He asked in a low voice.

High-level generally refers to S-class and A-class. Amatullah shook her head: “It’s hard to say, since statistics take time, and a few days are too short.”

Shen Zhuo exhaled silently.

“The distribution of evolutionist levels follows a standard pyramid structure. Even if there are an additional million D-class individuals, it wouldn’t trigger a war, just long-term social chaos at most. Our real fatal issue is that the number of new S-class individuals must be strictly controlled because society cannot accommodate so many top predators, each ruling their own domain.”

Amatulla had the advantage of being extremely rational; no matter how dire the situation, she could cut straight to the point. Even when very agitated, she wouldn’t let emotions affect her: “If the number of S-class individuals explodes, society will face terrifying upheavals. Shen Zhuo, you know what I mean.”

Large raindrops struck the floor-to-ceiling glass, blurring the reflections with water streaks.

Shen Zhuo raised his eyes to the distant horizon.

As he stood at the intersection of light and shadow, a distinct shadow extended from the corner of his eye, like an ink wash painting from dark to light. After a long time, he spoke into the phone, his tone carrying a trace of delicate implication:

“…If S-class evolution exceeds the limits of their living environment, it is not evolution but regression. Therefore, besides natural selection, we have another term…”

“called human selection.”

Amatullah’s breath caught.

After a moment, she repeated in disbelief: “Human selection?”

There was no need for further explanation. The brutal implications behind those two words were understood implicitly by both ends of the conversation.

“Yes.” Shen Zhuo’s final tone was very gentle, creating an almost deceptive sense of softness: “It means deliberate extermination.”

Rain poured down like a vast curtain, and the sound of static flowed through the satellite call. After an indeterminate amount of time, Amatullah’s low voice finally came through: “…You truly are a cold-blooded creature, Shen Zhuo.”

Shen Zhuo glanced back over his shoulder.

In the dim light of the hotel suite, there was a familiar silhouette on the large bed, rising and falling rhythmically with each breath.

“You’re not the first person to say that,” Shen Zhuo replied calmly.

“…Deliberate extermination is not easy to implement. We need to first assess the threat level of each new S-class individual.” Amatullah stood up from her office chair, took a deep breath, clearly having made a decision: “We need to stay in contact, Shen Zhuo. Additionally…”

She paused, implying something:

“Congratulations on Mr. Bai’s successful second evolution.”

Shen Zhuo didn’t respond and ended the call.

He gently placed the satellite phone on the table and walked silently to the bedside.

Bai Sheng was asleep, his breathing steady and warm.

It took time to digest the meteorite’s energy. Bai Sheng had been sleeping intermittently for four days and five nights, waking up only a few times to eat voraciously before immediately falling back asleep, his consciousness mostly unclear throughout.

Perhaps because he was not fully awake, his human rationality vanished, and he displayed a terrifying, animalistic possessiveness toward Shen Zhuo.

Shen Zhuo had to remain in the room at all times, because whenever Bai Sheng woke, he had to find him immediately. There could be no one else in the room, or Bai Sheng would show aggressive tendencies. Once, when he smelled the unfamiliar scent left by a hotel staff member who delivered food, he nearly rushed out of the room in a fit of madness. Shen Zhuo had to hold him back, soothing him for over an hour, almost triggering a violent outburst.

In this state, Shen Zhuo couldn’t leave for Shenhai and had to stay in the hotel arranged by the International Supervision General Administration, unable to even leave the room.

The instigator, however, remained oblivious. Perhaps sensing Shen Zhuo’s presence in his sleep, he turned over and extended his hand, grasping Shen Zhuo’s wrist with unerring accuracy.

Outside, the rain poured down, while the room remained dim and ambiguous. Bai Sheng’s bare upper body was outlined in the shadows, his long eyelashes giving him an innocent appearance, and his face was both handsome and utterly innocent.

He looked like a quiet, well-behaved young man while sleeping.

There was no sign of the extreme and terrifying tyrant he would become upon waking.


Shen Zhuo remained still, gazing at the face so close to him, his eyes tracing the sharp lines of his eyebrows, the slender and straight bridge of his nose, and the thin lips that usually carried a hint of a smile.

…He looks quite likable when he’s asleep, Shen Zhuo couldn’t help but think.

If it weren’t for this face, the hotel would have blacklisted you long ago.

As if his heart were touched helplessly, sending warm ripples through it.

As if driven by an inexplicable impulse, Shen Zhuo silently leaned down and kissed those familiar lips.

In the next moment, Shen Zhuo felt a tight grip on his jaw, as if it were clamped by steel, and he was astonished to see that it was Bai Sheng’s hand.


In an instant, the world spun, and Shen Zhuo was forcefully dragged onto the bed, pressed down completely by Bai Sheng. A strong hand pried open his jaw, and his lips and tongue swept in directly.

The sound of water drowned out all hearing, the suffocation made his ears ring, and his vision darkened. The entanglement made his tongue go numb, as if every piece of soft flesh in his mouth no longer belonged to him. His forcedly upturned chin and neck were wet, and his lips throbbed painfully from the blood rushing to them.

“No… stop, be gentle… Bai Sheng!” Shen Zhuo struggled and scolded, “Bai Sheng!”


In the darkness, Bai Sheng’s eyes glinted coldly as he finally pulled back slightly, only a few inches.

“Why did you kiss me, hmm?”

After a moment, the familiar, husky voice broke the silence. Bai Sheng lowered his head and affectionately licked the corner of Shen Zhuo’s lips. “Do you like me that much?”

Previously, when Bai Sheng woke up, he couldn’t form complete sentences. This time, he seemed much more lucid, likely close to full recovery. Shen Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, ready to relax.

But immediately, he noticed Bai Sheng’s eyes and realized it was too soon to let his guard down.

In the depths of those dark pupils was a chilling gleam, like a beast contemplating whether to pounce on its prey.

“…You’re too rough.” Shen Zhuo’s throat moved subtly as he swallowed, making himself look up into Bai Sheng’s eyes. He then gently nuzzled Bai Sheng’s nose, his voice soft and persuasive: “Be gentle, let me get up first.”

But Bai Sheng didn’t move at all. One hand was still gripping Shen Zhuo’s side under the blanket, his palm directly against Shen Zhuo’s skin, fingers like steel, unyielding. He responded casually, “I’m not.”

By his standards, he indeed wasn’t; the pressure was entirely within a normal range. But Shen Zhuo could clearly feel the unyielding strength in his side: “Then let me sit up. Aren’t you hungry?”

Bai Sheng laughed: “Oh, not really.”

…This conversation was bizarre, making it impossible to tell if he was half-recovered or half-pretending.

“I’m hungry. Let me get something to eat.” Shen Zhuo used his only barely mobile right hand to stroke Bai Sheng’s cheek, asking softly, “Don’t you want to check the news? You’ve been asleep for days, hmm?”

Bai Sheng looked down at him, a hint of playfulness in his eyes, but also some hesitation and yearning.

At this moment, the doorbell rang twice.

—The daily meal delivery had arrived.

Since the incident where the meal cart nearly burned away Bai Sheng’s rationality, the hotel staff has been replaced with inspectors from the International Supervision General Administration. The meal cart was no longer brought inside but left at the door with a quick ring before the staff hurried away.

Bai Sheng suddenly turned to look at the door, seemingly hesitant.

“Dinner has arrived. Let me get up.” Shen Zhuo seized the chance to rise, “You’ve slept for so long; you need to replenish…”

He hadn’t finished speaking when Bai Sheng suddenly squinted his eyes, then casually grabbed something—the black tie Shen Zhuo had draped over the bedside table.


Shen Zhuo didn’t have time to resist before Bai Sheng pressed his hands down and effortlessly tied them above his head with the tie. Bai Sheng kissed the corner of his eye and said, “Stay.” Then he got out of bed and walked toward the door, bare-chested.

“Hey there,” Bai Sheng greeted cheerfully as he opened the door, “Delivering food? Thanks a lot. What’s the date today?”

From the hallway came the stuttering voice of the inspector: “Mr. Bai… Bai… Bai?!”

In the suite, Shen Zhuo lay on the bed, feeling a sense of absurd shock. His first instinct was to struggle with his bound wrists, but he couldn’t break free.


The damned thing must have used some ability to reinforce the tie, turning it into unbreakable shackles that bound his wrists.

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  1. Я бы очень хотела поддержать Вас и Ваш перевод, но, к сожалению, сервис не принимает платежи из России 🙁

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