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Chapter 66

The second S.

Basel, International Supervision General Administration Building.

11:45 PM

“Lina, Lina,” Chief Supervisor Margot sat alone in the vast hall late at night, gently waving and teasing her little daughter, who was babbling on the other end of the video call, “donne un bisou à maman (Give mommy a kiss)…”

The chubby little girl, fussy and sleepy, struggled in the nanny’s arms, reaching out for her mother on the screen. Margot couldn’t help but laugh. Just as she leaned forward to virtual kiss her daughter, the image froze, and the call abruptly ended.

No signal?

Margot immediately looked up, staring outside the building, sensing a foreboding wave of supernatural energy—

The Cage of Logic!

Among the people in the General Administration who are most adept at using the Cage of Logic, Margot can only think of Nielsen. But hadn’t he escaped with that evolutionist named Rong Qi?

In an instant, Margot’s muscles tensed. As she was about to stride out of the building, she saw a dozen figures silently appear at the hall’s entrance, moving like ghosts in the night.

“Who’s there?!”

“There’s an S-Class Chief Supervisor guarding this place…”

“Could it be that some of those fools actually anticipated our visit to the General Administration?”

“She should be alone!”

Margot’s gaze swept over the dozen or so intruders, ranging from A- to B-class. Her pupils dilated sharply as she recognized them—they were sent by Rong Qi.

Although she couldn’t fathom why they would attack the empty General Administration building, she knew there was no time to ponder. Nielsen’s appearance usually signaled—

In a flash, Margot lunged forward, steel spider silk rapidly forming between her fingers. The intruders outside the door moved to intercept from different directions, but in an instant, several flashes of blood erupted, and four individuals found themselves decapitated by the silk!

“Don’t let her escape!” “Catch her!”

Margot shouted, “Out of my way!”

Before she finished speaking, her arm had transformed into a tentacle like that of a box jellyfish, wrapping around an intruder in front. The stinging cells enveloped the person’s body in seconds, causing them to convulse and collapse, poisoned to death on the ground.

S-class ability, Artemis.

The legendary goddess of nature and the hunt. She was capable of borrowing traits from any animal she had ever seen, including fangs, wings, tentacles, venom sacs, and secretions. Her limbs could temporarily mimic those of other animals, enhancing her killing ability instantly.

Cooldown time: 10 minutes between using similar traits.

Margot wasn’t the strongest S-class, but a mere dozen evolutionists couldn’t stop her. With the power erupting within her at that moment, she was about to break free from the intruders’ encirclement. But suddenly, from a distance, came the sound she had anticipated but dreaded hearing—

The Wolf of Odin stood up out of nowhere and let out a long howl.

The Tyrant ability was activated.

Margot turned back in rage and said, “Nielsen!”

The wolf’s howl wave swept over, causing all the evolutionists to revert to human form at the same time. Under the immense pressure, Margot knelt on one knee, looking up in shock and anger, seeing two figures emerge from the darkness not far away.

One had silver-gray hair and a familiar face—it was Nielsen, who had been rescued from prison.

The other was tall and elegant—Rong Qi, the one who had massacred the prison!

“——What a pity,” Rong Qi smiled at Margot, his eyes flickering with a strange bluish glow like a meteorite, as if he could peer through her skull into her brain, “She is obviously an S-class, yet the secretion of evolutionary neurotransmitters in her is so weak…hmm… and she has a human daughter who can’t evolve…”

Margot gritted her teeth, unable to speak, her mind filled with disbelief. Wasn’t Rong Qi supposed to be stealing the meteorite from St. Carter Fort?

What was he doing at this empty General Administration building?!

“Forget it.” Rong Qi walked past Margot without turning back, casually gesturing to Nielsen, “She’s destined to stand with the ants. Kill her.”

Margot abruptly lifted her head, locking eyes with Nielsen.

“Director-General?” She uttered in disbelief, “How could you…”

Nielsen showed a hint of reluctance, avoiding her gaze, and then swung an invisible, sharp air current—


Her chest was completely pierced, and blood was gushing like a fountain. Margot’s entire vision turned blood red as she collapsed to the ground, her world spinning.

“…The swapped Evolution Source has always been stored in the granite chamber beneath the headquarters…” “Hasn’t anyone discovered it all this time?” “No one will come to check.” “True, after all, you have absolute control as the Director-General…”

Nielsen and Rong Qi’s conversation faded as they walked away.

Margot lay in a pool of blood, her consciousness and body temperature rapidly draining.

The conversation between the two had made something clear to her, but she was powerless. In a daze, she seemed to see her daughter’s innocent, bright eyes again and hear the sweet sound of “maman” by her ear; however, no matter how hard she reached out, she could only touch the cold air and her own hot blood.

…No, I can’t die so easily.

Supervisor’s Handbook, Article 1, Section 1.

Supernatural crime cases often lead to significant numbers of innocent civilian casualties. Therefore, supervisors have the authority to sacrifice a few to save many when necessary. The few include: civilians, inspectors, and the supervisors themselves.

Supervisors must take responsibility, ensuring every sacrifice is valuable.

My death must be valuable.

Margaret summoned her last ounce of strength to calm herself down. As death approached, she forced herself to think with the strongest willpower. In the depths of her mind, a sudden flash of inspiration emerged—an unthinkable solution hastily presented itself.

She fumbled to pull out a gun from her waist, her vision completely blurred, and aimed by memory at an inconspicuous tree among the row of ash trees in front of the building. With all her might, she pulled the trigger, aiming at one inconspicuous tree—


The bullet pierced the treetop, startling a nest of magpies into flight.

Nearby, Rong Qi suddenly turned back, his pupils clearly reflecting the image of startled birds in the night.

In an instant, he realized his only fatal oversight, his tone light and complicated: “…Ah.”

The handgun fell weakly to the ground, splashing a few drops of blood.

In the final moment before losing consciousness, Margot seemed to return to that night on the island a few days ago. The quiet, warm late-night lounge, herself, Celine, and the young girl named Chu Yan sitting on the sofa chatting; maybe because she was facing two outstanding female supervisors, the girl was a bit shy, blushing and lowering her head, “I am far inferior to you. My ability is not powerful at all; it is just empathy with animals. But I specifically tracked that person named Rong Qi before, and if he appears again, I can see where he is through the eyes of animals…”

Don’t be afraid, little girl; I believe you are amazing.

Now it’s up to you.

In the pool of blood, Margot closed her eyes.

At the same time, 1,300 kilometers away.

The office building was brightly lit, with people hurrying to and fro. Outside the window, an armed helicopter roared and hovered, the security team fully armed and ready to rush to St. Carter Fort.


In front of the office’s floor-to-ceiling window, Chu Yan suddenly stood up in horror, half a cup of water slipping from her hand and shattering.

“What’s wrong?” “Are you okay?”

Several staff members turned at the sound, seeing the girl’s face drained of color, as if she had witnessed an unimaginable, horrific scene in the void. She slowly lifted her head, her voice trembling like leaves in the wind:

“Su-supervisor Margot, she…”

Everyone was stunned.

“Rong Qi is not at the meteorite storage base. He went with Nielsen to the International Supervision General Administration; in that building…”

Under the shocked gaze of the surrounding staff, Chu Yan’s eyes turned red, tears streaming down her face:

“They… they killed Chief Supervisor Margot, who was guarding the place…”

Everyone couldn’t believe their ears: “What?!”


Outside the St. Carter Fort base, Antonio jumped off the armed helicopter, and disregarding his subordinates’ attempts to stop him, he sprinted toward the base with a single rocket launcher strapped to his back. At the same time, he pressed his earpiece in shock:

“What did that girl say? Where are Rong Qi and Nielsen?!”

“At the International Supervision General Administration building!” The secretary’s desperate shout came through the earpiece. “They’re not in the base at all! We’ve been tricked!”

Antonio abruptly halted, his first thought being that he was dreaming. He stared in disbelief at the base gate, which was not far away.

Tricked? What does it mean that they’ve been tricked?

The Rong Qi in the base isn’t real? What is Rong Qi doing at the General Administration building?

“Supervisor! Supervisor, you can’t go in there!” The pilot behind him chased after him, practically begging, almost ready to kneel down and kowtow. “Even Mr. Bai was killed by Rong Qi. Going in there alone is suicide. Why try to be a hero?! We can just quit our job and go back to collecting protection money at home!…”

Antonio snapped out of his daze and kicked the pilot over.

Rong Qi isn’t at the base at all, which means the one who breached the meteorite storage wasn’t him. Then who could it be?

Supervisor Shen and Bai Sheng are still alive; we need to get them out quickly!

“Cancel the alarm. Use the highest authority of the supervision office to open the base gate!” Antonio made the most decisive and swift response and sprinted toward the base: “Go, go, go!”



The security gates inside the base were opened one by one, lights gradually restored, and the elevators began to operate.

“How come the storage was blown up, but the base gates opened? Has Antonio defected?” In the complex security passage, three people sprinted forward desperately. Amid the rushing wind, Bai Sheng’s incredulous voice was heard: “Is that guy planning to roll out a red carpet to welcome Rong Qi?”

Such a frantic pace made even Shen Zhuo breathless: “N-no, maybe he guessed that it was us who blew up the storage…”

“Great! You’re even defending him!” Bai Sheng shouted while running, “That guy is clearly a wimp, and you were pretending to be impressed when he came to deliver a rose in the middle of the night. What kind of taste do you have?!”

Shen Zhuo was infuriated: “Weren’t you the one who accepted his rose in the end?!”

“…” Bai Sheng was about to retort, but suddenly, he seemed to catch on to something else. He turned back suspiciously: “Are you jealous, Supervisor Shen?”

Shen Zhuo footing almost slipped in an instant, nearly stumbling on the spot.

The next moment, he was lifted off the ground. Before he could struggle, Bai Sheng easily carried him over his shoulder, chuckling as he sped away like an arrow.

Yang Xiaodao, carrying a heavy gear pack alone, screamed in frustration behind them: “Wait for me!”

Rounding the last corner, they reached the massive 20-ton tungsten-alloy gate they had entered through. Unlike when they first infiltrated, there was no need to worry about alerting anyone now. Bai Sheng gathered immense lightning in his hand, about to blast the gate, but before he could—


A cannon shot blasted the gate, sending it flying. A torrential rush of air lifted all three of them into the air, and Yang Xiaodao was thrown back more than ten meters.

Even Bai Sheng was caught off guard and fell against the wall, but fortunately, he kept Shen Zhuo tightly in his arms, absorbing most of the impact.

The ground was covered in debris, and smoke was rising. The alarm for the base gate being blown up was nearly deafening. Amid the gray smoke, a figure carrying a rocket launcher burst in from outside, his face visible with tears of joy even from a distance:

“Thank goodness! Thank goodness you’re not dead!!”

Shen Zhuo’s ears were ringing from the explosion. When he looked up, he saw Antonio running towards them. Reflexively, he hid behind Bai Sheng, who was immediately engulfed in a bear hug from Antonio, who was rushing forward.

“Talk… Talk properly; don’t get handsy.” Bai Sheng coughed repeatedly from the smoke, “I have some very bad news. The Rong Qi in the base is an imposter. You need to find the real Rong Qi as soon as possible…”

“I have some very good news for you! We know where the real Rong Qi and Nielsen are!”

Antonio hugged Bai Sheng tightly, his heart a mixture of sorrow and joy—sorrow for hearing about Margot’s sacrifice, but joy because at least these two were still alive. He also felt relief because if Rong Qi had gone to Basel, Switzerland, it meant he was no longer a threat to his troubled region:

“They went to the International Supervision General Administration. That young girl from your team saw them kill Margot, but we still don’t know what they’re doing at the headquarters. The building is supposed to be empty…”

“Brother, that building is not empty.” Bai Sheng finally managed to push Antonio away, panting as he patted his shoulder: “At least half of the meteorites in the base are fakes. The real ones were swapped out by Nielsen and hidden in the headquarters. Rong Qi’s goal is to seize the genuine evolution sources.”


Antonio couldn’t hear anything anymore. He asked blankly, “The evolution sources in my jurisdiction are fake?”

Bai Sheng nodded earnestly.

“Half of them are fakes?!”

Bai Sheng nodded again under Antonio’s gaze of utter despair, as if the sky were falling and the earth were collapsing.

If someone had measured his blood pressure now, it might have broken the upper limit of the scale. The reason he hadn’t had a stroke and collapsed was only because he was an S-class.

“Brother, hold on. I still need you.” Bai Sheng quickly supported the dazed Antonio, holding onto a last thread of hope, “Do you have any means of transportation that can travel 1,300 kilometers in ten minutes? High-speed train, rocket, fighter jet, SR-91 Blackbird, anything?”

Antonio stared at him: “…”

Shen Zhuo finally swallowed the blood that had been jolted up by the rocket explosion. Exhausted, he got up: “It’s not him you need; it’s me.”

Bai Sheng: “?”

Shen Zhuo pulled his coat tightly around him, stepping on the scattered debris as he walked towards the exit. Without hesitation, Bai Sheng threw Antonio aside and followed Shen Zhuo out of the base gate. Not far away, an armed helicopter was parked in the darkness, the same one they had flown in on just a few hours ago.

With a whoosh, Shen Zhuo opened the helicopter door, revealing a silver portable cryo box sitting quietly on the back seat.

Bai Sheng immediately recognized the cryo box—it was the one that Director Gao had brought all the way from Shenhai. Inside, it should be the latest batch of Evolution Serum. When Cameron was critically injured in the hospital, Bai Sheng stood outside the ward and clearly heard Shen Zhuo take an X-class serum from this cryo box and inject it into Cameron, saving his life within seconds.

Shen Zhuo entered the password and opened the cryo box, cold air billowing out. On the metal rack, there were six slots; one marked with an X was empty, leaving one S, two A, and two B syringes.

“Do you remember what you did after killing Shunsuke Noda?”

Shen Zhuo took out an A-class serum, raising an eyebrow, “Out of some kind of masculine desire to show off that I can’t understand, you twisted his head off and threw it at Rong Qi, but fortunately, you left his body at the scene.”

Bai Sheng’s gaze fell on the A-class serum, and in that instant, he understood what it was.

“…Your mind.” Bai Sheng couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head in amazement as he rubbed Shen Zhuo’s temple, “Your mind is really something else…”

Shen Zhuo blinked at Bai Sheng with a rare mischievous glint in his eyes as he casually remarked, “Didn’t you say I was an energy-saving role model?”

He flicked off the metal cap and tilted his head, injecting the serum into his neck. The deep luster of the meteorite instantly seeped into his veins.

Energy surged through his body, and under his black leather gloves, a deep red A appeared on the back of his hand.

Amidst the turmoil and uncertainty of the situation, with storms brewing in the distance and the helicopter’s rotor blades creating a whirlwind overhead, the two of them locked eyes. An indescribable understanding arose from the depths of their souls, piercing into the softest corners of their hearts.

An irresistible impulse surged within Bai Sheng as he looked down at Shen Zhuo, his eyes shimmering with unabashed affection and nostalgia. Once again, he softly uttered the words he had spoken back then:

“…You really are a master strategist, an energy-saving role model, wasting not a single drop of blood, Supervisor Shen.”

“We who are on the payroll are just that economical.” Shen Zhuo smiled, “Next time you cut yourself peeling an apple, remember to call me first so I can come collect 200 cc.”

Yang Xiaodao, carrying his beloved mortar, hurried over, followed by the exhausted Antonio, who shouted into the phone with one hand covering his ear: “We have! We have fighter jets! No Blackbird, but we have FA18s; will that do? I’m doing my best—!”

Bai Sheng couldn’t tear his gaze away from Shen Shuo, waving his hand to signal Antonio to leave quickly.

“To prevent backlash from spatial abilities, this serum may only last a few seconds. You two need to seize the moment.” Shen Zhuo stepped back, taking a deep breath and turning his gaze away from Bai Sheng, “In the name of the Top Ten Supervisors, I authorize you to eliminate former Director-General Nielsen and Rong Qi. If necessary, use the Law of Causality to erase the Evolution Source meteorite.”

After a pause, he spoke again, his voice soft and husky:

“…I’ll catch up as soon as I can. Be careful, both of you.”

Shen Zhuo turned away, not letting himself catch even a glimpse of Bai Sheng’s gentle gaze, and spread his fingers.

—The spatial ability was activated instantly.

A deep tunnel slowly opened, as if a rift tore through the air, followed by a powerful suction from the black hole. Bai Sheng signaled Yang Xiaodao to move forward and then, without hesitation, dove into the tunnel. As he passed Shen Zhuo, he murmured:

“No need to rush; I’ll wait for you.”

His figure was swallowed in an instant, the tunnel closing without a trace.

“…” Shen Zhuo looked back at the spot where Bai Sheng had disappeared, his long lashes veiling the glimmer in his eyes. After a moment, he slowly withdrew his hand, his fingertips brushing through the cool night air.


International Supervision General Administration.

Hurried footsteps echoed from the stairs, followed by the opening of the underground security gates, as Rong Qi swiftly emerged with his subordinates.

“There’s a granite chamber at the bottom of the headquarters, originally an air-raid shelter that I later set up with spatial abilities,” Nielsen said confidently, leading the way through the empty, dimly lit corridor. “The Evolution Source is stored in a completely folded space. Only at midnight on the last day of the month does this ability briefly reactivate, allowing entry into the folded space.”

Rong Qi didn’t bother to explain the earlier incident with the startled birds, but it was evident that his pace quickened noticeably, his expression nonchalant: “Isn’t that basically a spatial lock?”

Nielsen replied, “Yes. Previously, an S-class was sentenced to life imprisonment for cannibalism, and a special prison was built for him using the same spatial abilities to ensure absolute security.”

Rong Qi chuckled meaningfully, “That impressive?”

Nielsen remained silent as he turned at the end of the stone passage, revealing a sealed granite wall in front of the group.

Rong Qi glanced at the time, midnight, 12:00.

In the next moment, the spatial ability was reactivated, and the folded space unfolded.

The stone wall retreated like a magic trick, revealing a square-shaped space in front of them. The room’s layout was very similar to the interior of the lead storage chamber, with lead boxes containing Evolution Sources arranged in order by size and volume, numbering at least six or seven hundred!

“No wonder you’re so wary of Cameron…” Rong Qi looked around and laughed, “If the Security Council discovered so many evolution sources, I’m afraid you’d probably be locked up with that cannibal.”

Nielsen’s mouth twitched, showing no sign of a smile, “Actually, every district has an Evolution Source storage facility, but those contain their own country’s meteorites. Today, you can only take what’s in the headquarters.”

“Step by step, no rush,” Rong Qi answered nonchalantly, “Just these are enough to create millions of similar beings on Earth.”

Meteorite radiation has varying strengths, so even if these six or seven hundred meteorites were scattered worldwide, they wouldn’t necessarily produce millions of evolved beings.

Nielsen was puzzled, wondering if this extraterrestrial named Rong Qi had other tricks up his sleeves. But his rapidly working mind had no energy to ponder that now; he just dryly responded, “Is that so? Then that’s good.”

Rong Qi walked into the stone chamber and gestured to his men to start opening the lead boxes.

No one noticed Nielsen quietly taking two steps back, standing outside the stone chamber.

“There’s one thing I don’t understand.” Rong Qi said casually, as if chatting, with his back to Nielsen, “You’re the Director-General; why do you still rely on money and Evolution Sources to win people over? Aren’t those radical organizations your kind too?”

Nielsen responded calmly, “Earthlings are like that. Even as leaders, they need to bring tangible benefits to their subordinates. Benefits are the foundation of human relationships.”

Rong Qi nodded thoughtfully, asking, “No belief system?”

“—Belief,” Nielsen laughed shortly, his tone mocking, “Even religions collect tithes from their followers. Do you think something as precious as belief can be obtained without spending money?”


Rong Qi fell silent, seemingly recalling something. After a while, he suddenly said, “But I once saw a group of very devout believers on Earth.”

Nielsen wasn’t really interested in his chat, focusing intensely on the figure in black inside the stone chamber and urgently calculating the time.

“Although it was many years ago,” Rong Qi’s tone was very calm, without any discernible emotion, “That woman is already dead.”

He seemed to be recalling something, but quickly shook off his thoughts. Turning with a smile, he said, “Since I’ve got the Evolution Source, Mr. Director-General…”

At that moment…

The four-sided stone chamber suddenly closed, and the spatial ability retracted instantly!

“As long as I hand you over to the Security Council, I can be the Director-General again,” Nielsen said coldly, standing outside the stone chamber. “I have no interest in being someone else’s subordinate. Sorry, Mr. Rong.”

Rong Qi’s subordinates didn’t have time to react. In an instant, the spatial fold activated, and the stone chamber vanished without a trace!

A granite wall replaced the previous scene. Nielsen turned and bolted toward the stairs, his movements swift and resolute.

Fortunately, Rong Qi lacked understanding of Earth, unaware of the subtle nuances of power struggles. Actually, no one could prove that the Evolution Sources were hidden in the headquarters for private gain; he could easily claim they were temporarily stored there. Cameron had no evidence against him anyway. The death of the Round Table Bishop and forcing Shen Zhuo on the yacht were minor issues that couldn’t shake his position.

As long as he captured Rong Qi and handed him over to the Security Council, this achievement would erase everything, allowing him to reclaim his position as Director-General!

Nielsen’s mind raced, aware that the only problem now was Margot.

She was a chief supervisor. If she truly died, tonight’s events would be hard to explain, giving Cameron ample material to exploit. Fortunately, when he struck earlier, he deliberately avoided vital organs. He wasn’t sure if Margot still had a breath left…

With a clang, Neilson pushed open the door, about to rush into the corridor, when a sudden change occurred beneath his feet—


 A tremendous explosion shook the earth.

Under the vast night sky, the entire building collapsed like fragile blocks, from bottom to top!

Nielsen was buried in darkness, engulfed by the debris raining down like a torrential downpour. The ground trembled wildly like a spring gone mad, a frenzy that even a magnitude ten earthquake couldn’t match.

After what felt like an eternity, the aftershocks finally subsided amidst the dust and debris.

The collapsed building teetered precariously, like a freshly made gigantic grave under the night sky.


Half a remaining wall was pushed aside, and Nielsen, covered in dirt, staggered out.

A dreadful premonition gripped his heart like a devil’s claw. He looked up in a panic, and his worst fears were confirmed—

Not far away, atop the rubble, Rong Qi looked down at him. His severed limbs from the explosion were rapidly regenerating, quickly restoring to completeness before Nielsen’s eyes.

Rong Qi clenched his fingers, his tone calm:

“Do you not remember the explosion at the Qinghai test site three years ago, Director-General?”

“…” Nielsen couldn’t believe it, stumbling back half a step. “No, impossible. Only Category I radiation sources have explosion risks…”

“That’s true for you humans,” Rong Qi replied with pity.

He casually raised his hand, summoning a star-like light from the rubble. The meteorite transformed into a gentle, ethereal blue glow, floating above his palm and illuminating his devilishly youthful and gentle face.

“I come from a race far more advanced than yours, and you thought you could outsmart me?”

Rong Qi shook his head and laughed, his expression tinged with regret, “Humans without faith are even more foolish than ants.”

Nielsen’s internal alarm bells were ringing, a dangerous instinct flooding his mind.

He instinctively staggered back, ready to fight to the death and unleash the Tyrant ability, but Rong Qi raised his hand from a distance.

An invisible noose shot out, dragging Nielsen forward, and Rong Qi seized him by the throat, lifting him effortlessly!

“I can only recover your energy, but I can’t take away your Tyrant ability…” Rong Qi shook his head with regret as he watched Nielsen convulse and struggle. “Forget it; energy alone will suffice.”

“Don’t be afraid, Wolf of Odin. You will be immortal with me in another form.”

Those were the last words Nielsen heard.

As Rong Qi finished speaking, Nielsen’s entire body began to melt, flowing layer by layer from head to toe. All his flesh and bones transformed into a strange, ethereal meteorite glow.

Just like when Liu Sanji was absorbed alive, the eerie blue fluid began to flow towards Rong Qi. However, suddenly, without warning, a sound came from the air—


A spatial tunnel abruptly opened, and Rong Qi’s expression changed as he looked up to see Bai Sheng appearing in mid-air!

Everything happened in less than half a second.

Rong Qi couldn’t react in time. He hastily retreated, instantly creating a distance of a hundred meters.

Meanwhile, Bai Sheng landed on one knee, pressing his palm to the ground and directly touching the eerie blue fluid that Nielsen had dissolved into!

Bai Sheng had no idea what had happened. Before he could even stand up, the blue fluid seemed to find its home, surging madly towards him, completely merging into his palm and flowing up his veins—

The immense, pure energy surged through him like a flood, pounding his heart and coursing through his entire body with each heartbeat.

Every blood vessel stretched to its limit, and the pain of evolving once again felt like experiencing a rebirth.

“…Dad, Dad?!” Yang Xiaodao’s voice sounded both startled and distant, blurred and unclear: “What’s happening to you? Holy crap, are you being electrocuted?!…”

Bai Sheng couldn’t utter a word, pressing his left collarbone with all his might.

At that spot marked with the S-class symbol, the familiar agony seared his skin once more, every stroke of pain echoing the experience of evolving for the first time five years ago—

It was another S.

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