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Chapter 61

Antonio: The cp I knocked on is real.jpg

Half an hour ago, at Heisenberg International Prison.

Dark clouds loomed over the high walls and electric fences. Dozens of black armored vehicles surrounded the prison bunker, and hundreds of armed personnel stood ready. Not far away, an AH-64E helicopter stood poised for takeoff.

Cameron sat in an armored Mercedes-Benz, his pupils like moss in the damp of an overcast day, staring intently at the stretcher carrying Nielsen out of the prison bunker.

Earlier this morning, Nielsen’s condition, which had been stable, suddenly took a turn for the worse and became critically life-threatening. This came without warning, and the usually shrewd and cautious Cameron feared a trap, strongly advocating for Nielsen to remain in the heavily guarded prison. However, the Security Council, under immense pressure from evolutionists from all around the world, had no choice but to agree to transfer him to a specialized hospital for emergency treatment.

Forced by the Security Council’s decision, Cameron could only personally oversee the transfer, watching as Nielsen, who was on the streacher, being placed onto the helicopter. The armed personnel made a hand gesture indicating clear.

The rotor blades began to turn slowly.

At that moment, Cameron’s eyelid suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

A chilling sense of unease surged through him. Before he could react, the entire area, along with dozens of armored vehicles, shook violently at the same time!

“Who is there?” “Stop!”

The figures of more than ten evolutionists appeared above the prison. Cameron looked up and his pupils reflected the image of the young man dressed in black, instantly realizing who it was.

The legendary Rong Qi!

Cameron blurted out, “Return the target to the bunker! Gogogogo—”

His reaction was lightning-fast, but in the blink of an eye, it was already too late. The evolutionist unleashed his abilities, striking the ground, while armed personnel hastily retaliated. Hundreds of submachine guns opened fire simultaneously, bullets seemingly drawn by an invisible force, all pouring into Rong Qi’s body; then the backlash ability was activated, and everyone on the ground was torn apart by bullets, exploding into blood splatters!

The alarms soared into the sky, smoke filled the air, and in an instant, corpses littered the ground.

Looking around, there was nothing but screams and groans, yet Rong Qi seemed accustomed to such scenes. He reached out his hand and clenched his five fingers in the air, twisting several armored vehicles into steel spirals with tremendous force.

Explosions swept through the entire scene in an instant, and the flames even illuminated half of the sky.

Amidst the raging flames on the ground, Rong Qi walked toward the burning armed helicopter. From a vantage point, he looked down at Nielsen on the stretcher, and with two fingers together, he cut his palm open, letting a few drops of blood, shimmering with the faint light of meteorites, fall onto Nielsen’s forehead.

The life-restoring power spread out, and within seconds, Nielsen finally opened his bloodshot eyes. His unfocused gaze fell upon the blood-soaked, corpse-strewn ground and the young demon in black.

“I guess you’ve already made a decision, haven’t you, Director-General?”


Nielsen stared straight at him, his voice barely hoarse as he spoke:

“What exactly… do you want… from me?”

Rong Qi replied gently, “Actually, you’ve already known for a long time.”

He lifted his eyes to the distant horizon, his gaze seeming to penetrate the void, reaching out to the seven billion lives in the world.

“As many of our kind as possible, as much power as possible, and as much spread of the source of evolution as possible…” He narrowed his eyes and said each word, “All the meteorites in the hands of the International Supervision General Administration.”

Not far behind, inside a bullet-riddled armored vehicle crushed into a pancake, Cameron looked past the dead bodyguards and shattered windows. His one hand was tightly clutching his abdominal wound, the other hand holding was a gun, trying to aim at Nielsen.

But he no longer had the strength to even pull the trigger.

Blood gushed from his pierced abdomen, quickly taking away the last trace of warmth. Cameron closed his eyes, losing consciousness in the overwhelming darkness.


Two hours later, at the local hospital.

“The scene had heavy casualties. We’re trying our best to withhold the media news.” The hospital corridor was chaotic and noisy, filled with shouting and cries. An inspector ran after Shen Zhuo, urgently reporting the situation: “The intruders found it difficult to break into the bunker to abduct the target, so they struck during the transfer. By the time we arrived, Director General Nielsen was already missing…”

Shen Zhuo, with a stern expression, moved swiftly and efficiently, leading his men through the chaotic hospital corridors.

Not far from the intensive care unit, Antonio stood in front of an elderly lady with neatly combed silver hair, wearing a pink floral dress. Judging by his expression, he seemed on the verge of collapse: “No matter how much it costs, please use your Forsight to help me see when this streak of bad luck will end. If this keeps up, I’m quitting. My salary doesn’t cover having blood pressure over 180 and my brother losing a leg. Did I owe Nielsen five million in a past life or kill his entire family?…”

Mrs. Harpa eyed Antonio thoughtfully for a moment, then patted his shoulder lovingly and said, “Child, you are just a substitute. Don’t be delusional. Your stepmother’s true love is still your father. Let her go.”

Antonio was utterly shocked: “What?!”

Shen Zhuo suddenly stopped in his tracks, not sparing Antonio a glance, and asked urgently, “Where is Nielsen now?”

Mrs. Harpa looked at Shen Zhuo over her round glasses for a few seconds, leaned on her cane, thought for a moment, and then said slowly, “Child, as long as you silently recite his name in your heart, no matter how incredible the circumstances, he will always appear before you. That person is your destined partner in this life.”


Under the extremely strange gazes of the surrounding inspectors, Shen Zhuo stared straight at Mrs. Harpa, his cold tone unwavering:

“What I asked was, where is Nielsen now, can you see his movements with Forsight?”

“Oh, I can’t,” Madam Halper said regretfully, “Forsight has a trigger interval. I last helped them see the yacht you were held on. It can’t be triggered again until next month. But I can help you calculate a good day for your wedding.”

Shen Zhuo replied politely, “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.” Then he turned and entered the intensive care unit without looking back.

On the blood-stained emergency bed, Cameron lay with his eyes closed, wearing an oxygen mask. The monitoring device showed all his vital signs were critical, his life hanging by a thread.

“We’ve done everything we can. All his abdominal organs have varying degrees of damage. Luckily, it was shrapnel that hit him and not bullets; otherwise, he wouldn’t have lasted until the rescue began…”

The local inspector stammered while translating the emergency doctor’s words but was promptly interrupted by Shen Zhuo raising his hand.

“Everyone out,” he said in a low voice.

The inspector couldn’t help but panic, “Supervisor Shen, this person is Elton Cameron, an important figure in the Security Council. He absolutely cannot have an incident here. The subsequent problems will be uncontrollable. We must save him at all costs…”

“I know,” Shen Zhuo said coldly. “I know who he is better than you do.”

The inspector was at a loss and could only nod, signaling the emergency medical personnel to leave the intensive care unit with him.

In the snow-white room, only Shen Zhuo, a few of his trusted subordinates, and the critically injured, unconscious Cameron remained.

“…What are you planning to do? You’re not thinking of having me save him, are you?” Witch Italdo looked a bit wary, crossing her arms and eyeing Shen Zhuo. “My healing ability isn’t enough to bring someone back from the dead. At most, I can make him look good in death. Do you want him to have a more pleasant postmortem appearance?”

Shen Zhuo did not respond, silently staring at the face as pale as paper.

In truth, Cameron looked younger than his actual age. Perhaps because he usually only had two expressions: a deep, inscrutable look and a sarcastic smile, he had few wrinkles except at the corners of his eyes. As his political enemies described him, he resembled an annoyingly smug hard-boiled egg that you couldn’t help but want to punch.

Twenty-three years had passed in the blink of an eye.

Maybe because they had grown apart for so long, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t retrieve the faint remnants from the depths of his memories.

“Supervisor Shen,” Director Gao couldn’t help but cautiously remind him.

Shen Zhuo stood there quietly, his face betraying no emotion. After a long time, he suddenly spoke softly, “…What kind of person abandons their six-year-old brother in a hospital?”

His trusted subordinates were stunned, completely unable to understand his meaning.

Shen Zhuo took a breath, said no more, and spread his hand, giving a low command, “Bring Rong Qi’s serum.”

Director Gao was taken aback, then exclaimed, “But we only have the last one left!”

Shen Zhuo’s palm remained steady as he gently closed his eyes.

Director Gao hesitated, but having no other choice, he picked up the metal cryogenic box he carried with him. Upon opening it, a wisp of cold air emerged. On the rack were six gene interferons: one X, one S, and two each of A and B grades.

When Shen Zhuo left Shenhai, he only took three evolution serums with him, which were used up in the battle with Nielsen. This portable box was specially brought by Director Gao to prevent unforeseen events. The X evolution agent, cultivated from Rong Qi’s serum, was the last one from the entire HRG laboratory, precious beyond measure.

Director Gao took out the syringe and handed it to Shen Zhuo. After a moment’s thought, he couldn’t help but lower his voice and remind him hesitantly:

“But… the average probability is only 1/79…”

Outside the intensive care unit, in the chaotic corridor, Bai Sheng paused.

“Is it worth the gamble?” Director Gao’s anxious voice came through the door crack, almost a whisper, “What if he isn’t?”

He isn’t what?

What does the average probability of 1/79 mean?

Bai Sheng was about to push the door but stopped his hand in mid-air and narrowed his eyes calmly.

“…The probability of this person is very high.” After a moment, Shen Zhuo’s calm reply came from behind the door.

He didn’t explain why he was so sure that Cameron’s chances were high. After a brief pause, he continued coldly, “Anyway, he’s going to die.”

In the hospital room, Shen Zhuo removed the metal cap, and a specially made syringe automatically ejected a gleaming needle. It cleanly pierced Cameron’s upper arm vein, injecting 1ml of interferon in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, even an ordinary human could feel a strange power coursing through Cameron’s body as the drug entered.

Then, under the tense gaze of several researchers, a blood-red X indeed appeared on the back of Cameron’s left hand!

Director Gao immediately relaxed, witnessing the almost magical transformation before his eyes.

Organs regenerated automatically, blood vessels repaired themselves, the terrifying wound in the abdomen closed up and healed without a trace in an instant; as the 10-second effect of the drug ended, Cameron suddenly opened his eyes wide and sat up from the bed!

“He… heh…” He struggled to catch his breath, looking at the few people in front of the bed, his gaze falling on Shen Zhuo, who remained expressionless, then turning to himself in shock.

There was no sign of injury on his abdomen, not even a trace of damage. Even his flesh had completely healed.

The X mark on the back of his left hand slowly faded away, signaling the end of the brief evolution proclamation.

“…What is that?” Cameron’s face was full of disbelief, even the most cunning politician couldn’t help but show an extremely shocked expression: “Did I just evolve?!”

No one around him answered. Shen Zhuo stood with his head down, his hands clad in black leather gloves coldly folded in front of him.

“That’s the power of HRG gene interferon? The human superpower promoting potion that the UN Security Council has made no progress on for so many years?!”


Cameron leaned heavily back against the headboard of the sickbed, one hand exhaustedly covering his eyes. After catching his breath for a moment, his gray-green eyes looked at Shen Zhuo, as if determined, and he hoarsely said, “Listen to me. You must hand over this genetic weapon to the UN Security Council. With it, we can immediately create a formidable human army and completely eradicate the evolutionists…”

Shen Zhuo’s face was as cold as ice, and without mercy, he swung a punch—


The sickbed made a loud noise, and Cameron almost flew off the bed, falling under the bed with a crash. Four clear finger marks appeared on his left cheek, but before he could even curse, he passed out.

Silence enveloped the entire room, all subordinates gaping in astonishment.

At that moment, the door of the intensive care unit swung open, and Antonio walked in, looking like he could have a heart attack at any moment: “I have some very bad news to tell you…”

His gaze then fell on Cameron’s unconscious face with a profuse nosebleed. He instantly froze in place, mouth agape.

Shen Zhuo flexed his wrist and calmly said, “Is Nielsen still alive?”

Antonio stumbled forward, squatted down with his knees weak, and tested Cameron’s breath with trembling hands.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, nearly collapsing on the floor.

“…,” Poor Antonio leaned against the wall, struggling to stand up, and carried the unconscious Cameron back to the bed. Although he wanted to, he couldn’t spare the time to question why Supervisor Shen resorted to violent assault on a human high-ranking official in the hospital room. After taking a deep breath, he looked at Shen Zhuo with a twisted expression:

“Some people look like they’re dead, but fortunately, they’re still alive; some people are still alive, but I wish they were dead.”

Everyone present: “?”

Antonio handed over the phone, gesturing for Shen Zhuo to look for himself: “The surveillance video just transmitted from the St. Carter Meteor Storage Base.”

The St. Carter Meteor Storage Base was the newly built high-firepower fortress of the International Supervision General Administration. Shen Zhuo had personally inspected it a few days ago at Nielsen’s command—although he was halfway through the inspection when Nielsen tricked him into the Fenrir yacht, and shortly after, Nielsen was arrested, and the Round Table Bishop died, leading to the current chaos.

The only thing worth celebrating was that amid this chaos, at least the batch of meteorites escorted by the International Supervision General Administration had been successfully delivered to the base, securely sealed in high-pressure lead tanks underground. The entire base was protected by layers of firepower, and “supposedly” not even a fly could get in.

Shen Zhuo took the phone and saw the scene in the control room displayed on the screen:

Explosive black smoke filled the corridor, with the bodies of two workers lying on the ground, with their heads separated; the scene was too horrible to look at.

Several high-level evolutionists were stepping over the bodies, the leader dressed in black with fair skin, using an identity card found on one of the workers to open the half-ton tungsten alloy door.

It was Rong Qi.

“He’s going for the source of evolution,” Antonio squeezed out a difficult voice, “Nielsen had the design plans for the St. Carter base, including all the guarding forces and secret passages.”

Shen Zhuo put down the phone, closed his eyes, though no hint of emotion showed on the surface, his teeth clenched tightly.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, his voice low and calm: “That’s not right.”

Antonio now had a strong stress response to any word that didn’t sound right, good, or auspicious: “What do you mean?”

“Rong Qi is most afraid of facing causality head-on, so he has been trying to hide his whereabouts and dare not show himself in broad daylight. There’s an anti-space power device in the St. Carter base, making it impossible to use spatial tunnels. If he wants to rob the source of evolution, he would have to forcefully pass through each level, why would he dare to spend so much time forcing his way in?”

“Uh, well…” A local inspector timidly raised his hand, feeling particularly pressured to speak in front of all the inspectors, “Mr. Bai notified our Supervision Office last night… His flight at 8 a.m. this morning, he’s already in the air…”

The air around became so heavy that it almost felt stagnant.

“Supervisor Shen,” Antonio pressed his chest tightly with one hand, preventing himself from collapsing due to a myocardial infarction at any moment, “I know you care about your boyfriend, but you know what will happen if the source of evolution falls into Rong Qi’s hands. How about this, I’ll cover the cost of the charter flight back and forth, let’s call the airline right now to turn the plane around…”

Shen Zhuo glanced at him, his gaze cold and chilling.

“Staring at me won’t help, really,” Antonio felt unfairly treated, wishing he could show Shen Zhuo his heart: “Even Nielsen wasn’t a match for that Rong Qi, let alone me. At best, I can delay him for a few hours, and I can’t even guarantee that my remains will be presentable. After three years of working together, why force me to go to my death? You know yourself that Rong Qi is most afraid of causality in this world!”

The inspectors dared not speak, all eyes staring at Shen Zhuo, until he finally spoke indifferently after a long pause:

“Mr. Bai is not an official member of the Shenhai City Supervision Office, I have no authority to order him to do anything. You can call the airline yourselves.”

“?” Antonio was amazed that Shen Zhuo still had the mood to joke at this point: “Official member? Do you two have such an interesting relationship?”

Shen Zhuo stared at him and said word by word, “Mr. Bai and I do not have that kind of…”

Knock, knock, knock.

“Hello, everyone. Are you talking about me?” 

Everyone turned their heads simultaneously.

At the door of the intensive care unit stood Bai Sheng, smiling with one elbow leaning against the door frame and one hand in his pocket. His tall figure was almost reaching the top of the door frame with his tuft of white hair sticking up; behind him was Chu Yan, with a serene demeanor in a sky-blue dress, and Yang Xiaodao with three suitcases in tow.

Everyone: “………………”

“The plane was delayed, and I heard about the kidnapping incident of the international prison from the airport broadcast, so I hurried back to take a look,” Bai Sheng paused, looked at Shen Zhuo, and suddenly revealed a handsome and brilliant smile:

“My dear Inspector Shen, is there anything I can help with? Anything at all.”

The room fell silent.

Mrs. Harpa’s heartfelt voice seemed to resound again in the air:

—As long as you silently recite his name in your heart, no matter how unbelievable the situation may be, he will surely appear before you. This person is your destined partner in this life!

“…” Antonio turned to look at Shen Zhuo, his face expressing indescribable shock, and said slowly, “You two must stay happily together for a hundred years. If it falls short by even one day, I won’t believe that there is true love in this world anymore, okay?”

Shen Zhuo whispered, “Shut up, substitute.”

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