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Chapter 60

My little heartless enemy.

Heisenberg Special International Prison.

This heavily guarded fortress was the most secure prison under the jurisdiction of the Security Council, mainly responsible for incarcerating high-level evolved criminals and highly dangerous key individuals awaiting trial.

In the dead of night, all was silent, but within the prison’s medical floor, guards were stationed every few steps, and surveillance cameras densely covered both inside and outside the wards.

On the hospital bed, the severely injured Nielsen barely opened his eyes.

“Tsk tsk,” a smiling voice came from beside the bed, “how pitiful.”


Nielsen’s unfocused gaze finally began to slowly focus, and his pupils reflected the black-clad, slender figure in the armchair. He rasped out, “…How did you…get in?”

It was Rong Qi.

“I can’t get in.” Rong Qi smiled pityingly, “Fortunately, one of my followers has the ability to create dreams. You are just dreaming.”

Nielsen closed his eyes, and after a moment, squeezed out a few words through clenched teeth: “Why did you scheme against me like this?!”

Rong Qi, dressed in a impeccably tailored black shirt and pants, appeared very pale under the hospital’s bright lights. From his appearance alone, he even seemed somewhat scholarly, with a gaze that held a distant and ethereal recollection.

“Do you remember? I told you I once held the same position as you. I also fell to a fate similar to yours.”

Shortly thereafter, he shook his head absentmindedly again, “No, much worse than you. I was exiled for a long time and countless light-years by them, until today.”

Nielsen felt absurdity flooding his mind, “Who are you exactly?”

Rong Qi countered, “Aren’t you curious how I knew about the racial reproductive isolation that will occur in the future?”


“Because we’ve experienced it once before,” he said lightly, “on my distant homeland, another planet countless light-years away from Earth.”

Nielsen’s breath stopped for a moment, his pupils dilating sharply.

“The intelligent life forms on our planet are completely different from yours, with no concrete concept of ‘death,’ and the time dimension is vastly different from Earth. But explaining it is too abstract, so I’ll try to express it in a way that fits Earth’s life forms as much as possible, fortunately, you don’t need to understand too much.”

Rong Qi pondered for a moment, then slowly continued, “What you call ‘the source of evolution,’ was originally discovered as a biological radiation source on our planet. This biological radiation transformed up to 20% of the ‘common class’ on our planet into ‘mutant class’ overnight—according to your Earth’s terms, they changed from ‘humans’ to ‘evolutionists.’ Because our reproduction mode is vastly different from Earth’s, reproductive isolation occurred very rapidly, happening immediately with the second generation of mutants.”

“In contrast to your situation on Earth, the number of mutants on our planet was more than sufficient for reproduction, and there was no crisis of genetic extinction due to genetic drift—but reproductive isolation was the most critical point, marking the complete split of the biological population. Thus, from the second generation onwards, the ‘common class’ and the ‘mutant class’ became two species with completely different thoughts and ideologies.”

“Subsequently, the fierce competition for survival resources escalated the conflict rapidly, and when we realized that a planet could not accommodate two intelligent species, war broke out quickly.”

The dream scene suddenly changed, and before Nielsen could even comprehend what was happening, he was surrounded by endless smoke and towering flames of war erupting.

He looked around in confusion, unfamiliar weapons spewing black flames into the sky, though he couldn’t hear the specific sounds, he strangely felt countless consciousnesses assaulting his brain, filled with endless cries and wails.

“We lost,” Rong Qi’s calm voice came from nowhere, “We had nearly a quarter of the total number occupied by mutants, but we still lost miserably. Do you know why?”

Nielsen seemed to be floating in the endless flames of war. He was so shocked that his mind went blank. He opened his mouth but could not say a word.

Rong Qi chuckled, with a sharp chill in his tone:

“—Because the vast majority of low-level mutants betrayed us.”

“They couldn’t let go of the weakness they once had as commoners, couldn’t let go of the tribes they once reproduced with. In your words, it’s like low-level evolutionists couldn’t abandon their human blood ties and bonds. Their brains couldn’t produce enough evolutionist neurotransmitters to sustain racial consciousness, so they still felt human. In the end, they preferred to regress rather than continue war and slaughter.”

“In the end, we lost the racial war, and the commoners successfully occupied the entire planet. Including me, all the main combatants were deprived of material existence—what you call bodies—and were exiled into the universe in pure spiritual form.”

“And what the commoners eagerly threw into the universe like garbage, was what they called the ‘source of all evil and war,’ which was the original biological radiation that triggered evolution.”

Rong Qi raised a hand, and a blue glowing meteorite floated above his fair palm, reflecting in his dark eyes.

“These radiation sources drifted in the universe with our spiritual forms for countless light-years, undergoing countless separations, and finally landed on your Earth five years ago.”

“So after the meteor shower five years ago, humans on Earth experienced a sudden evolution.”


The hospital room fell into an eerie silence. Nielsen was overwhelmed by shock, his consciousness lost. After an unknown amount of time, he managed to squeeze out a difficult voice, “…What about your people? Those exiled… spiritual forms?”

Rong Qi said, “They’re all right here.”

Nielsen stared at him in disbelief.

“You’ve already seen us,” Rong Qi gestured to his own brain meaningfully, “We’re all here.”


“In fact, many have already been annihilated in the universe, which is fortunate. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be containers large enough to accomodate us on Earth.” He casually glanced at his hands, “In a way, getting this body is also a kind of luck.”

Nielsen closed his eyes as if in a dream, then opened them again after a moment.

“What do you want now?” he rasped, “What exactly do you want to do?”

Rong Qi chuckled briefly, not answering directly.

“If Earth doesn’t want to repeat our tragedy, there are two things that must be done now.” His posture was even graceful, raising a slender finger. “First, spread the source of evolution, make every effort to expand the population before reproductive isolation occurs. This way, even if evolutionists cannot intermarry with humans in the future, there will be enough numbers within the evolutionists community to maintain reproduction, avoiding genetic extinction of higher-level evolutionists due to genetic drift.”

“The second, and crucial point, is to ensure that all low-level evolutionists on Earth ascend to Class A.”

Nielsen thought he misheard, “You…what did you say?”

“Only by raising their evolutionary level can we increase neurotransmitter secretion in their brains, stimulate them to develop a strong racial consciousness, and truly feel that they are a different species from humans. Otherwise, even if war breaks out, low-level evolutionists will still see themselves as human and may turn against evolutionists.”

“—This is crucial,” Rong Qi withdrew his hand, saying, “We need low-level evolutionists to completely abandon their human identity, otherwise the reasons for our initial defeat will repeat.”

“But, but…raising their evolutionary level?” Nielsen felt like he was hearing a fantasy, “Low-level evolutionists can evolve again? How is that possible?”

Rong Qi stood up, “That’s the question I need to consider.”

He looked down at the severely injured Director-General lying on the hospital bed, his face shrouded in shadows from the bright lights above, his tone soft and gentle, “I once welcomed you with open arms, but you refused. Now, I can only give you a push.”

“Now I give you one last chance.”

“Whether to remain imprisoned, and become a prisoner forever; or to join me in creating a perfect new world, it’s up to you to decide, Director-General.”

Nielsen widened his eyes, only to see Rong Qi leave behind a polite smile before disappearing into the air.

The bed in front of the hospital bed was empty, as if the black-clad demon had never appeared, and the bright lights cast a cold glare on the floor of the ward.


Special Hospital.

In the top-floor special care ward, Shen Zhuo had slept for two days and two nights straight.

The serum marked with an X didn’t have much side effects, it was mainly because he was just too tired. Even if the severe injury penetrating his chest was healed on the spot, the intense pain would still impose stress on his body, leaving an unbearable burden.

He had never slept so deeply before, and he had many dreams in his stupor. He dreamt repeatedly of that damp garden on a rainy day, where a long line of ants snaked along the ground. He felt incredibly young and immature, squatting on the ground futilely trying to attract ants onto his hands with honey, only to be drenched by the sudden rain. A man with gray-green eyes mercilessly scolded him, pulling him to the corridor and ordering him to return to the safe zone and not disturb others.

Do not disturb others.

This sentence permeated his subconscious during his childhood.

Everyone knew this child had a language disorder, couldn’t express himself, had communication issues. In that environment, no one had the energy to take care of a child with special needs, especially one so young.

So young, he didn’t remember anything, hadn’t even started speaking yet.

Just put him in the safe zone and let him stay obediently, quiet and alone.

An empty, quiet, and endless years passed, with the clock on the wall ticking round and round.

As the crescent moon passed overhead, it cast a solitary and lonely figure in the corner of the wall, then day and night changed, rising and setting.

That scene of changing shadows and light was so vivid, like a cold, looping painting on the high wall, that eventually all scenes and events were forgotten. The fleeting emptiness and loneliness of that moment were firmly locked in the depths of his consciousness, becoming the backdrop of his earliest life.

It wasn’t until later that it was shattered by a gunshot and the blood that filled the sky.


The child curled up in the corner, desperately trying to scream but couldn’t. His retinas turning completely black and white, watching his mother’s chest erupt in a spray of blood from the bullet, then kneeling to the ground in despair. The moment that passed by only left a sentence echoing in his ears:


Don’t what?

What are you trying to tell me, Mom?

The remaining two words drowned in the throbbing like drums, and then, as in a dream that had repeated countless times before, the child struggled with all his might to lift his head, and this time he finally saw the figure not far away holding a pistol—

The person was panting, blood soaking through his body, and only a pair of gray-green eyes could be clearly seen.

The extreme eruption of sadness and fear surged like waves, almost crushing the tiny heart in his chest into pulp.

The child struggled desperately, but was tightly bound by an invisible steel cable, each struggle resulting in bloodshed. He fought desperately to escape the void of intersecting consciousness, but the changing light and shadow on the high walls went crazy, unseen and unheeded by anyone.

Can anyone hear me?

Can anyone hear me?!

The blood rushed into his ears, fear burst his chest, but despite his best efforts, he couldn’t make a sound from his throat. It wasn’t until the moment his heart was about to burst from the blood flow that suddenly someone embraced him tightly—

“I’m here, it’s okay.”

A warm and familiar voice repeated in his ear, “Don’t be afraid, it’s okay.”

The breath seemed to have merged countless times before, familiar and solid, like a huge shield in front of him, stable and secure.

Who is it? This thought passed through his mind in his extreme exhaustion.

His cognition was extremely confused, too drowsy to think clearly, but instinctively he felt that his voiceless cries had been heard by this person, and a heavy calm enveloped him from all sides.

The tide of blood and fear receded like a tide, and Shen Zhuo calmed down. He looked down at the scene of devastation at his feet; the flashing red and blue lights of police cars, the bustling voices and hurried footsteps, the bodies covered with white cloth being carried away, and the safe level sealed off.

He closed his eyes and fell into an unconscious sleep.

This nap was intermittent, and the doctors never expected him to sleep so long.

By the third day of intravenous therapy, Shen Zhuo finally woke up.

Upon waking up, Shenhai City Supervisor immediately underwent a physical examination. Director Gao from the HRG laboratory specially rushed from Shenhai to personally oversee all examination procedures. Only after confirming that his physical functions had fully recovered did Director Gao finally let go of the heavy burden in his heart.

In the past 72 hours, the global evolutionists had all become aware of the explosive news that Director-General Nielsen was suspected of killing Professor Brice Thorne, the Bishop of the Round Table Council, and had been arrested pending investigation by the United Nations Security Council.

In fact, the senior officials could all see that there was something fishy about the bishop’s death, and the real culprit might not be Nielsen. However, Cameron’s real leverage lay in Nielsen’s unrestricted favoritism towards the evolutionists during his tenure, violating human interests in many decisions. Such a wide-ranging authority investigation typically involved countless files, numerous pieces of evidence, countless lengthy legal proceedings and hearings, and could even last for years.

In short, once Nielsen fell into Cameron’s hands, he would most likely become a prisoner, with no hope of turning things around.

The restructuring of the power structure of the evolutionists’ race had attracted the attention of the whole world.

In the past three days, Shen Zhuo had received diplomatic condolences from major jurisdictions and supervisors around the world. The first person to call was actually Yue Yang. He stayed in the country this time and did not attend the awards ceremony. He heard about this explosive news on the night of the incident, so the shock could be imagined. Shen Zhuo didn’t have time to answer his call, but instructed Shui Ronghua to emphasize the seriousness of the situation in her return call, mainly to notify Yue Yang to take good care of the Evolution Source meteorite stored in the Central District to prevent Rong Qi’s next move.

In addition, Amatullah, Margot, Celine, and others all called to express their condolences. Kingston even sent a malicious bouquet of white chrysanthemums from New York. Shui Ronghua personally called him to scold him, scolding him so hard that he almost had a heart attack.

As the local chief supervisor, Antonio was very sensible. Although he didn’t show up in person, he sent a sincere letter of condolence. The whole letter was beautifully written, translated into Chinese, it was almost like wishing you and your boyfriend a hundred years of happiness, binding you two together forever, and asking you two not to come to our country for tourism next time; if you two have plans for a honeymoon in the future, I am willing to sponsor you generously to go elsewhere, also, please give my regards to the esteemed Mr. Bai.

Shen Zhuo stood by the bedside, reading through the letters of condolence one by one, and after a long time, he looked back at the empty ward.

The sunlight passed through the window, reflecting off the white walls and bedding, and the floating dust hung quietly in the air.

The solid and scorching embrace felt like an illusion in a dream, but after waking up, he was still greeted by the grim and tumultuous world.

Shen Zhuo gently crumpled the letters of condolence into a ball and tossed them into the waste paper basket without a word.

The convoy waiting to take them to the airport was parked downstairs at the hospital, ready to board the private jet back to Shenhai.

Director Gao, who had come from the Shenhai laboratory, accompanied Shen Zhuo on the return trip, with Witch Italdo in charge of escorting. After completing the security handover with Antonio’s inspectors, the driver bowed and opened the car door. Shen Zhuo, however, didn’t immediately get into the car. Instead, he stood still for a moment, looking back at the tall hospital building.

Who knew what he was thinking, but No one dared to speak or rush him. After a moment, Shen Zhuo suddenly asked:

“Has Cameron been here these past few days?”

Witch Italdo: “?”

The witch was puzzled for a moment, racking her brains before remembering who Cameron was. She had no idea why Shen Zhuo suddenly mentioned that senior official from the Security Council. “No, why would he come to see you?”


Shen Zhuo nodded slightly. Under the daylight, his cheekbones were cold and clear, showing no surprise.

“Let’s go.”

He bent down and got into the car, while behind him, Witch Italdo’s blood-red eyes rolled for a moment. Noticing something, she smiled and casually examined her nails, saying, “Oh, by the way, Bai Sheng took an early morning flight back to Shenhai today. His family has prepared a grand welcome banquet to celebrate his return. I heard he’s going to inherit the family fortune and take over the company, stepping onto the pinnacle of life from now on.”

Shen Zhuo said lightly, “I didn’t ask you about that.”

The witch retorted sarcastically, “But I wanted to say it.” Then she twisted around and sat in the passenger seat.

Shen Zhuo chuckled.

From the top floor of the hospital, looking down, a long convoy slowly started, driving out of the hospital gate, with the sun reflecting a dazzling arc of light on the roof of the leading black special car.

Bai Sheng stood on the edge of the rooftop, his figure straight and tall like a long sword. With his hands in his pockets, he watched the convoy escorted out onto the main road.

“Didn’t even bother to ask a word about me…” he squinted and chuckled, “Heartless enemy.”

He shifted his weight, about to leap off the high building, when suddenly he saw something and froze.

Outside the hospital gate, the escort convoy suddenly honked their horns, and then one after another slammed on the brakes. Antonio’s inspectors rushed down from another jeep, holding satellite phones in their hands; their movements clearly very flustered, and they rushed to Shen Zhuo’s car in three steps and two steps.


The window of the special car rolled down, revealing Shen Zhuo’s slightly furrowed side face. He took the satellite phone from the local inspector who came running: “Hello?”

“F*cking hell!!” The first thing that came through was Antonio’s foul language, followed reluctantly by English, “There’s trouble, someone has broken into the prison and kidnapped Nielsen.”

Shen Zhuo’s voice was stern, “Who?”

“Rong Qi.”

Completely unsurprised, Shen Zhuo closed his eyes.

“Many people died at the scene, and they’re still counting the bodies. That Security Council guy Cameron seems to be inside too.” Antonio was almost spitting blood, gritting his teeth, “I’ll f*ck his whole family, why do these people one by one have to come to my jurisdiction to seek death?!”

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