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Chapter 52

Veto Power

Bai Sheng.

Without even looking at the evolution mark, Antonio recognized this terrifying S-class at first glance.

There had always been rumors that this surname Bai had a very ambiguous relationship with Shen Zhuo, but the specifics were unknown. However, there was one thing Antonio was very clear about:

He himself did not take any S-class, but no one could easily pass the law of causality.

“…We just had a little misunderstanding, but now the misunderstanding should have been cleared.”

Antonio took a half step back, showing a polite smile, revealing four sharp, shiny teeth, and gestured for his men to come over: “Nice to meet you, Mr. Bai.”

The quality of Antonio’s men was obviously much higher than that of the mixed gangsters. They immediately rushed in from outside the bar, first putting the Latin man who was gasping for breath in the blood pool onto a stretcher, then quickly clearing away the gangsters on the floor. They even splashed water to clean the ground and set up tables and chairs.

In the blink of an eye, the surroundings returned to normal, as if the bloody shootout had never happened.

“Well then, we’ll take our leave.” Antonio casually took off the platinum watch from his wrist and gently threw it to the terrified bar owner, indicating it as compensation for the night. Then he politely nodded to Bai Sheng: “I’m looking forward to seeing you next time.”

However, before he could turn around and leave, he heard Bai Sheng chuckle lazily:

“Don’t leave just like that after saying hello; isn’t that too rude?”

“… ” Antonio roared inwardly, thinking, ‘You still want to invite me for a drink, you brat, don’t push your luck too far!!’ Then he asked in a soft and gentle voice, “Is there anything else?”

Bai Sheng put his arm around Shen Zhuo and blinked at him with a smile that seemed to smooth things over, “No, buddy, I’ll treat you to a drink.”

The group moved to another bar at the end of the beach, where the atmosphere was even darker and livelier. Bai Sheng was true to his word about treating, ordering a round for all of Antonio’s men. Then he ordered two specialty cocktails. Leaning against the bar, he smiled and clinked glasses with Antonio, asking:

“Are we good now?”

Antonio, having suffered a major loss but with no recourse, begrudgingly replied, “We’re good.” Then he raised his head and downed the strong liquor in one gulp.

Bai Sheng chuckled as he drank his own, patting Antonio’s shoulder. “Have fun, it’s on me,” he said, then set down his empty glass and turned to join the crowd.

Not far away, Shen Zhuo sat with several female supervisors at a tall table, seemingly discussing work. The atmosphere was unusually harmonious. As Bai Sheng walked over, he heard Amatullah’s voice:

“…Why are you so interested in Cameron from the Security Council? I know him, but Cameron should only be his alias. No one knows his real name or background. It’s said that he was involved in some confidential research under the Security Council twenty years ago, but it came to nothing in the end. He changed his name and entered politics, climbing to his current high position…”

At this moment, she caught sight of Bai Sheng, and her words halted. “Hey, handsome!”

Shen Zhuo turned around and immediately felt a hand on his shoulder. Bai Sheng smiled and asked, “Why are you ignoring me, Supervisor Shen?”

The two locked eyes, the chaotic lights of the bar casting shadows on Bai Sheng’s face. There was a playful smile on his lips, but he had a deep and serious look in his eyes.

Shen Zhuo smiled back, placing his palm on the back of Bai Sheng’s hand resting on his shoulder and softly saying in Chinese, “Not here. Let’s go over there and have a drink together.” Then he stood up very naturally.

The other three female supervisors acted as if nothing was happening, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents between the two. Amatullah simply tapped the table as a reminder, “Don’t forget, ten o’clock later.”

Shen Zhuo replied succinctly, “I know, I’ll inform Antonio later.”

He patted Bai Sheng’s back before turning, as if soothing a majestic wolf with thick fur.

The music above was deafening, and the dance floor was surrounded by colorful lights, with people dancing and losing themselves in the moment. Shen Zhuo originally intended to take Bai Sheng to a secluded corner unnoticed, but as they passed the emergency exit, Bai Sheng suddenly exerted force, pulling him out through the back door and pressing him against the brick wall.

The alley was deserted, with rough blue bricks faintly illuminated and the distant sound of the sea’s rising tide.

“What were you talking about so happily?” Bai Sheng asked with a smile, trapping Shen Zhuo in the gap between his embrace and the brick wall.

This position forced Shen Zhuo to tilt his head back. “The Central Supervision Office has built a new high-pressure sealed chamber and needs to transfer a batch of evolution source meteorites. The escort plan is very complex. Several supervisors are here, and we’ll meet at ten to discuss the escort arrangements.”

“I didn’t ask about that.” Bai Sheng’s hand pressed against Shen Zhuo’s side, the warmth of his palm burning, as he whispered in his ear: 

“What were you chatting about with that colleague before I arrived? It seemed quite lively. I’m curious to hear.” 

There was a solid brick wall behind him and Bai Sheng’s passionate embrace in front, and their bodies were pressed tightly together. 

There was hardly any space between them, not even enough for a piece of paper to slip through. Their physical closeness left no room for secrets, with even the rhythm of their heartbeats clearly discernible.

“…There’s always been a significant conflict of interests between the Latin American jurisdiction and the Asian jurisdiction. Antonio has vetoed my proposals three times. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to teach him a lesson. His younger brother is born of his father and his mistress, and he had no feelings for him, but Antonio’s pride is at stake.”

Shen Zhuo lifted his hand and pressed it against the solid nape of Bai Sheng’s neck, slightly urging him closer. The depths of his captivating eyes seemed to hold a watery gleam as he whispered softly, “Many of the things supervisors present on the surface have underlying reasons behind them. Don’t worry, I understand.”

The two locked eyes at close range, and after a moment, Bai Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly and finally asked the question he truly wanted to know the answer to:

 “When he was trying to take you away, why didn’t you immediately call for me?”

The other was a powerful evolutionist, but Shen Zhuo was only human. Normally, anyone in his situation would instinctively call their boyfriend for support. The words “What am I to you, after all?” almost slipped out, but he swallowed them back, the slight movement of this S-class’ throat barely noticeable.

“I thought you weren’t around.” Shen Zhuo stared into Bai Sheng’s pupils, “I thought you had your own things to attend to.”

Bai Sheng fell silent for a moment, almost imperceptibly.

Shen Zhuo turned his head slightly, his lips brushing against Bai Sheng’s, gently soothing as he whispered, “It’s okay now, hmm?”


Bai Sheng lowered his head and captured Shen Zhuo’s slightly cool lips, then deepened the kiss, exploring between his teeth. Then, with a sudden force, he lifted Shen Zhuo entirely, his knees pressing into the space between his thighs and one slender hand almost reaching around his waist, lifting him against the brick wall.

He freed up his other hand to pinch Shen Zhuo’s chin firmly. His movements were urgent and forceful, compelling the taller beauty to open his mouth wider to accept the invasion.

It was as if he was eager to prove some kind of relationship between them or to emphasize his own authority.

The subtle friction was engulfed by their breaths, and the saliva that wasn’t swallowed lingered at the corners of their lips until the moonlight reflected off the damp trails left behind as they separated. Gasping for air, Shen Zhuo’s lips were moist and flushed, his entire body suspended in the air, his face buried in the crook of Bai Sheng’s neck. He pressed his hands against Bai Sheng’s shoulders to maintain some semblance of balance.

While the bar behind them was filled with noise, they stood in the silent alley, with their bodies pressed together, breathing heavily.

After a while, Shen Zhuo chuckled hoarsely, “…Let me down, you bastard.”

The lingering doubts remained unresolved, but the atmosphere had finally eased somewhat with that kiss. Bai Sheng finally let go, then leaned in and took a bite on his earlobe, whispering softly, “I’ll come find you tonight.”

“Let’s talk about it tonight. You go find Amatullah first; remind her to meet me at ten for the escort materials,” Shen Zhuo said lazily, “Otherwise, if it takes too long, she might think we’re doing something here.”

Bai Sheng chuckled, “And what about you?”

Shen Zhuo’s face flushed red as blood, his eyes shimmering with moisture. He pursed his swollen lips and replied succinctly, “I’ll find some ice.”

Bai Sheng couldn’t help but laugh, leaning down to give him a peck on the nose before stepping back into the bar. Shen Zhuo stood in place for a moment before entering the bar through the back door and heading to the restroom. He washed his face under cold water, vigorously wiping away the droplets. Other than his reddened lips, there was finally not much evidence of anything unusual.

He turned around and left the restroom, gestured for a waiter, and requested a piece of ice, absentmindedly crunching on it. His gaze swept through the crowd, accurately catching sight of a figure preparing to leave at the bar.

Shen Zhuo casually raised his voice and said: 


Antonio took a deep breath, gritting his teeth as he turned around. Before he could gather his thoughts to vent his frustration, Shen Zhuo’s words hit him head-on:

“Still sulking?”

“He’s still my damn brother, and your actions were simply—simply—” Antonio sadly realized that he seemed to have repeated this sentence many times tonight. The problem was that, besides this sentence, he didn’t know what else to say.

“You’ve voted against me three times. I want your brother to lose a leg. Fair deal.” Shen Zhuo casually leaned on the bar, snapping his fingers to order a drink for Antonio, raising an eyebrow. “So, for next year’s financial budget proposal, I won’t vote against you. Deal?”

Antonio pondered for three seconds before decisively rejecting, “No! That’s the one my old man’s favorite mistress gave birth to. You’ll have to pay more!”

“Then find your old man’s favorite mistress and have another brother for yourself. No need to get all worked up.”

Antonio’s face flushed red. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m a respectable person, I—”

Shen Zhuo leaned in, patted his shoulder, and curled his lip in a teasing way.

“You’re an adult now, and it’s such a beautiful night. Are you sure you want to waste it on conflicting with me?”

Beside them, the dance floor was alive with revelry, and the lights at the bar sparkled, casting a dazzling glow on Shen Zhuo’s profile. The cold, cynical Chief Supervisor from the council, known for his seriousness, now had a slight lift to his lashes, a hint of a smile in his eyes. Antonio could even see his reflection in Shen Zhuo’s pupils.

“…” His throat felt a bit dry, but fearing it was just his imagination, he maintained a strong tone. “So, what do you want?”

Shen Zhuo glanced at him, smiling faintly, but said nothing. He just took the whiskey handed to him by the bartender, drank it in one gulp, and then placed a hotel room key card under the empty glass, pushing it toward Antonio across the bar counter.


In that moment, Antonio’s heart skipped a beat. He stared fixedly at the key card, unable to utter a word.

—I can’t believe it. It’s not just my imagination, is it? Is he really interested in me?

Although affairs among high-ranking officials were common, could this stroke of luck really befall me? It couldn’t be true, could it?

Speaking of which, what’s the deal between him and that Bai guy anyway? Does he think I’m quite charming? Should I quickly accept the invitation or probe further?

Shen Zhuo seemed oblivious to Antonio’s vivid expressions. He stood up, straightened his clothes, and as he brushed past, he tilted his head slightly and whispered softly amidst the rich scent of alcohol:

“Quarter past ten.”

Then he strode into the crowd of revelers, the DJ’s music pounding in his ears.

In the distance, Amatullah sent him a questioning look. Shen Zhuo calmly made a gesture of “ok,” indicating that he had definitely informed him of the meeting.


They didn’t linger for long. Before half past nine, Shen Zhuo briefly greeted a few female supervisors, and left the bar with Bai Sheng amidst their teasing glances.

Luckily, he had the foresight to book two rooms. Shen Zhuo returned to his own room, changed into a shirt, tie, and trousers, and quickly attended to a few work emails. By ten o’clock, Amatullah and the three other supervisors had knocked on his door  and entered the room. Upon seeing him, they glanced around:

“Is Mr. Bai not here?”

Shen Zhuo spoke skillfully but without emotion: “Evolution source meteorites are no different from military arms. The escort plan falls under the jurisdiction of the International Supervision General Administration and is classified at the highest level. There shouldn’t be any outsiders present.”


Amatullah turned back, covered her mouth, and whispered under her breath, “This is another ‘outsider’ moment.”

The other two supervisors exchanged a subtle, knowing look.

“Mr. Bai is in the next room. If you want to try to win him over after the meeting, feel free.” Shen Zhuo fully understood what his colleagues were planning. He stood up and handed several copies of the escort plan materials to each supervisor, saying calmly, “I sincerely wish you all the best.”

Amatullah curled her lips indifferently, then suddenly remembered it was already ten past ten. “What about Antonio?”

“He’s probably running late.”

“He wouldn’t be petty enough to skip out, would he?” Amatullah asked suspiciously.

Perhaps it was just a trick of the light and shadow, but for a moment, she felt like Supervisor Shen in front of her might have had a slight smirk at the corner of his lips. But it also seemed like just an illusion.

“No, he wouldn’t,” Shen Zhuo said casually.

As if on cue, as soon as he finished speaking, footsteps echoed down the corridor, gradually approaching. Then, the person stopped in front of the door, but instead of knocking immediately, there was a moment of pause.

Amatullah: “?”

Outside the room, Antonio, who had deliberately arrived a moment early to show his respect, took a deep breath. Reciting Eastern mysticism wasn’t something I could resist three times in his mind. Finally mustering the last of his mental preparation, he nervously adjusted his cuffs and sleeves, took out the room key card, and swiped it against the door.

Red light.

He tried again, but it was still red.


Antonio couldn’t believe that the card Shen Zhuo gave him from the beginning was for Bai Sheng’s room. Excitement and nervousness made him lose his usual sharpness. Subconsciously clearing his throat, he gently knocked on the door twice, like a gentleman.

Knock, knock.

Inside the room, Amatullah casually opened the door in confusion.

Outside, Antonio stood in his formal attire, with a carefully styled hairdo, holding a bottle of expensive champagne in his arms. As he faced his colleagues, they all looked at him with puzzled expressions, their faces frozen.

But that wasn’t the most terrifying part.

All eyes were fixed on his hands—if he had come wielding a rocket launcher to murder Shen Zhuo, it might have been better. The problem was that he was holding a freshly bloomed, blood-red rose.

A deathly silence engulfed the entire hotel room. After a while, Amatullah, with a dazed expression, raised her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Antonio futilely opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to speak, but no words came out. It wasn’t until Shen Zhuo calmly cleared his throat that Antonio finally managed to speak:

“Supervisors’ Handbook, global edition, 3.26.”


In that instant, enlightenment struck Antonio like a bolt of lightning. He already knew what Shen Zhuo was going to say.

“When a Chief Supervisor casts a dissenting vote, it must be confirmed that the dissenter has no personal interests, grudges, or emotional entanglements with the proposer. Otherwise, their veto power will be revoked.” 

“I hereby invite you all to witness,” Shen Zhuo said coldly. “From now on, any dissenting vote cast by Chief Supervisor Antonio against Shenhai will be rendered invalid.”


From his expression to his heart to his soul, Antonio shattered into countless pieces. He glared at Shen Zhuo, wishing he were holding a rocket launcher at this moment. After a moment, he managed to utter an incredulous voice: 

“Just for this?!”

Shen Zhuo raised an eyebrow slightly, displaying a cold and indifferent perplexity, as if to say, ‘why not?’

“No, I disagree.” Antonio struggled in desperation. “This cannot be considered a personal grudge. It doesn’t meet the sufficient exemption criteria for veto power!”

“Ahem,” The Chief Supervisor Amatullah intervened at the right moment, awkward yet polite. “This counts; he has physical evidence.”

“What evidence? I haven’t—”

Before Antonio could erupt into soul-searching questions, everyone’s gaze once again fell upon the terrifying red rose in his hand, their expressions speaking volumes.


At that moment, there was a click, and the door to the adjacent room swung open.

Antonio suddenly realized something truly horrifying, but he was unable to react at all. An arm abruptly wrapped around his throat from behind, exerting unimaginable force and dragging him forcibly for over ten meters before crashing!

The thunderous impact shook the corridor as Antonio’s entire back slammed against the wall.

Immediately after, Bai Sheng grasped his collar with one hand, lifting him off the ground.

“Buddy,” Bai Sheng’s face bore a smile, but his gaze was enough to send chills down anyone’s spine. “Are you suggesting we have a private chat?”

In a split second, Antonio’s initial reaction was to bristle with indignation, fueled by the deep-rooted competitive instincts of an S-class alpha male. However, in the next moment, the glint of cold light in Bai Sheng’s palm made him instantly realize what it was, jolting him awake from head to toe.

He didn’t want to have a private chat with the alpha wolf, who was acting as if his mate ahd been stolen. He just wanted to gracefully and swiftly make his exit; the sooner, the better.

“…Sorry. Although I’m not entirely innocent, I genuinely didn’t know you were his boyfriend.”

Antonio offered the rose and the bottle of wine, his hands trembling under the pressure on his throat. “Consider it a gift. No need to thank me. I wish you and your boyfriend a wonderful evening.”


Meanwhile, in the hotel room, Amatullah turned slowly to look at Shen Zhuo, her expression somewhat complicated:

“…You know, if he hadn’t brought that rose, or if he’d brought any other flower, it could have been argued as a normal social gesture and wouldn’t constitute sufficient exemption from veto power, right?”

Shen Zhuo politely gestured that he was well aware of that.

“But why did you…” 

“It’s just a small bet for fun,” Shen Zhuo replied calmly, unruffled. “It doesn’t hurt anyone.”

Amatullah was speechless for a moment, then gave him a thumbs up.

Footsteps echoed in the hotel corridor as Bai Sheng saw off Antonio and returned to the room.

His emotional self-control was terrifyingly mature; in just a short moment, he had completely regained his composure. From his outward demeanor, one couldn’t discern any emotion. He turned to the female supervisors, offering them a polite, inquiring expression:

“You guys…?”

Amatullah didn’t want to remain in the same room with an agitated fellow. She promptly stood up. “I’ll take my leave then. See you tomorrow.”

The three supervisors filed out of the room, and just before closing the door, Amatullah turned back to Shen Zhuo and mouthed a message, indicating that they should keep the noise down tonight, whether it be arguments under the bed or settling scores on it.

With a click, the door closed, leaving only the two of them in the spacious room.

Bai Sheng placed the bottle of wine and the flower on the table by the entrance, his strength controlled with precision. Then he turned to Shen Zhuo.

“Do you have anything to say to me?” 

Bai Sheng’s demeanor was usually jovial, with a hint of playful teasing or serene satisfaction. When angered, his intimidating presence was evident, and he would convey threats directly and clearly to the other party. 

He rarely acted like this, devoid of any expression, appearing bottomless like deep water.

Shen Zhuo’s hands were in his pockets, leaning against the edge of the table. He had changed into a crisp shirt and pants, looking no different from the unflappable chief supervisor during the day. After contemplating Bai Sheng for a moment, he didn’t easily say something like “I thought you could see what happened just now” or “Isn’t it obvious?” Instead, he countered with a question:

“Have you been harboring doubts and wanting to ask me something?”

Though phrased as a question, his tone was straightforward and declarative. Bai Sheng gazed at him. “Yes.”


There was a pause as the two locked eyes, as if even the faint dust particles in the light had frozen. After a while, Bai Sheng spoke in a low, deliberate tone, each word heavy with meaning: “If you’re going to publicly introduce me at the award ceremony tomorrow, what kind of relationship do we have now?”

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