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Chapter 5

“Who did you say was your boyfriend?!”

“Traffic police! Joint defense team! Local police in the Jurisdiction! All the people who can be dispatched, dispatch them for me!” On the bustling commercial street, an undercover supervision office jeep was careening and causing a commotion, stirring up a chorus of car horns. Chen Miao on the driver’s seat was shouting furiously into his phone, “No matter how many of you there are, no matter how many cars you have, if you’re even ten minutes late, tomorrow the supervision office will come to your homes and crush your whole family!!”

On the other end of the phone, Chief Wang was bewildered, “Late, late… late for what? What’ll happen if someone is late?”

“If anyone is late, it will result in the first tragic incident of burglary in the history of the supervision office in Shenhai City. Tomorrow, you and I will be publicly punished and turned into Beijing roast ducks along with that guy surnamed Zhao!”

“Captain, Captain!” At this moment, the members of the technical team in the back excitedly stood up and said, “We’ve found the location, at the entrance of the Baifu Jinjiang Hotel!”

“Hotel? What hotel?” Chief Wang was still confused. “Did Supervisor Shen send you to crack down on p*rnography and illegal activities?”

“… “

The entire team fell silent with choked emotions, and Chen Miao forced a smile with tears in his eyes, “Chief Wang, to be honest, someone attacked our side’s crystal. If we don’t raid that hotel within ten minutes, both of us will die. Tomorrow, all the evolutionists in Shenhai will have to be buried together with us. You decide what to do.”

Chief Wang: “What—?!” 

Chen Miao hung up the phone and slammed on the gas pedal.

The engine roared. Several undercover supervision office vehicles made a U-turn and sped off amid a chorus of angry car horns.

Not far ahead, by the urban riverside.

The words “Baifu Jinjiang” shone brightly under the night sky, sparkling with radiance.

“This must be Young Master Bai. I am pleased to meet you!”

“In the blink of an eye, you’ve grown so much. Finally, you’ve returned to your home country to share the burden with your uncle!”

“A man of talent, a man of talent!…”

In the top-floor banquet hall of the hotel, a grand reception was in full swing, and Bai Sheng, rarely dressed in a black suit, moved gracefully amidst the fragrance of perfume and the elegance of guests. With the guidance of his uncle, he seemed at ease.

A business rival pulled his uncle aside, playfully saying, “Mr. Bai, you must be overjoyed to have your nephew back. Finally, you can take a breather. I envy you!”

The current Chairman of Baihe Group, a slightly chubby man in his fifties, appeared quite festive and smiled with a hint of bitterness, “Indeed, indeed. I’ve been looking forward to retiring and enjoying my golden years. But it seems like it’s finally coming true, isn’t it? Hahaha…”

“Not really,” Someone whispered in a corner that was filled with extravagance and luxury. “The old man himself has children too. How could he just watch the family fortune being taken away by his nephew?”

Next to them, someone who knew the inside story chuckled softly, “You don’t know the whole story. The family fortune was originally established by Bai Sheng’s parents, and before they passed away, they left him with absolute controlling rights. But because he was underage at the time, his uncle was given the opportunity to be his guardian…”

“But surely the old man wouldn’t willingly step down. Can’t he fight against his nephew?”

“Who knows? Wealthy second-generation heirs with a nice exterior but a rotten interior are not uncommon. The future of the Bai family will be quite lively…”

Meanwhile, Bai Sheng wandered around the reception hall, handsome and tall, but his bored and impatient demeanor and the insincere smile at the corners of his mouth betrayed his true feelings.

“—Oh, isn’t this Mr. Zhang? Nice to meet you!” 

Bai Sheng tightly gripped his business rival, who had come especially to witness the occasion. With the other hand, he vigorously patted the man’s shoulder, as if he had just seen his own uncle, whom he hadn’t seen for 800 years: “Back in kindergarten, I and your precious son were like blood brothers. After school, we used to team up and fish for goldfish at your place. Do you remember that 200,000 RMB goldfish with a crossed back? I even taught your son how to grill it personally. Do you still remember the taste, Mr. Zhang? Hahaha…”

Unfortunate Mr. Zhang’s smile had twisted by now, “My son has grown up and matured a lot now. He doesn’t fool around like that anymore.”

“I know, I know,” Bai Sheng cheerfully interrupted. “I just know that your precious son spent the entire summer vacation after graduating from kindergarten practicing touching live electrical sockets and ended up in the hospital for two months after getting electrocuted. He has become much wiser and more mature now after learning a lesson. Hahaha…”

Goddamn it! You were the one who led the way to play with the electrical socket, you little bastard!

Chairman Bai finally dragged away his troublesome and talkative nephew, saving his business rival, who was on the verge of eruption. He forced a smile, “Mr. Zhang, don’t mind him. He’s still immature and just a child. I’ll definitely discipline him later.”

Damn it, he’s a twenty-seven-year-old child!!

His business rival left with smoke coming out of his seven orifices, leaving Chairman Bai feeling utterly exhausted. Before he could even find a mirror to see how few precious hairs he had left, Bai Sheng sighed and patted his shoulder.

“Uncle, I’ve already greeted most of the familiar faces here. You go ahead and handle things. I’m leaving,” 

“Where are you going?”

Bai Sheng finished the last drop of wine in his glass and casually replied, “I’m going to check out the ‘Abandoned Tower.'”

As soon as Chairman Bai heard the words “Abandoned Tower,” his expression changed drastically. He forgot everything else and quickly caught up with Bai Sheng, anxiously lowering his voice, “You’re going there? Why don’t you go home and rest? Why do you keep hanging out with those evolutionists all day?”

With his two extraordinarily long legs, Bai Sheng could cover twice the distance of his uncle with one step. He walked straight through the revelry of the party, even sparing time to respond with a flirtatious smile to a few admiring ladies.

“Don’t worry, Uncle. I’m just providing a place for those evolutionists who can’t adapt to society. I’m not harboring a bunch of potential criminals.”


“Besides, aren’t you an evolutionist too, Uncle?”

A sense of helplessness washed over Chairman Bai. That was true.

When Bai Sheng’s parents passed away, he was only eight years old. With an enormous family fortune and a young and inexperienced heir, Chairman Bai couldn’t make any moves against Bai Sheng, who was naturally cunning and slippery. Bai Sheng was also the sole beneficiary of the overseas family trust, which made him untouchable.

Chairman Bai had no choice but to set aside other thoughts and dutifully act as a regent until his good big nephew graduated, at which point he planned to step back and retire.

However, five years ago, a meteor shower unexpectedly struck the Earth, and Chairman Bai woke up to find that he had evolved. Although he was just a D-class with low power and no special abilities, his intelligence and physical abilities had undergone a transformative change.

More importantly, at the time, there were policies in favor of evolutionists to maintain social stability.

Feeling optimistic and ready to seize the opportunity for a new life, Chairman Bai was about to pursue his grand plans when he received devastating news. His dear big nephew had also evolved, and he turned out to be an S-class.

One of only twenty S-class evolutionists in the world, the pinnacle of human evolution.

Crushing him, a D-class, would be as easy as child’s play!

Chairman Bai nearly cried, hiding under his office desk. The understanding Bai Sheng crouched beside the desk and consoled him, “Uncle, why would I crush you? Relax and work hard. I still rely on you to make money for my country.”

On that sunny afternoon, the wailing of Chairman Bai, the resentful uncle of the prince of the Bai family, resounded throughout the top floor of the corporation. People from half the building could hear it.

“Uncle,” Bai Sheng stood in front of the elevator outside the banquet hall, one arm around his uncle’s shoulder, looking like he was hugging a short and chubby potato. He sighed and said, “There’s something I’ve been considering for a long time, and I want to tell you honestly.”

Chairman Bai was speechless and choked, “What is it?”

“Please don’t pay attention to those incendiary words.”

Bai Sheng straightened his uncle’s tie and said earnestly, “You should know me by now. I’m a person of high moral character, uninterested in money, and have no intentions of becoming a capitalist.”

Chairman Bai looked at his nephew’s custom-made suit worth 180,000 and the Jacques Droz wristwatch worth over 4 million, and he fell into deep thought.

Bai Sheng continued, “My lifelong dream and pursuit are to strive for peaceful coexistence between humans and evolutionists and dedicate my life to protecting the Earth!”


For a moment, Chairman Bai didn’t know what to say. Eventually, he clapped his hands sincerely for his nephew.

“So, the management of the company won’t change in the future. It was you as the head before, and it will still be you as the head in the future.” Bai Sheng humbly accepted the applause and kindly said, “We’re close relatives, and if anyone tries to sow discord, just give me a call. I’ll personally humiliate the eighteen generations of their ancestors.”

Chairman Bai never expected that his nephew wouldn’t replace him. The surprise came so suddenly that his mind went blank. Then, a strong sense of affection surged up in his heart, “Xiao Sheng…”

With a ding, the elevator arrived, and Bai Sheng waved and stepped inside.

Chairman Bai hurriedly followed into the elevator, rubbing his chubby hands together, not knowing what to say. After a while, he was moved and blurted out, “Xiao Sheng, what do you want for your birthday this year? Do you like the 14-million-RMB 918 sports car? Uncle will buy it for you, alright?”

Looking at him lovingly, Bai Sheng smiled faintly, “Don’t bother, Uncle. You’ve been working hard all these years. I, as the largest shareholder, can use my dividends to buy a sports car production line. Or how about I gift you a 918?”


Chairman Bai’s sense of being moved vanished into thin air.

The transparent glass elevator descended from the top floor, providing a panoramic view of the magnificent interior of the hotel.

“I plan to stay in Shenhai this time and not leave. I want to realize my pursuits and ideals,” Bai Sheng stretched his long body lazily and said seriously, “I want to be someone who contributes to society.”

Now fully awake, Chairman Bai replied coldly, “Contributing to the sports car industry’s GDP?”

“No, I want to take the civil service exam.”

Civil service?

That’s good! It’s stable, respected, and most importantly, he won’t be running around causing trouble!

Chairman Bai’s hope rose, “Then which department do you want to work for? It’s best to choose a more relaxed one, not too far from home, and with many girls of your age…”

“Don’t worry, Uncle. It’s right by our doorstep.” Bai Sheng paused and declared resolutely, “I want to take the exam for the Shenhai City Supervision Office!”


Chairman Bai’s blood pressure instantly soared to 180, and his heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs all trembled. He stared at his nephew with wide eyes, struggling to speak, “What did you say? Do you know who the Chief Supervisor of Shenhai is now? It’s Shen Zhuo! Shen Zhuo! You haven’t heard of him while you were abroad?”

“Oh, I’ve heard of him,” Bai Sheng said with admiration. “I heard that Inspector

Shen is a very gentle and nice person, warm and friendly, highly respected among the global community of evolutionists…”

Chairman Bai almost had a heart attack on the spot, “Nonsense! Shen Zhuo is a…”

His reflex made him look around, and he lowered his voice with fear, “He’s Hitler! Voldemort! You know who! There are rumors that he secretly uses evolutionists for human experiments and has killed many of them! He even enjoys electrocuting people for fun!”

Bai Sheng chuckled calmly, “Those are all rumors. Seeing is believing, and hearing is deceiving. How can we judge someone without investigating them personally? I believe Inspector Shen must be kind-hearted…”

His voice and expression froze as he suddenly caught sight of a corner of the hotel lobby. He stopped talking and looked stunned.

“?” Chairman Bai turned around in confusion.

In the corner of the hotel lobby, near the guest room elevator, Zhao Jun whispered to his driver, “The buyer’s room is on the 16th floor, just like ours. Go and inform them, and I’ll settle things here before going to meet them for the transaction…”


Zhao Jun supported the seemingly unconscious Shen Zhuo, his face revealing an uncontrollable, greedy look. He used the newly opened room key to swipe the card reader next to the guest room elevator.


In the glass elevator, Bai Sheng had an expression of dreamlike unreality. He pinched Chairman Bai hard, making him almost scream, “What’s wrong with you?”

Bai Sheng exclaimed in shock, “Someone is attempting suicide in our hotel.”


The distant elevator doors slowly closed, and the figures of Zhao Jun and Shen Zhuo disappeared behind the doors. Unable to wait for the observation elevator to land, Bai Sheng shattered the entire glass wall with a loud crash and leaped from a height of four or five stories!

Countless glass shards fell into the hotel fountain, and everyone in the lobby gasped in shock.

Bai Sheng paid no attention and disappeared the instant he landed. The next moment, he appeared directly at the front desk, tapping the counter with two fingers, “What room did that idiot open just now?”

The lobby manager looked terrified as he faced the young master, “What?”

Bai Sheng was undeterred and demanded, “What room did the idiot open just now?”

Buzz buzz…

Inside the guest room elevator, Shen Zhuo’s phone in his pocket vibrated silently twice. It was Chen Miao’s secret signal, indicating that the reinforcements had surrounded the target location and were ready to provide support or launch an attack at any moment.

Unaware of this, Zhao Jun hummed a tune, full of confidence, preparing to embrace a wonderful night. Just then, the elevator door opened with a “ding.”

As the elated Zhao Jun was about to step out, the elevator door was blocked by someone’s hand. It was a young, handsome man, tall and sharp-eyed, with a streak of silver-white dye in his black hair. He was none other than Bai Sheng, who had rushed all the way from the fire escape to the 16th floor within a short span of ten seconds.

Bai Sheng showed a sinister smile and said, “Hey, buddy, what are you doing, picking up people?”

A thunderbolt seemed to strike.

Shen Zhuo: “…………”

Zhao Jun was bewildered, “What, what are you doing? Who are you? He’s my friend!”

“Friend,” Bai Sheng sneered, pulling Shen Zhuo’s arm and bringing him protectively behind him. Zhao Jun was astonished, “What are you doing?”

Bai Sheng blocked Zhao Jun, who couldn’t hide his guilt and frustration, while quickly examining Shen Zhuo from head to toe. He felt an abnormally strong alcohol scent but couldn’t tell if he had been drugged, which left him with doubts.

“Inspector?” He patted Shen Zhuo’s cheek and asked in a voice only they could hear.

Shen Zhuo showed no response.

As the Chief Supervisor of Shenhai City, he always appeared in formal suits and shirts with a cold and serious demeanor. But at this moment, his skin seemed to be soaked in the fragrance of strong liquor, and shadows darkened his ink-like eyelashes. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and even his collarbone could be faintly seen.

The thin fabric was dampened by alcohol, and the curve for the waist under his palm was distinct and palpable.

Bai Sheng’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he couldn’t help but have some mixed feelings. He coughed slightly, as if trying to hide his emotions, and averted his gaze, asking in a soft voice, “Have you been picked up by someone, Inspector?”

Shen Zhuo: “…………..”

Motionless, Shen Zhuo was still trying to figure out how to handle this sudden thunderstorm-like situation when Zhao Jun angrily shouted, “Who the hell are you? What’s it got to do with you?! I told you he’s my friend!”

Bai Sheng sarcastically responded, “Your friend? I could have said he’s my boyfriend. I’ll count to three, and if you don’t get lost, I’ll hang you outside this hotel and light a sky lantern as the logo. Wanna try?”


The door of another elevator behind them opened, revealing the stunned face of Bai Dongshang, who had hurriedly rushed over with people to salvage the situation. He hadn’t expected to be struck by a bolt of lightning head-on, leaving him on the verge of a stroke. Trembling, he asked, “What did you say? Who is your boyfriend?”

The hotel security guards at the elevator: “…”

In the eyes of everyone, with the air frozen, the young heir of the Bai family unintentionally came out of the closet and wore a helpless expression. He tried to clarify, “It’s not what you think, Uncle. Don’t meddle. Wait for me to deal with this idiot who’s picking up people…”

At that moment, Bai Dongshang recognized the face of the “boyfriend” at a glance.

After his evolution, his vision was comparable to that of a fighter pilot, but right now, Bai Dongshang would have preferred to be blind. He wished he could have a cerebral hemorrhage and pass out on the spot. Unable to hold back, he blurted out, “Ins-Ins—”

Bai Sheng immediately tried to stop him, but it was too late.

“——Ins-Ins-Ins-Inspector Shen!”

The power of this address was akin to a nuclear explosion.

Silence fell over the scene, everyone’s souls seemingly scattered. All eyes turned to Shen Zhuo, who had his eyes closed and was supporting his forehead with one hand.

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