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Chapter 43

All the answers fall here

“Who is there?”


In the depths of the mountains, where few tread, a massive mansion stood by the lakeside. A dozen evolutionists, guarding its gates, roared in anger at the same time, looking up toward the distant sky.

Following their gaze, one could see a Nordic man with silver hair appearing on the opposite mountain peak as if from nowhere, his ice-blue pupils overlooking the mansion below from above.

Then, amidst the watching eyes, he took a step off the cliff—

As he leaped into the air, a towering phantom of a wolf, reaching the heavens, appeared behind him. Its fur was snowy white, towering a hundred meters, with a blood-curdling maw resembling the depths of hell, emitting a howl that shattered the eardrums of all who heard it!

The S-class ability, the Tyrant.

This destructive suppression-type ability, when triggered to its limit, summons the Wolf of Odin. All evolutionists enveloped by the howling sound wave of the wolf momentarily lose all abilities, temporarily reverting to normal humans.

The duration of regression varies according to the level, ranging from 15 minutes to an hour.

Nielsen landed on the ground from the open sky, surrounded by a ground covered in visceral blood and flesh. Some low-level evolutionists couldn’t withstand the howling of the Wolf of Odin and had their abdomens burst open on the spot, while the rest writhed on the ground, screaming in agony—a terrifying sight to behold.

Nielsen paid no heed.

He walked steadily through the sea of corpses and blood, crossing the open gates of the mansion. On the steps of the villa, not far ahead, a young man with black hair looked up, the eerie blood glow of his Daydream Ability shimmering beside him.

“Rong, Qi,” Nielsen said coldly, his pronunciation still somewhat unfamiliar.

“So this is the effect when the ‘Tyrant’ is triggered to its extreme.” Rong Qi raised an eyebrow. “Truly a sight to behold. I understand why they made you the Director General.”

Nielsen halted his steps, standing in the wind tainted with the smell of rusted blood. “Do you have any last words before we proceed?”


Descending the steps step by step, a gleam flashed in the palm of his right hand, forming a long spear about half a meter in length and emitting chilling black light. He smiled and said, “I have a question. Haven’t you ever wondered why I’ve been keeping an eye on Bai Sheng but never bothered with you?”

Nielsen’s breath halted.

Rong Qi raised the long spear, aiming it remotely at Nielsen’s forehead. “Because neither of you is formidable in my eyes.”

A circular shockwave erupted from beneath him, energy rushing like a tidal wave, even forcing Nielsen to retreat half a step, his pupils contracting instantly.

This is impossible. The Tyrant has already been triggered to its limit; why does this Rong Qi still possess abilities?!

“Do you have any last words before we proceed?” Rong Qi smiles mockingly.

Nielsen burst out a few words: “Why… you…”

He didn’t finish his sentence because, at that moment, Rong Qi’s expression changed. Sensing something suddenly, he turned his head to look behind him.

Following his gaze, he saw the super S-class ability, Daydream, floating in mid-air. At this moment, it suddenly radiated dazzling light; its energy radiation rapidly increased as if going out of control within a few seconds, even surpassing the sum of Nielsen and Rong Qi’s abilities at the moment, and it was still doubling and skyrocketing.

That energy wasn’t from the Daydream ability itself.

Rong Qi sensed a familiar and unwelcome aura amidst the increasingly terrifying radiation. With gritted teeth, he softly uttered three words: “Law of Causality…”

At this moment, Bai Sheng unexpectedly shattered the dream world from within!

In the face of the supreme and irreversible Law of Causality, even the super S-class Daydream ability was as fragile as a bubble, instantly shattering into pieces.

In the ever-strengthening light, Rong Qi closes his eyes. He already knew what would happen next—

The Law of Daydream Dissolution: When the dream is lifted, the caster will suffer severe backlash, potentially even being killed by the backlash.

In the next moment, the daydream transformed into a blood-red arrow. Like a meteor piercing through the air, in Nielsen’s incredulous gaze, the arrow pierced through Rong Qi’s chest!

The world turned into shades of red and black, filled with twisted blocks of color.

Rong Qi’s black silhouette staggered backward, with a heavy thud echoing as he kneeled on the ground.

Blood spurted from his chest.

After the daydream completed its backlash against the caster, the arrow vanished from the void, returning to its original owner, Su Jiqiao, miles away with a roar.

In the valley, Rong Qi was drenched in blood, for a few moments resembling a demonic deity half-kneeling in a sea of blood. Nielsen stared in astonishment at everything before him. Suddenly realizing the opportunity, he raised his hand and summoned the hundred-meter giant wolf poised behind him—but then he saw Rong Qi slowly turning around.

Gasping for breath, Rong Qi revealed his blood-soaked teeth in a chilling smile:

“Why haven’t you left yet?”

“Although it might take some effort now, I can still kill you, you know.”


“……Shen Zhuo……”

“……Shen Zhuo?”

“Shen Zhuo!”

In the endless floating, Shen Zhuo slowly opened his eyes.

Before him lay a vast, boundless world, with no sky, no earth, no boundaries, just a vast expanse of white nothingness. He floated aimlessly in the void, like reverting to the most primitive state of life, embraced by a familiar and warm hug from his side.

It was Bai Sheng.

“Why haven’t you left yet?” Shen Zhuo asked softly, his voice hoarse as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

Bai Sheng’s deep voice came from above him, “I wanted to accompany you.”

“…You saw it?”


After the Law of Causality went out of control, the affected radius extended three kilometers, but the dream world was only so big and couldn’t expand further. The dream, crazily devoured, ultimately left behind this empty shell, like a world shrouded in thick fog, gradually fading away as the energy dissipated bit by bit.

Shen Zhuo didn’t speak again. He simply lay quietly in Bai Sheng’s embrace, half-lulled, like someone who had exhausted all their strength running and could finally pause momentarily, feeling the tranquility and peace of this moment.

“You shouldn’t have taken a risk coming after me,” he said calmly after a while, “I’ve got the confidence I could get out.”


“Your body temperature was consistently high while you were unconscious, so I figured you must have been dreaming of a fire. From that, I concluded that Rong Qi set the scene in the daydream to be the most traumatic experience in the dreamer’s life. For me, that range is quite small; it’s definitely the Qinghai explosion and the torture, but even enduring those is just painful, not terrifying.”

“When the daydream fails to activate the fear in the dreamer’s mind, it can’t cause harm and will naturally be broken,” Shen Zhuo said leisurely. “That’s just how this ability works.”

Bai Sheng listened quietly, then after a while, he slowly replied, “I know.”

After a pause, he continued slowly, “But I… I don’t want you to face it alone. I don’t want you to go through the torture again…”

Shen Zhuo looked up, meeting Bai Sheng’s gentle gaze.

“I know those things are all in the past for you; they don’t mean anything at all, but I don’t want to see you suffer in some distant place where I can’t reach you. I don’t want to see them unjustly accusing you of those things…”

“I’m sorry; I’ve also… doubted you before.”

For a moment, Bai Sheng felt a sudden urge to lay out everything in his heart: his purpose in returning to Shenhai, his investigation into him, everything about the Round Table Conference, and just be completely honest with Shen Zhuo.

In the past, given Bai Sheng’s unrestrained personality, he might have directly spoken out. However, at this moment, as he looked into the calm eyes nestled in his arms, a complex and indescribable feeling surged within him.

That was hesitation.

Bai Sheng, who had always been confident and fearless, felt worry and hesitation for the first time in his life.

Ah, since I approached him with a purpose, will Shen Zhuo be angry if he finds out?

Even if he doesn’t show it on the surface, will he feel disappointed in me deep down, leading to a sense of alienation from me?

“Do you have something to say?” Shen Zhuo looked up, gazing into Bai Sheng’s pupils, and asked calmly.

“…” Bai Sheng’s Adam’s apple rose and fell, and he looked away: “It’s nothing.”

Shen Zhuo didn’t push further, nor did he seem to mind, only withdrawing his gaze with a tired smile.

“It’s okay to have doubts. Do you know what I was thinking when I insisted that Fu Chen’s mistake caused the Evolution Source to detonate?” Shen Zhuo’s mockery deepened, saying, “I was thinking, can anyone really believe such nonsense?”


“Fu Chen has collaborated with Su Jiqiao on hundreds of missions without a single mistake. It’s impossible for him to make a mistake this time, and everyone knows it. I am well aware of it too. But besides saying that, I had no other choice. I couldn’t possibly say that I barged in and caught them kissing, and Fu Chen triggered the explosion in a fit of emotion.”

Even Shen Zhuo himself felt absurd and shook his head self-deprecatingly, saying, “Not only is it ridiculous, but no one would believe such a thing. The most crucial point is that Su Jiqiao isn’t dead yet. There’s still a 5% chance he might wake up. How could I risk accusing him?”

With Bai Sheng’s intelligence, he almost instantly understood Shen Zhuo’s meaning.

Su Jiqiao was the only witness to the Qinghai explosion. If he never wakes up, that would be the best outcome, but if he does, he would never admit to being caught by Shen Zhuo while having an affair with Fu Chen, causing Fu Chen’s emotional outburst.

If Su Jiqiao ever woke up, there were only two possible scenarios: the first was to claim brain damage, unclear memory, and not knowing who triggered the Evolution Source; this is the best-case scenario for Shen Zhuo.

The second possibility was that Su Jiqiao firmly insisted that he saw Shen Zhuo trigger the Evolution Source.

While this situation was tricky, Su Jiqiao accusing Shen Zhuo was just like Shen Zhuo accusing Fu Chen—both accusations lacked corroborating evidence, and neither could be proven. As long as Su Jiqiao didn’t go insane, write a lengthy manifesto, or hold a televised press conference causing a sensation, Shen Zhuo could still extricate himself smoothly in the end.

Therefore, the worst thing Shen Zhuo could do was confront Su Jiqiao directly; he absolutely could not afford to provoke Su Jiqiao to fight back after waking up. His only optimal solution was to firmly blame Fu Chen. This was an answer sufficient to pass a polygraph test at the hearing and ensure that even if Su Jiqiao woke up later, the situation wouldn’t devolve into chaos due to mutual accusations.

—When Shen Zhuo suffered severe injuries in the Qinghai explosion and woke up to face intense interrogation, in such a weakened state and with such hurried time for thought, being able to swiftly clarify the only optimal solution, one must say his clarity of mind and strong psychological resilience were pushed to the extreme.

“But what if?” Bai Sheng couldn’t help but wonder about Su Jiqiao’s twisted state in his dreams. “What if Su Jiqiao is determined to accuse you even at the cost of his life? He’s a psychologically distorted lunatic, completely unpredictable…”

“Do you think he’s a lunatic?” Shen Zhuo asked in return.

Bai Sheng nodded honestly, thinking to himself that he was not only a lunatic but an exceptionally creative one at that. Besides seducing Shen Zhuo into having a spring dream, what person in their right mind would conceive of having an affair right in front of a deadly explosion source?

Shen Zhuo chuckled.

“No,” he said, “that’s a misunderstanding of Su Jiqiao from your perspective as an outsider. In reality, he’s a very clear thinker with a sharp mind, knowing exactly what actions are most advantageous for himself.”

Bai Sheng was slightly taken aback.

“That night, Su Jiqiao’s behavior was indeed unusual, but if you strip away all the smoke screens, you’ll find that his logic is actually very clear—he wanted to detonate that Evolution Source. All his abnormal behaviors, such as drinking games, using psychic abilities on me, and finally kissing Fu Chen… they all had one purpose, to make me extremely, extremely nauseous before the explosion.”

“Detonating the Evolution Source was his only main course that night; making me sick was his appetizer. If you follow this line of thought, you’ll realize that Su Jiqiao’s eating order was very clear, and his actions were very direct.”

Shen Zhuo paused and said, “The only unclear aspect is actually Fu Chen.”

“—Fu Chen?” 

“Don’t you find it strange?” Shen Zhuo raised an eyebrow and looked at Bai Sheng. “They were so synchronized. I’ve always suspected that either Fu Chen had something on Su Jiqiao or there was some sort of exchange of interests between them. Haven’t you sensed it?”

Bai Sheng had actually noticed it, furrowing his brow thoughtfully.

“And another thing, how many times did I shout on my way to find Su Jiqiao with a gun? I shouted so loudly, yet Fu Chen, an S-class evolutionist, didn’t hear? He heard me heading towards the test site, yet he could stand in front of the Evolution Source meteorite and kiss Su Jiqiao, only to be caught by me when I pushed the door open and came in?”

A hint of a cold smile flickered in Shen Zhuo’s eyes as he continued, “It’s as if this scene was deliberately staged in front of me, conveniently providing a pretext for the explosion of the Evolution Source.”

This was indeed a point of suspicion. Bai Sheng thought about it carefully and speculated, “Is it possible that Su Jiqiao controlled him with psychic abilities…”

Shen Zhuo interjected, “Impossible. Firstly, an S-class individual is not that easy to control. Secondly, if Fu Chen was merely being controlled, his first reaction upon being caught wouldn’t be shock and panic; it would be surprise and confusion.”

In an instant, Bai Sheng recalled Fu Chen’s immediate reaction when caught and realized it was indeed unusual.

Fu Chen was indeed shocked at that moment, for reasons unknown. He definitely didn’t want Shen Zhuo to discover that scene.

“So, that Fu guy… with that little green tea…” Bai Sheng found it difficult to accept, feeling nauseated. “The two of them really kissed… behind your back…”

“Chu-ge1“初哥” (chū gē) is a Chinese term that can be translated as “rookie” or “newbie” in English. It refers to someone who is new or inexperienced in a particular field or activity., don’t try to interpret others based on your own mindset,” Shen Zhuo teased with a lazy smile. “Su Jiqiao is an A-class evolutionist, and he and Fu Chen have executed hundreds of missions together. Su Jiqiao’s greatest hobby is making me nauseous at all costs. I wouldn’t be surprised by anything they do behind the scenes, and I don’t care if they’re willing to hold hands and get married.”

Bai Sheng: “…”

Bai Sheng remained speechless, repeatedly pondering in his mind, but his intuition couldn’t fully accept such behavior, thinking that perhaps his moral standards were limiting his imagination.

“Perhaps they thought it would be more thrilling to play a game of hearts in front of the Evolution Source, and maybe Fu Chen just didn’t hear my footsteps for some reason. But ultimately, that’s not important. I don’t care about the bloody emotional drama between them; I just want to figure out the most crucial thing.”

Shen Zhuo squinted his eyes, whispering each word softly, “The night before the Qinghai explosion, why did Fu Chen and Su Jiqiao go together to Quanshan County Hospital to visit the comatose Rong Qi.”

—Rong Qi.

The Qinghai explosion was shrouded in mist, but the true danger lurking within the mist was this person who could come back from the dead.

Everything crucial revolved around him, and all the answers lay hidden in his hands. Rong Qi clearly knew Su Jiqiao, but all the clues vanished into thin air during the explosion, leaving no trace behind.

“Is it possible,” Bai Sheng hesitated, “that Su Jiqiao intentionally triggered the Qinghai test site explosion, with motives related to Rong Qi?”

Shen Zhuo sighed, nodding against Bai Sheng’s arm.

“I also think so,” he said. “There’s likely some sort of transaction between Su Jiqiao and Rong Qi, but I can’t figure out the specifics of the deal. Was it to halt the HRG project by eliminating me? Did they find Fu Chen’s S-class status too inconvenient, so they decided to eliminate him too? Did Su Jiqiao already have some sort of life-saving method before the explosion?”

“After Rong Qi woke up, his strong desire to obtain the HRG, to the point where I even speculated… Perhaps Rong Qi was the mastermind behind the Qinghai explosion, while Su Jiqiao was just the executor.”

Shen Zhuo chuckled briefly. Whether out of absurdity or exhaustion, it was hard to tell.

“The depths of this matter are unfathomable. Everyone expects me to know the truth, yet I am the farthest from it. Unless there’s a way to force the truth out of Rong Qi’s mouth now, nothing I say will be believed.”

A distant glimmer reflected in his eyes as Shen Zhuo murmured, “Words are the most weightless things in this world.”

Bai Sheng looked at the calm expression in his arms, feeling as if his throat was chocked by something. After a while, he hoarsely murmured, “Shen Zhuo…”

He wanted to say, “I believe in you. I’m willing to protect you.”

But the power of language was indeed so pale and feeble, weightless, and insubstantial.

“…No matter what the purpose of that explosion was, Fu Chen is already dead, and the likelihood of Su Jiqiao waking up is very slim.” Bai Sheng’s hand, with distinct knuckles, rested on Shen Zhuo’s cheek, as if touching precious porcelain. His voice carried an undeniable warmth, “I swear that at any cost, even if Rong Qi schemes endlessly in the future, he will never get the HRG.”

Shen Zhuo lifted his gaze, meeting Bai Sheng’s eyes in the boundless void.

“You’re not alone and helpless as you were back then, Shen Zhuo. You have me now.”

“I’ll always stand by your side.”


Even uttering that name from between his lips and teeth stirred subtle currents and resonances from the depths of the heart.

Bai Sheng bowed his head, like an imperious wolf king retracting its sharp teeth and claws, and pressed a devout, tender kiss on the forehead of the person in his arms.

I will always believe in you, even if the whole world doubts you one day.

In the distant, vast fog, there seemed to be a loosening, as if the last remnants of the daydream were dissipating into nothingness, about to be completely obliterated.

“Don’t be afraid.” Bai Sheng held the person in his arms with his right arm, his left-hand palm open, warm, dry, and strong. He whispered softly, “May I have the privilege to take you out of this dream?”

Shen Zhuo gazed at Bai Sheng for a long time, as if trying to see through the fiery soul burning in his eyes.

After a while, a faint curve formed on his lips, and he placed his hand on Bai Sheng’s palm.

“You do.”

Bai Sheng tightly grasped Shen Zhuo’s hand.

In that moment, when their fingers intertwined, the vast and boundless world shattered and collapsed in all directions.

The cacophony of sound, images, memories, emotions… all the colorful things swirled in a whirlpool, converging into the distant and faint realms of dreams as the beeping of instruments by the sickbed filled the air.

Under the bright and shadowless light, Bai Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

“Mr. Bai!”




Bai Sheng sat up abruptly, smiling at the astonished researchers. In a flash, he removed the various colored wires attached to his body, swung his legs off the bed, took a quick step, and tightly embraced Shen Zhuo, who had just woken up in the armchair.

Shen Zhuo’s expression was calm, though his face looked a bit weary. He reached out and patted Bai Sheng’s sturdy back.

“Thank you,” he whispered softly in Bai Sheng’s ear, at a volume only they could hear.

“It’s truly a miracle…” the research director said, holding a report in disbelief and looking at the CT scan image of Shen Zhuo. “The neural areas representing fear in the brain remained inactive from start to finish. The index is good. Vital signs are stable, and cognitive functions have not suffered any damage under the mental assault…”

“Indeed,” Shen Zhuo casually replied, “the rescue came quite timely.”

Everyone laughed, but their eyes held a complex and indescribable sense of awe.

It wasn’t really about the timeliness of the rescue. No one could emerge unscathed from such a powerful mental assault. The illusions themselves were harmful to the brain, and once they entered the realm of dreams, the damage began.

But Shen Zhuo was nearly impeccable in this regard. His calmness, strength, and unwavering willpower were unimaginable. Not even the daydream could find a fatal weakness under his overwhelming dominance.

The research director sighed as he looked at the records and reports in his hands.

Even if Bai Sheng hadn’t intervened, Shen Zhuo would have endured cycles of explosions and torture in his dreams, and his stable index, as solid as Mount Tai, would not have dropped below the danger threshold. At most, he would have endured a few rounds of torture before smoothly crossing over and deciphering the second layer of the dream.

“…No wonder he was able to set up such a huge chess game single-handedly when HRG was in dire straits,” the research director thought to himself.

Perhaps this was the reason he could wield the Sword of Damocles.

The research director reached for the empty vial of Class-A genetic interferon on the operating table, wordlessly tossing it into the recycling furnace. Then he turned to look at Shen Zhuo, who stood pale yet calm amidst the crowd, adding a hint of fleeting confidence to his own uncertainty.

With a sudden creak, the laboratory door swung open. Yang Xiaodao, tasked with guarding the door, rushed in like a lost wolf cub returning home, trembling as he managed to blurt out, “—Dad!”

“Get lost, get lost, get lost.” Bai Sheng ruthlessly pushed away his cheap son, hugging Shen Zhuo tightly without letting go. “Dad’s busy; there’s no spare embrace for you. Go find a science comprehensive exercise book to practice on your own; be obedient.”

Yang Xiaodao: “…”

As they hugged each other in broad daylight, the minor covered his eyes in frustration and left, grinding his teeth. Halfway through, he almost collided with Shui Ronghua, who was briskly entering from outside, holding a phone. Her expression was not as relaxed as that of the other researchers present. She hurried over and leaned down to whisper in Shen Zhuo’s ear:

“Supervisor, there’s some not-so-good news.”

Shen Zhuo lifted his gaze.

“Chu Yan called secretly. She said Director-General Nielsen has been seriously injured and is still undergoing treatment. His life or death is uncertain.”

Shen Zhuo frowned, and even Bai Sheng stood up in astonishment.

“After you entered the dream, Nielsen asked Chu Yan to take him to Rong Qi’s hiding place, intending to use ‘Tyrant’ to completely eliminate him. However, before they could engage, Rong Qi suddenly suffered severe backlash from ‘Daydream’. Nielsen might have thought it was a good opportunity to kill him, but he didn’t expect Rong Qi to fight back despite his injuries, displaying an incredibly unreasonable level of combat power—specific data is recorded on the monitoring device, and Rong Qi’s maximum ability even surpassed S level at one point.”

The backlash from Daydream was sufficient to kill someone of a higher level, and Rong Qi would have lost at least half his life. But to still be on the verge of death and counterattack Nielsen was simply inconceivable.

Shen Zhuo asked, “What happened next?”

“Both of them were seriously injured, and the battle caused the entire valley to collapse. There was a severe landslide, with the affected area extending up to two kilometers in radius.” Shui Ronghua took a deep breath and said heavily, “Rong Qi… still managed to escape. Someone used spatial abilities to save him.”

“That’s impossible, isn’t it?” Bai Sheng exclaimed in astonishment and suspicion, rubbing his chin. “I even pulled off that little Japanese guy’s head. Where did he find another spatial ability user?”

Shen Zhuo furrowed his brow and asked, “How is Nielsen’s condition?”

Shui Ronghua’s expression turned solemn as she handed over her phone directly. From the other end of the call, Chu Yan’s light and faint voice came through:


The young girl crouched behind a row of seats in the tail cabin of the helicopter, her legs curled under her uniform skirt. The roar of the propellers outside drowned out her lowered voice.

In the cabin behind her, four A-class medical ability users dressed in International Supervision General Administration uniforms were half-kneeling on the ground, racing against time to administer treatment. Through the crowd, one could vaguely see the silhouette of Nielsen, bloodied, lying on a stretcher.

“The Director-General’s injuries are severe. They won’t let me get close, so I can’t see how the rescue operation is going,” Chu Yan swallowed and spoke softly. “But I can see a lot of blood, a lot… a lot of blood.”

Shen Zhuo’s voice, calm and overriding at all times, came through: “Are you injured?”

“No,” Chu Yan hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly continued, “but I felt like Rong Qi had the opportunity to kill me before he retreated. He just… didn’t act.”

—That was when Rong Qi and Nielsen were both heavily injured in the end. The wolf of Odin behind Nielsen was covered in wounds, roaring in agony, with not a single intact patch of fur left on its body. Rong Qi, though less injured, could still stand, but blood flowed like a river beneath him, and the severe injuries caused by the backlash of Daydream were still consuming him fiercely.

The earth cracked, the sky darkened with dust, and vast swathes of the valley collapsed under the battle between two top-tier ability users. The girl hid on a helicopter atop a distant mountain, watching in horror as Rong Qi tore open a black hole behind him.

It was a spatial tunnel!

Before Rong Qi entered the black hole, he said something to Nielsen, who was half-kneeling on the ground, but she was too far away to hear clearly. Then, Rong Qi stepped back into the spatial tunnel. But just before the tunnel closed, he suddenly turned his head back toward Chu Yan’s direction in the distance.

In that instant, the girl had only one thought: he saw me!

But unexpectedly, Rong Qi didn’t kill her, nor did he show any intention of doing so.

A faint smile appeared on his blood-soaked face, and he shook his head regretfully, as if lamenting that she had chosen the wrong side.

Then, the spatial tunnel closed, and Rong Qi disappeared into the collapsed valley.

“I can’t sense Rong Qi’s whereabouts at all now.” Chu Yan’s voice on the helicopter was light and cautious. “He must have realized my abilities and hidden himself somewhere where birds and insects are completely isolated.”

In fact, this was quite simple. In the city, reinforced concrete buildings were almost free of insects. With a few hidden measures set up using his abilities, hiding would be a piece of cake for Rong Qi.

“It’s okay.” Shen Zhuo’s tone was quick and steady. “Protect yourself, and stay hidden. I’ll arrange for someone to pick you up. Once Nielsen’s death is confirmed, find a way to notify me immediately.”

“Alright.” The girl nodded, ending the call. Like a wary cat, she peered from behind her seat toward the chaotic rescue scene not far away.

In the laboratory, Shen Zhuo ended the call, with Shui Ronghua frowning deeply. “How is it? Will Nielsen die?”

Shen Zhuo simply shook his head. “Hard to say.”

With Nielsen’s fall, the entire International General Administration would immediately face a reshuffle. Shenhai’s jurisdiction would be the first to be affected, and Shen Zhuo would become a target for many people who were seeking to recruit or assassinate him.

A storm was brewing, and the rain was about to fall.

The icy breath of power struggles had never been so close.

“Immediately send someone to protect Chu Yan to prevent Rong Qi from retaliating against her. Additionally…” Shen Zhuo stood up, buttoning up his white shirt, returning to the cold and efficient Chief Supervisor he was: “Prepare a plane. Once Nielsen’s death is confirmed, I want to leave for Basel immediately.”

“Yes!” Shui Ronghua hurriedly left to make calls to the supervision office. Bai Sheng reached out his hand to straighten Shen Zhuo’s tie, looking into his eyes at close range, and whispered, “May I ask this Chief Supervisor, do you need a civilian volunteer who won’t receive a salary and is willing to cover their own travel expenses to accompany you to the General Administration in Basel, Switzerland?”

The two people faced each other, their foreheads almost touching. Shen Zhuo curled up the corner of his lips in a teasing arc: “Not making you buy a ticket to fly on my plane is already generous enough. Don’t think too much.”

Bai Sheng chuckled and was about to retort that buying a plane ticket was nothing, I could just buy an entire plane, when suddenly his ears twitched slightly and he turned his sensitive gaze toward the door.

“What’s up?”

Bai Sheng squinted. “There are cars outside.”

At the same time, in the HRG laboratory building.

In the Evolutionist Specialist Hospital Building, Shenhai.

Several black vehicles with diplomatic license plates raced to a stop outside the hospital amid screeching brakes.

Immediately, the door of the lead car swung open, and a man in his forties with black hair and gray-green eyes, having prominent mixed-race features, emerged from the vehicle. As he buttoned up his suit jacket, he briskly walked through the entrance gate.

“Mr. Cameron, our agent planted by Nielsen’s side just reported the latest situation,” his secretary hurriedly followed him, whispering urgently, “Nielsen has sustained severe damage to multiple organs and is in a dire situation. His life or death is still uncertain…”

“An S-class male who blindly flaunts his power will inevitably meet such an end.” Cameron always evaluated his archenemies with a nonchalant tone. Striding through the hospital corridors, he continued, “Although I’m not surprised that Shen Zhuo is capable of causing all of this.”

The duty personnel who rushed to intercept them were quickly pushed aside by the armed guards. Cameron didn’t spare them a second glance as he and his entourage briskly entered the elevator and descended to the basement.

The metal doors slid open noiselessly, revealing a vast laboratory before them.

Cameron lifted his gaze.

—Looking out from the elevator, the alloy riot door of the laboratory was wide open, with a row of Evolutionist Guards fully armed, their guns aimed at the elevator without exception. In the blink of an eye, their formidable firepower could turn these invaders into minced meat.

Shen Zhuo, the Chief Supervisor of Shenhai City, stood in his uniform. He was slender and elegant, his hands wrapped in black leather gloves and folded in front of him.

His tone was extremely polite, starkly contrasting with the tense situation:

“May I inquire as to the purpose of your esteemed presence here? I must clarify that it’s still possible to rectify this situation by admitting a simple mistake in navigation.”

Separated by a row of ominous gun barrels, nobody knew the significance of this reunion after 23 years. Only time seemed to flow further away as they locked eyes, lost in their own thoughts and memories.

Cameron gazed at Shen Zhuo, who stood more than ten meters away. A mysterious smile crept onto his lips as he produced a black metal encrypted card from his suit pocket:

“United Nations Security Council, Elton Cameron.”

“I have ample evidence to suggest that Chief Supervisor Shen Zhuo of Shenhai City is illegally conducting the HRG project here, with suspicions of endangering world peace and human security.”

“Please come with us, Supervisor Shen.”

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  • 1
    “初哥” (chū gē) is a Chinese term that can be translated as “rookie” or “newbie” in English. It refers to someone who is new or inexperienced in a particular field or activity.

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