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Chapter 27

He had grown accustomed to it.

The train slowly came to a stop at the platform. The doors opened, and a pleasant female voice echoed through the speakers:

“Passengers, the train has arrived at Shenhai South Station. Please gather your belongings and wait at the ends of the train compartments for disembarkation…”

Passengers with big and small bags surged onto the platform. A tall teenager, around sixteen years old, stood still, carefully checking the electronic sign. He stretched his arms and moved his shoulders.

He was dressed in a black T-shirt and denim jeans, exuding a refreshing and spirited aura typical of teenagers. The hem of his shirt faintly revealed the sleek and well-defined lines of his muscles. A large backpack adorned with a basketball ornament and a pair of boxing gloves hung from it. People passing by couldn’t help but turn around for a second glance at him.

“Back again…” he murmured to the azure sky. “Shenhai.”

An hour later, in the financial district of Shenhai City.

The opulent Baihe Group commercial building.

“Who’re you looking for?” The receptionist girl thought she might have misheard.

The teenager calmly replied, “Bai Sheng.”

The youth’s outfit stood in stark contrast to the passing business elites, resembling a high school student who had accidentally wandered into the professional world. The receptionist was momentarily confused, saying, “But Mr. Bai Sheng, he…”

Mr. Bai Sheng doesn’t come to work.

The young man, deeply immersed in philosophy and passionate about boxing, claimed that his most precious treasures were the fragrance of knowledge and the power of truth. His greatest business wisdom was firmly choosing to stay away from business. Everyone in Baihe Group knew he was preparing for a civil service exam, determined to become a civil servant.

The receptionist couldn’t explain, so she had to ask, “Do you have an appointment?”

The teenager shook his head.

“Well, I’m sorry, but Mr. Bai Sheng is not in the office. Could you please leave your name and contact number in this register?”

“Lend me a phone; I’ll call him.”

The receptionist was caught off guard: “Huh?”

“He blocked me to avoid responsibility. Please lend me a phone; I’ll call him.”

After a brief silence, the receptionist reluctantly repeated her previous statement: “Huh?!”

Not far away, Chairman Bai, who happened to be surrounded by a group of people, halted his steps. After gazing with confusion for a moment, he hesitantly approached, asking, “Young man, what’s your name?”

Several receptionists stood up one after another: “Chairman Bai!” “Chairman!”

The teenager blinked inexplicably, perhaps sensing a similar vibe from the round and plump Chairman Bai. So, he politely replied, “Yang Xiaodao. Dao as in the blade.”

Chairman Bai nodded, cautiously asking, “Then, what business do you have with our Bai Sheng?”

Yang Xiaodao, with a backpack slung over his shoulder, turned around and faced the curious onlookers who were eagerly listening. Seemingly unsure of how to begin, he pondered for a moment before finally stating seriously: “Well, there’s something.”

“He said he’s my dad.”

Chairman Bai: “Pfft—”

Poor Chairman Bai was caught off guard, once again struck by a sudden thunderbolt that nearly gave him a stroke. After trembling in place for ten seconds, he staggered backward and collapsed.

“Chairman!” “Chairman, wake up!” “Chairman, hold on—” The onlookers immediately plunged into chaotic commotion.


That night, in City B.

Baifu Liusha Grand Hotel, a subsidiary of the Baihe Group.

The spacious suite had a high vaulted ceiling adorned with starry lights. The living room featured a mini bar, and behind the floor-to-ceiling glass, the swimming pool rippled under soft lighting.

However, all the extravagant indulgence at this moment had no visitors. Only the bedroom had its lights on, with Shen Zhuo, whose black hair was slightly damp. Wrapped in a thin bathrobe, his side profile resembled washed white porcelain as he sat in front of a laptop, just having replied to the last document from the General Administration. Suddenly, his phone buzzed.

It was from Yue Yang.

【Regarding the incident at the cemetery entrance today, the individuals involved have been reprimanded, and media coverage has been suppressed. Tomorrow’s news won’t publish anything.】

【Rest early.】

Shen Zhuo never replied to Yue Yang’s messages. The screen illuminated his indifferent expression, with his long lashes slightly lowered. With a casual sweep reminiscent of a snowflake, he was about to put down his phone when suddenly the screen vibrated.

Yue Yang sent another message:

【…Before I could inform the media, the pictures they took of you today have been taken down under various pressures, most likely orchestrated by Bai Sheng. Just letting you know.】

Shen Zhuo’s movements paused slightly, a subtle sense of surprise flickering in his eyes.

Pressuring and manipulating media through various channels and means was indeed something Bai Sheng could accomplish. After all, the sole heir of a wealthy family held significant social status and influence. It just required quick reactions and skillful coordination to inform each party involved.

Considering the time, Bai Sheng should have taken care of this immediately after leaving the cemetery this afternoon. However, not a single word was mentioned by Bai Sheng, as if nothing had happened.

Perhaps he deemed it unimportant, or perhaps he thought solving such issues was his responsibility and didn’t need a discussion.

Shen Zhuo’s fingertips hovered over the screen, seemingly contemplating a reply. But after a moment of silence, he still didn’t respond.

At this moment, with a buzzing sound, the last message arrived from the other side. Across the phone screen, it seemed as if one could glimpse Yue Yang’s steady yet melancholic expression, along with his deep and restrained tone that always struggled to contain words left unsaid:

【It’s my lack of control, just like three years ago.】

【I’m sorry, Director Shen.】


Shen Zhuo gently placed the phone down and leaned back into the chair.

In the urban expanse, streetlights painted the scene in hues of red and wine, the vibrant nightlife casting its glow through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The shimmering water surface of the indoor swimming pool reflected the bustling cityscape and fell upon Shen Zhuo’s elegantly indifferent eyes.

Director Shen.

The memories of that scorching summer, with the buzzing cicadas, resurfaced. The intense sun scorched the shooting range. On the distant sandy ground, evolutionists lay prone behind machine guns, clad in black training uniforms. An instructor weaved through the crowd, correcting shooting stances one by one and scolding loudly and sternly. Even from such a distance, the unforgiving tone cut through the air clearly.

“…That’s my closest buddy, Yue Yang. He’s currently in charge of the summer special training at the supervision office. Fortunately, the people below all respect him, allowing me to skip work and be lazy every day… Yue Yang! Over here!”

Fu Chen waved and signaled from a distance, and the black-clad instructor, Yue Yang, turned around.

The young Yue Yang hadn’t yet achieved the age-defying composure he would later possess. His immediate reaction was to grab a water bottle within reach, throw it at his friend, who had once again skipped training, and scold him. However, in the next moment, his gaze landed on Shen Zhuo, catching him off guard.

“Come here, Yue Yang!” Fu Chen vigorously beckoned, then pointed at Shen Zhuo. “—Director Shen from the research institute!”

Shen Zhuo stood at the edge of the dust-filled training ground, a bead of sweat forming due to the intense heat. The side of his face, exposed to the blazing sunlight, seemed almost transparent. His dark eyebrows furrowed slightly in displeasure, resembling an orchid suddenly transplanted onto the firing range.

Yue Yang watched him, his heartbeat echoing like a drum, for a moment. He wanted to avert his gaze, but found it impossible. Taking a few steps forward, he stopped, nervously dusting off his hands on his thighs before awkwardly extending them:

“…Hello, Director Shen?”

“All the daily affairs of the supervision office are handled by Yue Yang. If there’s anything in the lab that needs coordination, you can go directly to him.” Fu Chen suddenly remembered something and chuckled. “By the way, you can also find him for signing things; it’s all the same anyway!”

Shen Zhuo had been shielding his eyes from the glaring sunlight, and only at this moment did he finally give the young deputy chief a proper look. He then extended his hand, offering a perfunctory shake.

—At the moment their hands touched, he felt that the muscles beneath the exposed fingers of the gloves were almost stiff, and the pulse at the palm suddenly quickened.

It wasn’t the heat that caused the sudden acceleration.

Fu Chen was teasing Yue Yang about something, perhaps mentioning going out for dinner at night, and Yue Yang haphazardly agreed, though it sounded more like an attempt to conceal his nervousness. He dared not glance randomly at Director Shen, subconsciously keeping his head down and staring at the ground. Suddenly, he felt a distinct and vivid gaze beside him. Unable to resist, he lifted his head and met Shen Zhuo’s intriguing scrutiny.

In that fleeting moment, unnoticed by others, Yue Yang’s mind went nearly blank, and every muscle in his body tensed to the limit.

It was just for a fleeting moment.

Shen Zhuo withdrew his gaze, brushing it off casually like ink flowing on paper. It seemed as if that was just an unintentional exchange of glances, and he seemed unaware of the heated and flustered emotions in Deputy Chief Yue’s eyes.

That night, they did go out for dinner. Many researchers and members of the supervision office were present, sitting around a crowded table with clicking glasses and chopsticks clashing and the fragrant aroma rising from a steaming hot pot. Shen Zhuo didn’t eat much, sitting aloofly, occasionally sensing an unconcealable gaze from the crowd. It carried a restrained intensity, a fleeting glance followed by a hasty shift away, but he paid it no mind.

He never paid attention.

The path he walked was filled with opposition, disgust, and misunderstanding, intertwined with admiration, infatuation, and twisted desires. Countless futile hands reached out, seeking attention, and he had grown accustomed to it.

—Those countless discreet gazes could have remained hidden if it weren’t for the turning point in fate forced by the explosion three years ago.

“Why wasn’t it you who died?!”

The basement was dimly lit, shadows were moving around, and the strong scent of blood stimulated everyone’s nerves. Interrogation quickly turned into a wave of anger; the bonfire crackled, and everyone lost their rationality:

“Kill him!” “If he doesn’t talk, kill him!” “Kill him to accompany Fu-ge to the grave!!”


Shen Zhuo was bound to the armchair, his vision obscured by trickling blood. Finally, he chuckled, gasping for breath, “…Yue Yang.”

Yue Yang stood in front of the frenzied executioners. The newly appointed leader among the evolutionists knelt halfway down with a knife in his hand. No one could detect the trembling and hurried tone in his voice: “These people can’t be restrained anymore, Shen Zhuo. You know what S-class pheromones are all about. As long as you tell them anything about what happened before the explosion, just say something random, and I can find a way to stop—”

“You’ve always been watching me,” Shen Zhuo whispered in his ear.

As if pressing pause, Yue Yang suddenly froze.

“Over these years, you’ve been watching me, and it has troubled me.”

Shen Zhuo smiled, the pale and chilly corners of his lips tainted with blood. Amidst the tumultuous voices, only the two of them could hear each other, “If you let them kill me today, we won’t have this kind of trouble anymore, will we?”


The flames flickered, and Yue Yang’s silhouette in the darkness seemed like a frozen statue.

As if after a long century or just a few seconds, he seemed to have finally made some kind of determined decision. From gritted teeth, a hoarse voice emerged:

“…I understand.”

“For Fu-ge’s sake!” “Kill him!” “Kill him today!”

Dragging sharp stones on the ground emitted shrill friction, and the smell of iron mingled with the fragrance of flames. Yue Yang stood up, his nails digging deep into his palm, but his voice suddenly rose, momentarily surpassing all the noise and resolute to a chilling extent:

“We cannot kill him.”

Suddenly, silence fell, followed by a thousand waves as protests erupted from all directions: “Why!” “Doesn’t Yue-ge want to avenge Fu-ge?!” “He’s the one who killed Fu-ge!” “It’s him!!”

“—The International Supervision General Administration wants him in court. We can’t kill him today.”

Yue Yang paused, his Adam’s apple moving violently, forcing himself to say every word: “But we can punish him, ensuring this blood debt never fades away, making it known to the world…”

Shadows crowded around, and burning knife tips descended, leaving an indelible, extremely humiliating mark on the back of his left hand that would last for a lifetime.

The fresh blood evaporated in an instant within the white smoke.

“You can never evolve, Shen Zhuo.”

“This scar is proof of the blood debt you owe to us evolutionists.”


After that day, Shen Zhuo’s memory became blurry. He was rescued by people sent by the General Administration, who broke into the place, and after being taken to the hospital, they discovered that nineteen of his bones were broken and he had multiple internal injuries. Several evolutionists with healing abilities were brought in from other regions to assist in the treatment, and he ended up lying in bed for a long time.

The evolutionists who conducted the torture were later sentenced, but this only fueled the boiling protests. Even Yue Yang faced widespread questioning because he indirectly prevented the torturers from killing Shen Zhuo at the last moment. This act made his life difficult among his peers for a long time afterward.

Fortunately, more than half a year after Fu Chen’s death, the remnants of the S-class pheromones gradually dissipated. Coupled with Yue Yang’s firm crackdown, people’s hormonally driven hatred slowly settled and simmered down.

With the help of evolutionists with healing abilities, Shen Zhuo didn’t suffer any lasting effects. Except for the mark of humiliation carved on the back of his left hand.

He didn’t let anyone use his evolved abilities to erase it.

For some unknown reasons, he accepted the existence of that mark, tacitly allowing it to remain on his body, unseen by anyone, much like the bloody and tempered memories—a truth unknown to the world.


The phone screen had long gone dark, and the hotel room was shrouded in quiet darkness, with only faint ripples on the surface of the pool.


Shen Zhuo snapped back to reality, looked down, and saw the screen instantly filled with a dozen or so image messages, all from Bai Sheng.

What’s going on?

Frowning, Shen Zhuo opened the messages, only to be bombarded with a plethora of filtered photos of food, including but not limited to abalone, ginseng, shark fin, lobster, crab, various desserts, fruit cakes, and even a panoramic view of the Tianji Restaurant at night. There were also a couple of selfies of Bai Sheng and Chen Miao, along with a flashy V-sign pose. Following that were a series of lively texts:

【Why eat alone upstairs, Inspector Shen? Do you want me to come up with drums, gongs, and a bridal sedan chair to invite you?】

【Just kidding, come down and eat. I can personally come up and carry you down if you want.】

【Forget it; do you want me to come up and accompany you? I’ve taken a bath and dressed up for a long time, you know [heart emojis][heart emojis]


Shen Zhuo let go of his phone, letting it land with a clatter on the table. For a long time, he stared into space, muttering to himself, “…Why didn’t I block him earlier?”


The Tianji Restaurant was brightly lit, with the piano playing a melodious tune. Exquisite dishes were placed on pristine porcelain plates, rotating slowly in the light, creating an atmosphere of wealth, elegance, and gentleness as hotel guests moved about with soft conversations. 

“You can’t mess with the desserts like this.” The only guest in the entire place lacking etiquette stood at the self-service buffet, unabashedly using the tongs to rearrange a fruit platter into a giant heart shape. Complaining, he said, “The cake is too sweet, there’s too much icing, and the presentation lacks artistry. Inspector Shen won’t be satisfied with dinner when he comes down to eat like this!”

The hotel general manager behind him: “…”

The entire restaurant’s chef team: “…”

“Bai-ge,” Chen Miao weakly said, “I told you Senior won’t come down to eat. Supervisors are not allowed to eat outside; please spare these few pineapple slices.”

Using his ability, Bai Sheng meticulously cut the Costa Rican pink pineapples into a perfect heart shape. With tongs, he delicately adjusted the display and even personally ensured that the spotlights made them look exquisite and tender, like a full plate of girlish hearts. The hotel general manager quickly used a glass cover to protect this work of art, offering a polite smile as he invited the guests behind to help themselves to other fruit plates that Bai Sheng hadn’t tampered with.

Shen Zhuo and his group had reservations about returning to Shenhai tomorrow. According to safety regulations, tonight he was required to stay at the Central Supervision Office’s guesthouse. However, the moment Bai Sheng entered the guesthouse, he claimed to have developed severe allergic reactions, including but not limited to: the air freshener not being good, causing respiratory congestion; the shower water quality not being good, causing red rashes on his skin; and the chairs not being ergonomically designed, causing sciatic nerve pain. Half an hour after checking in, he even appeared at the front desk with a dispirited look. Even his usually arrogant silver-white head of hair drooped, claiming that if he continued to stay, it would trigger serious psychological problems, making him the world’s first S-class to die from an allergy.

Supervisor Shen was thus forced to make a decision, choosing to violate safety regulations himself rather than compromise Mr. Bai’s personal rights. The group, under the silent but fierce gaze of the Central Supervision Office, left steadily and headed straight to the 6-star hotel, Baifu Liusha. Everyone joyfully checked into the VIP suites.

“How did you know your senior never dines out? The last time, he was about to happily go eat my whole roasted lamb.” Bai Sheng returned to the round dining table near the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a generous plate of barbecue that weighed at least 2 kilograms. Confidently, he said, “I bet your senior claims he never dines out just because he hasn’t found a satisfying meal partner, which, in other words, means he hasn’t encountered me sooner.”

Chen Miao: “…”

Shui Ronghua sat by the window, overlooking the night view. The female doctor obviously paid attention to a healthy diet. In front of her was a plate of nutritionally balanced, low-fat, high-protein meal with a mix of meat and vegetables. There was an empty seat beside her, unoccupied, but with a glass of wine and a Chanel bag placed there. Bai Sheng asked curiously: “What’s this?”

“It’s Italdo.” Shui Ronghua lowered her head, swiping on her tablet, and smiled: “We were just on a date.”

“…” Bai Sheng stared blankly at the air for a while, then personally fetched a plate of exquisite desserts and placed it on the empty seat. He politely nodded toward the empty space, greeting the air.

Witch Italdo, who no one could see, rested her chin on her hand, feeling quite satisfied. She felt that her newly made Earth friend was indeed quite savvy.

“Senior, what are you looking at?” Chen Miao curiously leaned over, “The supervisor’s internal forum… Did you use Senior’s account?!”

“Never mind that,” Shui Ronghua couldn’t hide her smile, “Bai-xiong (elder brother)! Congratulations, you’ve become famous!”

Bai Sheng: “Huh?”

On the tablet was a simple forum with a black background, resembling a 1990s BBS. Unexpectedly, it was highly active, and discussions were in various languages. At the moment, the top post was in English. The ID was New York’s Supervisor, “Billy Kingston,” expressing strong dissatisfaction:

[Protest! Chief Supervisor Shen Zhuo of Shenhai City forcibly recruited an S-class evolutionist, disrupting the balance in major jurisdictions. He even used a submachine gun to shoot at my car! Strongly condemn!]

Obviously, having a broken leg didn’t dampen Kingston’s enthusiasm for typing. He eloquently wrote a diplomatic condemnation of over a thousand words. However, the replies in various languages below were quite cheerful. The translator showed that most of them were like, “This is what you deserve” and “Isn’t it a common practice for you to go to other people’s homes to stir up trouble, disrupt the balance, and provoke wars for personal gain? Haha.” 

After irritating Kingston, the supervisors started discussing Bai Sheng. It seemed everyone was highly enthusiastic about discussing this S-class evolutionist, and even Bai Sheng’s ID photo was posted. Some asked what he did before evolving, some said he was a rich second-generation with a cheerful personality, and some agreed that he was the one with the best temperament among the twenty S-class worldwide. A high-ranking supervisor from Europe commented with a mysterious tone:

“Obviously not the smartest one; otherwise, why would he be attracted to Supervisor Shen?” 

Immediately, someone replied with a long string of question marks: “????? Are you okay? Isn’t Supervisor Shen’s fatal attraction to S-class widely recognized as Eastern mysticism on this forum? As long as he’s willing, he can make Nielsen do anything. Shouldn’t we thank Supervisor Shen for his noble self-restraint and moral sense, considering that the International Supervision General Administration is still in Basel and hasn’t moved to Shenhai City?”

Bai Sheng refreshed the page again, and this reply received eighteen likes.

“…So many people.” Bai Sheng scrolled down the page, admiring his flawless 360-degree handsome ID photo. He sighed, “Is this forum always so lively?”

“Not really. There are 36 evolutionist jurisdictions globally, and only supervisors and senior supervisors of each jurisdiction have the right to speak.” Shui Ronghua had her one hand supporting her cheek and stirred the ice cubes in her juice with the other. “But this is just a place for everyone to argue and spit venom. The real business will be discussed at the General Administration.”

There are a total of 36 evolutionist jurisdictions globally, with giant entities like Shenhai City as well as large regions such as City B, Northern Europe, Rome, and a couple of cities in Africa. Many smaller jurisdictions have a relatively low population of evolutionists. In these areas, the supervisors themselves were the highest-ranked evolutionists, making management quite straightforward. This allows them to have plenty of free time for leisure and engage in friendly banter with each other.

Bai Sheng’s gaze paused on the mention of Eastern mysticism for a few seconds, and he asked with interest, “Does Nielsen also have an account?”

“Yeah, all the top ten permanent supervisors have one.” Shui Ronghua said, “But they rarely show up.”

The top ten permanent supervisors globally, five men and five women, were not all S-class evolutionists. High evolution level didn’t necessarily mean high managerial ability. Some S-class lacked ambition, some had too much, and some had been fighting each other to the death for territory. There were also special cases, such as Bai Sheng, who evolved at a young age while still in school; an old lady in Iceland who evolved at the age of 91 and preferred not to go out to work; and an S-class male in North America who enjoyed eating human flesh and ended up being imprisoned by the International Supervision General Admnistration… and so on.

Therefore, the final election result for the top ten permanent supervisors was four S-class, including Nielsen, three A-class, including Yue Yao, two B-class, and one Shen Zhuo.

As the only human supervisor, Shen Zhuo was truly outstanding, considered the last territory for humans within the evolutionist community, and the level of protection for him was the highest.

Bai Sheng, casually eating his meal, scrolled to the bottom of the webpage. The last reply translated to:

“Ladies and gentlemen, why don’t you guess whether Nielsen will tear off his facade and run to Shenhai to protest against the young S-class? I bet £200 he won’t last this year. :D.”

With a bang, Bai Sheng placed the laptop on the table and solemnly said, “Ladies and gentlemen.”

The bored witch, Shui Ronghua sipping juice, and Chen Miao eating his beloved little cake—the three of them simultaneously looked up.

Bai Sheng pointed at himself and asked sincerely, “Who do you think is more suitable as Inspector Shen’s boyfriend, me or Nielsen?”

With a snort, Chen Miao choked on the cake, and it went up his nose.

“Cough, cough, cough…” Chen Miao wiped his mouth under the extremely disdainful gaze of the bored Wtch Italdo. Looking bewildered, he said, “What are you talking about, Bai-ge? Was the Director-General ever in the options, even for a second?!”

Bai Sheng looked slightly satisfied and pursued further, “What about me then? Am I the only option for your Supervisor Shen?”

Chen Miao was shocked, “What stimulated you, Bai-ge? Failing the civil service exam doesn’t mean you have to become a civil servant’s wife!”

“What’s with that tone? You make it sound like I’m not worthy.” Bai Sheng leaned back in his chair, discontentedly swinging his legs and tapping his feet under the table. “As an S-class evolutionist, I have wealth, leisure, and interests. I’m diligent in exercising, maintain my physique, and can even do household chores. Why can’t I desire a beautiful first love?”

Chen Miao: “First love?” 

Shui Ronghua: “First love?”

Witch Italdo: “@#¥%?”

Bai Sheng spread his hands in the face of the three questioning gazes: “Don’t you guys think that degrees in humanities and social sciences are easy to get? During my school days, I studied every night until late. Do you know how many nights I spent pulling all-nighters for my thesis? If I had been in a relationship, could I still graduate on time and sit in front of you now?”

Silence fell around the dining table. After a while, Shui Ronghua asked slowly, “So… Bai-xiong, are you still a novice?”

Bai Sheng exclaimed with determination, “What’s wrong with being a novice?! A novice is a treasure to the world!”


Three seconds later, following the gaze of Chen Miao and Shui Ronghua across the table, Bai Sheng slowly turned to look behind him.

Shen Zhuo had changed into casual clothes, holding an empty plate in his hand. The radiant lights reflected off his jet-black hair, and his face appeared pale in the cold light as he silently looked down at Bai Sheng.

The scene froze, and the air became eerily quiet.

Under the frozen gazes of the surroundings, Shen Zhuo reached out, picked up Bai Sheng’s tablet, glanced at the words “Easter Mysticism” without changing his expression, and gently tossed the tablet back onto the table with a crisp sound, like the heavy hammer pronouncing a death sentence.

“You two, go back and each write a ten-thousand-word self-reflection,” Shen Zhuo calmly ordered Shui Ronghua and Chen Miao. Then he turned to Bai Sheng, patting him on the shoulder.

“—Don’t even think about getting a position from me in this lifetime, world treasure.”

The Chief Supervisor of Shenhai turned and walked toward the exit of the restaurant, completely ignoring the three people as if they were invisible. Anyone witnessing this scene would believe he was just someone passing by, definitely not acquainted with the individuals behind him.

“Darling, wait!” Bai Sheng reacted and quickly pushed the chair away, standing up. He took a step forward with his long legs and grabbed Shen Zhuo from behind. 

“Young Master, Young Master—”

At this moment, the hotel general manager hurriedly approached, wiping sweat from his forehead and holding a phone. He spoke hastily, “Chairman Bai has something urgent and is looking for you. He said your phone has been unreachable and called us here. Do you want to answer it quickly?”

Bai Sheng raised an eyebrow, turned his head to glance at his phone, and indeed, there were several silent missed calls. He could only reluctantly grab Supervisor Shen and prevent him from leaving, all while taking the phone from the general manager’s hand:

“Hello, Uncle? What’s up?”

The voice on the other end of the phone trembled, resembling Chairman Bai having a stroke: “You little XX bastard…”

In the top-floor office of Baihe Group, the pitiful Chairman Bai was supported on both sides by trusted aides, trembling as he handed the phone to Yang Xiaodao on the other side, indicating that if he continued speaking, he might have a cerebral hemorrhage.

The teenager took the phone, nonchalantly opened his academic records and parent-teacher meeting notices, and calmly spoke: 

“Dad! You’re enjoying yourself outside, leaving me behind like this, huh?!”

Like a bomb dropped from the sky, it left everyone in awe.

Clap, clap, clap.

Shui Ronghua clapped in amazement, sighing with emotion, “Men.”

“…” Bai Sheng covered his eyes with one hand and pulled the expressionless Shen Zhuo with the other. Surrounded by condemning stares from all directions, he remained silent for a while, finally speaking slowly:

“I’ve led a clean and honest life and kept myself pure. I don’t know that little scoundrel who barely scored 85 in the combined total of three science subjects and is now looking for someone to attend a parent-teacher meeting. I severed my father-son relationship with him long ago…”

Then he took a deep breath, bravely met Shen Zhuo’s gaze, and said, “My love, go get some pineapple slices. I peeled them myself—they’ve got the taste of first love!”

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