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Chapter 26

“I, Bai Sheng, plucked all the wild vegetables in Shenhai!”

“Shen Zhuo?”

“How did he come? Who invited him?”

“Does he have the audacity to come?!”


On the grassy sides of the bluestone road, the evolutionists from the Central Supervision Office whispered among themselves. Soon, the murmurs grew louder and more restless. Someone blocked Shen Zhuo’s path: “Shen, what are you doing here?”

Shen Zhuo stood firm, his face as calm as snow.

His completely composed reaction seemed to ignite a spark in a pool of gasoline. Righteous indignation stirred everyone: “This ungrateful scoundrel, does he deserve to see Fu-ge?” “Is he here to show off his power? Kick him out!”

The clamor from all directions intensified, and someone reached out to grab Shen Zhuo’s collar: “Didn’t you hear? Get lost!”

Some in the crowd had been involved in the past lynching, but Shen Zhuo sidestepped and then revealed something from his pocket—a transparent syringe filled with serum.

The metal cap bore clear letters—unmistakably an ‘S’!

It was as if a bucket of icy water had been poured over everyone. The air suddenly quieted.

“Exercise some restraint,” Shen Zhuo’s tone was slow and composed, a beautiful curve forming at the corner of his mouth: “I haven’t seen you for three years, and you all remain unchanged. It’s truly nostalgic.”

“—You!” “What did you say?!”

If the S-gclass serum was a deterrent, instantly suppressing everyone’s anger, the subsequent mockery was like a floodgate opening, multiplying the suppressed anger a hundredfold: “Is this guy here to cause trouble?!” “Shen, are you still human?!”

A collective roar erupted, and the front evolutionist, with red eyes, lunged to snatch the serum. Amidst the chaos, Shen Zhuo tilted his head to avoid the grab, flicked his thumb, and popped open the metal cap, and the needle gleamed coldly, poised to pierce his own neck.


A commanding shout echoed through the cemetery, not loud but hitting everyone like thunder.

The expressions of all the evolutionists trembled.

Through the enraged crowd, not far from the end of the bluestone road, a familiar figure faced the marble tombstone—it was Yue Yang.

“I invited Supervisor Shen.” Yue Yang’s voice was stern and unwavering, leaving no room for doubt. “Fu Chen, resting in peace, would want to see him.”

“…” As if suppressed by an invisible force, the tense situation was forcefully calmed down.

Reluctantly, the crowd dispersed, glaring hatefully at Shen Zhuo as he retreated.

Shen Zhuo was entirely unsurprised, too lazy to display any emotion. He casually sealed the metal cap with a snap, pocketed the serum, and strolled through the crowd to the tombstone.

On the pristine stone monument, Fu Chen from three years ago was frozen in time, a unique blend of handsome sharpness and gentle warmth, his eyes sparkling with a glint of light when he smiled.

“If I hadn’t invited you, would you have come?” Yue Yang’s low, deep voice reached Shen Zhuo’s side, audible only to the two of them.

Shen Zhuo met the gaze of Fu Chen in the memorial photo; his eyes lowered, offering no response.

Yue Yang sighed silently.

Yue Yang was dressed entirely in plain black, accentuating his normally chilly demeanor with an even more solemn air.

He was actually quite young, having been in the same class as Fu Chen during their time at the Central Research Institute. Unlike Fu Chen, who was cheerful, outgoing, and naturally attracted many lower-level peers, Yue Yang had always been the one in charge, responsible for ruling, planning, and executing. Therefore, he was reserved and spoke sparingly, with each word carrying significant weight.

Back then, Fu Chen was the only S-class in the country, nominally the spiritual leader of evolutionists, but, in reality, the person responsible for the leadership was Yue Yang. Their relationship was exceptionally close, described aptly as having a deep bond. This close rapport maintained stability in the entire central district. But no one expected Fu Chen’s unexpected death three years ago, and everything has changed since then. 

In the face of the crisis, Yue Yang took charge and became the head of the Central District Supervision Office.

This position, prestigious but precarious, along with the overwhelming responsibility, had transformed him significantly in just three years. His demeanor was now distinctly different from that of his peers.

“You asked me something before.” Yue Yang turned his head to look at Shen Zhuo and said, “On the night of May 10th, three years ago, you claimed that Fu Chen and Su Jiqiao had left the central district together and gone to Quanshan County Health Center.”


“But I checked all the action records from three years ago, and there was no task record for them during that period. In theory, they should not have left the central district.”

Shen Zhuo subtly furrowed his brows.

“According to the records, during that month, they were not assigned any official duties. The only activity was on May 11th, when the three of you formed a team and went to the Qinghai test site to recover the source of evolution together.” Yue Yang paused and asked, “I don’t know what you saw in the Quanshan County Health Center, but are you sure the retroactive analysis of the abilities of Witch Italdo won’t be mistaken?”

Shen Zhuo remained silent for a moment before saying, “There’s another possibility.”

“What is it?”

Shen Zhuo’s gaze seemed somewhat strange, but Yue Yang couldn’t decipher its meaning. After a while, Shen Zhuo spoke slowly:

“They each took personal leave, then privately arranged to meet and travel… That way, there would be no official record.”

“What are you saying?” Yue Yang’s initial reaction was astonishment, then he shook his head in denial. “Impossible. Their friendship wasn’t that deep. Although Su Jiqiao liked sticking to Fu Chen, he was young and always liked sticking to everyone. Fu Chen used to take care of everyone equally. Do you think I wouldn’t know?”


Shen Zhuo stood there, and his expression remained hidden beneath lowered eyelashes.

Yue Yang opened his mouth, hesitated, and couldn’t help turning around after a while. “Shen Zhuo, what really happened on the night of the Qinghai test site explosion?”

Shen Zhuo remained silent, showing no sign of wanting to answer.

“You can tell me everything, Shen Zhuo, you—”

“My onsite recorder was handed over to the accident investigation committee three years ago.” Shen Zhuo said indifferently, “I don’t know what else you want to ask, but there’s nothing left to say.”

Yue Yang frowned tightly. “But the footage in the onsite recorder only goes until 10 p.m. on the night of May 11th, when you three separated. Everything seemed normal then, and suddenly, at 10:30 p.m., there was an explosion. The last half-hour before the explosion wasn’t recorded at all…”

“How many times do you want me to repeat?” Shen Zhuo’s response remained calm. “—‘I was asleep at the time and knew nothing until 10:30 when Fu Chen’s operational mistake woke me with an alarm, then there was an explosion.'”


“Wasn’t this answer repeated numerous times during your private interrogation and torture three years ago?”

Yue Yang choked for a moment.

“Even if you break nineteen bones in my body or even every bone, the answer remains the same.” Shen Zhuo chuckled briefly, his face cold and calm. “I didn’t know what happened before the explosion.”

Yue Yang stared at him for a long time, like a defeated soldier looking up at a cold statue or a towering fortress.

Shen Zhuo’s hands were folded in front of him, his gaze lowered to the tombstone, locking eyes with the familiar face in the memorial photo. The wind brushed through the lush branches of pine and cypress; there were murmurs of people behind him, and white stone monuments stood on the grass like an embroidered carpet. Yet, a strange force seemed to drain away all light and sound around him; shadows consumed everything, and memories flooded his senses like a midnight tide.

He gently closed his eyes.

The air carried the peculiar sweet and bloody scent of decaying apples, along with a faint hint of rusty blood. In the darkness, only the sound of his own footsteps echoed forward. When turning corners, the flashlight beam brushed past the worn-off letters on the gray walls—Qinghai Test Site.

“Su Jiqiao?” He heard his own cold, tense voice, the sound of bullets clicking into the chamber resonating in the dead silence.

“Come out, Su Jiqiao!”

The tactical flashlight went out silently, and a faint light leaked through the slightly ajar door at the end of the passage. Shen Zhuo walked forward step by step, and the ensuing scenes had already been etched indelibly in his mind. He even heard the sound of himself using the muzzle to push open the partially opened door, emitting a light creaking sound: “Su Jiqiao, you…”

Then his words abruptly stopped.

He heard his own incredulous voice: “Fu Chen?”

That was the incantation that later unleashed all the tragedies.

Astonishment, panic, chaos, roaring… Every detail that followed replayed along the pre-established track, vividly whirling, and ultimately froze into the intense light of the evolutionary source explosion.

The nuclear explosion shook the heavens and the earth, a sea of fire devouring everything, and the bunker collapsed in massive chunks amid the tremors. In the last moment before it all ended, he saw Fu Chen’s mouth desperately opening and closing, as if trying to convey something with his last bit of strength, but nothing could be heard.

Flesh and bone instantly vaporized, turning into an endless desert that soared into the sky.

From that moment on, the sole truth was shrouded in thick fog, forever erased in the river of evolution, leaving no trace behind.


Above the cemetery, the sky was crystal blue, surrounded by mountains and the sound of pine waves. Shen Zhuo opened his eyes, took a breath, and the fading exhale dispersed in the wind without a sound.

“I once wanted to know something,” he said softly. “But since it all exploded… it doesn’t matter anymore.”

He removed the white flower from the lapel of his black attire, gently placed it in front of the tombstone, and his icy fingertips brushed across the black-and-white memorial photo. Then he stood up and retraced his steps along the path he came from.

At the moment when the two passed each other, Yue Yang, prompted by an unknown impulse, suddenly blurted out:

“Shen Zhuo!”

A long wind descended from the sky, like a surging tide, carrying the fluttering moments of time rushing into the distance. Yue Yang felt a bit dazed; the long-buried memories seemed to stir up like sand at the bottom of the sea. In the blink of an eye, so many years had passed, leaving no trace on the beautifully aloof face before him.

The world was unaware of the two scars on his left hand, symbolizing shame, and unaware of the surging undercurrents and bloody chaos of those years.

But it no longer mattered.

“…During that interrogation three years ago, I wanted to help you escape, but the situation was completely uncontrollable at the time. This was the only way to save your life…”

Yue Yang paused, hearing his own hoarse voice: “Did you ever hate me?”

Shen Zhuo calmly glanced at him, his eyes devoid of any ripples:

“I’ve never had many feelings toward you.”

Then he continued walking along the bluestone steps toward the distant cemetery gate. Behind him, Yue Yang lowered his eyes, and a faint sigh vanished with the wind at the moment of release: “I see.”

“…I guess so.”


In the midst of white flowers swaying in the grass, rows of snow-white tombstones were left behind as he gradually moved away.


At the cemetery gate, a car with a Shenhai license plate was still waiting on the steps. Chen Miao hurriedly approached, “You’re out? Are you okay? Can we leave?”

Not far away, evolutionists stood guard, openly displaying their hostility. Shen Zhuo calmly walked through their resentful gazes, his face expressionless. He nodded to Chen Miao, signaling for him to open the car, and then headed straight for the back seat.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a slight commotion came from outside the cemetery gate:

“Shen Zhuo?”

“Is it Supervisor Shen Zhuo from Shenhai?”

A group of people carrying cameras swarmed in—surprisingly, they were news media reporters!

It was an unprecedented scene. Shen Zhuo’s steps paused for a moment, and then he was engulfed by the crowd. Several reporters were eager to pull out their recording devices, “Supervisor Shen, were you invited to attend the memorial ceremony?” “Will the Shenhai Supervision Office hold a memorial event soon?” “Why are you leaving early?” “Supervisor Shen, can you discuss the latest developments in security cooperation between the Central Supervision Office and the Shenhai Supervision Office?”


Shen Zhuo stepped back, immediately feeling the encroaching pressure behind him. The Evolutionists had blocked the retreat, and although their faces showed no signs of abnormality, the unmistakable malice permeated the air.

In an instant, Shen Zhuo understood.

Yue Yang couldn’t have informed the media about today’s memorial ceremony in advance, let alone so many reporters recognizing his appearance and rushing in to interview him immediately.

It was arranged by the Central Supervision Office personnel in secret, intentionally embarrassing him at the entrance of the cemetery.

“What are you doing? Who told you to come? Move aside!” Chen Miao was shocked and angry. However, B City was not Shenhai’s territory, and the media interview regulations here were entirely different from those in Shenhai. He could only wave his hand to disperse the crowd, “Move away; don’t take pictures!”

“We are from B City’s official media!”

“We have regulations; we can exercise the right to interview!”

Shen Zhuo shielded his profile with one hand and was about to step out quickly. At this moment, a loud and presumptuous voice came from the crowd, “Supervisor Shen! There have always been rumors about your unusual relationship with the late S-class evolutionist Fu Chen. Is it true that you were invited to attend the memorial ceremony?”

The entire scene fell silent.

Numerous cameras were almost pointed directly at Shen Zhuo’s face.


“News media interview?” Yue Yang, standing in front of the tombstone, turned sensitively, gazing through the crowd of concealing subordinates, looking toward the distant cemetery gate.

Several senior supervisors tried to cover up, saying, “It’s nothing, Yue-ge. They are all longtime cooperative publicity partners…” “They are all our own people…”

“Nonsense!” Yue Yang’s face turned stern. He turned around and walked briskly outside, “Shen Zhuo has a certain status. Even his image needs to be pixelated in international news. How can we casually bring in the media for interviews?!”

Several confidants futilely chased after him, attempting to intercept, “It’s really okay, Yue-ge. We just want to give him a hard time!” “Shoving him a bit isn’t against the rules!” “Yeah, that’s right…”

Yue Yang forcibly parted the crowd, stepping out of the cemetery gate. When he looked down, he saw an array of cameras below the steps. Shen Zhuo was completely surrounded by the media. Chen Miao, who stood in front of Shen Zhuo, seemed visibly irritated. The bright glow in his palms flashed, as if he was about to generate a cold wind to push these journalists out—

With a loud “Get out of here!” yet to be uttered by Yue Yang, an invisible and majestic force descended from the sky, like a transparent iron wall crashing down. In an instant, it pushed all the reporters backward!

“Ah!” “What’s going on?” “Who is this?”

Exclamations rang out from all directions, and Shen Zhuo abruptly turned his head.

“Hey, what are you interviewing about? Some unusual relationship?” 

Beyond the crowd, Bai Sheng walked over with a smile. He was handsome and tall, with long legs. He had one hand in his pocket, the other waving casually at the dumbfounded crowd. In just a few steps on the bluestone steps, he walked as if on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, “Are you talking about me?”

Media: “…”

Shen Zhuo: “…”

Bai Sheng, like a descending movie star gracing the mortal realm, radiated dazzling golden light and an aura of prosperity. He generously showcased his superior physical appearance from all angles to the numerous cameras. Approaching, he reached out, embraced Shen Zhuo’s shoulders, and winked at the bewildered reporters.

Then he turned his head, looking at Shen Zhuo, with a hint of teasing flickering in the depths of his pupils:

“Darling, didn’t we agree that I would pick you up after the memorial? Let’s go.”

Shen Zhuo: “…………”

The atmosphere froze as if time stood still. Shen Zhuo, who was supposed to cooperate with the act, was unexpectedly speechless. He supported his forehead, remained silent for a moment, and suddenly shook his head with a wry smile.

This was probably the first time the public media recorded a smile from Supervisor Shen, a moment so fleeting that it seemed like the melting of ice and the blooming of a night-flowering cereus. It was almost unbelievable.

On the steps, Yue Yang stood still, dazed, and with mixed emotions.

“Let’s go,” Shen Zhuo said casually, patting Bai Sheng’s back with a hand.

Chen Miao, feeling like he was in a dream, watched the guy surnamed Bai smoothly lead his boss into the car. Suddenly, with a start, he chased after them, “Hey! Wait for me!”

With a slam, Bai Sheng closed the car door, and bulletproof glass immediately cut off the many prying eyes and cameras outside.

Shen Zhuo loosened his tie casually, “How did you know I was here?”

Bai Sheng didn’t answer directly. As he adjusted the front seat to accommodate his long legs, he smiled, “The world’s only deceased S-class, which evolutionist wouldn’t know what today is? I waited in prison for half a day, and when you didn’t return, I guessed where you sneaked off to.”

Then he leaned back comfortably in the back seat, smiling, “Do you have any feelings about my heroic act of sacrificing my looks and body to rescue you, Inspector Shen?”

Shen Zhuo chuckled, “Isn’t this what you, as my rumored boyfriend, should do?”

Chen Miao, who had just escaped like his buttocks were on fire, almost suffered a myocardial infarction on the spot when he heard this.

“Tsk, look at you, being so ungrateful.” Bai Sheng teased, itching to be mischievous but holding back. Leaning in the back seat, he crossed his long legs and shook them, “I’m still a young lad with a pure and virtuous life. I risked my life to come out publicly, and now my pristine reputation is about to be ruined in the hands of your unfaithful self. You won’t even add me on WeChat. Do you know I’m the one who picked all the wild vegetables in the whole of Shenhai…”

Chen Miao almost mistook the brakes for the accelerator, fumbling to shift gears, and hastily stepped on the gas pedal. The private car, with exhaust trailing, swiftly disappeared on the mountain road.

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