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Chapter 23

Shen Zuo the Great Demon King

Seven days later.

Shenhai City Supervision Office.

In the profound emptiness, countless genetic maps were floating, and two huge three-dimensional sequences of nucleotides hovered in mid-air. The intertwined chains of nucleotides glow with deep blue light, illuminating the serene and slender silhouette of Shen Zhuo, who was immersed in contemplation. The flat lenses in front of his eyes flicker with a faint light.

On the control panel, a surveillance video was currently playing. It was from the first-floor corridor of the supervision office seven days ago. On the screen, Bai Sheng was tightly covering his bleeding wound, while Rong Qi was sitting in a wheelchair with a leisurely and composed posture, facing Witch Italdo not far away.

“You weren’t originally a creature on this planet, but Shen Zhuo suppressed you in a human body, even suppressing your power to the extreme… Dig out Bai Sheng’s heart, and I’ll free you, restoring your true, primal power completely.”


With a loud bang, the witch was thrown into the ruins of a brick wall, coughing up blood and uttering a series of obscenities that no one could understand. Rong Qi, who was scolded, revealed a smile.

Shen Zhuo pressed pause.

“Do you think Rong Qi understood her language at that time?” He asked without turning his head.

Shui Ronghua stood behind Shen Zhuo, her long curls casually tied with a pen. Upon hearing this, she shook her head. “Italdo has forgotten the specific meaning of those words herself; she only remembers they were curses. I’ve asked her many times before, but her memories of her homeland are too vague.”

“…” Shen Zhuo frowned. 

“Endless wars, massacres, exile, and then a long period of hibernation, drifting involuntarily… until drifting over countless light-years and falling to Earth with the gravitational pull of a meteor.” Shui Ronghua sighed, “That’s all she can remember as a conscious being.”

Shen Zhuo remained silent, tapping the desktop rhythmically with two fingers, seemingly contemplating something.

Carefully observing his expression, Shui Ronghua couldn’t help but ask after a while, “Do you think that person, Rong Qi, could possibly come from the same place as Italdo?”

Shen Zhuo looked up at the sky, where the DNA double helix intertwined like the legendary snakes in Eden, quiet and grand, slowly intersecting, reflecting in his deep eyes.

It was extracted from the steel wire bed in the Quanshan County Health Center. It was the gene map of Rong Qi.

“He accurately reported the success rate and uncontrolled radius of the Law of Causality, and this is the data that even Bai Sheng himself cannot test,” Shen Zhuo said softly. “I hope not, but the worst truth won’t change based on my expectations.”

He paused and suddenly asked, “What do you think the sudden evolution five years ago was?”

Shui Ronghua replied, “A Pandora’s box that fell from the sky?”

Shen Zhuo chuckled briefly. “Pandora’s box doesn’t fall from the sky.”

“12 million years ago, tectonic movements in Africa led to the extinction of a large number of ape populations. The ancient apes surviving east of the Great Rift Valley were forced to descend from trees and begin to evolve on land. 8 million years ago, the equatorial belt narrowed, and due to changes in vegetation, a significant number of Nakalipithecus (Nakali apes) went extinct. The populations that could adapt to the dry environment gradually evolved into hominins. 2.5 million years ago, the climate in Africa worsened, and a period of ice and severe drought arrived. Australopithecus, which was dependent on sparse trees in the vast grasslands, died in large groups. A small population that learned to use tools evolved into Homo habilis. 70,000 years ago, the Toba catastrophe erupted with a billion tons of explosive yield, causing a population bottleneck for humans during the prolonged global ice age. Homo sapiens emerged from Africa, interbreeding with Neanderthals and Denisovans 1The “Denisovans” were a group of archaic humans known from their DNA, rather than from direct fossil evidence. They are named after the Denisova Cave in Siberia, Russia, where their remains were first identified. Denisovans are considered a sister group to Neanderthals, and both are believed to have shared a common ancestor with modern humans., and have survived and propagated to this day.”

“Evolution is a long and painful transformation over tens of millions of years, with only drastic changes and extinctions bringing about new life. The meteor shower five years ago was like a surprise gift falling from the sky.” Shen Zhuo said, “I don’t believe there can be such goodwill in the vast universe. I just want to know in what way those unpaid costs intend to be repaid by humanity.”

Shui Ronghua’s gaze fell on the huge double helix of DNA in the air, and after a while, she patted Shen Zhuo’s shoulder.

“I also wish the sudden evolution never happened, but it’s too late now,” she said softly. “We can only try to maintain the status quo. All the senior researchers are willing to dedicate their lives until the day the HRG plan can no longer be sustained.”

Shen Zhuo shook his head in silence, turned off the projection screen, and the countless glowing blue sequence diagrams disappeared in the air.

“Submit Rong Qi’s genetic information to the International Supervision General Administration. Try to trace all his traces and information globally.” He took off his lab coat and casually threw it into the waste trough. “This person won’t give up so easily. Perhaps one day, he might appear at Nielsen’s bedside in the middle of the night and stab him to death. He should be careful himself.”

Shui Ronghua couldn’t help but laugh.

Shen Zhuo pushed open the door of the laboratory, and the driver, Luo Zhen, was waiting outside, looking almost recovered. His right forearm, which was previously severed, was replaced with a titanium alloy mechanical hand. The engineering department added a mini-missile launch port and thoughtfully installed a high-tech navigator on the arm, making it look quite cool. He saluted with a silly smile, “Supervisor.”

Shen Zhuo nodded and instructed, “Call Chen Miao. I have something to tell him.”

“Yes!” Luo Zhen immediately took out his phone and walked to the side.

As Shen Zhuo walked toward the elevator, he glanced at the time, and without turning his head, he said to Shui Ronghua, “The offerings for her for last time, when I summoned the Witch Italdo at Quanshan County Health Center, had been prepared according to the previous contract. Tomorrow, let her go with me to City B.”

Shui Ronghua followed behind him and nodded. Suddenly, she remembered something, hesitated, and said, “Um… supervisor.”

“What is it?”

“Italdo… asked me a question that day.”

Shen Zhuo pressed the elevator button and glanced at her with curiosity.

Shui Ronghua’s expression was complicated: “She asked me what Chanel is.”


“She said she wants to buy Chanel.”


The air fell into silence, and the three words “What the hell” were clearly written in Shen Zhuo’s eyes. After a while, he said, “Let Chen Miao take her to buy with my salary card. At most three, not more. Who on Earth told her about the existence of Chanel?” 

Shui Ronghua was still hesitating whether to reveal a certain rich second-generation named Bai when the elevator door beeped open. Luo Zhen, who had gone to make a phone call, rushed back, looking distraught. “Supervisor! Wait, Supervisor! Something’s wrong with Captain Chen!”

Shen Zhuo’s steps came to a halt.

“Captain Chen, Captain Chen was just kidnapped on the street when he went downstairs to buy milk tea. The members of the second team couldn’t catch up, but the kidnapper was driving a Rolls-Royce Cullinan!”


In front of everyone’s gaze, Shen Zhuo’s expression was indescribable. After a long silence, he said slowly:

“….First, call the traffic police and issue ten fines to the Baihe Group for speeding.”


At the same time, at a construction site in Shenhai City.

The abandoned building’s top floor had ventilation on all four sides, with exposed steel bars on the cement walls. The open space provided an unobstructed view, and on the wall top hung a boxing sandbag

Bang! Bang bang bang! Bang—

Bai Sheng delivered a powerful hook, and the sandbag weighing over two hundred kilograms soared into the air.

“So, Bai-ge?” Chen Miao was sitting on a reclining chair not far away, hands bound behind him, wearing an expression of utter boredom.

Several evolutionists behind the chair remained vigilant, ready to prevent him from breaking free and running at any moment.

“Senior told you about the HRG plan, kicked you out of the hospital, and then you two had a cold war for seven days, ignoring each other.” Chen Miao sighed, “—Isn’t this great? Why did you let people tie me up and bring me here?”

With a snap, Bai Sheng caught the sandbag that came flying toward him. The sandbag went from rapid oscillation to complete stillness without any cushioning at all and instantly stopped in his arms.

“Great?” Bai Sheng raised an eyebrow, asking sarcastically.

“…” Chen Miao looked around and sincerely said, “At least it’s better than Senior finding out that you’ve set up this secret base right under his nose and housing dozens of evolutionists. Don’t you know there are regulations in Shenhai City? It’s prohibited for evolutionists to gather like this. Your actions, in ancient times, would have been considered amassing troops with the intent of rebellion. This building is your rebellion headquarters. Do you understand?”

Several evolutionists behind him immediately glared, conveying the message, You, a dog from the supervision office, should shut up quickly.

Bai Sheng released the sandbag and wiped his sweat with the hem of his T-shirt, revealing strong and beautiful abdominal muscles. With the other hand, he raised his index finger and shook it, saying, “That’s a misjudgment.”

Chen Miao made a face as if politely listening.

Bai Sheng said, “Firstly, with your senior’s supervision methods, this building can’t be considered a secret at all. He just hasn’t found a reason to send troops to siege yet. Secondly, this building is not a rebellion headquarters; it’s just a place for a few fellow citizens who can’t integrate into society to find shelter.”

Chen Miao: “Huh.”

“If one day you get fired by Inspector Shen, feel free to come here and make a living. It’s better than having no choice but to rob a bank, right?”

“?!” Chen Miao immediately raised his head high, as if deeply insulted, “I, with a master’s degree in evolutionary biology, would never go robbing… Wait, how could someone as obedient and capable as me be fired? I will always be the favorite junior of Senior!”

“Alright, alright, the Grand Steward of the Inner Palace.” Bai Sheng walked to the water dispenser, and filled a cup of water while waving his hand, and those evolutionists obediently lowered their heads and dispersed, exiting through the door.

Chen Miao immediately struggled to free himself from the ropes, hissing and taking deep breaths. Only to hear Bai Sheng say, “I brought you here to ask for your help.”


Bai Sheng solemnly said, “I’ve been in a cold war with your senior for a full seven days.”

Chen Miao nodded knowingly: “His Majesty hasn’t summoned you for a full seven days.”

“Why do you talk like this, kid? Do you know what a cold war is?” Bai Sheng emphasized, “He ignored me, and I ignored him. Both sides are giving each other the silent treatment, you get it?”

“…” Chen Miao humbly asked, “So, what do you need me to think now?”

Bai Sheng immediately asked, “How can I make His Majesty summon me again?”

Chen Miao supported his forehead and leaned back in the chair, sighing deeply.

“Bai-ge, I can’t understand.” He sincerely asked, “Is it that His Majesty is difficult to please, or that being the top boss is not fun? Can’t you just open an electronics factory and screw in screws by yourself? Normal people, when they see us from the supervision office, would rather go the other way. Why do you insist on making Senior pay attention to you?”

Bai Sheng solemnly said, “Because I want to take the civil service exam.”

Chen Miao: “Pfft—”

Chen Miao almost choked on his own saliva, waving his hand and asking, “Bai-ge, I beg you, can you give a more normal reason?”

“…” Bai Sheng thought for a moment and, with a magnanimous attitude, said, “Because my lifelong dream and pursuit are to strive for world peace, to dedicate my life to protecting the earth—I just want to become a civil servant!”


Fortunately, Chen Miao didn’t drink water, or he would have sprayed his entire trachea out by now.

“What kind of expression is that?” Bai Sheng, with folded arms, said impatiently, “As an S-class, wherever I go, people beg me to join the supervision office. Do you know the treatment other S-classes receive? If it were any small African country, I could establish myself as a chief. Do you know that?”

Chen Miao: “I know, I know…”

“I’ve worked three times for free at your Shenhai City Supervision Office. When your senior was being chased by that lunatic named Rong, he clung to my neck and wouldn’t let go. But once he woke up in the hospital, he turned his head and denied it. Do you think that’s reasonable?”

Chen Miao thought to himself, “I have reservations about Senior’s actions, but I do have some opinions about clinging to your neck and not letting go…”

“My establishment, my salary, my injury compensation, and transportation expenses—which department should I ask for reimbursement?” Bai Sheng insisted, “Your senior won’t even add me on WeChat. Did he decide to freeload off me?”

Chen Miao thought, “You’re right. Our senior is indeed planning to freeload off you…”

“In short, today you must come up with a way to make Shen Zhuo take the initiative to contact me. If that’s not possible, just stay here as a hostage. I’ll just tie you up and hang you outside the building as a logo. Then, Shen Zhuo’ll personally come to redeem you.”

Bai Sheng patted Chen Miao’s shoulder, turned around, and walked toward the distant bathroom. Chen Miao was immediately startled: “No, Bai-ge, don’t! Senior won’t come to redeem me. He’ll just tell me to hang myself with a three-foot white silk!”

Knock, knock, knock! Just then, the door was knocked a few times, and an evolutionist holding a phone poked his head in, saying, “Bai-ge, there are three people downstairs looking for you, all foreigners.”

Bai Sheng casually asked, “Who?”

“A kid with two subordinates, claiming to be your friend from when you were in the United States. He claimed to be from…” The person seemed a bit puzzled, “Supervision Office of New York, USA.”

At the back entrance of the construction site, a Land Rover was parked outside the rusty gate. A young boy, no older than 20, with blond hair and blue eyes, accompanied by two bodyguards, faced a black wolf-dog that stood half as tall as the iron gate inside.

“Huh… huh…”

The wolf-dog bared its sharp teeth, constantly making threatening panting sounds, and its claws left smoking white marks on the cement ground.

“Billy Kingston.” The boy opened his identification, “Supervisor of New York.”

The evolutionist holding the wolf-dog glanced at the ID, then looked at the so-called supervisor in front of him, with his dyed hair, punk leather jacket, and various piercings on his ears, lips, and nose—looking like a Hollywood nightclub male model. He had a face of suspicion that said, “Is this a goddamn fake ID?”

“Oh, not every supervisor is as dogmatic and old-fashioned as Shen Zhuo.” The boy yawned out of boredom. When he raised his hand, you could see that even his little finger was painted with sparkling nail polish. Then he turned to his subordinates and complained in English, “Really pitiful. Can these people only live in slums? Do they even have a li~fe?”

“…” The evolutionist turned his head and muttered to his phone in a low voice, “Who are these people? Selling Bitcoin? Should I let the dog chase them away?”

The voice on the other end of the phone immediately responded, “No, no, no. Bai-ge said to quickly bring them in!”


“Bai-ge is very happy. He said something like, ‘The bait has arrived. The bait has arrived. Watch me catch a big one this time’…” On the top floor of the unfinished building, the subordinate stared wide-eyed at the closed bathroom door after a whirlwind-like closure. “Then he quickly went to freshen up, saying he had a chance today to secure a civil service position in the best condition. What does that mean?”


Both ends of the phone were plunged into immense confusion.

At the same time, in a corner of the top floor of the building, Chen Miao crouched on the ground, holding his phone with a face as if facing a formidable enemy. “Hey, Senior, emergency! Several Americans secretly infiltrated Shenhai to find Bai-ge. I guess they’re probably trying to undermine your position! Hurry up and return my call!…”


In a city as valuable as Shenhai, it was indeed contrary to common sense to find such a huge unfinished construction project.

However, upon entering, it became apparent that there were signs of electrification and renovation inside the floors. Some partitions transformed the space into game rooms and an indoor basketball court.

“So many evolutionists gathering here…” a younger red-haired bodyguard remarked softly in English.

The three individuals ascended the open cement stairs, encountering several evolutionists on each floor. Some were playing games, some were sleeping, and there was even a floor with a sauna and swimming pool. An evolutionist girl with water-type abilities was swimming nonchalantly, her swimming speed akin to a streak of white lightning in the waves.

“S-class evolutionists tend to attract many lower-ranked individuals. It’s a normal phenomenon,” the older white man in his forties answered, frowning as he surveyed the surroundings. “But it’s a bit strange. Supervisor Shen has surprisingly allowed so many evolutionists to gather here… doesn’t seem like his iron-fisted style.”

Kingston didn’t bother hiding his disdain as he rolled his eyes, “This is the territory of S-class. Even that bastard surnamed Shen can only yield here.”


The two bodyguards exchanged glances, and after a moment, the red-haired one lowered his voice and asked his colleague, “Why do I feel like our boss particularly dislikes Supervisor Shen? Is there some history between them?”

The older colleague immediately gestured to keep quiet and was just about to say something when the leading evolutionist stopped.

“We’re here. This is it.”

The top floor space suddenly opened up, with a self-leveling cement floor covering an area of no less than six to seven hundred square meters. It had been transformed into an industrial-style indoor gym.

In the distant corner, the bathroom door was tightly closed, and the sound of a showerhead splashing water could be heard.

Chen Miao tightly held his phone, staring at them with vigilance. “M-Mr. Bai is taking a shower. He said not to let anyone in. Please leave!”

Kingston: “…”

Kingston didn’t recognize Chen Miao. He tilted his head, pondering for a moment without understanding. Suddenly, he seemed to figure something out, and a light bulb lit up above his head. 

His eyes then sparkled, and he walked straight to the bathroom door, pushing it open without hesitation.

“!!” Chen Miao felt like he was about to explode. Once he reacted, he immediately opened WeChat and typed with his thumbs at lightning speed:

【Senior! The little foreigner’s walking style is really flirtatious. He is not a decent person at first glance. Emergency is around the corner!】

【Come quickly!!】


Inside the frosted glass, steam billowed upward. Bai Sheng’s robust and well-defined back was being washed by a continuous flow of water, every inch of muscle conveying a sense of powerful aesthetics.

At this moment, there was a clicking sound behind him as the bathroom door opened and closed. Soon after, a seductive and charming voice echoed, “Hey~ Honey~”

The air suddenly fell silent.

“Don’t be like this, dear.” Bai Sheng, running his wet fingers through his hair, remained indifferent and said, “The honey trap, as a form of persecution and exploitation by women, is a remnant of feudalism from the last century. Every person with moral integrity should firmly resist it, especially since you aren’t even a woman.”

Kingston’s Chinese wasn’t good enough for that, and a bunch of question marks instantly popped up above his head.

A remnant of feudalism? What does that mean?

“Moreover, I am a resolute civil servant. I’ve rejected the good intentions of your country’s supervision office many times already. So…”

Bai Sheng turned off the shower, grabbed a towel, and wiped his damp hair.

“Turn off the recording, put on your clothes, or I’ll twist your head off, Supervisor Kingston.”

Kingston, disinterested, turned off the miniature camera pen in his shirt pocket.

“You are too heartless.” He expressed regret, “We’ve hired you at a high salary, sincerely persuaded you, and even pestered and harassed you for several years. Yet, you just get up and leave, using a fake name to board the plane. You’re truly an ungrateful man!”

“Leaving without turning your supervisory department into ruins is my last act of kindness as a human being,” Bai Sheng replied politely.

He changed into a clean, upright shirt and trousers, then walked out of the bathroom. Chen Miao was holding his phone, typing rapidly with a righteous expression, even though the entire WeChat page was filled with messages he had sent, with no replies from the other side.

【Don’t worry! Senior! I will bravely struggle against American imperialism, resolutely defending your corner!】

Bai Sheng slapped the back of his head and took out his phone to press the turn-off button. “Alright, your mission is complete. Go sit and play by yourself.”

Chen Miao rubbed his head, “Huh?”

“Forgive my impudence, Mr. Bai.” Kingston followed suit and stepped out, still not giving up. “The New York State Supervision Department really wants to try again. That’s why we immediately came when we found your departure record. Why did you give up everything in New York and run to Shenhai, a place—”

He gestured around and said, “where human rights seem to be nonexistent?”

Bai Sheng picked up the 200 million-yuan green-faced steel screw hanging on the dumbbell rack. While putting it, he estimated the time it took to drive from the Shenhai City Supervision Office to here. He asked, “Where is there no human rights?”

Kingston exaggeratedly raised his eyebrows, and his ruby eyebrow stud sparkled: “Don’t you know that Shenhai’s supervisor is Shen Zhuo?”

Bai Sheng casually replied, “Supervisor Shen? Yes, I know. He even invited me to dinner yesterday.”

Chen Miao: “…”

Kingston: “…”

Kingston’s initial reaction was exactly like Yue Yang’s back then, “Are you familiar with each other?”

Bai Sheng paused as if he heard an unimaginable question, asking in return, “Familiar?”


With a snap, Bai Sheng folded his hands, his eyes sparkling with sincere and earnest light: “How can we define the relationship between people with a simple ‘familiar’ or ‘not close’? Supervisor Shen and I—it’s like a meeting of kindred spirits, like a long-lost friend encountered by chance. Our relationship is like not seeing each other for a day feels like a long separation of three autumns!”

Kingston: “……”

The poor little foreigner thought he was mentally disturbed and subconsciously looked at his two subordinates for help. Both of them returned the same blank expression.

“Do you know, on the first day I got off the plane, Supervisor Shen took the initiative to greet me at the cabin door with many people, helped me with my luggage, and even let me ride in his private car back home. He said he would be very kind and friendly to me, and he even voluntarily disclosed part of his supervisor’s handbook to me…”

“Stop, stop,” Kingston stuttered and interrupted: “Kind and friendly?”

Bai Sheng responded very naturally, “Mm-hmm.”

“Shen Zhuo?!”



Kingston’s expression was as if his intelligence had been insulted. After a while, he raised his hand and gestured emphatically in the air, gritting his teeth: “That devil named Shen is arrogant and cruel. It’s impossible for him to be kind and friendly to anyone!”

Bai Sheng spread his hands, saying, “If you think so, there’s nothing I can do.”

“Don’t kid around. How did you all get deceived by him one by one?” Kingston was exasperated, with smoke practically coming out of his seven orifices. “Shen Zhuo is just a two-faced person. He brutally crushes anyone below A-class like a demon but puts on a facade of righteousness and innocence for S-class. Do you know who the last S-class he deceived was? It was that Fu Chen from Asia. I suspect Fu Chen would willingly give his heart and lungs to Shen Zhuo, but in the end, Shen Zhuo personally killed him!”

Chen Miao, with his head suppressed by Bai Sheng’s hand, struggled and angrily retorted, “That’s not what happened! Fu-ge, he… Senior… wuwuwu…”

“And our International Supervision General Administration’s Director-General, the Wolf of Odin, Nielsen.” Kingston crossed his arms, his eyelids shining with glittering highlights. He rolled his eyes without concealing his disdain: “Privately, we all suspect that in his mind, there are only two types of beings in this world: one is Shen Zhuo, and the other is all the unknown and unimportant scraps besides Shen Zhuo. If you have the authority to access the supervision office’s internal forum, you can go and see the discussions there. Shen Zhuo’s deadly attraction to the S-class can only be described as mystical. He kills one when one comes and kills a pair when two come. We even suspected that Shen Zhuo might be involved in some witchcraft or black magic…”

“Nonsense!” Chen Miao was dumbfounded. “What kind of chaotic topics do you supervisors usually discuss?”

“In short, withdraw as soon as possible. Don’t succumb to the devil surnamed Shen.” Kingston, with a string of punk metal decorations on his wrist, combed through his peach-pink-dyed hair. He threw a flirtatious look at Bai Sheng and said, “Come back to New York with me. I can offer you a salary twice as high as Shenhai, and you can be very happy.”

Bai Sheng laughed.

“Really? It sounds very tempting.” He stood up from the shadow in the corner, looked contentedly at his wristwatch, and with a playful expression on his handsome face, he said, “But forgive me for being unable to comply because, compared to happiness, I prefer fishing…”


The little foreigner was perplexed. At this moment, the young bodyguard received a call, and his expression changed, “Sir, something is wrong downstairs.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The official car from the Shenhai City Supervision Office has arrived.”

Kingston suddenly felt like he was pricked by a steel needle. He looked out of the empty window of the unfinished building and said, “Shen Zhuo?!”

“Woof! Woof, woof, woof! Woof, woof, woof, woof!” At the back door of the construction site, the wolf-dog suddenly barked wildly, slamming into the iron railing like a little calf.

Outside the construction site, a black bulletproof car slowly came to a stop. The driver quickly got out and opened the door, and Shen Zhuo, a slender figure in black, stepped out. He caught sight of the Land Rover with the M country diplomatic license plate parked on the sidewalk at a glance, and his movement halted.

Kingston: “…”

Two bodyguards: “…”

Shen Zhuo turned around and looked up at the top floor of the unfinished building.

—Even though the distance was so far, the three foreigners simultaneously had the illusion that they were already seized by that cold gaze.

The next moment, they saw Shenhai City’s Chief Supervisor walking back to his car, opening the trunk, picking up a special submachine gun from the supervision office, and turning to face the Land Rover—

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!!

The car windows shattered, the doors collapsed, and special electric shock bullets rained down like a storm, turning the Land Rover into a deformed sieve. All the evolutionists in the entire building were alerted by the sound, staring in shock as they looked outside.

As soon as Shen Zhuo stopped firing, he aimed at the car’s fuel tank—Boom!

A ball of fire rose from the ground, and the entire car turned into scrap metal.

In the flames, Shen Zhuo’s face remained calm. He then turned around, took a last shot, and blasted the construction site’s main gate into the air.


A deafening sound shook the sky, and the distorted iron gate crashed into the ground, throwing up dust several meters high.

The entire building was filled with a dreadful silence. All the evolutionists had blank expressions, hardly believing their eyes.

“…Are we surrounded by him?” After a while, someone trembled and squeezed out a sentence.

Shen Zhuo remained silent, threw the emptied submachine gun to the driver, straightened his suit, and walked into the construction site. As he passed the duty room, the wolf-dog whimpered and rubbed against his pants.

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  • 1
    The “Denisovans” were a group of archaic humans known from their DNA, rather than from direct fossil evidence. They are named after the Denisova Cave in Siberia, Russia, where their remains were first identified. Denisovans are considered a sister group to Neanderthals, and both are believed to have shared a common ancestor with modern humans

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